Forums > General Industry > Ratio #1: Processing time versus session time


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Question:  for every hour you spend making exposures, how much time to you spend post-processing?

For me, if I'm working with film & paper, I spend 6-7 hours in the darkroom for every hour I spend making exposures.  Then, there's another hour for making digital scans, and maybe two hours doing digital editing.  So, in total, my processing:exposing ratio can be 10:1 or more.

If I'm working with digital images, I tend to make more exposures, so my digital editing time goes up, to maybe 4-5 hours.  Plus, I am obsessive about making backups of my images & labeling said backups -- call that another hour or so.  So, my processing:exposure ratio can be 7:1 or more.

I display my images on my web site, and for a sitting, that work to create the appropriate web pages can take another 8-10 hours per sitting.

I kinda figure that my ratios here are high.  Are they?

Mar 27 06 09:51 am Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
If I'm working with digital images, I tend to make more exposures

I take more "safety" pictures now that I exclusively shoot digital, but shooting digital hasn't increased the number of final pictures I'll need to work on.  I process only the final selection of pictures, which is no more than when I shot film.

I find that post-processing time is entirely a function of blemishes and background.  A subject with few skin blemishes and where I've been careful about my backgrounds can go straight from camera to online.  Sixty pictures of a clear-skinned model take less post-processing time than six pictures of a model with acne.

Mar 27 06 10:38 am Link