Forums > General Industry > signing with an agency who wants me2 shutdown myMM



Posts: 91

Hampton, Virginia, US

I was recently asked to meet with what I believe is the best modeling agency I can go with in Chicago (it is according to numerous recommendations, etc.). I was trying to get to one of their open calls, but they contacted me first after finding me on myspace.
At the meeting the director told me that he didn't like the fact that I was going on the internet trying to find jobs independently. He said that there are WAY too many illegitimate jobs I could get myself into, and that even TFP is still not a good idea. He would want me to sign an exclusive contract, which he says all the big agencies in Chicago use, if I signed with them. He expressed concern about me doing crazy things, like meeting with someone who sounded a little sketchy who he actually knew right after the meeting with him. Over time I've found a lot of guys who want to do TFP mostly with me, and I've got 5 or 10 jobs lined up, although no dates have been set as I've told them the dates would be tentative. I don't want to stiff the photographers, but I'd also like to please and give a good first impression on an agency that I may be working with for years. Although he may allow me to sign a contract and still do the TFP, I'm wondering if it would be a waste of time since the agency might never use the images, and can guarantee good photographers instead of me going to a bunch of illegitimate ones with a few decent ones, even after narrowing the photographers down and saying no to a good number who have asked me for TFP or other paid jobs. What do you guys think?

Then again, is everyone who is going to respond going to be an unknown photographer or unsuccessful person in the industry? When I've talked to the head guy at big agencies, the 2 that I've talked to have said that no big agencies use modeling websites like OMP or MM, although one (my brother's agent) of the 2 did use myspace fairly frequently, and the other one, who rarely uses myspace, found me through myspace.

I'd like to cooperate, although I've heard that if I give in here, they may be pushing me around in the future.

Apr 01 06 03:21 pm Link


Olaf S

Posts: 1625

Allentown, Pennsylvania, US

Is this agency offering you an exclusive contract?

Apr 01 06 03:24 pm Link


Zachary F

Posts: 287

New York, New York, US

I am with an agency in NY, I am still on here, but being exclusive with them, I can NOT solicit any work paid or tfp on my own.  Period.  Any and all work must go thru agency.

Apr 01 06 03:26 pm Link


Bryan Benoit

Posts: 2106

Miami, Florida, US

I know nothing about the world of agencies so I will let others debate that part.. I just find it funny that they would put down MM but look for talent in MySpace instead... ;o)

Apr 01 06 03:27 pm Link


Olaf S

Posts: 1625

Allentown, Pennsylvania, US

Zachary F wrote:
I am with an agency in NY, I am still on here, but being exclusive with them, I can NOT solicit any work paid or tfp on my own.  Period.  Any and all work must go thru agency.

This is what I would expect.  If you have an exclusive contract, you have to go thru your agency.

No offense to MM, but which do you think will get you more paying work?  After all, it's in your agency's best interests to get you as much work as they possibly can because that's how THEY make money!

Apr 01 06 03:56 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

the internet modeling world and real modeling world really don't intersect.  go with the agency, assuming you know they are the real deal.

Apr 01 06 05:09 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

adam garrett wrote:
I was trying to get to one of their open calls, but they contacted me first after finding me on myspace.

ok he finds you on myspace and wants you to shut down your internet modeling sites?  :::confused:::

Apr 01 06 05:11 pm Link



Posts: 102

York, Pennsylvania, US

what are you really asking?  Are you saying that you can't decide between one of the best agencies in chicago or ONLINE stuff???? are you crazy?  go with the agency!!!

Apr 01 06 05:12 pm Link


bijan studio

Posts: 1854

TARZANA, California, US

I personaly don't hire models who work for agencies. Too much headache when there is a third party involved. Plus it costs more. I posted an ad offering $50 an hour to male models. Couple of agencies called me and said their rates are $300 an hour!!!!

