Forums > General Industry > Would you pose nude for your father or mother?



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

No way in heck... would I ever pose or would I have posed for either of my parents. now or ever... Regardless of if they knew what they were doing.. and definately not nude.. now or ever..

However.. I did pose nude for a female photographer MANY, MANY, Many Centuries ago (well it feels like centuries), And she was the MOTHER of one of my best friends.. actually my best female friend.. and I aint gonna tell you any more about it.

And dat's da truth... (Edith Anne)

Mar 23 06 09:36 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

OK, you whetted our curiosity.  We want to hear more!

Mar 23 06 10:40 pm Link



Posts: 3465

Austin, Texas, US

I'm sure everyone will say they were the victum of the infamous "Ooh look (insert name here)'s  little tushy  mooing us from the bathtub" .. And yes I have taken my Mom to one of the nude shoots I've done, and she didnt have any problem with it.

Mar 23 06 10:42 pm Link



Posts: 3465

Austin, Texas, US

I'm sure everyone will say they were the victum of the infamous "Ooh look (insert name here)'s  little tushy  mooning us from the bathtub" .. And yes I have taken my Mom to one of the nude shoots I've done, and she didnt have any problem with it.

Mar 23 06 10:43 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Why the heck not?

I mean really, your parents have seen it all and unless you grew up in some sexually perverted household, you should be able to put your sexual hang ups aside for a PHOTOGRAPH with mommy or daddy behind the camera.

Then again, it seems people cant seperate nudity from sex in the first place. I've been all over the world and people actually laugh at us crazy Americans when it comes to Nudity.

In sweeden entire families hit the sauna butt naked, and if you squirm as a visitor they laugh at you.

Mar 23 06 11:24 pm Link


Heather Cole

Posts: 126

Fort Thomas, Kentucky, US

No.... mostly because I don't think I'd be able to stop laughing at my Dad or encouraging my Mom.

Heather smile

Mar 24 06 12:21 am Link



Posts: 539

Portland, Oregon, US

I DID!!!!!

of course I was just born.. lol

Mar 24 06 12:30 am Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Id pose nude for my mom or dad if they knew what they were doing lol
Neither even know how to work a camera very well, so I doubt that would be happening.

Only way it would turn out to be weird is if either made a sexual comment then I would worry lol

but yeah posing nude and posing sexually nude are 2 different things. I doubt Id be doing spread shots for either. That may be taking it abit far lol
but just being naked would be fine.

Mar 24 06 01:15 am Link


Mark Roberts Photos

Posts: 83

Dallas, Texas, US


Mar 24 06 01:17 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Boy the opinions run all over the board on this one.

Mar 24 06 05:53 am Link


Scott Bragg

Posts: 115

Smyrna, Georgia, US

Having grown up in a house with a very healthy attitude towards casual nudity, and then spending most of my summers for 3 years with friends at a nudist resort, I'd have to say it wouldn't bother me one bit. 

I'd pose for my parents nude, I'd shoot my parents nude.  No qualms either way.

Mar 24 06 06:48 am Link


Lynn Elizabeth

Posts: 1336

Palm Beach, Florida, US

I wouldn't pose for my parents nude, but if I had a nice shot from a photog I wouldn't mind showing my mom. My dad on the other hand, would only see it if the shot made me famous.

Mar 24 06 07:05 am Link



Posts: 37

Cambridge, Massachusetts, US

fuck no! i don't care how artically incline they may be...this is not england and i def don't have the Oedipus complex.

Mar 24 06 07:06 am Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

My daughter is a model, once she is 18, if she were to ask me to shoot her nude, I would and if I were to ask her to, again, once she is of age, she would do it.  What's the big deal?  There is nothing sexual about it, it's not like your parents would be shooting and drooling over your 'alleged hotness'...geez Americans really need to get a grip over the whole nudity issue.

Mar 24 06 07:32 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

I seem to recall a article in Playboy where the father photographer shot his daughter nude for the magazine.  But that has been years and years ago. bs

Mar 24 06 07:37 am Link


Wolfs Eye Photography

Posts: 1830

Wills Point, Texas, US

This is a very interesting thread as it expands on the theory of how we are raised or our learned beliefs about nudity.
In my humble opinion, and I'm sure I've stated before somewhere, Americans are more afraid of nudity than the occurence of a nuclear attack. Nudity in of itself should not illicit sexual thinking, but in many I know it does, which is unfortunate. It limits one to being totally free, both in mind and body.
Hopefully everybody sees a nude body every morning when they shower or bath. If not, I'm not sure I would be around them much.
I think being naked is more of an emotional state of mind. If you're nude and have a mindset of embarrassment then you may be naked.
Ok, I'm now rambling, sorry.

Would I pose for my mother, probably not since her thinking is of victorian/puritanical nature. Would I shy away if she accidently sees me nude, NO.

Mar 24 06 10:12 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

bobby sargent wrote:
I seem to recall a article in Playboy where the father photographer shot his daughter nude for the magazine.  But that has been years and years ago. bs

Some years back Playboy ran an article on the movie that David Carradine was producing (never completed) which was to be shot over the span of ten years.  It was a story that followed a young woman from her teens into her twenties.

Carradine cast his then 15 year old daughter for the lead (which I am sure is part of why he was making the movie).  You guessed it, she was nude at 15 and Playboy ran some tasteful stills of her dancing topless.

Mar 24 06 10:23 am Link



Posts: 51

Los Angeles, California, US

If I could get my devout JW dad to shoot me naked, I would pose. It'll never happen, so I don't need to worry about it. Until then, I'm sure there are OTHER people's parents who know how to use a camera that I can pose for.

