Forums > General Industry > Applause to Network/Workshop MC's


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

With all the positives coming around, I think its only fitting that some should thanks those who take the time to set up their networking functions, and workshops.

It takes a lot of time and energy to set these up. I know of two who do this and I would like to thank them for setting up opportunities to learn and grow in this business.

EDIT FYI: MC is short for Master of Ceremonies

Mar 23 06 01:33 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Awwwwww... thanks for the kudos R.O!  It's nice to see that my efforts have been recognized, and aren't going un-noticed.  And your right... putting together organized events IS a major task... constant contacting of models to confirm and double confirm their attendance... running out to various photodays... rounding up a strong and talented group of photographers... emailing new prospects (both models & photographers) in the hopes of generating an interest from those who have never attended. 

In the early 90s, I attending my first Southern California photoday event at Riverside Community College, conducted by Mike Bean of New Faces (still going strong today at:  In 14 years and over 130 events that I've conducted, I noticed a pretty strong turnover in models, but I've managed to accumulate a decent following of return photographers.  Some of those who attended my first events in 1992 are still around today.  I myself used to be a photographer who attended many events simular to the shoots I now host.  My goal then was to be able to shoot the most awesome models I could get in front of my camera, at a rock bottom price I could afford, because Im a freakin cheapskate by nature... LOL!  And... back then, a photographer HAD to economize at events like this, as shooting a dozen rolls of film and getting them processed with double prints (one set to give to the models) was a VERY expensive endeavor.  Today's digital photographers have NONE of those expenses to incur, so as a result, even thou prices of the events have gone up, it is now possible for photographers to shoot hundreds of great modeling images for less than what it used to cost 10 or more years ago. 

I used the credo of 'maximum models for minimum bucks' to start Select Models, while putting myself in the shoes of photographers who think alot like I did.  My alligence primarily goes to these photographers, but I have never overlooked the importance of inviting (and caring for the welfare of) some great models.  The models get free images, some decent cash and a rewarding experience... AND... they end up inviting their good looking friends, who, on a few occasions, have ended up being better models than they are... its a 'win-win' situation for them, and when the photographers recognize the fact that I try my damnest to invite nothing but 'quality models', it ends up being a 'win-win' situation for them too... wink

Southern California is a freakin GOLDMINE of talented photographers and knockdown beautiful models, as many of them are transplants from the rest of the country, coming to 'Hollyweird' seeking fame and fortune, with almost all of them not finding it.  Because we are blessed with 'better than average' weather than the rest of the country, hosting outdoor events year-round is just about commonplace.  Those factors are probably the primary reasons why photoshoots out here are more popular than the rest of the country, and gaining in attendance.  With well over 20 million people within the 200 square mile radius that is Southern California, we have a HUGE population base to draw from.  Even with all these regional advantages, it is STILL hard work to organize a successful (in turnout figures) event.  For models, I solicit beauty pageants, cheerleader competitions, junior college bulletin boards and occasional talent events at malls and schools.  For photographers, I solicit camera clubs, photography classes at JC's and universities, camera stores and camera swapmeets.  And of course, I solicit other photoday events, as members of both sides of the fence are there.  I recommend to ALL models and photographers attending that they read the FAQ PAGES on our website for details on how these events are conducted.  I've been fortunate enough to meet hundreds of terrific people over the years, and I look forward to meeting even more.  If you're reading this, consider yourself invited to some future events... AND... the March 25 SoCal MM 'Network Pizza Party' in Santa Ana (info on my MM page).  You're pretty much guarenteed to have loads of fun, work with some strongly talented and beautiful people, and have a rewarding experience, or what little money you invested (unlike expensive workshops and shootouts) is cheerfully refunded... wink

Mar 23 06 04:32 am Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US


Select Model and Craig Thomson are two that Im aware of that take this time. Anyone else? This is something positive, dont let the thread die!


Mar 25 06 02:09 am Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

I agree.. it take lots of time, effort and a lot of sleepless nights. The people who put these together, and run them are rarely praised for the WORK that they do.. It isnt always about the money, it isnt always about the business of making money.. Its their passion for the craft of what we do.. the creating of images and the how to of doing so.

They spend outrageous amounts of time organizing models, speakers, teachers, mentors etc...

One that I truely believe needs to be thanked as well... JT Smith of SuperShoots. ( and lest we not forget...

It is also the people behind the scenes who help put it all together... In the case of SuperShoots..  Finding the right models, and getting them all together.. the amazing Kelly G... … a4cba3d0b6

unfortunately, I cant find the link to her web portfolio.. but she is fantastic.. and smart, and a very special person.

Mar 25 06 05:15 am Link