Forums > General Industry > Does less than 4 images and no profile make a slut

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Hey,  Moderator note here.

Read your info section, with your FAQ and the rules.

Read your first thread in the newbie section.   Not your b(o)(o)bies section.

If you fall below 100 characters or below 4 pictures then your profile will be denied.
It not cause we just hate you.   We just make fun of you behind your back if we do,  we do not denie you.

We like to have funny people to make fun of.   Why ban the entertainment?

So if this happens,  Do not cry boo hoo,  boo hoo?   This is not the seven acres woods and so do not give me this long speech.

"Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off."

Cause it is automatic and even when looked over not all the new mods know who you are.   We isa not a like a pickin ona you a.  Okay

This system is how we keep the site professional.   This is one of the ways we catch the nuts,  losers,  and scum buckets who are not allowed on the site.

It is a nice broome but a big broome so do not get angry at the mods if you get caught up in the sweep.

Just be aware of the FAQ and the rules.   

It is not perfect.   It does not discriminate though so keep 4 images up and a minimum of info in your profile.

So do not write,  Hey,  check out for info for I am a secret agent man.

Do not write Blah, blah,   for 100/125 characters is more like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,   And do not write Chaos.

We love mayhem but hate Chaos,  that is the evil way.

Not picking on you.   Do not give us the "I been here for months and I should be allowed to be chaotic".    This policy has become automated so it does not judge your number,  just the number of your pics and info amount.

PS.   A bunch of credits and a hey my pics speak for me may get manually denied.
It is not all automated.
And not all the mods know you nor is a low number some magical intelligence or non nut job test.   They come in all numbers and sizes.

DO NOT YELL AT YOUR MODERATORS.   NOT the way to win friends and influence people.

So where does  b(o)(o)bies fall into this equation?

I can be bribed with them.  That is all.  I even take saggy ones.   But not all mods do.

Take care,  and as Reese used to say.

READ THE first thread in the newbie with boobies section.

Well she did not say all that but Reese has become Miss.  Durden for me so deal with it.

Mhana the grumpy evil one.

I am evil but not evil enough to ban you all.

Mhana moderator.

Ps this is another warning amoung many but no seems to read them,  so maybe with boobies in the title you will.

And if a mod responds to your Contact a mod thread that does not mean they were the one that banned you.   

And I have not banned anyone today so it was not me at today.  Do not beat up the messenger,  beat up your teddy bear like all normal crazy people do.

Mar 10 06 11:48 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

le bump

Mar 11 06 06:51 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US


The mods have very low tolerance towards taking crap and general ig'nunce. And a sure fire way to put us in a bad mood is when we receive a message asking why you were denied. The email you got TELLS YOU WHY YOU WERE DENIED. It references and article in the FAQ that tells you WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO GET REINSTATED. If you're not getting the emails you need to FIX THAT ON YOUR END. This too is IN THE FAQ.

We are not paid. We are not punching bags. We are not hapless customer service reps whose job requires them to stand there smiling and give pleasant responses while you froth at the mouth like some sort of rabid schnauzer. If you give us grief there's an excellent chance you're going to get the same in return.

Remember, when you communicate with a moderator you are communicating with a real person - not only that, a real person who is in a position to smooth your way. Or make it impossible. Think about that the next time you have to talk to any customer service rep.

Mar 11 06 07:31 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Todd Steinwart wrote:

The mods have very low tolerance towards taking crap and general ig'nunce. And a sure fire way to put us in a bad mood is when we receive a message asking why you were denied. The email you got TELLS YOU WHY YOU WERE DENIED. It references and article in the FAQ that tells you WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO GET REINSTATED. If you're not getting the emails you need to FIX THAT ON YOUR END. This too is IN THE FAQ.

We are not paid. We are not punching bags. We are not hapless customer service reps whose job requires them to stand there smiling and give pleasant responses while you froth at the mouth like some sort of rabid schnauzer. If you give us grief there's an excellent chance you're going to get the same in return.

Remember, when you communicate with a moderator you are communicating with a real person - not only that, a real person who is in a position to smooth your way. Or make it impossible. Think about that the next time you have to talk to any customer service rep.

I didn't download the email, sent to my main account, until this morning. So sue me. I didn't beat up on anyone. Sorry for putting the mods in a bad mood.