Apr 01 06 05:18 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

bijan studio wrote:
I personaly don't hire models who work for agencies. Too much headache when there is a third party involved. Plus it costs more. I posted an ad offering $50 an hour to male models. Couple of agencies called me and said their rates are $300 an hour!!!!

What is the cost and embarassment when someone unknown to you not showing up at a shoot involving a paying client?  The real agencies, for one, is a good third party to ensure that your job gets done with pre-screened professionals. 

I don't know what kind of agency would reply to an online ad with a $50/hour rate while quoting $300, what idiots.

As for the OP, like Chris said, go with the agency if you know it is the real deal.  It is not atypical for some agencies to restrict their models' exposure on the internet.  Also, have someone who knows business laws to read through the contract first before signing it.  Good luck.

Apr 01 06 05:24 pm Link



Posts: 890

Houston, Texas, US

I think since you allready talked to the photographers and gave them your word, even if you shut down your MM or MS, let them know that you still have a word to fulfill since it was before them...they should not take that against you since that mean you will be loyal to them and not go behind their back...then hurry up and get those shoots out of the way...your word should be more loyal than $$$ and honesty will take you long ways...its like giving your 2 weeks notice, you still have to work those 2 weeks to get a good recomendation in the future...and if you will be exclusive, make sure they can guarantee something, other wise go none exclusive, if there is no guarantee they may put you in a shelf untill the end and you can't do anything and if you find jobs they will get a cut regardless...Speak out, don't be afraid!


Apr 01 06 05:25 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

There's simply no comparison between what the internet can do for your modeling career and what an agency can do for it. 

The agency is in business to make money and if they've signed you, then they think you have money-earning potential.  If they think that there are potential career damaging decisions to be made here on the net, they'll tell you to close the account.  While there are a number of agency models here, considering some of the discussions that come up here, I'm not surprised at the agency's stance. 

My opinion?  If the agency -which is going to get you work as a model- suggests that you to close your account here... well, it was nice knowing you.  We'll see you in pictures...

Apr 01 06 05:32 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I have difficulty imagining that you could even ask the question.

If you want to be a mainstream agency model with an agency that requires exclusive contracts, this is the sort of thing you do.  They tell you what you need to do to market yourself and manage your modeling affairs, and you do it for as long as you are with that agency.

As for the impending shoots, discuss it with them, and if they don't approve, tell the photographers you are sorry, but conditions have changed.  It's time you accepted the fact that their judgment is what you are paying them for.

Apr 01 06 05:50 pm Link


Curtis Ray

Posts: 40

The agency will most likely get you much more work than seeking online work... I would stick with the agency

Apr 01 06 05:54 pm Link


Rachel DellaPorte

Posts: 435

Montgomery, New York, US

Christopher Bush wrote:
the internet modeling world and real modeling world really don't intersect.  go with the agency, assuming you know they are the real deal.

Yup, what he said. smile

Apr 01 06 05:55 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Waitaminute... a Chicago agency contacts you from 
There are only three major agencies in Chicago for fashion.
Elite and Ford and Arlene Wilson.  If it was one of those three then remove
your profile right away as asked to.  I find it strange that any agency would
contact a model from a website.  Double that with myspace.

Apr 01 06 06:07 pm Link


Ken Long

Posts: 956


All I'm going to say is be careful either way you go.  If you go with the agency, just make sure that your read thier "exclusive" contract, and you can abide by it.  I know of a model that PAID $1500 to "be represented by an agency with an exclusive contract" for a year.  (She thought she was the cat's meow for having an exclusive contract)  During that year, "the agency" didn't get her any paying jobs, or any photo shoots at all.  When the agency found old images of her online, they tried to tell her that was in violation of her contract with them.  Needless to say, she didn't renew her contract with them.   And no, I don't think that a respectable agency would pull stuff like that.  Then again, I would rather work with independant models. 

Point being, just make sure that you read whatever it is they want you to sign very carefully.  If you don't understand it, have a lawyer explain it to you.  No matter what they say, only one person has your best interests in mind - Yourself.

