Forums > General Industry > How many cameras?



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

My wife says 19 cameras is way too many for anyone to own (she doesn't know I have 23 - hehe).  I suspect I'm not even close to the limit.  How many do you own?  How many does your SO know about?  What's your limit?

Apr 01 06 01:15 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Not as many as you, but a lot. More than is absolutely necessary I suppose. Doing a quick count in my head, I have a 645 system, a 6x6 system, a 4x5 system, a 35mm AF/digi system, a 35mm MF system, a 35mm rangefinder system, and a bunch of mess around/antique/toy cameras. Most of the systems have more than one body and several lenses.

I like having them all and I wish I could justifiably afford a few more. But... I'm trying to stay away from purchasing any more gear for a while.

Apr 01 06 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 34

San Jose, California, US

I do think 23 is way too many:) Better try prioritizing them and see which ones you don't need anymore...There has to be some you are not using and they're just sitting around...


Apr 01 06 01:28 pm Link


northern clicker

Posts: 159

Anchorage, Alaska, US

Tim, oh Tim... 23 is WAY TOO MANY!! Glad you asked. We're here to help. Listen, Tim... my wife is right now nere Fairbanks on business. I can ask her to swing by, take some of those cameras off your hands, and bring them down here to Anchorage. Happy to give you some domestic peace. No, no... doing a good turn is all the thanks I need! No, really...


(BTW nice port)

Apr 01 06 01:32 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Uh oh ... you guys aren't doing much to help convince my wife. :0)

Apr 01 06 01:32 pm Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

I'm not too big on gear and tend to get rid of stuff I don't need or use anymore.

And yet I still find myself with multiple cameras smile

Canon D60
Canon A2E (and their accompanying lenses, etc)
Yashica Electro GTS rangefinder
Polaroid Spectra
Holga (never given it a fair shake, really need to)
HP Photosmart R707
Vivitar 35mm P&S (my very first camera!)

And I'm debating selling the A2E to help pay for an EOS 3 or 1V body, for the better build quality (no on-camera flash or goofy "creative modes"!) and 45-point AF. But that's if I decide to start shooting film again.

Apr 01 06 01:32 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

I'm downsizing, anything I haven't used in a year is out the door... my goal: 2 dslr bodies, 1 medium format film and a minimum of lenses.  Everything else I can rent.

Apr 01 06 01:34 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

northern clicker wrote:
Tim, oh Tim... 23 is WAY TOO MANY!! Glad you asked. We're here to help. Listen, Tim... my wife is right now nere Fairbanks on business. I can ask her to swing by, take some of those cameras off your hands, and bring them down here to Anchorage. Happy to give you some domestic peace. No, no... doing a good turn is all the thanks I need! No, really...


(BTW nice port)

Hmm, thanks for the offer, but I'll pass for now. smile

Damn.  I tried selling some on e-bay but couldn't get squat for them.  Maybe I'll make a time capsule ....

Apr 01 06 01:36 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Counting my toycamera collection, I have about 40 working cameras at the moment.  More if you count the nonfunctional ones I use as paperweights and bookends.

Apr 01 06 03:12 pm Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

So, as a recovering accumulator, some questions:

Are all the cameras needed to take pictures?
How many of the cameras are in top working condition (cosmetics don't count here)?
Are any of the cameras going up in value?
Are you able to instantly decide what format and lens to use or do you have to ponder this?
What awesome new system could you aquire if you sold most of your cameras?
Would you be better off with the new equipment?

If most of your stuff is film based, it has plummeted in value in the last 3 years but it is not yet done losing value. If most of your stuff is digital, it is also plummeting in value and is obselete if it is 2 or more years old. Equipment should at least break even for you, cost to earnings, during it's stay in your possesion. Otherwise, cut your losses and try to do better next time. I am currently down to one camera, a Sony 828, not even an SLR. The image quality is as good as any 8mp out there and the lens is sharp and fast. I've shot so much stuff to sell on ebay with it that it has paid for itself in two years. I will eventually get a true digital SLR and use it for a backup.

Have fun, take pictures!

Apr 01 06 03:22 pm Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

Oh dear. Isn't there a gear heads anonymous group or something for people like you? I have a mere 6 camera bodies, and feel like I'm close to my limit. I haven't touched 2 of them in a couple years. What on earth do you do with 23 cameras?

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Counting my toycamera collection, I have about 40 working cameras at the moment.

Oh, now that is just way over the top. I don't even think gear heads anonymous will help you. You need serious therapy. LOL.

