Forums > General Industry > protecting us from pornography and homosexuality!


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

Mike Cummings wrote:

The same way you back any claim dealing with "faceless others".

Huh?  When did I.... nevermind.  The same way?  And what way is that?

Mar 13 06 01:46 pm Link


Jim Duvall

Posts: 172

Seattle, Washington, US

Scott Aitken wrote:
Oh my gawd. I am so jealous! Props to Jason Lee Parry. I can't wait for the day when I manage to offend a church lady in Portland. I keep trying, but I haven't managed to offend anyone properly... yet.


I just had a similar experience but via my cell phone. The first couple of calls were very flattering, I enjoyed the banter I was able to engage in about my going to hell etc. But, after about 20 calls I started to realize this was eating my minutes. Then it got old.

Mar 13 06 02:44 pm Link



Posts: 264

Reno, Nevada, US

lol, wish I could take a mediocre pic post it online,  create fake outrage and get everyone to chime in .....genius!!

Mar 13 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 760

Orlando, Florida, US

dont you just love right-winged nutjobs. geeze! She is probally the same person who goes and buys porn but wont admit it. this just shows how people use a religion as an excuse for a lack of knowledge on the subject.

Mar 13 06 02:54 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

VXmike wrote:
lol, wish I could take a mediocre pic post it online,  create fake outrage and get everyone to chime in .....genius!!

seriously...i guess i shouldn't have included the artist's name, but it is just funnier because non of his images are even nudes, but this is not some joke
i am not the artist.
i no longer work for the gallery.
i am getting nothing out of this.
and the letter is real.
i just thought the letter was funny.
as i explained earlier.
this was not some manipulative ploy, i just thought i would share the humor...the message had me laughing for about 15 min...
this was just supposed to be fun.
that's it.
if you don't belive me, pm me and i can forward you the email from the gallery email, which includes the author's email address, and you can write her yourself. i just didn't tihnk it would be appropriate to post her email publically.

Mar 13 06 04:12 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

Moraxian wrote:
I have a religious experience every so often with disembodied voices, in that I speak to the voice, make a small donation....and then food is given to me. 

Of course, I do have to obey the voice's commandment:  "Please Drive Through"...

nathan combs wrote:
can i get that on a shirt !!!!! and mail one to the "lady" that wrote the letter lol and then clam the dog told me to do it ;->

Go for it, although it was inspired by a "Pearls Before Swine" strip, where Pig thinks God is speaking to him and he's saying "Dude, I just make the tacos."

Mar 13 06 05:20 pm Link



Posts: 2135

New York, New York, US

OMG an 18 Y.O saw an image like this ! Send him off to IRAQ, cause he can get killed for the country but he can't see a naked person!

Mar 13 06 07:02 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Phoenix E wrote:
this was just supposed to be fun.
that's it.

lots of posts are *supposed* to be one way or another but get completely misread misinterpreted or misconstrued...

Mar 13 06 07:05 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

saraya wrote:
lmao, christian fundamentalists...gotta luv em. personally i like the pic.

I'm a Christian and I personally think that some Christians take Christian funamentals too far and use it as an excuse for hatered...Jesus loved everybody, He may not have approved of everything people did but he still loved everyone. He took in ex-prostitutes and outcasts...I think the lady took it too far and I wouldn't call what she did Christian at all...She sounds like a pissed off mom...

Mar 13 06 07:14 pm Link



Posts: 330

Toledo, Ohio, US

people like her are the reason i ditched christianity for agnosticism.

Mar 13 06 07:21 pm Link


Drama Club Darling

Posts: 28

Carson, California, US

oh no! what ever should we do?!?

that anne woman...HAH! Hater!!

Mar 13 06 07:26 pm Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

spyro2122 wrote:
dont you just love right-winged nutjobs. geeze! She is probally the same person who goes and buys porn but wont admit it. this just shows how people use a religion as an excuse for a lack of knowledge on the subject.

YES-psychologically speaking, if someone rants irrationally, the person is attempting to stay protected from the subject matter-and likely, controlling self-impulses related to such.

Mar 13 06 07:27 pm Link

Makeup Artist

BridgitC-Makeup Artist

Posts: 231

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Eric Muss-Barnes wrote:
Duh. Those aren't women! Look at the heads!

They are obviously donkeys with human female bodies!

LMAO...Only to come from you.....Muahhhh!
Personally I find the photo interesting and it has a concept, it is not like the women have their legs wide open having sex... all you see is skin....I like dude's outfit. I say blow it up and put it on a billboard right next to the welcome to Portland sign...

