Forums > General Industry > Frustration with one major modeling site



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

While Model Mayhem and Model Place have consistently brought contacts and feedback throughout my membership periods, the other site was only productive for the first 30 to 60 days, then I began to feel absolutely ignored.

Many of the other site's models I have shot with don't even bother to leave "worked with" comments, I have seen my comment count LOWER over the past few months! No amount of "desire to work with" comments left on my part draw any responses in return. I feel like gving up and sticking to more productive sites.

I know it is not me because of success on the other sites. I suspect it has to do with my lowly bronze membership and probable "burial" of my data. What exotic metal level. perhaps one that is man-made and high on the periodic table, does it take to get noticed on the other site?

Mar 21 06 06:03 am Link


bob cooley

Posts: 81

New York, New York, US

Let us not start another bashing thread.

All of the sites out there are tools for marketing yourself.

Think of it like a city.  It is easier (takes less time and money) to be seen and noticed in a small town.  As the town grows, it becomes harded to be noticed, or stay on top (requires more energy), when the town gains the population of a city, it's even harder.  Cities require even more money and effort, but the potential rewards are greater (both finalncially, and in exposure).

It's really just a matter of where you want to live,  some people are small town people, some medium sized city people, some like, and know how to thrive in a large city.    It's all just a matter of how you do your work.


Mar 21 06 08:09 am Link



Posts: 876

New York, New York, US

Kudos- to Bob-

   I love your analogy-and it is so true- Every site is just a tool-It is all in how you work it..........

Mar 21 06 08:18 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

I feel you.  While I won't bash them its a strange site. Look at the casting call area.  Models don't respond or even read it.  Contrast that with MM.  You get to
have twenty images here.  There five,  wow.

Mar 21 06 08:21 am Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

bob cooley wrote:
Let us not start another bashing thread.

Bob, good analogy...sort of.  When the community grows it is incumbant upon the government to put infrastructure in place that benefits the community paying for that, not just those running the show.

I'm not sure if you are still as heavily involved in that "other" site, but their knee-jerk reaction to banning the mention of this site for their "protection" is a perfect case-in-point for keeping their "community" sequestered; the free flow of additional information that gives membership opportunity to grow.

Call it a city-like community if you like, but preface the notion of democratic opportunity by calling it what it is, a taxed (membership fee) based oligarchy.

If you are still a member there, try going on the forums to let someone know, "Hey, over at Model Mayhem I learned..."  You'll quickly encounter the thought police that care not for their membership community, but view their existence as the first priority by removing, not providing sources of information.

Yes, they are a business and have that right.  Just as those choosing have a similar right to join or not.  But don't call it a community, call it a club.  Reserve the "community" designation for places like Mayhem.

Mar 21 06 08:34 am Link


J Welborn

Posts: 2552

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

A good way to judge the quality of a contact on that site --or even this one -- is to see how long it has been since they even went to their profile or updated it .
They have been around longer than MM and now they have thousands of dead accounts that they have not removed for some reason .  It will get that way here too if the mod's don't go in and remove them at some point.
If the model has not been to her site in 90 days you can bet she is history or not worth contacting.
The main thing I like about this site --other than free and thanks for that --is that you are not bombarded with ad's

Mar 21 06 08:34 am Link


bob cooley

Posts: 81

New York, New York, US

I hear what you are saying, but NONE of these sites are a democracy, nor should they be.   They are private businesses, need to support themselves to exist and profit to add new features.

It is only free here because it is small enough for Tyler to foot the bill without having to charge you (so far).

When this site has over 250,000 members (like OMP) - believe me, it will be a pay site.

I'm on a number of the sites, and I think the analogy holds true:

MM is like indianapolis,  Not terribly small - not large, but people are generally freindly and helpful; city services are readily available, the air is clean and water is plentiful and free for the time being, and you can still contact the mayor directly if you are having a problem or have a question.

OMP is like NYC,  Huge, lots of things to do and more features opening all the time. You can meet more serious clients, and make more money if you know how to work the city; but when it comes to direct contact with the mayor, it's a LOT less likely to happen. There are so many citizens of that city that maintaining it becomes a task unto itself - as well as being an expensive place to live.  The service is a LOT less personal, but the business has grown to the point where it's got to be extremely complex to run.

If I want to feel like I'm in a nice community, I go to Indianapolis, Grand Rapids, or one of the many cities I lived in when I was growing up.  (which is why I like MM)

But now that I want to make decent money, and work in an enviornment where there is no financial ceiling, have access to many things I need for my profession, etc. I live in NY.   (which is why I like OMP as well; there are a ton of tools there, and I have gotten more than a couple large corporate clients there, as well as a steady stream of other work).   I learned to use the tool, and that tool works for me as well (but differently from MM).

Not every tool is made for every person.

And remember,  OMP was once (in 1996) was smaller than MM is today.  It has grown to over a quarter million people, of course it's going to be different.


I use a number of the sites, but I use each of them differently.  I couldn't expect to work MM the way I would use OMP, or PBase, or MC, etc.

