Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > Product questions

Wardrobe Stylist

Miss Anthropy

Posts: 223

Portland, Oregon, US

Two actually.

Query the first, Has anyone bought or tried any of the new MaxFactor line? They look, or at least purport to have a good pigment load. Does any of the Max Factor drugstore line work for photographic purposes? Furthermore do they still have a pro line because noone on this board seems to mention it. Is this because I'm on crack and they don't HAVE a pro line or because it sucks or noone uses it.

Is ultima II still in existance? Ages ago, oh god it was almost TEN years ago, I'm OOOOOLLLLD, I got a nice heavy creme foundation that came in a glass jar about the size and shape as a hocky puck. It worked like a charm for theatre. I did not one but TWO plays with it and I don't think that I actually used it up. it wore like Iron. It was called total cover or something wear or something like that. Does anyone know if it's still around? Has anyone used it and have any opinion on it's potential use for photography.

Ok so that was more like six questions. I ask because I'm kicking around the idea of getting only professional makeup from here on out because I may have to end up doing the makeup again and it makes sense to be at least somewhat prepared for that eventuality with products which either ARE pro or can give a passable result.

While I was writing this I ran my tub over and soaked my BF's roomates bed! I SUUUUUCK!!!

Mar 29 06 12:18 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Make Up the Design

Posts: 90

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Thats not only alot of questions....but ones I'd expect from a model and not a stylist.

Max Factor WAS a pro product like half a century ago when it first came has since become another drugstore brand for the masses.  I'm sure there are some drug store products that work...but none of which would be classified as a "pro" product.  I myself do not use it nor have I tried their "new line".
As far as the Ulltima ll...whoa girl...showing your age....hehehe...thats been discontinued for a long time now...I'd be weary using any left over product of theirs as make up does have an expirey date....and I can tell ya....thats past due!!

If I was you...I'd get me a Mac discount card(to save some bucks) and buy some real pro make up.....or if you have the money to burn....hit all the big stores...and while you're there,
get me a couple goodies too!

Mar 30 06 07:41 pm Link


name name

Posts: 2602

New York, New York, US

Make Up the Design wrote:
Thats not only alot of questions....but ones I'd expect from a model and not a stylist.

Max Factor WAS a pro product like half a century ago when it first came has since become another drugstore brand for the masses.  I'm sure there are some drug store products that work...but none of which would be classified as a "pro" product.  I myself do not use it nor have I tried their "new line".
As far as the Ulltima ll...whoa girl...showing your age....hehehe...thats been discontinued for a long time now...I'd be weary using any left over product of theirs as make up does have an expirey date....and I can tell ya....thats past due!!

If I was you...I'd get me a Mac discount card(to save some bucks) and buy some real pro make up.....or if you have the money to burn....hit all the big stores...and while you're there,
get me a couple goodies too!

Well considering the fact that she's a WARDROBE stylist, there's no reason for her to have an excessive amount of make-up related knowledge. Clothes, yes. Makeup? Not so much.

And MAC is hardly "real pro make-up".

You're rather saucy, but I can't tell if its meant to be insulting, or just in good fun. Ah, the joys of trying to interpret internet messages.

To Miss Anthropy:

I really haven't used Max Factor. I really like their 2000 Calorie mascara, but other than that, I can't be helpful.

I've only vaguely heard of this Ultima, and never used it, so I guess that really shows my age. wink

If you want to start collecting pro products, RCMA and Cinema Secret's foundations are definately a good start. They are some of the best foundations for photography, in my opinion. For everything else, I really like Make Up For Ever, Nars and Stila. But every artist has their own opinion, of course.

Check out Mary's store too:

Siân Melton

Mar 30 06 08:40 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Make Up the Design

Posts: 90

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

My bad...I did not realize you were a clothing stylist... I just assumed you were hair/make up.

Either way...Mac IS pro and definately more so than Max Factor, nor is it limited to.  There is definately other good pro products, such as the ones you've mentioned, But for some one who wants to build up a kit with limited funds and/or limited use of the products, Mac is a great choice because they do offer the discount cards which helps if you have to buy a few items and I find them to be more make up artist friendly with their pro palettes.  MUFE is also another really good option, for alot of the same reasons.I've never had any problems and I do a ton of photo shoots.

Mar 30 06 08:55 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Make Up the Design

Posts: 90

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

AlwaysMadeUp wrote:
You're rather saucy, but I can't tell if its meant to be insulting, or just in good fun. Ah, the joys of trying to interpret internet messages.

Mmmm saucy!  Definately not ment to be insulting, really was trying to help. I'm a lover not a fighter!!  smile

Mar 30 06 09:06 pm Link


name name

Posts: 2602

New York, New York, US

Make Up the Design wrote:

Mmmm saucy!  Definately not ment to be insulting, really was trying to help. I'm a lover not a fighter!!  smile

I'd be careful with the way you word things in the future. Interpreting internet-speak is hard and someone could definately take what you said as an insult.

Mar 30 06 09:15 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Make Up the Design

Posts: 90

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

AlwaysMadeUp wrote:

I'd be careful with the way you word things in the future. Interpreting internet-speak is hard and someone could definately take what you said as an insult.

Honestly...I do not know what i said that was and could have been taken as an insult.  I merely gave MY opinion...which is really what this is for.  Its funny that you are more insulted than the girl asking the question....but whatever...I'm not a walk on egg shells type of gal.  I say my peace with no ill intentions and if you are somehow insulted by that, You needs to lighten up some, have a lil fun!

Mar 30 06 11:13 pm Link


name name

Posts: 2602

New York, New York, US

Make Up the Design wrote:
Thats not only alot of questions....but ones I'd expect from a model and not a stylist.

I found this sentence to be a bit on the rude side. If one were so inclined, they could take it to mean that you think they don't know anything about make-up, or that their knowledge of make-up is at the same level of a model's knowledge of makeup, which you apparently think is very low.

There was no constructive reason for this sentence except maybe to make the original poster feel inadequate and embarassed about her questions, which is a terrible thing to do.

And even if she were a makeup artist, that doesn't mean she ought to know everything about makeup. If every MUA knew everything about makeup, this forum wouldn't exist.

Mar 30 06 11:39 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Jessica Steele

Posts: 370

Los Angeles, California, US

Meow. The reasoning behind open forums is to have open discussion- which means everyone is entitled to thier own opinion. Did anyone see that the bathwater overran her BF's room? Crazy begets crazy I guess.
Miss Anthropology- you should be a writer. Not a stylist or a makeup artist. A writer. Go read and write, stop terrorizing these poor fashion people.

Mar 30 06 11:51 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Jessica Steele wrote:
Meow. The reasoning behind open forums is to have open discussion- which means everyone is entitled to thier own opinion. Did anyone see that the bathwater overran her BF's room? Crazy begets crazy I guess.
Miss Anthropology- you should be a writer. Not a stylist or a makeup artist. A writer. Go read and write, stop terrorizing these poor fashion people.

I have told her this in the past....she should be a writer....I love to read her rants, very entertaining.

Mar 31 06 12:02 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 64

Los Angeles, California, US

Ultima II is sold at Ulta stores. Kevyn Aucoin used to' be a spokes person for Ultima II...I remember my mom used to use that line in the 80's...I only played with the old eye pigments!

Mar 31 06 02:04 pm Link