Forums > General Industry > Unwritten Rules and Common Sense



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Kevlar Gal wrote:

****Henry, Henry, Henry.... tsk, tsk, tsk ::shakes her head::****
I think that FT was just being facetious.  He wasn't being serious with his original post.  It was just written because he's stuck indoors and his shoot was cancelled.  Think *Seinfeld*, a great show about nothing, but great nonetheless.

does this mean your offer to tussle means nothing? sigh. and i thought......sad slumping away.
SUN'S OUT I'm headed outside!

Mar 12 06 03:51 pm Link



Posts: 450

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

FabioTovar wrote:

Print away! I'm honored smile and scared no one has ever accused me of having anything intelligent to say! hahah wink

Similar gig , I would like this on my website. I'll have a link back to your MM profile from it?

If that's ok with you?

Mar 12 06 04:51 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

MartinCoatesIV wrote:

Similar gig , I would like this on my website. I'll have a link back to your MM profile from it?

If that's ok with you?

absolutely! thanks!

Mar 12 06 05:30 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

FabioTovar wrote:
HAHAH you read that far! it was just a little test wink

Henry Tjernlund wrote:
When I got that far, I took the post less seriously and stopped.

Some of the definitoins are your own. "Common sense" is not always either.

To be honest, this comes across as yet another CA person wanting to brag that they are a "pro" and everyone else is not.


Well Henry, there is a lot that I don't agree with, but I think he was just bored.  Not worth getting your dander up.  I think it was lighthearted fun.

Mar 12 06 06:49 pm Link


SMK Images

Posts: 743

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

FabioTovar wrote:

Ah you one of "those" people...  FYI.... I am not a pro.  and I'M ORIGINALLY FROM NY/NJ. Ive only been here 3 years.  as far as the little comment.. get a sense of humor will ya.  Thanks for assuming nice doin business with you.. All of California appreciates your generalism.

As a soon to be Californiaian (Moveing to Shark City in Aug) I applaud you! Well said!
Aa far as your op, good advice, I appreciate it as a "newbie." And masturbation= equals deperation, never thought of it that way. It's not for me... but I guess I'm just lucky.

Mar 12 06 07:20 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

FabioTovar wrote:
HAHAH you read that far! it was just a little test wink

Well Henry, there is a lot that I don't agree with, but I think he was just bored.  Not worth getting your dander up.  I think it was lighthearted fun.

I hear 2 people saying there's a lot they don't agree with but when I ask... no one says anything... what don't you agree with?   model release forms? escorts? mm not being a dating service? what speak up with specifics if you are going to make negative comments.

Mar 12 06 07:25 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

FabioTovar wrote:
If you have a fulltime job that is NOT in this field you are NOT a pro.  It doesn't mean you aren't good or bad it's just a fact.

How about if you're making more than the average for photographers (according to various surveys) IN photography, but are only doing it part-time? (It's not that far-fetched; I've worked with a few people in that situation myself.)

FabioTovar wrote:
Internet modeling will not bring you fame and fortune unless you are in the porn industry.

Define your terms, please. Brick and mortar modeling with not bring the vast majority of models fame and fortune either.

FabioTovar wrote:
Condescention will only make you look like an ass


FabioTovar wrote:
there's always someone out there who has something negative, distracting or unconstructive to say.... Usually it's of no help. but go for it. you'll either piss people off (mission accomplished) or distract from the thread.

Or start one.

FabioTovar wrote:
once you are done with this thread please visit my other thread on BUTTERFACES: … 746&page=1

You mean the one where you're not condescending and write "Butter Face: (n) (engl)
Someone with a really hot bod "but her face" is really ugly.

Mar 13 06 06:29 am Link



Posts: 108

Springfield, Virginia, US

Kevin Connery wrote:

FabioTovar wrote:
If you have a fulltime job that is NOT in this field you are NOT a pro.  It doesn't mean you aren't good or bad it's just a fact.

How about if you're making more than the average for photographers (according to various surveys) IN photography, but are only doing it part-time? (It's not that far-fetched; I've worked with a few people in that situation myself.)

FabioTovar wrote:
Internet modeling will not bring you fame and fortune unless you are in the porn industry.

Define your terms, please. Brick and mortar modeling with not bring the vast majority of models fame and fortune either.

FabioTovar wrote:
Condescention will only make you look like an ass


FabioTovar wrote:
there's always someone out there who has something negative, distracting or unconstructive to say.... Usually it's of no help. but go for it. you'll either piss people off (mission accomplished) or distract from the thread.

Or start one.

You mean the one where you're not condescending and write "Butter Face: (n) (engl)
Someone with a really hot bod "but her face" is really ugly.