Mar 11 06 07:42 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

Angel Tara wrote:

I didn't download the email, sent to my main account, until this morning. So sue me. I didn't beat up on anyone. Sorry for putting the mods in a bad mood.

Regardless of the circumstances, honey ALWAYS works better than vinegar.

Mar 11 06 07:45 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Todd Steinwart wrote:

Regardless of the circumstances, honey ALWAYS works better than vinegar.

I was in the middle of using the site, and all of a sudden, I couldn't. I didn't know if it was a technical problem or what. I didn't know that I didn't anything wrong. I was very confused. My profile had less than a 100 characters for days, so I didn't associate it with that. The 100 character rule came after I joined, so I didn't know about it, and no, I do not check periodically to see if there are changes. I knew of the 4 pic thing, because that's obvious.

I asked if I had been kicked off. Then I said I added some crap. That was it. I didn't cuss anyone out, or get rude or nasty, in the contact a mod thing.

Regardless, I unwittingly committed a faux pas.

And now, thanks to my mistake, a few more MM'ers have been made more aware and won't have to go through it.


Mar 11 06 08:00 am Link



Posts: 108

Springfield, Virginia, US

Angel Tara wrote:

I was in the middle of using the site, and all of a sudden, I couldn't. I didn't know if it was a technical problem or what. I didn't know that I didn't anything wrong. I was very confused. My profile had less than a 100 characters for days, so I didn't associate it with that. The 100 character rule came after I joined, so I didn't know about it, and no, I do not check periodically to see if there are changes. I knew of the 4 pic thing, because that's obvious.

I asked if I had been kicked off. Then I said I added some crap. That was it. I didn't cuss anyone out, or get rude or nasty, in the contact a mod thing.

Regardless, I unwittingly committed a faux pas.

And now, thanks to my mistake, a few more MM'ers have been made more aware and won't have to go through it.


you are way too pretty to be getting yelled at...just my .02cents

Mar 11 06 08:15 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Angel Tara wrote:
I asked if I had been kicked off. Then I said I added some crap. That was it. I didn't cuss anyone out, or get rude or nasty, in the contact a mod thing.

Regardless, I unwittingly committed a faux pas.

Hey Angel;

Todd didn't refer to you specifically, because you were also nice and inquired normally.

But, we have hundreds of people who are less than friendly.

I myself, receive right now every other day (just two this morning) private emails to my personal email by a member who got banned by a moderator (not even me), where he is trying to sue me and ModelMayhem for the discrimination that his account was denied and he lost "business".

Wanting to sue for libel and damages etc.

It's annoying, and now I just ignore it.

So, the level of frustration that Todd describes has nothing to do with you, but with people like that guy I am dealing with and many others who on one hand complain about the site, are unhappy and diss our policies, at the same time, feel victims of a totalitarian government and cry because they are not being granted access.

It's really tiring.

Mar 11 06 08:29 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

UdoR wrote:
Hey Angel;

Todd didn't refer to you specifically, because you were also nice and inquired normally.

But, we have hundreds of people who are less than friendly.

I myself, receive right now every other day (just two this morning) private emails to my personal email by a member who got banned by a moderator (not even me), where he is trying to sue me and ModelMayhem for the discrimination that his account was denied and he lost "business".

Wanting to sue for libel and damages etc.

It's annoying, and now I just ignore it.

So, the level of frustration that Todd describes has nothing to do with you, but with people like that guy I am dealing with and many others who on one hand complain about the site, are unhappy and diss our policies, at the same time, feel victims of a totalitarian government and cry because they are not being granted access.

It's really tiring.

I'm sorry you guys go through that. But when I woke up this morning, and saw the number of threads about members not reading the info section, and crying, and boo hoo'in, I figured many people must have been kicked off and yall must have seen a lot of bitching overnight.

When no one else spoke up, I figured it must be me, although I know surely I'm not that important. I'm just here to be laughed at.

sorry for taking it personal. I'm sure the choice of words were meant to be funny.

Mar 11 06 08:46 am Link



Posts: 312

Huntington, Virginia, US

There still a lot of Photogs and models on this site that dont deserve to be here , because their ports totally stinks ...they cant be serious up loading those crap in there port.

Mar 11 06 10:49 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Angel Tara,

This was not written about you nor because of you.   Your conversation was polite.

Trust me.  There is a big difference from your tone to the others.    We think of you with great respect.

