Forums > General Industry > Does MM Have a Grade 3 Maturity Level About Nudity


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Now, I understand the GWC concerns.

And I know that MM is a largely USA based site, and we have a lot of bible belt members.

And I have certainly encountered and exchanged posts with a lot of fundies.

But the "When the model strips nude in front of you" thead is on page 8....

And it seems that every photograph of a nude has a negative post simply because it is a nude....

And the *porn* word is thrown around as freely as a food fight in Animal House....

I do wonder about the maturity level.

Who, here, is an adult? Not just in age, but maturity level?

Mar 14 06 09:48 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Im way mature about nudity.  I even shower nude!

Mar 14 06 09:49 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Did someone say weiner?  *giggle*

Mar 14 06 09:50 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

I’m on the fence with this post.

Keep what you can use from Model Mayhem threads and leave the rest.

Mar 14 06 09:51 pm Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

*takes cover behind couch* Look out! Here come the puns and jokes

I actually think its a true preoccupation with sex and nudity that seems to drive these threads and comments. Or maybe a lack of occupation with the two. *ahem* you did want at least one serious reply Im sure.

Mar 14 06 09:51 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

R. Olson (RO) wrote:
*takes cover behind couch* Look out! Here come the puns and jokes

I just couldn't help myself.... It's been one of those days. :-)

Mar 14 06 09:53 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

R. Olson (RO) wrote:
*takes cover behind couch* Look out! Here come the puns and jokes

Why does it have to be puns and jokes? Can’t you or anyone else offer help?
Don't run and hide, take pride in this site and become proactive.

Mar 14 06 09:54 pm Link


Shawn Ray

Posts: 361

Tampa, Florida, US

Tough question!  I happen to be a bit of a bible reader myself.  Honestly, I have no problem with nude photography.  I wouldn't do it myself, but I also think there is a fine line between the tasteful and the tasteless.  To some photographers it seems to be a true art, for others... well .... you know what I'm getting at.

Mar 14 06 09:57 pm Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Am I out of line to suggest that the early posts are at a grade 3 level.

And they are not coming from the people who I would accuse of being at a grade 3 based on their earlier posts.

Is there a mature site that people can point me to?

Mar 14 06 09:58 pm Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

Why does it have to be puns and jokes? Can’t you or anyone else offer help?
Don't run and hide, take pride in this site and become proactive.

If you didnt quote half my reply, then you would see something

Mar 14 06 09:59 pm Link


Paul Morgan

Posts: 329

Fort Worth, Texas, US

I am mature when it comes to nudity be it the male or female form.

I shoot artistic nudes.

Mar 14 06 09:59 pm Link



Posts: 192

Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

As soon as I'm behind the lens, my focus is on composition, lighting, and getting the shot. I stop being a warm blooded male and become a photographer who is there to do a job.

Will I turn down work that contains nudity? Certainly not. Would I shoot "porn"? Absolutely. My job as a photographer is to provide the client with what they want. Be it porn, portraits, boudoir, bondage or black and whie, a client approaches me and says "this is what I want", it's my job to provide that. I collect a paycheck, and pay off bills and buy groceries for my family. Maybe it's because I'm still an amatuer and not raking in the big contract cash, but at this point, I can't afford to turn down any work, provided it's legal.

To sum up your question: Once you're behing the camera, it's not nudity, it's a job.

Mar 14 06 10:00 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

I think that save for brainwashing everyone to equal minds there really isn't going to be one way about it.  Everyone is going to have a different opinion irregardless.

Mar 14 06 10:00 pm Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

R. Olson (RO) wrote:
*takes cover behind couch* Look out! Here come the puns and jokes

I actually think its a true preoccupation with sex and nudity that seems to drive these threads and comments. Or maybe a lack of occupation with the two. *ahem* you did want at least one serious reply Im sure.

Thank you!

