Forums > General Industry > Telephones are dangerous!!!


Visual Temptation

Posts: 23

Pueblo, Colorado, US

They must be... Cuz nobody seems to want to use them anymore. I feel like actually SPEAKING with someone has fallen out of fashion.

Okay, so is it just me or are other photographers dealing with this? I get an email from a model saying "Love your work! Would love to do a TFCD with you. Please consider." I go check out their profile, if I like what I see I write back "Sure! Give me a call and we can discuss and schedule a shoot." Then about two weeks later I'll get another email saying "So what kind of shoot would you like to do with me?" I write back call me and we can discuss it and set it up." Then in another two weeks I'll get ANOTHER email - "So what dates are good for you?"

Call me old fasion, but when it comes to communication I prefer to do it in real time. Anything else is just a WASTE OF TIME!!!

Mar 23 06 11:58 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

Then what are they doing with those funny little thing they hold up to their ears?

Mar 24 06 09:06 am Link


Doug Vosler Photo Arts

Posts: 191

Breezy Point, Minnesota, US

That is disgusting to me.

I get a lot of request... not on this site.... and one of the first things I tell them now is  "I don't really take anything seriously until it has pregressed beyond emails so if you'd like for me to work with you, you'll have to give me a call"

Mar 24 06 10:15 am Link



Posts: 330

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

If you can make one e-mail with all the information, it saves so much time.

Mar 24 06 01:15 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

Sorry, nothing replaces dialogue and I talk much faster than I type.

Mar 24 06 01:27 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

I start with emails, to have a record, but I always speak by phone before, and on the day of, the shoot.  It's comforting to connect a human voice with an entity in cyberspace.

Mar 24 06 01:31 pm Link


Autumn Bleuu

Posts: 286

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Visual Temptation wrote:
They must be... Cuz nobody seems to want to use them anymore. I feel like actually SPEAKING with someone has fallen out of fashion.

Okay, so is it just me or are other photographers dealing with this? I get an email from a model saying "Love your work! Would love to do a TFCD with you. Please consider." I go check out their profile, if I like what I see I write back "Sure! Give me a call and we can discuss and schedule a shoot." Then about two weeks later I'll get another email saying "So what kind of shoot would you like to do with me?" I write back call me and we can discuss it and set it up." Then in another two weeks I'll get ANOTHER email - "So what dates are good for you?"

Call me old fasion, but when it comes to communication I prefer to do it in real time. Anything else is just a WASTE OF TIME!!!

I understand what you're saying.  But for me as a model it is easier to communicate by e-mail first (so i can keep up with who's who and all the dates to refer back to from the e-mails sent)....then a few days or so before the shoot I like to call  the photographer to touch base and confirm the day of the scheduled shoot and maybe get a feel for their personality vice versa.

Mar 24 06 01:34 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Interesting.  I actually prefer to communicate via email and generally do so.  If a photographer requests I call then I will, however very few have done so.  Many of the shoots I've been on we never actually spoke in person.  It hasn't been a problem and it hasn't seemed weird.  Maybe it's an age thing?  Who

Mar 24 06 01:34 pm Link


David A

Posts: 373

Pleasant Grove, Utah, US

Every request I send someone has my phone number at the bottom of it.  Still, like you, email only.

I was trying to hire a  model for some work a couple months ago.  I had several models I  was corresponding with through email.  One model finally picked up the phone and called me.  She got the Job.  I've got to admit, I was taken off guard a little because I've been trained not to expect a call.

Maybe, just maybe, there's a lesson in there.

Mar 24 06 01:40 pm Link


David A

Posts: 373

Pleasant Grove, Utah, US

Farah Malika wrote:
I understand what you're saying.  But for me as a model it is easier to communicate by e-mail first (so i can keep up with who's who and all the dates to refer back to from the e-mails sent)....then a few days or so before the shoot I like to call  the photographer to touch base and confirm the day of the scheduled shoot and maybe get a feel for their personality vice versa.

