Forums > General Industry > how much money should I ask for?



Posts: 19

Gainesville, Florida, US

Usually photographers have not offered me any money for my time for their portfolio work...usually we just do tfp. This time, however, the photographer asked me "what I would like for my time."  I don't a have a clue what to answer to this!! please help! thanks for your time!!!

Mar 09 06 09:08 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US


You're an advertising major and you don't know?


I'll see if I can't find the chart on here somewhere about the Law of Supply and Demand.

If you are talking about photographers who are willing to pay you to shoot you...

You (as a model) ask for as much as you can get away with... as long as you can keep getting the amount of work that you wish at that rate.

Photographers will try to pay you the LEAST amount that they can get away with...

In your case...I think you should charge $0.02/hour.

Did I insult you?  smile

Figure out the rate at which you'd be willing to work and start there.  If no one hires you at that need to go down.  If too many people wish to work with you at that need to raise your rate.

On the other hand...if YOU are wanting to work with a specific prepared to pay THEIR rate...

In the meantime...if you go to the main Forums section...look in the lower left hand corner of the page and type "rate" in the search will see this question has been asked over and over before...with many, many answers... … ion=search

Mar 09 06 09:14 pm Link



Posts: 311

Canton, Ohio, US

Okay few things to consider

Looking at your portolio, you have a lot of Straight on angle  glamour shots.

So if he wants to do MORE of those, Charge him more becuase you don't need them.

Next thing is , whereis he?  get some travel expenses if he's offering.

How long deos he want you?

and finally why are you modeling, do you wnat a career, or is this for kicks?

So if he's doing more glam shots,  he's real close, he wants you for a typical 1-2 hour deal, and you are looking for a career, I'd tell him $100.

If he's further way $100 and expenses.

Now if he's got a cool project you could use prints and some rights from, I'd tell him a bit lower.

It seems to be  your first project, dont go overboard.   After you get paid ONCE, now you can tell peoeple you've been paid, here's what you want.  Also though if you want a highrate, dont' let him talk you down because of inexpereince, he'll pay if he wants you bad enough.

Mar 09 06 09:20 pm Link


JT Hodges

Posts: 2191

Austin, Texas, US

1 million dollars

Mar 10 06 04:37 am Link


Bluemoon Photography

Posts: 202

Cranston, Rhode Island, US

One hundred BILLION Dollar!!!!  MMMahahahhahaah!!!!

Mar 10 06 04:51 am Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

Make sure you know what you’re shooting. He may be asking rates for nudes.

Mar 10 06 04:52 am Link