But this is for the benefit of all so that they do know not to fall below four photos or have a profile that is inadequite.

These warnings have been up for some time but noone seemed to notice them.
So I made these nutty titles based only on another thread and what would be noticed.

Mar 11 06 10:54 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

MHana wrote:
Angel Tara,

This was not written about you nor because of you.   Your conversation was polite.

Trust me.  There is a big difference from your tone to the others.    We think of you with great respect.

But this is for the benefit of all so that they do know not to fall below four photos or have a profile that is inadequite.

These warnings have been up for some time but noone seemed to notice them.
So I made these nutty titles based only on another thread and what would be noticed.

It's all fun and games, until someone gets booted. wink

Once again, sorry for taking it personal. Part of me knew that I shouldn't...

It just hit so close to home. I mean, I was in the process of formulating nasty letters to all the female mods, and sending pics of my boobs to the males, and was about to write to demand retribution, and I had my lawyer on the phone, (as though I have one) and MM was going DOWN! I was losing SOO much money each second I was off the site, (like 5 minutes). So I just KNEW you were talking to me!


Mar 11 06 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 108

Springfield, Virginia, US

Nat wrote:
There still a lot of Photogs and models on this site that dont deserve to be here , because their ports totally stinks ...they cant be serious up loading those crap in there port.

Who in the Halibut made you the "Queen of what's hot and what's not?"  You have no right (although entitled to your opinion) to call anyones work crap.  Photography in every genre is subjective.  You make yourself look extremely shallow by commenting in such a way.  Shame on you for your ignorance!

Mar 11 06 02:15 pm Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

Note to moderators and programming staff of hundreds: Have the site programmed to NEVER deny Angel Tara. Who in their right mind would allow for such malicious code? She's obviously undeniable. I'm getting the shakes just thinking about a day without that profile click. Fiends.

I shall now return to my regularly scheduled visit to her profile. (Insert kiss ass sounds _____ here.)

Mar 11 06 05:12 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

I have a profile and more than 4 photos and I am still a slut!

Mar 12 06 03:09 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

J Merrill Images wrote:
I have a profile and more than 4 photos and I am still a slut!

well, you're a male, so DUH!

LOL...kidding guys! I jest, I jest!!!


Mar 12 06 03:20 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Angel Tara wrote:

It's all fun and games, until someone gets booted. wink

Once again, sorry for taking it personal. Part of me knew that I shouldn't...

It just hit so close to home. I mean, I was in the process of formulating nasty letters to all the female mods, and sending pics of my boobs to the males, and was about to write to demand retribution, and I had my lawyer on the phone, (as though I have one) and MM was going DOWN! I was losing SOO much money each second I was off the site, (like 5 minutes). So I just KNEW you were talking to me!


There's still time to send pics of those boobs.

Mar 12 06 09:14 pm Link


Elite Imaging

Posts: 347

Oak Ridge, Florida, US

Nat wrote:
There still a lot of Photogs and models on this site that dont deserve to be here , because their ports totally stinks ...they cant be serious up loading those crap in there port.


I guess we should include the people who can't form a complete sentence with proper grammar too,,,,,,,Right.


Mar 12 06 10:18 pm Link



Posts: 108

Springfield, Virginia, US

Elite Imaging wrote:


I guess we should include the people who can't form a complete sentence with proper grammar too,,,,,,,Right.


LMAO - I just learned that acronym!

Mar 13 06 08:34 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Hey,  you,  YES, you,  (que the pink floyd music)

Make sure you keep four pics in your profile or it may be denied with a semi auto matic blind system.

Meaning this is true for the VIP members also.

At present,  the mods do not know who is VIP or not in this section of the mod area.

Please keep at least four photos up at all times.


I said please now do not whine like a baby when you get denied,  use the cam(contact a mod) feature fix it and you are back.


And to all.
Oh yeah,  not reading the rules is not an excuse when breaking them.

So go read them and the FAQ.


No whinning,  please.

(And for those that want to know,  this thread was found on page 22 of general and the similar one was found on 45 of off topic.   So Off topic is that much busier.  Just letting you know..)

May 10 06 10:49 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

someone should take Angel to the four seasons to make it up to her

hmm, i wonder, who would do that? hmmmm

May 10 06 11:31 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Chili wrote:
someone should take Angel to the four seasons to make it up to her

hmm, i wonder, who would do that? hmmmm

I want to sit near the pool or at least in the Raushemburg room.

