Forums > General Industry > PLEASE! Answer this question,it's driving me nuts!


Prin S lea

Posts: 62

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

*****VENT WARNING********

I honestly HAVE to ask this, And i swear i'm not being a smart ass AND if this has been asked b4 ,i'm sorry,never saw the thread (yeah yeah search button)........

Ok, i was just looking at the "Travel Notices" ,and i kept seeing "paid model" ,and saying what city they will be in and so on ,SOOOO i was curious and wanted 2 see if half of the models are even worth being called a paid model or at LEAST are good at modeling period. Um, I'm at loss 4 words......I have plenty of experience and have done numerous photoshoots ,and will never put "PAID MODEL" anywhere in a title cause i honestly don't think i will ever be classified as being THAT great of a model to say that.....I have been paid lots of times after a shoot,unexpecting it !!!! Some photogs are actually really that nice,but i never expect it,and never ask......But come on !!!(read my mind! You know what i'm getting at) ......Do they REALLY think they will get paid so they say what the hell ,i'm going to say "paid model" .......I guess anyone with a webcam or have plenty of GWC pics in there port can say "paid model" ........Man o' man ,i hope some of you know,what i'm trying to say, without being mean .......cause i'm not trying to be,I love everyone and hope the best for anyone that wants to be a model !!! I'm actually a "NICE MODEL" lol if you get offended here is a *HUG*  and i am sorry ........gee now i feel bad if i hurt someones feelings sad

Mar 09 06 08:41 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

sweetheart......unfortunately you are preaching to the choir smile

Mar 09 06 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 40

Los Angeles, California, US

Prin S lea wrote:
*****VENT WARNING********

I honestly HAVE to ask this, And i swear i'm not being a smart ass AND if this has been asked b4 ,i'm sorry,never saw the thread (yeah yeah search button)........

Ok, i was just looking at the "Travel Notices" ,and i kept seeing "paid model" ,and saying what city they will be in and so on ,SOOOO i was curious and wanted 2 see if half of the models are even worth being called a paid model or at LEAST are good at modeling period. Um, I'm at loss 4 words......I have plenty of experience and have done numerous photoshoots ,and will never put "PAID MODEL" anywhere in a title cause i honestly don't think i will ever be classified as being THAT great of a model to say that.....I have been paid lots of times after a shoot,unexpecting it !!!! Some photogs are actually really that nice,but i never expect it,and never ask......But come on !!!(read my mind! You know what i'm getting at) ......Do they REALLY think they will get paid so they say what the hell ,i'm going to say "paid model" .......I guess anyone with a webcam or have plenty of GWC pics in there port can say "paid model" ........Man o' man ,i hope some of you know,what i'm trying to say, without being mean .......cause i'm not trying to be,I love everyone and hope the best for anyone that wants to be a model !!! I'm actually a "NICE MODEL" lol if you get offended here is a *HUG*  and i am sorry ........gee now i feel bad if i hurt someones feelings sad

models arent supposed to be paid by photogs, they are supposed to be paid by clients. Any model who calls herself a "paid" model on one of these sites is probably just some really desperate girl willing to pose nude for some random pervert. She wont get any good images out of it, or anything to put on her resume, but hey she'll get cash!

now...nudity or even non nudity for art exhibitions or other such projects...thats a different story since the photogs goal will be to sell the image of the in projects like that its a different story

Mar 09 06 08:45 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

If they are worth it, those who find them so will pay them.

Why should it matter to you?

Mar 09 06 08:46 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

So, as I understand it...models who are "dumb" enough to "model" for free take objection to those who get PAID (or insist on getting paid)?


Where is that supply vs. demand chart when we need one.

People are free to charge/pay whatever they wish for their modeling/photography services.

Whether or not they find anyone willing to pay what they are asking is another matter.

Mar 09 06 08:49 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

DeBoer Photography wrote:
Whether or not they find anyone willing to pay what they are asking is another matter.

yeah i agree

it annoys me too (what the op is talking about)

but if they get paid - get that money

**ok going to sleep now smile

Mar 09 06 08:52 pm Link


Prin S lea

Posts: 62

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

DeBoer Photography wrote:
So, as I understand it...models who are "dumb" enough to "model" for free take objection to those who get PAID (or insist on getting paid)?


OH DEAR LORD !!! I didn't hurt anyone ,i was asking a question as nice as i could be,no?
And now i get called names ???


I am really sorry for trying 2 post something,i learned my lesson, I'm dumb,period.

Mar 09 06 09:00 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

DeBoer Photography wrote:
So, as I understand it...models who are "dumb" enough to "model" for free take objection to those who get PAID (or insist on getting paid)?


Where is that supply vs. demand chart when we need one.

People are free to charge/pay whatever they wish for their modeling/photography services.

Whether or not they find anyone willing to pay what they are asking is another matter.

A voice of reason.