Mar 13 06 08:40 pm Link

Makeup Artist

BridgitC-Makeup Artist

Posts: 231

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Phoenix E wrote:
ohmy....look at the filthy image that the photographer Jason Lee Parry (#46620) used as his flyer for upcoming art opening:

18+ … 7a7df7.jpg

fortunately, one woman is on the look out for such heathen depictions of women and sexuality and gasp homosexuality!
please read her educational letter that she sent to the art gallery:

My 18 year old son has brought home one of your postcard style flyers advertising the upcoming reception highlighting the art work of photographer Jason Lee Parry, from where he got it, is part of the reason why I am writing, wondering how you distribute these flyers, it was not mailed I know that. unless one of his friends aquired it that way. And the other reason for writing is for asking your hosts of this gallery, just why you are using this obvious, pornography photos, on public flyers displayed in public places in Portland? This type of offensive material (to most people) is porography, ane therefore illegal I believe. I am aware that the Portland Mercury News also has display of advertisers who are nearly nude and many of which are young nieve nearly girls, advertising their bodies for sale for any peoples weak sexual perverted urges to come see them naked and do things to them sexually, and I have called PMN declaring they are out of control allowing those girls to advertise.  Americans do not need pornography and sexual perversions ruining our society and advertisers have contributed to much of it all themselves!  So none of its kind should be appearing on cards then, like your decision to show a photo publicly, having been taken by a photogrpher, Jason Lee Parry, who apparently thinks that the pose of those women laying naked, as they are lovers, and the man sitting there looking away, supposedly being left apart from his woman he loved, to face the truth of the "sickness of homosexuality" of his woman taking another woman, is a raw depiction of the realities people battle and the scattered memories that are left behind. But showing this battle of scattered memories or painful things of which people face, don't need to be done how he did, where he exploited women in the process, and those women exploited themselves. Those two women posing nude for photographers, is clearly a depiction of a part of the decaying sick immoral society I see and many, many people today see in the reality of the evils of our siciety and it is clear from hell. These behaviors/sins are wreaking lives of too many people, it is so sad. They are making poor choices for themselves and for their businesses. For themselves, by participating in pornography sale of these photos, many anyway, and encouraging people to be nude in the public eye, which is a sexual perversion, and shows immaturity, and lack of values and true respect for another human being. Oh, yeah, it is truly a raw depiction and reality for some people, those who only "will allow behaviors of sinful and immoral lifestyles", to destroy relationships to begin with. There is a choice to stay away from sin and not allow it to destroy a life and family, and business. You should realize that your advertisements for your gallery, of this kind, with the nude women, can get into the hands of underage kids, and is not appropriate for anyone for that matter like I said, I hope you have some conscience to think it is immoral and wrong to have naked people photgraphed period, and just because all people are adults, doesn't mean that adults can particapate in these things and for it to be fine, it is never fine. The naked body is beautiful and created by God, but never intended to be exploited and disrespected, is what you are doing, and what Jason Lee Parry is doing. The naked body was inteneded only for true lovers to see each other that way, only as married people man and woman. And for parents to see their beautiful baby naked, taking care of their baby, only in those two ways, and deep respect is the important issue to recognize here and their is none in the viewing of that photograph.     

You might want to ask your 18 year old son has he slept with 2 women yet, you might be surprised!!!!.....

Mar 13 06 09:01 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

BridgitC-Makeup Artist wrote:

You might want to ask your 18 year old son has he slept with 2 women yet, you might be surprised!!!!.....

again....i was quoting someone else, those are not my sentiments.....think about it, i'm only 23, if i had an 18 year old--damn. and, um , i've had threesomes myself, so, um, i don't think someone else having one with surprise me.....

Mar 13 06 09:24 pm Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

saraya wrote:
lmao, christian fundamentalists...gotta luv em. personally i like the pic.

Hmm a couple of points to bring up here.

1.  Define Christian fundamentalist; so many people throw that term around but i don't think very many people can define precisely what one is.

2. The woman who protested Jason Lee Perry's exhibit never once proclaimed to be a Christian.

3. Why is it "hip" and politically correct to approve of or accept decadence in this society but  standing up for a moral standard is invitation to be ridiculed.

4. My personal belief is that there is nothing at all wrong with nudity but like everything there is a time and place for it; perhaps this woman has a right not to have such material, shoved under her sons nose until she deems so(or he reaches manhood and chooses so).

5.  And lastly one of my favorite statements;  "Being open minded is fine but not so open minded that your brains fall out of your head." I think Jason Lee Perrry has the right to exhibit whatever type of photographs he wants, just like I believe that this woman has every right to protest his exhibit; I believe some of her points of protest are totally valid.  A few years ago I would have been right along with the majority here ridiculing this woman, but life and experience has taught me that all that glitters is not necessarily gold.   What appears to be hip, and cool today, will leave you shaking your head in disbelief and proclaiming, "man what was I  thinking", tomorrow.  Been there done that.

Mar 14 06 04:51 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Ceehawk Multimedia wrote:
What appears to be hip, and cool today, will leave you shaking your head in disbelief and proclaiming, "man what was I  thinking", tomorrow.

Like polyester leisure suits.

Mar 14 06 04:55 pm Link


Henry Tjernlund

Posts: 587

Koppel, Pennsylvania, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
I'm so jealous.  Why don't more stupid zealots hate me?  Aren't I sick and twisted enough?

Simply offending people is too easy. I dont actually want to do that. If there were a way, I would like my art to reach only those who want to see it.

Despite my avitar, Im a nice person. My avitar was purely an experiment that some many of my friends like they talked me into using it. Stupid me.


Mar 15 06 04:29 am Link