I wouldn't use a 35mm to shoot proper magazine covers.  I use medium format, because that is the correct tools to use.  Sure, you can get away with shooting a cover or 2-page spread with a 35mm, but it's not going to give the same quality results as my Hasselblad.  I also wouldn't try to a football game with the 'blad.  Then it's hest to use the 35mm...

One isn't better or worse, it is simply different, and the correct tool for the particular job.

Mar 21 06 11:16 am Link



Posts: 3465

Austin, Texas, US

I think the key is persistence. On the various sites I belong to, there are similiarities. I've sent messages and sometimes dont get a repsonse. I've left comments and they werent returned back.  It just happens.

The Modeling and Photography industries are very competitive. To succeed you have to be driven and persistent. You constantly have to get your face and name out there.

It's a like a T-shirt I saw.... If you can't run with the big dogs, then stay on the porch .

Mar 21 06 11:57 am Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

rp_photo wrote:
While Model Mayhem and Model Place have consistently brought contacts and feedback throughout my membership periods, the other site was only productive for the first 30 to 60 days, then I began to feel absolutely ignored.

Many of the other site's models I have shot with don't even bother to leave "worked with" comments, I have seen my comment count LOWER over the past few months! No amount of "desire to work with" comments left on my part draw any responses in return. I feel like gving up and sticking to more productive sites.

I know it is not me because of success on the other sites. I suspect it has to do with my lowly bronze membership and probable "burial" of my data. What exotic metal level. perhaps one that is man-made and high on the periodic table, does it take to get noticed on the other site?

Mixed response:  Some OMP members have told me that OMP is the only site they get shoots out of.  Others have said they never get shoots through OMP.  It's so big, different people will have different experiences.

Mar 21 06 12:01 pm Link



Posts: 68

Berthoud, Colorado, US

My biggest problem with OMP is that as soon as I signed up, I received tons of messages saying "if you'd like to shoot with me, call my studio in florida and have a deposit ready."
Here, the messages that photographers send me are more along the lines of "I really like your look and I think we could do something great together."

It's very big and can be impersonal the way some people use it.  I'm sure there are good opportunities there, but I haven't found any

Mar 21 06 03:02 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

rp_photo wrote:
While Model Mayhem and Model Place have consistently brought contacts and feedback throughout my membership periods, the other site was only productive for the first 30 to 60 days, then I began to feel absolutely ignored.

Same here! Its because on onemodelplace they send everyone on the site an email about a "New Member" and so people have no choice but to notice you. But of course, you aren't new for too long and eventually you get lost in the bunch. Its a crappy site

Mar 21 06 04:37 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Moderator Announcement
Please do not allow this thread to reduce to the bashing of any other portfolio site.  We do not allow this on the forums.  We will be forced to send this thread to the phantom zone if it becomes about trashing another website.


BD, MM Moderator

Mar 21 06 04:45 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

J. Welborn wrote:
They have been around longer than MM and now they have thousands of dead accounts that they have not removed for some reason .  It will get that way here too if the mod's don't go in and remove them at some point.
If the model has not been to her site in 90 days you can bet she is history or not worth contacting.

FYI, I have been on Tyler's ass to implement a code that autmoatically suspends profiles that have note been accessed in a set period of time.  I have manually killed off some accounts that have not been logged into in 4 to 6 months, but it's far too time consuming to do it by hand.

As for this place v. the other place, I still get more paid work from the other place, but I schmooze here.

Mar 21 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

The town vs. city analogy is a good one. MM is a "just right sized" town at the present time.

Mar 21 06 06:29 pm Link


Jack North

Posts: 855

Benicia, California, US

rp_photo wrote:
While Model Mayhem and Model Place have consistently brought contacts and feedback throughout my membership periods, the other site was only productive for the first 30 to 60 days, then I began to feel absolutely ignored.

Many of the other site's models I have shot with don't even bother to leave "worked with" comments, I have seen my comment count LOWER over the past few months! No amount of "desire to work with" comments left on my part draw any responses in return. I feel like gving up and sticking to more productive sites.

I know it is not me because of success on the other sites. I suspect it has to do with my lowly bronze membership and probable "burial" of my data. What exotic metal level. perhaps one that is man-made and high on the periodic table, does it take to get noticed on the other site?

and dont forget the gemstones

Mar 21 06 08:25 pm Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

(personally...) I deleted my account there because I liked it better here and have the better job possibilities. 20 free photos and equal exposure for everyone is a terriffic plus. We don't even have a "featured member spotlight" here. I don't like the (pay) sites that won't even let a free member see if anyone sent a message. I was going to join one like that, but then I didn't after noticing that fact. OMP=gated community?

Mar 21 06 08:32 pm Link


Andy Meng

Posts: 404

Tampa, Florida, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Look at the casting call area.  Models don't respond or even read it.

I'm a member of both, both have their place.  I actually am getting paying offers from clients over there, never one here.  Based on that if MM started charging I'd have to reconsider, but then again, 1 job per year pays the bill over there. 

I wholeheartedly agree with the big/small city analogy.

But I strongly disagree with the casting call comment.  I put out a casting call and got way way way more response than I cared for.  Maybe it was because it was real live paying work from a real live client, but I was overwhelmed.

Anyway, each has a place, and each may or may not suit you.  Both suit me.  smile

Mar 21 06 09:14 pm Link