Apr 01 06 03:23 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

I dunno.  Six or eight I think.  Something like that.  Seems to me that 23 would be a maintenance nightmare, and thus too much work.

-Lazy Don

P.S.  I don't have a limit.  But I don't collect cameras either.

Apr 01 06 03:24 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

8 that i shoot with on a regular basis and 2 just lying around somewhere.

Apr 01 06 03:25 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

how many cameras in each format do you have?  right now i have two 6x6 cameras, and two 35mms.   that's the only redundancy, and the 35's don't count since they're significantly different and both relatively cheap.  i have no duplication in other formats (6x7, 4x5, and polaroid).  i'll always have two 6x6s because it's my favorite format, but i think the rolleiflex 2.8 is going to have to go in favor of a mamiya 6. the hasselblad will likely collect dust once that happens.

Apr 01 06 03:33 pm Link



Posts: 923

Hudson, Florida, US

Guess I'm a light weight..........two digital SLR's and a Holga.

Apr 01 06 03:35 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I have 9.

1 MF 35mm SLR
1 AF 35mm SLR
2 6x6 TLRs
1 6x7 SLR
1 35mm P&S
1 Brownie
1 16mm motion picture

I could do without a couple, but I want a couple more, too.  So 9 sounds about right for me.

Apr 01 06 06:38 pm Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

1 35mm rebel
1 konica minolta z2
3-4 polaroid land cameras (some in working condition, some not)
various vintage cameras I recently inherited from my boyfriend's fathers estate which I have not really looked at or tested.

Apr 01 06 06:40 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Christopher Bush wrote:
how many cameras in each format do you have?

Have shot with in the past 12 months:
Canon 20D
Canon D60
Canon D60 (needs repair)
Canon G2
4x5 view camera (home made)

Have shot with in the past 24 months:
Mamiya 645 1000s
Orbit 4x5 studio camera
Brownie 120
Canon EOS Elan 7e

Haven't used lately, but couldn't bear to part with:
8x10 view camera (home made, needs assembled)
Mamiya C3 (needs repair)
Kowa 6
Coffee can pinholes (2, and I forgot about those, so I guess I have 25)
Ansco Speedex No. 3 folding camera (sentimental value)
Deardorff 4x5 (in pieces, but some day ... this is borderline for moving down one category)

Could stand to part with, but it would hurt:
Mamiya 645 Pro (needs repair)
Canon EOS Elan IIe
Canon EOS 3

Could throw out if I was cornered:
Brownie 116
Kiev 88
Kiev 66

Don't know where it is, and don't care:
Kodak P&S digital (was given to me)

Apr 01 06 07:14 pm Link


Andrew Fortson

Posts: 212

Los Angeles, California, US

I have 4.  But my one teacher has 18 4x5 cameras and half a dozen 8x10's.  Then he has just as many, if not more, 35mm, medium format, and digital.

Apr 01 06 07:20 pm Link



Posts: 1087

Dallas, Texas, US

I have one (Canon 1Ds2), but have owned many, I just feel that when I get a new camera, I just don't use the old one anymore, and get comfortable with the new one. 

The only reason that I may want to have two is if I get into sports regularly.

Backup you say?  I respond, why buy it now? When something happens, I will run out and buy the best thing out on that day.

Apr 01 06 07:25 pm Link



Posts: 43

Woodland Hills, California, US

here is my on the road video/still package. I treked all that crap through mexico for a month, talk about getting thrashed

Apr 01 06 08:12 pm Link



Posts: 2281

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Now I feel inadequate with eight...
  I have 15 guitars...does that count?

Apr 01 06 10:15 pm Link



Posts: 25

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

gee I only have one beat up pentax spotamatic f with a great big ding in the housing:P I understand my camera is older than I am:D

Apr 03 06 01:13 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

One Nikon FM-2 and 24mm, 50mm, 105mm lenses.
Two Pentax 6x7's and 45mm 75mm lenses, 127mm bellows set-up.

Wow!!!! I suddenly feel very, very practical!

Oh wait, maybe I'm just broke. hahahhhahahaa

Apr 03 06 02:06 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Scott Aitken wrote:
Oh dear. Isn't there a gear heads anonymous group or something for people like you? I have a mere 6 camera bodies, and feel like I'm close to my limit. I haven't touched 2 of them in a couple years. What on earth do you do with 23 cameras?

Oh, now that is just way over the top. I don't even think gear heads anonymous will help you. You need serious therapy. LOL.

