Forums > General Industry > GWC Conman take 2



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

Chaotika this sucks. I'm sorry sad Beware - there's one of these guys in Atlanta too. Although he doesn't go by Dr. Christopher.

I just try to comfort myself with the fact that if I ever got the images, they'd probably be of little to no use since so much time has passed, and that sueing him or bringing him to small claims court just isn't worth my time.

And what Ched refers to is known as "working on consignment" I believe... very few attorneys will do this, esp. for small play, but there may be a volunteer legal aid society that could help you if you have proof you're poor. smile

Jun 30 05 01:03 am Link


Ever Art

Posts: 1125

Chicago, Illinois, US

The guy is a nightmare....

Jun 30 05 01:06 am Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

Posted by Ched: 

Posted by Pinky: 
Video taping (and audio taping) without consent in against the law.  May have something to go on that one.

I think that is state by state.

In NY state,  I can record  a conversation as long as I am involved in the said conversation.  I can audio tape or video tape without sound but not both.

Jun 30 05 01:19 am Link


Ever Art

Posts: 1125

Chicago, Illinois, US


[email protected]"  wrote:

Dear Ariane!
Please be advised that it will be most difficult for you to prevail in any contract entered into either orally or written where you are seeking compensation for an event that transpired over four years ago especially if  your session and the negotiations conducted prior to your session were preserved on VT. Therefore you can chose to be named as a co-defendant in an ongoing claim against another model where the liability if adjudicated in favor of Las Vegas Art Gallery could exceed fifty thousand dollars {$50,000.00} or you can agree to a confidential settlement with Las Vegas Art Gallery. 
Three helpful hints to protect yourself:
1. Seek assurance that the person who is using you for their purposes will pay your legal bills.
2. Be careful about trusting someone who has not established residency in this state and at the first sign of distress will abandon you and leave town.
3. Remember the costs to defend yourself against any claims will include taking your deposition, discovery of all facts and retaining competent counsel which could costs you over five thousand dollars.
Please seek an appropriate attorney {Entertainment Law} as any legal action you initiate could backfire badly attracting unwanted publicity with potentially grave repercussions for your careers in modeling and acting.
The offer of "confidential settlement" must be completed within {72} seventy two hours of the transmission date of this email. Otherwise no additional immunities will be offered or extended.
Las Vegas Art Gallery

Jun 30 05 01:31 am Link



Posts: 138

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

After reading both contracts for models, it appears like he screwed you on the paid modeling you did on your own after you worked with him.  What I would do is tell him that there were no paying modeling jobs and that I was waiting for him to find me those jobs he promised and never delivered due to the signed contract.  He would be responsible finding work.  Unless you keep track of all your records, receipts, pay stubs, 1099s, there is really no way of him knowing if you had any work.

Jun 30 05 01:47 am Link


Ever Art

Posts: 1125

Chicago, Illinois, US

Well...guess who send me email this morning? Dr Chris - along with a scanned zerox copy of apparently fake/forged post office receipts from 2002.   

Jun 30 05 05:44 am Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

My advice...Make a simple call to the DA's office and explain in breif what is going on. Find out if they would be interested doing a sting like suggested...I personally would like to see this scumbag go down....

Jun 30 05 06:13 am Link



Posts: 413

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Pinky: 
After reading both contracts for models, it appears like he screwed you on the paid modeling you did on your own after you worked with him.  What I would do is tell him that there were no paying modeling jobs and that I was waiting for him to find me those jobs he promised and never delivered due to the signed contract.  He would be responsible finding work.  Unless you keep track of all your records, receipts, pay stubs, 1099s, there is really no way of him knowing if you had any work.

exactly.. and i don't keep records, so ha! wink lol
Regardless, I am sure this is not the contract I signed, nor did I ever recieve a copy of the contract for my records, payment, or images. he said he would give me these things on my next visit, and for the past 2 years I have been trying to contact him to no avail.. he's an ass. he sent me this other e-mail trying to threaten me and saying that I shouldn't take him to court cuz he'll win- i'm pretty sure he's scared ;P
He's a loser.
And Say Cheez! Is AWESOME!!!

Jun 30 05 06:40 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Chaotika, Ariane,

I'm going to write a prayer for you two, and models just like you two:

Dear Lord,

Please bless Chaotika, Ariane and other models with wisdom to know next time not to go for the Photographer with the newspaper ad containing fluff and lure and promise of big money cash, and who will do nothing but take poor quality sexy pictures of them, take them for granted and finally, take advantage of them. Grant them the wisdom to see that they simply could've shot with a guy like me, TFP even, and they would've gotten better, magazine quality, professionally presented, sexy photographs without the accompanying drama, pain, hassle and embarrassment that is most often associated with scammers. Dear lord. Please bless them with the wisdom tomorrow, before my calendar becomes shot to hell, or I get run over by a bus, whichever may come first. ...Shoot...God forbid... if by a bus, can you make sure I don't feel any pain, or knock me unconscious before the impact? Thank you. Amen.

Jun 30 05 07:15 am Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

I don't know what to say about the prayer above.... so I won't.