Mar 13 06 08:01 am Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US


First of all that was a fantastic post.  Helpful and funny. 

Second of all, because that singular post is long, doesn't mean that you have any more time on your hands than somebody who types several little posts all day long... it only means that you took your time with the one.  If it took you 15 or 20 minutes to type out the one post and someone else posts constantly for an hour, who has more time on their hands?  In our fast-food culture, people who take thier time are told they have too much time on their hands.  The notion is absurd. 

Third, there's not a grouping of words conceived that could please everyone.  People could find something wrong with the sincerest, most well-intentioned statements.  It's ridiculous...

...but not nearly as ridiculous as the idea that masturbation isn't for everyone!!  Stop perpetuating such lies!

Mar 13 06 08:57 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Henry Tjernlund wrote:

When I got that far, I took the post less seriously and stopped.

Some of the definitoins are your own. "Common sense" is not always either.

To be honest, this comes across as yet another CA person wanting to brag that they are a "pro" and everyone else is not.


Now see, I was enjoying the thread until this comment. Everybody was having fun with it and BAM! Geeeeeeeeeesh!

Is it raining on the East Coast? Kind depressed? You dont see the humor? You dont see the common sense behind the words? Really what gives?

Is all you see is "Another California Ego"?   I thought the OP was having fun and sharing an opionon that holds some really awesome points. Seems to me He was pretty even handed across the board..

I am reading the same post am I not?


Mar 13 06 11:19 am Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Photography is not a dating activity?  Oh. Sorry.  Didn't get the memo.  Um, that might explain my 100% rate of striking out.

Mar 13 06 11:25 am Link



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

LOL...alot of people needed that reality check! Good Job!

Especially the masterbation part, that will go down in forum history! LOL!

Mar 13 06 11:26 am Link


Henry Tjernlund

Posts: 587

Koppel, Pennsylvania, US

Vance wrote:

Now see, I was enjoying the thread until this comment. Everybody was having fun with it and BAM! Geeeeeeeeeesh!

Is it raining on the East Coast? Kind depressed? You dont see the humor? You dont see the common sense behind the words? Really what gives?

Is all you see is "Another California Ego"?   I thought the OP was having fun and sharing an opionon that holds some really awesome points. Seems to me He was pretty even handed across the board..

I am reading the same post am I not?



Who's being serious? I was just joking that..... oh, I see, its okay to rattle other people but the original poster gets startled when someone rattles back. I get it now.


Mar 13 06 12:00 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Henry Tjernlund wrote:

Oh, you were joking..Cool.
I didnt see any smiley faces..or LMAO..or anything that would say..."Hey, being funny here...Just my sarcasim or the likes....

However, since you took the time to clear ythat up..KUDOS to you..

I am still not sure how the California comment is a joke, but I will take you at your word....

Who's being serious? I was just joking that..... oh, I see, its okay to rattle other people but the original poster gets startled when someone rattles back. I get it now.


Mar 13 06 12:04 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Fabio, you're on target with all points except "Pro models don't go to pro shoots with 'escorts.'"  There can be sleazy photographers at shoots that are or seem be pro, too.  Bad dudes have been known to go to elaborate lengths to gain a model's confidence before striking.  Even good references is no guarantee.  Men have been known to act OK with all models except the one they attack.

I don't like escorts at my shoots, either.  And frankly, all things equal, I'll choose the model without an escort every time.  But the "pro-ness" of the shoot is no guarantee of safety.  Models, use your judgment!

Fabio, remember, I'm agreeing with everything else.  :-)

Mar 13 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

hmmm I'm not sure some of the nay sayers here were joking.
In any case for those that had an issue with my little joke in the middle of the post was to see if you the reader had been reading through all of it or getting a knee jerk reaction to the first few lines.  Granted this post was my opinion as to what an unwritten rule is.  Though, from what I've seen many of you agree with most of what I have said.
Some question my "point" or my intentions with this post.  well.. like any and all other forums it's to communicate my thoughts.. and thats just it. plain and simple.

and as someone stated you can't please everyone all of the time. but I am glad to see that many people agree.  This thread has spawed serious responses and silly ones which is what I had hoped for.

Mar 13 06 05:00 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Why do people call it common sense when it's not common?  No two people know the same two "common sense" ideals.  I move we call it good sense from now on.  Hmmm. . .I think I like that!

Oh, and masterbation = instant gratification/peace of mind/safety thank you!

Mar 14 06 01:25 pm Link


David A

Posts: 373

Pleasant Grove, Utah, US

FabioTovar wrote:
People come in many shades and one should always use common sense when working with an unknown person.

Good post except I don't know why they call it "Common sense" since good sense doesn't seem to be all that common.

Mar 14 06 01:30 pm Link