Mar 24 06 10:43 am Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

My wife's mom has seen her nude plenty of times and it doesn't bother her (although her mom isn't a photographer)--if she was a camera jockey, I'm sure she'd have no problem posing. I'd pose for her mom, but not my own parents....I guess I got into the semi-nudist thing too late to be OK with it around them. My daughter is too young for me to even think about modeling at that level, but my 11-year old stepdaughter has the look. If she wanted to pose nude when she turned 18 (classy nudes, of course - not porn or sexual work), I'm sure I and her mom would be OK with it. Might not be the same thing as having her REAL dad takes those kind of photos though.

Mar 24 06 10:55 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Some years back Playboy ran an article on the movie that David Carradine was producing (never completed) which was to be shot over the span of ten years.  It was a story that followed a young woman from her teens into her twenties.

Carradine cast his then 15 year old daughter for the lead (which I am sure is part of why he was making the movie).  You guessed it, she was nude at 15 and Playboy ran some tasteful stills of her dancing topless.

Interesting.  I met Mariya Carradine at an acting workshop in Hollywood (Davids grandaughter), and talked with her in length over dinner at 'Casa Vega'.  She never mentioned anything about the Playboy incident... but then again... being a leading actress at the workshop... it may have been information that she wouldnt choose to bring up 'over dinner'... if ya know what I mean... wink

Mar 24 06 11:06 am Link


Autumn Bleuu

Posts: 286

Atlanta, Georgia, US

If I was pregnant and wanted to get some artistic nudes of my pregnancy, then I would definitely let me dad do the shots.  My dad is a photographer.  My mother on the other hand isn't artistically inclined when it comes to photography, but if she was then I would pose nude for her as a model.  Your parents created you and have seen many naked people before you were born, so why should it be a big deal.  The naked body is beautiful, and should not be seen as nothing but sexual when it comes to sheer artistic vision.

Mar 24 06 02:34 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

DNMake-up wrote:

I think if your father waas a famous photographer while you were growing up, you'd probably have a different outlook on life and might posibly be more open to the idea.

Now if he suddenly became famous, that's a different story

if he was famous while I was growing up then yes I would have a different outlook on life....I would be spolied maybe if he suddenly became famous I would probably beg him to shoot me..but never anything provocative...or contiversial

Mar 24 06 04:01 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

The better question is:
Who will model nude for their mother-in-law?

Mar 24 06 08:06 pm Link


Lamar Scott

Posts: 223

New York, New York, US

I would never. I cant even walk around with my shirt off in front of my

Mar 24 06 08:11 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

No way...that's why I don't think it's okay to show the whole world...I'm one of the few people who still have morals!!

Mar 24 06 08:19 pm Link


Brett Wyatt

Posts: 107

Denver, Colorado, US

I don't think it is that big of a deal.  I was raised in a very open house.  I wouldn't feel weird at all.  To many people in America see a nude picture and assume that it is ment to be sexual.  My life drawing teacher and his wife went to go see one of his models bellydance at a bar.  When his wife told a coworker about it, the first thing he asked is if she was a nude model.  She said yes and he gasped.  "I can't believe your ok with this," he said.  She asked why she wouldn't be, it isn't like drawing her in the nude is anything sexual.  He shook his head and said "don't you know that it is always sexual." 
This seems to be the mentality of most people in America.  Nude=sexual

Mar 24 06 08:23 pm Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Wolfs Eye Photography wrote:
This is a very interesting thread as it expands on the theory of how we are raised or our learned beliefs about nudity.

Actually, not really. I won't go into depth, but suffice to say sometimes the apple DOES fall far from the tree.

Mar 24 06 08:44 pm Link


Wolfs Eye Photography

Posts: 1830

Wills Point, Texas, US

MEWanoDesigns wrote:

Actually, not really. I won't go into depth, but suffice to say sometimes the apple DOES fall far from the tree.

????? Not really sure your meaning here.

Mar 25 06 10:36 am Link


EdwinR Photography

Posts: 3154

Gainesville, Florida, US

Jon S Chen wrote:
ewwwwwwwwwwww HECK NO!!

my sentiments exactly!!!

Mar 25 06 10:42 am Link



Posts: 93

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I had an interesting experience with a model who brought her parents along as an escorts.   They wanted to make sure their 18 year old daughter wasn't being taken advantage of, and that nothing inappropriate would ever end up on the internet.

Her father was a sculpture who had done a lot of work with nude models, but during the shoot only her mother stayed in the room.  Her mother even helped get her prepped (it was a shoot that involved some elements like body painting and I needed an extra set of hands).

It was kind of nerve racking having her parents there at first, feeling suspect, but she seemed to have no problem posing topless around her mom.  The shoot came out great as well.

As for me, I would never feel comfortable posing for my parents if they were artists.


Mar 25 06 10:45 am Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

dani faye wrote:
No way...that's why I don't think it's okay to show the whole world...I'm one of the few people who still have morals!!

Just to be clear, you're saying being nude in front of other people is not moral?

Just wondering.

Mar 25 06 10:47 am Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
OK, you whetted our curiosity.  We want to hear more!

well.. I dont want to leave you in suspense...

I posed for her.. we dated awhile, she and a friend of hers posed for me... I was about to give up photography.. and her friend (who at the time was one of the designers for "Fredrick's of Hollywood") got me a job shooting lingerie models.. and they both helped me open my first studio.  This as I said was many many years ago in the L.A. area...

Business was very good and then I moved to Arizona..

and that is all I am telling you here.

Mar 25 06 03:39 pm Link