May 10 06 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Nat wrote:
There still a lot of Photogs and models on this site that dont deserve to be here , because their ports totally stinks ...they cant be serious up loading those crap in there port.

Intersting idea but difficult to implement. Does anyone have any ideas how images could be fairly judged?

Could specific techncal guidelines be used a way to screen images?

This may be even more far-fetched, but what about a requirement that images and avatars be updated periodically?

May 11 06 06:53 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

MHana wrote:
(And for those that want to know,  this thread was found on page 22 of general and the similar one was found on 45 of off topic.   So Off topic is that much busier.  Just letting you know..)

You dredged up my dirty past! Always gotta be bringin up old shit! True, I was a slut once, but I've CHANGED! big_smile


May 11 06 08:01 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Elite Imaging wrote:


sad. not cool

May 11 06 08:03 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Chili wrote:
someone should take Angel to the four seasons to make it up to her

hmm, i wonder, who would do that? hmmmm


May 11 06 08:04 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13019

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Nat wrote:
There still a lot of Photogs and models on this site that dont deserve to be here , because their ports totally stinks ...they cant be serious up loading those crap in there port.

rp_photo wrote:
Intersting idea but difficult to implement. Does anyone have any ideas how images could be fairly judged?

Could specific techncal guidelines be used a way to screen images?

This may be even more far-fetched, but what about a requirement that images and avatars be updated periodically?

I like the “you must have new images from time to timeâ€? rule,
It would be interesting to see if that cleared out static portfolios
or just led to lesser versions of the same old photos being uploaded periodically.

Despite the unfavorable response to his ban the crap idea,
I can't blame Nat for wanting to see the worst of the worst gone,
I wouldn't bee opposed to MM looking into a minimum quality requirement for photographers,
Yes I know it's a subjective thing,
but there are way too many photos out there that just have no redeeming qualities.
One bad picture in a portfolio is forgivable,
But a portfolio full of shit may be a sign that the "Photographer" is not genuine.

May 11 06 08:21 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

Angel, go back to the old Angel then and lets see those images...... gulp

May 11 06 08:33 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Chris Macan wrote:
I like the “you must have new images from time to timeâ€? rule,
It would be interesting to see if that cleared out static portfolios
or just led to lesser versions of the same old photos being uploaded periodically.

Despite the unfavorable response to his ban the crap idea,
I can't blame Nat for wanting to see the worst of the worst gone,
I wouldn't bee opposed to MM looking into a minimum quality requirement for photographers,
Yes I know it's a subjective thing,
but there are way too many photos out there that just have no redeeming qualities.
One bad picture in a portfolio is forgivable,
But a portfolio full of shit may be a sign that the "Photographer" is not genuine.

There are some here who are clearly professional and active, but use a favored "signature" image as their avatar for extended periods. Normally, their portfolios are kept fresh.

Personally, I believe in avatar rotation, with a recent shoot always represented. Your avatar is you crucial first few seconds of first impression. Also, there is less risk of portraying a model as a favorite at the perceived expense of others.

Portfolio updating is crucial for photographers like myself, who are still on the learning curve (aren't we all?).

Non-changing portfolios suggest inactivity, failure to launch, or loss of interest. If this is the case, don't waste the time of others who might wish to work with you.

The staticness of one's portfolio is an important measure of their seriousness, and should always be taken into account when evaluating talent.

May 11 06 10:16 am Link



Posts: 7840


Sxy6ftr wrote:

Who in the Halibut made you the "Queen of what's hot and what's not?"  You have no right (although entitled to your opinion) to call anyones work crap.  Photography in every genre is subjective.  You make yourself look extremely shallow by commenting in such a way.  Shame on you for your ignorance!

Yes, I have been known to say this!!!

Photography in every genre is subjective...etc etc Naturally

But you are being rude to her. Crap is crap. I think we ALL know that.
(and what kind of no pose, no technical, no anything we can still see...)

I'm sure many think mine is 'crap' - if they want to be critical, thats mean,  but they can say it.
However, we really arent talking about style here, we are talking about the stuff thats ..well, just crap.
C'mon, there IS ..ISNT THERE!!


May 12 06 02:28 am Link