Forums > General Industry > Posing nude with angel wing on a religious holiday


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Question three in our theme of the day:  "Get it out of your system," I thought I would deal with a bit of theology.   If you are joining us late, I am trying to ask every possible question about nude modeling that I can think of so we can move onto other topics on the forum. 

So here it is:  Assuming that you were a model who already poses nude (so if you don't model nude, no need to answer), how would you feel modeling nude wearing angel's wings on a religious holiday such a Easter or Christmas?

Now if I am missing any variations, please feel free to chime in.  I hope we can deal with them all before the day is out and move onto other topics.

Mar 23 06 02:47 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

What, no theologians here?

Mar 23 06 03:01 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Burn her at the stake!

Mar 23 06 03:03 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

A political statement if I ever read one!

Mar 23 06 03:05 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
A political statement if I ever read one!

I was going to quote Monty Python, but it wasn't quite a good fit... Again, people spend too much time looking for ways to be offended.

Mar 23 06 03:07 pm Link


Phoebus Foto

Posts: 8

Beaverton, Oregon, US

I suspect that we are all naked in the eyes of God or the gods or Goddess or Godesses, depending on your point of view. So I don't see a problem with this proposed shoot.

My 2¢

Mar 23 06 03:09 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Phoebus Foto wrote:
I suspect that we are all naked in the eyes of God or the gods or Goddess or Godesses, depending on your point of view. So I don't see a problem with this proposed shoot.

My 2¢

Well then I have to ask, if you are wearing angel's wings, are you actually naked?

Mar 23 06 03:11 pm Link


Phoebus Foto

Posts: 8

Beaverton, Oregon, US

I suppose that would depend on the rigging now wouldn't it...

Mar 23 06 03:50 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Phoebus Foto wrote:
I suppose that would depend on the rigging now wouldn't it...

So if you flap the wings, would that be intermittent nudity?

Mar 23 06 03:51 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

so why pick that specific day unless you wanted to piss some people  off.

you could do it any other day

you are just looking for a fight!

Mar 23 06 03:54 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
so why pick that specific day unless you wanted to piss some people  off.

I never pose nude in angel's wings at all.  Indeed, we haven't decided if posing in wings is nude, intermittent nude or non-nude. 

So your answer is that you wouldn't shoot angel's wings on a religious holdiay.  What if the holdiay wasn't for your religion?

Mar 23 06 03:58 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Indeed, we haven't decided if posing in wings is nude, intermittent nude or non-nude.

Well, if a bird only wears wings, it's nude (but acceptable); why would a person be any different? smile

Mar 23 06 04:18 pm Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

Kevin Connery wrote:
Well, if a bird only wears wings, it's nude (but acceptable); why would a person be any different? smile

hence "naked as a jaybird", no?

Mar 23 06 04:22 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Indeed, we haven't decided if posing in wings is nude, intermittent nude or non-nude.

Kevin Connery wrote:
Well, if a bird only wears wings, it's nude (but acceptable); why would a person be any different? smile

So now we're all becoming Brits and calling them Birds are we?

Mar 23 06 04:23 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
What, no theologians here?

This may be tangentshal, um, tangentyal, uh, off on a tangent but I've always wondered if girl angels' costumes show off their b(o)(0)bies or not. This is a very important question because some parents say that there are angels watching over their kids and if the angels have b(0)(0)bies - especially if the angels are really young and hot-looking - isn't that like breaking the law?

I have tried to get really drunk and drive my pickup truck really fast because
I was hoping I'd see an angel and be able to photograph it and then I'd be like the king of photographers or something. So I think your idea of trying to photograph fake angels is very uncool.


Mar 23 06 04:29 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I'd feel pretty good about it.  Especially when it's Christmas in Heaven.

Mar 23 06 04:35 pm Link


Mark Key Photography

Posts: 1346

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Any shots with Angel wings should be forbidden on any day... So overdone!

Mar 23 06 04:39 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

GWC wrote:

This may be tangentshal, um, tangentyal, uh, off on a tangent but I've always wondered if girl angels' costumes show off their b(o)(0)bies or not. This is a very important question because some parents say that there are angels watching over their kids and if the angels have b(0)(0)bies - especially if the angels are really young and hot-looking - isn't that like breaking the law?


You have a way of always putting things into perspective.

Mar 23 06 04:50 pm Link