Forums > General Industry > I want my naked pictures back


soreal exposure

Posts: 55

Memphis, Tennessee, US

Business is business. She was not upfront with you so offer to take them down if she buys them back. She makeing some money. You got to eat too..

Mar 23 06 09:42 am Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

Eric S. wrote:
The model should pay you a one-time fee to break the previous contract and draft a new agreement

This may be the best answer, from a business perspective.  The model in the case I cited is a college student and probably could not afford to pay me back for the several nude photo shoots she did with me; and I didn't want to say, "You have to buy your pictures back," because that might have seemed like blackmail (not legally, but in terms of reputation).

But, considering your advice, I think if a similar situation comes up again, I might take the objected-to pictures down and offer the model a revised agreement with thirty days to pay, charging just enough to make things a little tight for her.  That would send the proper message about professional behavior when making business agreements.

Mar 23 06 09:46 am Link


Richard Brooks Photos

Posts: 95

Marietta, Georgia, US

It sounds like that if she had just ask you the pictures would come down.  The problem is you think she lied.  Who cares, if you are willing to take them down do it.  Don't get hung up teaching people lessons.  It never works.....

Mar 23 06 09:46 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Mr Jay wrote:
New twist... What if the shoot was TFP/TFCD?  Now the plot thickens...

Then she wouldnt have to repay a fee that the photographer paid- BUT- she would have to pay my normal rate for my time.

But- Id be much more inclined to just say ok if she was sincere here.

Mar 23 06 09:46 am Link


David Scott

Posts: 5617

Marion, Iowa, US

Like you, I would do so at a nice request.  Being lied to is a pain and with a contract as you had, I wouldn't have to.  In my opinion, pretend the girl spoke greek and you didn't understand her.  Keep the pictues posted.

Mar 23 06 09:50 am Link


Matthew Allen

Posts: 138

New York, New York, US

Interesting thread...

Just NEVER kick the dog!  (unless of course if it is a fake dog... that could be funny.)

Mar 23 06 09:57 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

phcorcoran wrote:
"You have to buy your pictures back,"

Actually I don't see it as blackmail, I think its the nice thing to do, plus you'll sleep at night, you gave her an option which will give her a legal document to show or whomever she's now in bed with, AND you'll look professional.
Shucks, you don't have to charge her $10k, you can set your price at $50 if you want to.
Good luck. Just the fact that you posted this and asked for opinions shows you care about doing the right thing. That counts for a lot these days.

Mar 23 06 10:04 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

After reading all of the thread again, I have this to say.

I really dont care if she found God, got married, had a life changing event...whatever.

Photography is about capturing a moment in time. And if you find religon after I capture your BOOBIES, then you can use that image in your teachings as a tool. "See here kids, this was when I was a sinner..blah, blah blah"

And if a boy friend is thumping her on the head, she should call the cops, not the photgrapher.

Morality has nothing to do with it, unless of course you view the images with moral dismay, which is another thread entirly.

I like the photgrapher, who damn near talks each model out of shooting nudes. JUST TO BE SURE they know what they are getting into.

I capture images for all time, not until you decide you dont like them.

I dont care if she lied or not, if it's written and signed, thats all I care about. And I certainly am not here to make friends. Though I have made a few, in business you also make just happens. Even if you are a nice guy, not everybody is going to like you.

Me, I run a business..poorly at times, but a business non the less. I only approach it from that angle, and I sleep just fine.

I will make you happy with good mages, not with taking images down because you decide you are not in the game anymore.

Not being mean, just sticking to my SOP...

I think the OP handled the situation like a pro, and it seems he is making an SOP of his own for the future. Live and learn....


Mar 23 06 06:44 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Whether she was upfront with you or not is not the issue.  It was a business arragement when you paid her and if she wants them back she can pay you whatever revenue you would have gained from the initial contract.

Mar 23 06 06:50 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

i would never kick the dog either

theres an old polish proverb which goes:

"god wouldnt have made them sheep if he didnt mean for them to be sheared"

offer her the opportunity to buy the copyrights to the pictures and renegotiate the original agreement

Mar 24 06 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Afablb wrote:
You basically have two obligations, one moral and one legal. From a legal standpoint provided she has money it is possible she could make your life miserable, sure you would more than likely prevail in the end provided you hired the right council and went spent your own funds. With both parties throwing good money down the drain. Trust me only the attorneys make money :-)

Morally it is a simple issue of treating people how you would like to be treated. If you can sleep well at night after someone makes a request because she may be bothered about something she did - Don't worry. If your a successful photographer a few request like this are not going to change your status.

Some things are much more important than money. When dealing with young ladies, many will do things that they may regret later in life. If your a stand up person when asked help if you can.

Attorney at Law / Photographer

Business-wise I don't think there is much at issue.

Morally - I really have to disagree.  If we are talking morality, what kind of morality is it that would make you want to enable and encourage some other person to be dishonest, to encourage them to break their word, to dishonor agreements they have made, and to hold contracts they have signed to be of no account? Is that what you teach your children?

You may make a business decision to let her buy her pics back.
You may decide to be "merciful" and take the pics down.
But don't call it a "good" and moral thing to do.  The good and moral thing to do is to  show her that you expect her to honor her agreements like the decent and honorable person you thought you were hiring.

Mar 24 06 10:32 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

SKPhoto wrote:

Business-wise I don't think there is much at issue.

Morally - I really have to disagree.  If we are talking morality, what kind of morality is it that would make you want to enable and encourage some other person to be dishonest, to encourage them to break their word, to dishonor agreements they have made, and to hold contracts they have signed to be of no account? Is that what you teach your children?

You may make a business decision to let her buy her pics back.
You may decide to be "merciful" and take the pics down.
But don't call it a "good" and moral thing to do.  The good and moral thing to do is to  show her that you expect her to honor her agreements like the decent and honorable person you thought you were hiring.


Mar 25 06 10:06 am Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

I started this thread, and I think it's time to let it die.  I believe the best answer was that I should offer the model a revised written agreement and charge her a reasonable fee for it.  That's what I'll try if the problem comes up again.

Mar 25 06 10:12 am Link