True, 40 sounds like a lot, but most of them are made of plastic/bakelite, date back to the 40s/50s and cost between $8 and $20.  I know toycamera afficionados who have way more than I do, and some who have 40 versions of the same camera.  It's an odd little subculture to say the least.

Apr 03 06 02:12 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

dude... 23... O_O that's a whole lot way more than enough.

Apr 03 06 02:57 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Tim Hammond wrote:
Don't know where it is, and don't care:
Kodak P&S digital (was given to me)

There seems to be a lot of people with cameras they don't want/use.
Throw one my way!!! I love taking pictures, but I can't afford a camera.

Apr 03 06 03:02 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Nemi wrote:

There seems to be a lot of people with cameras they don't want/use.
Throw one my way!!! I love taking pictures, but I can't afford a camera.

you know what? that's not a bad idea! they should give me some too! lol

Apr 03 06 03:16 am Link



Posts: 772

Manchester, England, United Kingdom

I think 23 may be a touch excessive..

I've currently got 3 Bronica ETRS's, and 3 Nikon slrs's.

Just thinking of trading the Bronicas up to Mamiya RB67's...

9 seems like a good number to have!!

Apr 03 06 03:19 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Thuy Anh wrote:

you know what? that's not a bad idea! they should give me some too! lol

Why, I think I am being mocked.

Apr 03 06 03:19 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Nemi wrote:

Why, I think I am being mocked.

lol i'm not mocking you, i'm agreeing with you! i'm a poor college student! lol

Apr 03 06 03:23 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Thuy Anh wrote:

lol i'm not mocking you, i'm agreeing with you! i'm a poor college student! lol

Oh okay, good, I thought you were going the whiney "cameras aren't free what makes you so god damned special to think that I, high and mighty photographer would GIVE a silly disposable model a camera" Route.

...It retrospect MM has made me a little jaded apparently lol.

Apr 03 06 03:28 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Nemi wrote:

Oh okay, good, I thought you were going the whiney "cameras aren't free what makes you so god damned special to think that I, high and mighty photographer would GIVE a silly disposable model a camera" Route.

...It retrospect MM has made me a little jaded apparently lol.

LOL, man a lot of MM people are mean though, I don't blame you for thinking that.

Apr 03 06 03:31 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Nemi wrote:

There seems to be a lot of people with cameras they don't want/use.
Throw one my way!!! I love taking pictures, but I can't afford a camera.

I would, but if you can't afford a camera, how will you afford film and processing?  (Especially with the 6x6 TLR I'd throw your way.  Film + processing = about $1 per photo.)

Apr 03 06 03:31 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Thuy Anh wrote:

LOL, man a lot of MM people are mean though, I don't blame you for thinking that.

Alrighty, I'm going to stop hijacking the thread and catch some Z's now....

Apr 03 06 03:32 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Nemi wrote:

Alrighty, I'm going to stop hijacking the thread and catch some Z's now....

good idea, me too, night night!

Apr 03 06 03:35 am Link


J Sigerson

Posts: 587

Los Angeles, California, US

HungryEye wrote:
Now I feel inadequate with eight...
  I have 15 guitars...does that count?

I think it's a strong indicator we suffer from a different strain of the same disease...

I just sold a Les Paul to buy my latest dSLR, so I'm down to an unlucky 13 guitars (plus a pedal steel, mandolin, fiddle, 2 basses...)

I have a Minolta X-700, Canon 20D, Yashica Mat LM, 35mm P&S around her somewhere, and a digital P&S (2 if you count my 5-year-old's, but it's really hers, honest!). Somewhere out there (not on the premises, but somewhere on this continent), I  have a  Pentax Spotmatic, another 35mm P&S, and another digital P&S. I just sold a Digital Rebel last week.

I'll call that three and a half-ish, using my special married-guy fuzzy math.

I'm trying to remember that I'm largely unemployed, and resist adding an AF 35mm and 6x6 SLR to the mix while I don't have the work to justify it.

Apr 03 06 03:38 am Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

Just a few of the more utilized of the bunch...

I also have five bass guitars, one current piano in lieu of the three others given away or the three large format cameras that do not see much light nowadays, or the two film cameras in storage... a number of other lenses, etc.

Apr 03 06 03:52 am Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

Well! I feel mean and lean - camera wise.
I use a Canon 10D (Well not much; I just haven't gotten rid of it yet)
Olympus E-1
Pentax 645N
A wheelbarrow full of lenses.

Apr 03 06 07:50 am Link


Gary Kennedy

Posts: 130

Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Mamiya NC1000s

Yahica FX-D

Pentax MZ-6

tons O lenses...

Apr 03 06 07:54 am Link