Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > L'Oreal vs MAC ......Pick one only!!!

Makeup Artist

Ashley Elizabeth

Posts: 1127

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Angila wrote:
Every good make-up artist has MAC. Defentally MAC!

This statement is so wrong.

Apr 20 06 01:51 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Ashley Elizabeth

Posts: 1127

Miami Beach, Florida, US


Apr 20 06 01:52 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 92

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I pretty much use anything that works. Mufe is my new favorite. I agree to some degree about Mac products not being used in most artists kits. But a good artist is judged by her skills, not the products in her kit.

Apr 20 06 03:47 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Sharon Tabb Hair Makeup

Posts: 41

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

What ever!!! 

I think the point here is that "so many" people think that true makeup artists use MAC and pretty much MAC only.  Because it's the makeup of makeup artists.  LOL.  Which is NOT the case... it's a bunch of hype and b.s.


Apr 21 06 09:05 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

You really need to read this board! … 7896.topic

I cant get it to direct link.
Just copy and paste.

It will also be interesting to all the MMrs that think MAC is "superior".

Apr 21 06 11:49 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1549


Hey Roshar,

think you may have been referring to this? … 7896.topic

Apr 21 06 11:58 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I know this is not for photographers but I just thought I would chime in for a moment. I absolutely love to look of MAC makeup. I remember the first time I worked with a model who used MAC. She walked onto the set after having gotten dressed for the shoot and did her own makeup. I glanced over at her and I don`t know what it is about MAC, but I actuall was speechless for a moment and just stood there and looked as she walked to the spot she needed to be at.
I for one always prefer MAC on models now.

Apr 22 06 12:00 am Link


KT Imaging

Posts: 512

New York, New York, US

MAC... but I may be biased since I get a very nice discount!

Do whatever works, but in your situation, I would suggest MAC.  Go for the $$$, 150/week with L'Oreal will put you in the poor house real quick unless you've got a bunch in the bank.  Besides, do you really need that much time each and every week to build your book?  A few carefully planned and selected shoots should get you all you need for awhile.

Apr 22 06 12:15 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

MakeupIsArt wrote:
Hey Roshar,

think you may have been referring to this? … 7896.topic

Thank you dear!!
Yes, thats it!

** What ALOT of these people have to remember is the nature of the OPs post was EMPLOYMENT with the companies!!!
Not the actual product!!!***

Apr 22 06 12:17 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 472

New York, New York, US

I wonder how many times we have to post that link before people actually read it!


Apr 22 06 01:05 am Link


Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

More diverse product.

but at not only that,
"if it doesn't make dollars, it doesn't make sense"

Apr 22 06 01:10 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

Roshar wrote:
Thank you dear!!
Yes, thats it! … 7896.topic

** What ALOT of these people have to remember is the nature of the OPs post was EMPLOYMENT with the companies!!!
Not the actual product!!!***

Apr 22 06 01:16 am Link

Makeup Artist

Sharon Tabb Hair Makeup

Posts: 41

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

Apr 23 06 07:33 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Sharon Tabb Hair Makeup

Posts: 41

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

Apr 23 06 07:33 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Sharon Tabb Hair Makeup

Posts: 41

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I for one always prefer MAC on models now.

That has to do with the artist, NOT the product

Must have not read the entire list of post's.  Prefering MAC?  Definitely a personal opinion because if you knew about makeup you wouldn't be saying that.
So frustrating....I am sure that on that particular shoot it worked great, We aren't saying it's a horrible product, but that there is so much more out there that is much better for photography. 

It also has alot to do with the application, probably had a great artist who applied the makeup.  Because I have seen plenty of horrible pics with MAC, and of course alot of fabulous one's.

Apr 23 06 08:33 pm Link



Posts: 213

New Haven, Connecticut, US


Apr 23 06 08:36 pm Link


See the Invisible

Posts: 29

Detroit, Michigan, US

Jessica Steele wrote:

Ivy Lam wrote:
If you were an MUA that is just starting out...

You are in Ontario- so my answer is niether. Test- shoot- build your book- and network.  You can get plenty of connections that will take you farther than either of those companies can. Get a job that can make you money in the interum (ie- waiting tables, being a secretary etc.- just because you love makeup art doesn't mean you have to be poor or have your art exploited.)
If you lived in "any-middle-america-state/or-small-provence-canada" - I'd say MAC (because you would have to rely on the most popular corporate name to make your mark).

I have no idea what living in Ontario has to do with anything.  My experience from working in Ontario is that summers are super busy and winters are completely dead and very hard to make it as a freelancer. If you can make $400 a week working part time and building a kit that is going to help you much more in the long run.  My advice would be to get a great kit together and save up a decent amount of cash while building contacts, so you can make an easier transition to the freelance world.  Getting a job outside of the field of business can be way more discouraging and atleast you will keep learning.  Not having to relay on freelancing to pay all your bills will give you the freedom to be as creative as you want and do as many TFP shoots as you can to network.  Good luck!

Apr 23 06 08:52 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Makeup By Diana Marie

Posts: 252

North Valley Stream, New York, US

MAC... without a doubt. Start working there, become a pro member... take as many classes/courses as you can and a lot of the time they give you portfolio pictures if you have a shoot from the class. Its affordable, its reliable and you get A LOT of freelance clientelle for weddings and proms or any special event. Use those for your port too... snap a shot of them before & after and add it to your book.... every little bit helps! Good luck sweetie!!


Apr 23 06 09:07 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

Diana Marie wrote:
take as many classes/courses as you can and a lot of the time they give you portfolio pictures if you have a shoot from the class.

Sorry Diana- I was with the company for 6 years and I dont remember this.
We were never set up with a photographer much less given pix of our work to use in our portfolio.

The only thing I got from MAC was monopolization of my time- told they wanted me focused ONLY on working at the counter. Told me I shouldnt do freelance- ON MY DAYS OFF!!- um hello, I can do whatever I want on my day off!
Took away benifits, dilluted the product, yet charged .50 more every year. Only gave .30 raises. And hired a bunch of people from the Macys shoe department cause they hire on retail skills now- not MU skills.

The company doesnt treat its employees well. You have to sell 3 items to each person who walks in the door. If your average drops because so many people only wanted 1 lipstick you will be repremanded and later fired.

Now, all you MM people that think MAC is great- really want her working there?

Apr 23 06 10:22 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Sharon Tabb Hair Makeup

Posts: 41

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

Roshar, EXACTLY!!!  You hit it right on!!!

I worked for them over 10 years ago, but my best friend started with them in 1990/91 until about 1997 or 98.  So many things changed from 90 to 98 it's not even funny.  They went from choosing true "artists" to "sales people".  No goals to high goals, due to the EL take over of course.  If you had gotten in on the ground floor in the early 90's, then yes you may have been able to evolve to a higher level...I do know one.  But YES they completely own you.  Their standards and "Quality of Artists and products" have gone down tremendously.  It's really sad, but that's what happens when a corporation takes over. 

Sure if you want to do retail then go for MAC.  But it could take many many many years to move up in the company, and even then that doesn't guarantee you anything.  Then has to do with your goals.   I feel like I am repeating myself over and over, but if you want to be a "Makeup Artist" in the Film & or Print industry then you have to put in your due's and may have to starve some along the way.  That is part of it!

Apr 24 06 09:37 am Link


Lorna Bailey

Posts: 45

Montreal, Wisconsin, US

Bobbi Brown!!

Apr 24 06 09:40 am Link