Mar 09 06 09:02 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US


For those of you "beautiful" models who keep ragging on the "ugly" models who get PAID work...maybe YOU should get a clue...

If they are THAT ugly (amateur, whatever) ...and gettiing PAID work... and YOU want PAID work but are not getting any....

Maybe you should study what THEY are doing?

Modeling (and being successful at it... i.e., making a living $$$ from it) isn't simply about looking good in front of the camera.  That is the "easy" part.   The hard part is in keeping yourself in demand enough that people are willing to keep paying $$$ to use you in their images/products.

The same applies to photographers...from their, taking "good" or "great" pictures doesn't ensure success as a working $$$ photographer.  It is KNOWING how to get people to pay $$$ that will determine if you sink or float.  Many "crappy" photographers make a fine living from photography...

Want to learn how those models/photographers do it?  Stop knocking them and start studying them.

Mar 09 06 09:04 pm Link



Posts: 7741

Torrance, California, US

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:
sweetheart......unfortunately you are preaching to the choir smile

And we the choir raise our voices in praise of the angel Isabel Aurora.  C'mon everybody...join me in another chorus of "Ave Isabela"...

wink  Waz'zup bay-buh?

Mar 09 06 09:09 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

Some models do this as a hobby, some as a career. Some wish to get paid, some don't. Some are good, some are bad, lots are in between. Some classify themselves as professional, some don't. Etc, etc, etc.... Why any one model chooses to be one thing or the other is as varied as the models themselves.

It's really not a big deal one way or the other, honestly. Find the photographers you want to work with, negotiate TFP or paid as you wish, and have fun shooting- everything else as far as what others have on their profiles is a learning tool. Whether it's something you aspire to be or not to be, that's up to you.

Mar 09 06 10:27 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

I know full-time professional models who chose modeling because they love it, but who HAVE to get paid.  It's how they make a living.  Those who look down on models who pose to pay the rent should try it before thinking themselves superior because they're "making art," while others, in their view, are just hustling.

Mar 09 06 11:10 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Prin S lea wrote:
OH DEAR LORD !!! I didn't hurt anyone ,i was asking a question as nice as i could be,no?
And now i get called names ???


I am really sorry for trying 2 post something,i learned my lesson, I'm dumb,period.


If you want to read that I called YOU dumb, then do so.  You make a general statement against models who insist on PAY and when someone responds in a general manner, you assume they are calling YOU dumb.

Now...since you apparently want me to address YOU specifically...I shall do so.

1. Get off your high horse

2. Work on your self-esteem in manners other than stripping freely for people
    willing to snap pics of you.  Apparently it isn't working as you have called yourself
    "dumb" twice in one posting.

3. Maybe the reason you seem to do so much stuff for "free" doesn't so much
    have to do with "art" but how much people are willing to pay you.

4. Understand that the world does not revolve around YOU.

There, does that make YOU feel any better?

BTW, I have not called you "dumb."  You are, however, quite arrogant.

Now, are you going to be the "nice" model that you insist that you are and give me a hug?

Mar 10 06 02:20 am Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

To the OP,

My apologies if I have offended you with my above posting.  Re-read everything again...and see if you can find the REAL reason for my reply...

Mar 10 06 02:37 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Ed Burns Photography wrote:

And we the choir raise our voices in praise of the angel Isabel Aurora.  C'mon everybody...join me in another chorus of "Ave Isabela"...

awww that was so sweeeeeeeeeet 8o*

xoxoxoxo, Ed smile

wink  Waz'zup bay-buh?

Mar 10 06 06:41 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Hmmmm, I understand the OP's frustration.  There is certainly nothing wrong with wanting to help people out and there is clearly nothing wrong with doing TFP.

However, I am not sure why you resent models wanting to be paid.  Clearly photographers want to be paid.  There is this skewed view that photographers don't pay models unless they are being paid by clients.  That is a little nonesensical.

There are many occassions where photographers pay on their own.  Two come to mind right off.  The first is when they shoot for stock.  They take photos speculatively, pick up the tab and hope that they will sell the photos.  The second is when a photographer is a producer in and of himself.  As an example, what if a photographer wants to produce a calendar.  He will be the one hiring and paying the talent.

There is another occassion where a photographer will pay talent.  Tha is when he wants to shoot a particular model, simply because he wants to and the model doesn't want to work for free.  This happens all the time.  There are serious hobbyists out there that hire talent.  There are photographers that want to work on a particular concept and have someone they want to do it with.  Models get paid every day.

All of that having been said, there is the reality that photographers get hired by clients as well.  In that case, either the client or the photographer pays the model.

This is a business.  So I applaud your willingness to work for free, but let's not bash the models that are trying to get paid.  When a model posts a paid travel notice she is simply saying that she is looking for work. That doesn't mean she will get it, but I can tell you there are plenty of models who do travel and make a decent living.

Good luck to the OP.  I applaud your dedication.

Mar 10 06 06:54 am Link