So I am not the only adult here..... lol

Mar 14 06 10:02 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
Why does it have to be puns and jokes? Can’t you or anyone else offer help?
Don't run and hide, take pride in this site and become proactive.

I'm a new member here, but honestly if the threads the past week or so since I've been active are representative???  Well, I'm sticking around primarily for the laugh factor...

EDIT:  Although I do have to say, I worked with a MUA I found on this site and that worked out very well...

Mar 14 06 10:02 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

I am very mature ... I even have gray hair .... now, may I see Lapis' b(o)(o)bies again??? Please???? Pretty please????

Mar 14 06 10:02 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Stephen Dawson wrote:
Is there a mature site that people can point me to?

Not on the Internet.

May I suggest a nunnery?

Mar 14 06 10:04 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Stephen Dawson wrote:
And it seems that every photograph of a nude has a negative post simply because it is a nude....

Really?  I haven't done a search for all the nudes I can find but all the comments I've seen when invited to look at a port have been very positive, at most there might be constructive criticism as to technique.

What I can't understand are those who are wound up so tight they can't tolerate that some of us haven't let go of our passionate side, and maybe want to talk about some of the humoruos or embarassing aspects of it, to know they're not alone.  If I took no more interest or passion in photographing a woman, a nude, a landscape, as I did a bowl of plastic peaches I wouldn't be shooting at all.  I'd be in a box in the ground with all the friends and relatives who have "matured" themselves into an early grave.

I'm a human being, I have my foibles, I'm male, with all the good and bad that brings, I haven't drooled on a model yet, I'm even a conservative, and I really hate it when I sound more like a liberal than...liberals are supposed to.

Mar 14 06 10:06 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

R. Olson (RO) wrote:

If you didnt quote half my reply, then you would see something

I didn't quote half you're reply Rick, I posted and you went back and edited your reply to add more.

Look at Brandon's post quoting you as well. How could we both cut you're post at the same place without talking to each other???

This is not a play ground

Mar 14 06 10:07 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

What, exactly, is the appropriate attitude toward nudity?

Is nudity good, bad, serious, funny, erotic, abstract, innocent, guilt-ridden, etc.?

Mar 14 06 10:09 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
What, exactly, is the appropriate attitude toward nudity?

Is nudity good, bad, serious, funny, erotic, abstract, innocent, guilt-ridden, etc.?

Honored? smile

Mar 14 06 10:17 pm Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
What, exactly, is the appropriate attitude toward nudity?

Is nudity good, bad, serious, funny, erotic, abstract, innocent, guilt-ridden, etc.?

Well if you do not agree with me then you have less than a grade 3 maturity level.

I know that much.  The rest,  well not sure.

Mar 14 06 10:17 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Stephen Dawson wrote:
Now, I understand the GWC concerns.

And I know that MM is a largely USA based site, and we have a lot of bible belt members.

And I have certainly encountered and exchanged posts with a lot of fundies.

But the "When the model strips nude in front of you" thead is on page 8....

And it seems that every photograph of a nude has a negative post simply because it is a nude....

And the *porn* word is thrown around as freely as a food fight in Animal House....

I do wonder about the maturity level.

Who, here, is an adult? Not just in age, but maturity level?

Stephen, I'm the OP of the "model strips nude" thread.  No one is more surprised than I at the nerve it touched.  Over 292 posts in a day or so.  Posters repeatedly said that a model stripping to nudity in front of the photog, "is no big deal," using exactly those words over and over.  If it's no big deal, why so many posts just to say that?  That's a heck of a lot of interest in something that's "no big deal."  Not so much interest in the Tamron lens thread.  A psychoanalyst would say, "There may be some denial here."