I'm excited to see what comes of this.  I hate nothing more than "board talk" followed by no action.  I'll do anything possible to help, just please don't let this person slide.

Jun 30 05 09:50 am Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

If so many people have problems with this GWC guy, why is he still on MM? Shouldn't he be removed or something?

Jun 30 05 03:25 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
If so many people have problems with this GWC guy, why is he still on MM? Shouldn't he be removed or something?

GWC is an abreviation that means "Guy With Camera".  It's a phrase that recently came to fruition over the internet.

Typically a "GWC" is someone that knows nothing about photography and 'pretends' he's a photographer solely to meet pretty girls or see 'em get nekkid.

A 'GWC' should not be confused with an amateur or hobbiest.  Amateurs and hobbiests will usually admit that they're learning or tinkering.  A GWC will try to pass himself off as a pro.

There is a ModelMayhem member (#12835) called "GWC" which is a parody.  The (often hysterical) comments and photos that he displays are typically that of a true 'GWC'.

The GWC that Chaotika has written about has never been a member of MM.

Jun 30 05 11:32 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
If so many people have problems with this GWC guy, why is he still on MM? Shouldn't he be removed or something?

Oh, the hilarity.

Jun 30 05 11:55 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

My mistake. Sounded like yall were talking about that guy.

Damnit! I need to understand these internet terms!

Jun 30 05 11:59 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by Chaotika: 
So, check it out.. now he's claiming that I owe him money!

Dear Cynthia!
Hello and thanks for the quick reply. You must have been thinking of a different session than conducted by our staff. We pulled up your video file and the photographer was polite and courteous. You also agreed to complete this session without compensation.. In deference to your claim we have actually been attempting to contact you since your session. We wanted to forward your completed CD but your email was no longer active. Your current address has also changed and we have no record of you emailing or otherwise contacting us. Enclosed is a copy of the type of agreement signed by you. In this agreement as per Section III. you agreed to make payment of twenty percent {20%}as a referral fee for entering into a working relationship with any entity either referred or not referred by "Paris". Therefore all of your work since the signing of your agreement with "Pairs" is subject to the twenty percent {20%} referral fee. Therefore please provide a complete lists of all work assignments  you have completed since January 4, 2003 and the income you received from each opportunity. We are grateful that you decided to initiate contact with us and look forward to receiving your accrued payment in the next thirty days.
Thank you
Dr. Christopher
Las Vegas Art Gallery

Video file, did you agree to be videotaped? Can I see the video? Pleeeaaasseeeeeeee......

Jul 01 05 12:07 am Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
My mistake. Sounded like yall were talking about that guy.

Damnit! I need to understand these internet terms! 

"smile; poop: fart : ohhhh dat bat feelin ohhhh.:  pooppppp;

Jul 01 05 12:09 am Link


Ever Art

Posts: 1125

Chicago, Illinois, US


Jul 01 05 05:01 am Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

He's trying to make you go away by frightening you. You, with the other models, need to act, and act fast. Once you call his bluff, he can't do this anymore.

So, follow some of the advice here: go to the DA or the media.

Jul 01 05 05:51 am Link


Ever Art

Posts: 1125

Chicago, Illinois, US

Yes JvR..I have already done both as of last Tuesday. Just waiting for the wheels of justice to start spinning. I can PROVE everything I claim and this guy will NOT get away with this manipulation, trust me.

Jul 01 05 06:30 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

You know, if you guys are seriously looking into legal action, you should really stop posting all these details. not good for your case.

Jul 01 05 09:07 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

That and the fact it shows how incredibly unprofessional you are and no one will want to hire you because you talk too much $*&% online, in a very public place for all to see, and one would simply shudder to think what you would post about one if one were to hire you and you didn't like something....

Jul 01 05 09:11 am Link


Ever Art

Posts: 1125

Chicago, Illinois, US

Unprofessional? I have been self employed as a Model for almost 6 years now. And this is the first time I have been scammed. If you worked and didnt get paid, would you feel the right to complain or would you just put up with it?  Why do you find the fact that I stand up for myself offensive? I am not talking crap but stating facts. In fact, I have gotten some great help & information from a member of MM here as a result of this. This is a public forum with a variety of topics and this is Industry related.  I wont bother posting anymore.....

Jul 01 05 10:08 am Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Thought you guys might find this email thread amusing.  Never shoot with a photographer unwilling to provide references.


From: Josie Nutter
Sent: Wed, 29 Jun 2005
Subject: References?

I've seen your ad ("Female Glamour Nudes Ladies earn up to $1500 in two easy shoots and one portrait [email protected] (702) 393-0683") and have a question for you.

Have you ever paid any of your models anything over $1000?

If so, can you provide reference contact information for them?  Website URLs are preferred, but valid email addresses will do as well.

If not, no response to this email is necessary.


-- Josie


Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2005
From: "[email protected]"
Subject: References?
To: Josie Nutter

Hello Josie!
All modeling relationships are confidential. Would you like an application packet?
Las Vegas Art Gallery


Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2005
From: Josie Nutter
To: "[email protected]"
Subject: Re: References?

Not without references, no.

-- Josie

Jul 02 05 04:01 pm Link