Apr 01 06 06:16 pm Link


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

As long as the pay is very good you should do as they say. Other wise what is the point ?


Apr 01 06 06:20 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

Yes, take the advice of the other models and photographers and read the contract carefully.  If the agency has lots of male models with a similar look, they're not hurting themselves if they don't send you, because their chances of getting someone booked is still high.  Like they said, you don't want to be suck with no work.  However, a good agency shouldn't do this because of potential complaints and bad press.

I say, take off your profile.  To many professionals, you look unprofessional if you have several website portfolios.  If they're legit, listen to them, but always ask yourself, who else have they guided successfully?

As for the TFP.  They may want to reshoot your entire book and the pictures won't be neccessary.  However, if they let you do it, you may as well.  It's still experience.  You could use the shoots to experiment and try things you haven't done before.  New looks, etc.  They might see you a certain way and you may not get to do that kind of stuff while signed with them.  Besides, practice is always good.  The more shoots you do, the more you learn.  It's like education.  It's never a waste, no matter how obscure or unneccessary the subject matter is.

Apr 06 06 01:11 am Link


Visual E

Posts: 215

Wellington, Colorado, US

Zachary F wrote:
I am with an agency in NY, I am still on here, but being exclusive with them, I can NOT solicit any work paid or tfp on my own.  Period.  Any and all work must go thru agency.

How much work do you actually get?  Are they not just putting you on ice? What's the booking fee, and commission?

What do you have to pay for your new compcard, copies and book?

Apr 06 06 01:18 am Link


C and J Photography

Posts: 1986

Hauula, Hawaii, US

One thing I haven't seen mentioned. Ask the agency if they will arrange to have your book created at no cost to you. Be wary of a "DEAL" where you have to pay for services and representation and get no guarantee of income. Plan on no guaranteed income but don't pay for services if they aren't proven.

Apr 06 06 01:25 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

OC Girl wrote:
Yes, take the advice of the other models and photographers and read the contract carefully.  If the agency has lots of male models with a similar look, they're not hurting themselves if they don't send you, because their chances of getting someone booked is still high.  Like they said, you don't want to be suck with no work.  However, a good agency shouldn't do this because of potential complaints and bad press.

I say, take off your profile.  To many professionals, you look unprofessional if you have several website portfolios.  If they're legit, listen to them, but always ask yourself, who else have they guided successfully?

As for the TFP.  They may want to reshoot your entire book and the pictures won't be neccessary.  However, if they let you do it, you may as well.  It's still experience.  You could use the shoots to experiment and try things you haven't done before.  New looks, etc.  They might see you a certain way and you may not get to do that kind of stuff while signed with them.  Besides, practice is always good.  The more shoots you do, the more you learn.  It's like education.  It's never a waste, no matter how obscure or unneccessary the subject matter is.

Great advice Crystal... coming from a terrific model who just happens to be on my MM page and website.  Hire this girl... you WONT be dissapointed... wink

Apr 06 06 01:30 am Link



Posts: 228

Picayune, Mississippi, US

Agencies scout everywhere. Buses, trains, planes, conventions, MM, OMP, myspace, any place. Good models are hard to find. The right combination of looks, stats, availability, drive, and attitude is rare. That doesn't mean they want their prospects to stay there. The internet is rife with bad advice, and most people on the 'net don't know anything about the industry.

Ask you brother's booker, and heed his advice. That's a good solid industry contact you have, so use it.

As to the TFP thing, fooey. If these photographers haven't shot with you before the agency gets you, too bad, so sad. If you have a firm shoot scheduled in the near future (week), though, that you should do. If it's just "one of these days" then fuggetaboudit.

So, do you want to build plastic car models or drive a Ferrari?

The choice seems like a no-brainer to me, but then I've worked in both worlds.

Happy days!

Apr 06 06 02:16 am Link