I think we Americans have a hard time finding a middle ground for sexuality.  It's a powerful urge.  Uncontrolled, it can be ruinous to individuals and catastrophic for society.  So, we have repressed it.  We have a centuries-old history, going back to Cotton Mather and Puritan times, of dealing with sexuality by (a) pretending it's not there, (b) declaring it a sin, and (c) officially limiting it to marriage or supposedly illegal red light districts.  Of course, the urge continues to pop up at very inconvenient times!  Maybe we deal with it during those times by saying "no big deal."  In other words, it's not really happening. Or if it is, for you, you're a pervert (another much-used word in these threads).

I think that middle ground can be found in fearing sexuality less and thus accepting it more.  Not acting on it.  But being aware of it and accepting it.  Big difference.  IMHO.

Mar 14 06 10:17 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Oh cool!  Another "nudity post."  Part of the problem are we?

Yep, it's all a giggle thing.  Frankly after May I'm probably going to be shooting landscapes and cars and give up the whole girl thing for another couple of years.


P.S.  Maybe it's only me, but the "olden days" of last August seem pretty good compared to these modern times.

Mar 14 06 10:21 pm Link



Posts: 69

I agree wholeheartedly with D Brian Nelson!

Mar 14 06 10:27 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

SKPhoto wrote:

Really?  I haven't done a search for all the nudes I can find but all the comments I've seen when invited to look at a port have been very positive, at most there might be constructive criticism as to technique.

What I can't understand are those who are wound up so tight they can't tolerate that some of us haven't let go of our passionate side, and maybe want to talk about some of the humoruos or embarassing aspects of it, to know they're not alone.  If I took no more interest or passion in photographing a woman, a nude, a landscape, as I did a bowl of plastic peaches I wouldn't be shooting at all.  I'd be in a box in the ground with all the friends and relatives who have "matured" themselves into an early grave.

I'm a human being, I have my foibles, I'm male, with all the good and bad that brings, I haven't drooled on a model yet, I'm even a conservative, and I really hate it when I sound more like a liberal than...liberals are supposed to.

Voice of reason.

Mar 14 06 10:29 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Stephen Dawson wrote:
I do wonder about the maturity level.

This is maturity at it's best.   This is what I've waited all my life for.  Later I plan to start a thread about slipping on your own drool while shooting fine art nude porn.

Mar 14 06 10:31 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Dave Krueger wrote:

This is maturity at it's best.   This is what I've waited all my life for.  Later I plan to start a thread about slipping on your own drool while shooting fine art nude porn.

Mar 14 06 10:35 pm Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

I am all for the garden of Eden, as long as its respectful.

Mar 14 06 10:39 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

Ok, I'll try to answer seriously...

I think Americans (and I am one, at least by birth, although I grew up in a European home and did spend more than a few years in Europe) are so fucked, that they'll never get it together in this regard.  But hey, it gives Don a great backdrop to work against.  So many people can look at his images and have so many different visceral responses...

In this country we do not accept our sexuality - period.  I do not agree at all that it has to be reigned in or it could hurt society.  In fact, I believe the exact opposite, that our base puritan values have done more to hurt this country and it's citizens (especially women) than anything else.

What happens when you see a hot woman you find attractive get naked in front of you?  As has been said, you go about your business and act like a professional.  But at some point YOU WILL look at her and you think, "wow she's really beautiful".  And at some point YOU WILL look at her and think, "man, I'd love to bang the hell out of her".   EVERY straight man thinks this about a beautiful woman he's attracted to.  EVERY ONE.  And guess what?  Every woman over the age of 14 knows this about us.  THAT'S why, when we don't act on it, when we act professionally in that situation they respect us.  Because they know that we are operating against our basic programing and are doing so out of respect for them.

just my $0.02


Mar 14 06 10:47 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Seriously,  only a fool could not see that there is much truth to be told with humor.

Many fools go on to get doctorate degrees,  so if I have the maturity of a young person that is something that I take pride in.

And that's de truth,  would I lie?

And to quote the great Madonna from the movie "A league of their own"

"Whoops my bossom just fell out"

Mar 14 06 10:55 pm Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

John Pringle wrote:
I am all for the garden of Eden, as long as its respectful.