You can do things however you wish but why not pick up the phone, call the photographer, make the arrangements and then say, "Would you follow this conversation up with an email so we're both sure we understood things the same?" or the opposite, "I'm going to send you email as a follow up to this conversation so we can both make sure we've got the same information out of this conversation."

To me, email is good for initial contact but to schedule something email is a pain escpecially when you've got to co-ordinate a third party like an MUA.

Mar 24 06 01:46 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

First e-mail but if we are going to REALLY do something I want to speak on the phone and meet you before we shoot..I cant stand trying to have a broken up e-mail conversation...I dont have the time to wait 20 min or a day for a follow up and yes I check my e-mail but the telephone or face to face actually lets things get done....just my opinion but I have to agree...what up with the cyberspace booking, it takes so much longer..

Mar 24 06 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

I personally prefer e-mails because I can keep a record of what we agreed upon and refer back to it whenever I need to...Im bad with remembering things so if I have it in writing I will never forget!

But I will talk to the photographer before the shoot and connect a voice with and e-mail address...LOL! Alot of models operate that way...havent seen it as much of a problem for me, but I guess some people just like to keep it old school!

Mar 24 06 01:59 pm Link


elisaveta ♀

Posts: 619

New York, New York, US

E-mail --> talk on the phone --> meet   OR   e-mail --> meet and discuss the shoot content. I always do my best to meet with the photographers before we work together. It'll only help. I'd heard of many instances where the two parties met and a shoot never happened after that. I say meet first then shoot...


Mar 24 06 02:06 pm Link


G Katsis Photography

Posts: 49

Camanche, Iowa, US

E-mail is not an adequate substitute for discussion. It does a great job of augmenting discussion, but it is definitely slow and limited.

Humans speak at about 120+ words/minute. Few type much more than 1/3 that rate. Add transmission time, scheduling, etc. and it is a slower, as well as less complete medium.

I use e-mail for bare facts ("I'm taking Flight 1234 that lands at 12:40 PM" or The hotel confirmation number is 1234567"), the telephone to flesh them out and answer the inevitable questions, then e-mail again as a followup and record of the decisions reached.

There's a reason businesses have, and use, the phone more extensively than any other medium of interactive communication . . .

Mar 24 06 02:13 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Roselle Park, New Jersey, US

Visual Temptation wrote:
They must be... Cuz nobody seems to want to use them anymore. I feel like actually SPEAKING with someone has fallen out of fashion.

Okay, so is it just me or are other photographers dealing with this? I get an email from a model saying "Love your work! Would love to do a TFCD with you. Please consider." I go check out their profile, if I like what I see I write back "Sure! Give me a call and we can discuss and schedule a shoot." Then about two weeks later I'll get another email saying "So what kind of shoot would you like to do with me?" I write back call me and we can discuss it and set it up." Then in another two weeks I'll get ANOTHER email - "So what dates are good for you?"

Call me old fasion, but when it comes to communication I prefer to do it in real time. Anything else is just a WASTE OF TIME!!!

I have the exact same problem . I'll get an email saying I'm interested .I'll email back with my phone number and say call me to discuss further . Then...... SILENCE.
I was the one who first gave my phone number out . I don't ask for their phone number in my email. What gives? I'll tolerate 2 emails but that's it. In my profile I mention>> NOTE: Models MUST provide a contact number for consideration as I am willing to provide mine.I meet with all RELIABLE models before considering shooting. Location Shoots held Most Fridays & Saturdays.

Mar 24 06 02:24 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I prefer email for a lot of the planning, because a) I can email the model, hair stylist, the MUA, the the stylist, the assistant, etc. all at the same time; and b) I can do it at 3am.

But I also prefer to confirm by phone the day before.

Mar 24 06 02:33 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

Simply put ... talking is money ...

Mar 24 06 08:01 pm Link