Forums > General Industry > Charging Deposits for Paid & TFP Shoots



Posts: 174

Raleigh, Illinois, US

I have to admit the refundable deposit has crossed my mind in the past - usually right after a no-show.  However after a few moments I go back to knowing a deposit would not be practical.

The alternative I have started is sending to the model a word doc that provides information they need for our upcoming photo session - directions, requirements, and preparation suggestions.  It is all very upbeat, positive, and professional.  So far it is working very well.  Models are coming on time and prepared for the session.

Phootgraphers, maybe the answer is not a deposit, but clear communications with the prospective model.


Aug 09 05 09:51 am Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Hmmm... the only people I would even consider leaving a deposit with are the same people I know well enough that they would never ask in the first place! I have never been a no-show to a shoot, even if it was early in the morning and I worked until 4am the night before. If you can't trust me, don't shoot me.

I have had problems with photogs never getting my images to me... how am I to know that I can trust YOU? I think word-of-mouth is very powerful... check references, and give your own.

Aug 09 05 09:57 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Tito Trelles wrote:
If I charge 20$ to each unreliable model who contact me... I'll be running a Mercedes in less than a year.

That's funny stuff. But something to think about, no less...

Aug 09 05 09:59 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

I actually know of people who do this (ask for deposits), but as far as me doing it, probably not. As both a model and photographer, I pretty much keep my appts. Whether it's TFP or Paid, it's a business and a reputation you are making for yourself.

I;ve had models flake on me before even on out of town TFP where THEY were the ones to contact ME, which just caused me to change the terms: I no longer travel to shoot models. This way, if they flake, I haven't wasted the gas.

If anyone figures out a way to charge the deposit and get paid, though, I really want that Mercedes.

Aug 09 05 10:08 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Who is the client?

Call me crazy, call me lucky, call me fortunate, but I've never had a no show, never been left standing at the studio without a model.
I'm a very new photographer with no training.
I talk with the perspective model after letting them view what work I've done on a few on line sites or in person via portfolio and let them decide if they want to work with me.
After some detailed conversation pertaining specifically to the shoot we are to work on, we cover date, time, length of shoot, wardrobe (including number of changes), hair, make up, escort and theme of the shoot be it Goth, street gear, fashion, business or plain old test shoot, I try and cover anything that needs to be.
Once the date is confirmed, there is a bit of continued communication via telephone to keep the shoot alive and help it build momentum. 50% of the time, the model has a shoot in mind the other 50% is my guilty pleasure. I subscribe to ELLE and review what the models are doing and selling to get some mainstream ideas and thoughts. I think the success is due to the models living so close to where my studio is located and my work schedule (swing shift), that and the fact that I host a photographer and model meet and greet twice a month in the Seattle area to network photographers and models so they can meet each other to get a feel for what the other is like in a neutral setting.

So I think a refundable deposit would be appropriate for a new artist to pay for a TFP/CD but if you’re good enough to charge most other clients but not the next Cindy Crawford or Heidi Klum, maybe it’s time to ask yourself, are you really there for the model or are you there for yourself only?

Again, who is the client?


This is not directed at anyone; this is my view on the question of charging a deposit for TFP/CD and is not the idea or thoughts of Model Mayhem or any of its associates.

Aug 09 05 10:34 am Link