Mar 14 06 10:58 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Uh, huh, huh, huh. You said "nudity."

Mar 14 06 10:59 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Ahahaha I see boobies!!!

Unfortunately I'm resigned to believing that that's just how things are.

Mar 14 06 10:59 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Stephen Dawson wrote:

cool poop humor,  there is hope for you, yet.

Mar 14 06 11:00 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

VirtuaMike wrote:
Ahahaha I see boobies!!!

Unfortunately I'm resigned to believing that that's just how things are.

Come on,  you know deep inside that every avatar seen in this thread would be better if it had some b(o)(o)bies in it.

Mar 14 06 11:01 pm Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

I didn't quote half you're reply Rick, I posted and you went back and edited your reply to add more.

Look at Brandon's post quoting you as well. How could we both cut you're post at the same place without talking to each other???

This is not a play ground

May have been because I was in the final phase of my edit and you were typing at the same time. If its not a playground, quit being the new school bully.

Mar 14 06 11:04 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

R. Olson (RO) wrote:

May have been because I was in the final phase of my edit and you were typing at the same time. If its not a playground, quit being the new school bully.

No could have been Rick, both Brandon and I replied to your post. You sent it once.

You know I like to keep things in order just like at my networking meetings.

Mar 14 06 11:10 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Sex = excitement
Analyzing sex = watching paint dry

Mar 14 06 11:17 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Nudity...Ah yes..that dreadful word..

Dirty men in warmly lit studios, wearing baggie pants to hide their hard-ons. Sitting in front of their computer screens masturbating to their last shoot. Yeah, that's why I invested in all my equipment pay the rent on the studio, the insurance. So I can get a cheap thrill by having women come in a stip down for me.

Saddly, this is what comes to mind when people think of nudity in photgraphy. I wont bother to go into Americas warped opinions on Human sexuality. It's joke.

The human form has been admired in many forms for eons and will be for eons to come. There will always be those who can not seperate the raw sexualiy from the art.

A fast car has sexy curves, thats why America has always bee obbsessed with the automobile. If they only knew how much of that love for cars was based in human sexuality.

To all of those who say, "I wont do nudity" as if it were a badge of honor...WHATEVER..Go home and get in touch with your human sexuality. And if you can't leave the rest of us alone. I dont come knocking on your door. Stay away from mine.

Oh, by the way, your daughter is sexualy active. You son smokes pot and you have no clue.

It's really only a big deal because we make it so.

Exploitation, Pornography..blah blah blah..

If two people want to get it on for a camera, I say let em..who is being exploited? No one...

If a woman wants nude picturs taken..Let her..who does it hurt?

If same said woman wants to get naked in front of a camera with a dildo, Let her..who is it hurting..Hell we all know there a millions of men and women getting off all alone every day across the globe. So if somebody wants to depict it in an art form..whoopie do! Old news! And if they get paid..Awesome!

A freind of mine just did a picture of an old man trying to get a little girl to get into his car. The picture was on his desktop when a client came over. The picture was VERY clear..the man was a child rapist and was looking for a mark. Well the client just about lost her mind and started yelling and screaming.

WHY, would you set a shot up like this? Are you mad? You are so sick, I had no idea I was spending my money on a pervert.

Well, I was already smiling from ear to ear because I know the picture was taken for a PSA. And the look on her face when she was clued in was priceless.

America is too thined skinned. I love photgraphy becaue we get to push those buttons. Then again, artist have alway shoulderd that burden.

It saddens me that many artist have forgotten the most powerful aspect of art. To push boundries, break new ground. Let it all hang out.

And before some body ask the same old stupid question..I will answer for you.

No, I will not shoot babies with dildos, or snuff imagery, or the likes..BUT if an artist does an image such as this with out breaking the law. I am down for having a look at the work without judging. Rather, to see how it moves me. That is the nature of art.

Mar 14 06 11:19 pm Link