Forums > General Industry > What do you do when you aren't being creative?


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

So, when you aren't taking pictures, having your picture taken or getting a model all made up, what do you do with your time?

When I'm not taking pictures, I'm a full-time student.  I'm actually older than the school that I attend.  I've lectured to college students (on photojournalism), but I had never been to school until I quit my day job (without any clients).

The plan was to go to school and develop a client base and slowly phase out school.  The cool thing is, I have a 3.5 GPA and my client base is growing faster than I had expected.

Are you filling your time constructively?

Mar 09 06 05:48 pm Link


David Linke

Posts: 488

Woodville, Ohio, US

I love to hang out about 60 ft below the waves with a suba pack on my back.

Fish don't have bitchy attitudes, and the phone don't ring.

Mar 09 06 05:54 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Well, according to some of the comments I've received, I take pictures when I am not being creative. wink

Mar 09 06 05:55 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

As a model I spend a lot of my "off" time working out...I'm probably in the gym as much as I shoot... well I sleep more than anything wink and prior to modeling, I never went to a salon, now I'm there for manicures, pedicures, waxing, tweezing, threading, tinting, glazes, facials...

Other stuff:
- start law school this fall, which takes a lot of time (and money) getting into and getting prepared for
- volunteer, spent 5 months in Louisiana between 2005 and 2006 with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
- and lately, taxes (CPA*)

Mar 09 06 05:59 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

I try to be as accommodating as possible to all the divorced women between 32- 50 years old!

Mar 09 06 06:00 pm Link



Posts: 539

Portland, Oregon, US

What do you do when you aren't being creative?

go into depression!

Mar 09 06 06:04 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

I routinely quit for two-year periods to read, think, study and contemplate my navel before returning to the camera for a couple of years, then repeating the pattern.


Mar 09 06 06:13 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
I routinely quit for two-year periods to read, think, study and contemplate my navel before returning to the camera for a couple of years, then repeating the pattern.


rough life there, don.... wink

Mar 09 06 06:17 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Sleeping or taking a dump!

You should be creative every second of your life, if you are not, you are wasting away...

Mar 09 06 06:19 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:
Well, according to some of the comments I've received, I take pictures when I am not being creative. wink

Mikel, i think that's the funniest thing you've ever posted on here!!!! LOL

Mar 09 06 06:19 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Hamza wrote:
Sleeping or taking a dump!

Hey, my 'grunt sculptures' are a form of art, too!

Mar 09 06 06:20 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

Hamza wrote:
Sleeping or taking a dump!

You should be creative every second of your life, if you are not, you are wasting away...

i used to tell people that i'm always playing music, it's just that sometimes i'm not holding my instrument for long periods of time... i suppose the same is true with photography... if i'm not on a shoot, i'm preparing for the next one, whether it's sleeping, eating, making love, looking at the wind blowing through the trees outside my window... i'm constantly taking things in that will inform my personal aesthetic and influence my next creative endeavor. 
ok.. but that's not what the OP was asking, eh??  so, i play in 2 bands, i'm a full time computer network admin, a single father of three teens, partner to a lovely women, lover of film, food lover and all around, long-haired freak.
and, hopefully, in quoting a famous american songwriter, i won't be in direct violation of forum rules when i say... "everybody must get stoned!!"

Mar 09 06 06:25 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Hmmmm... When I'm not modeling?  Interior design.  I've owned my own company for just over 2 years and have had the pleasure of working with some great corporations here in the States as well as in the Middle East. However if I'm not behind a desk or with clients, I'm on the road traveling :-)

Mar 09 06 08:04 pm Link



Posts: 2135

New York, New York, US

Drinking beer and lots of it and going to the gym, in that order!

Mar 09 06 09:52 pm Link



Posts: 227

Los Angeles, California, US

Listen to music and create more photoshoots in my head.

Mar 09 06 09:54 pm Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

consuming and viewing wink

Mar 09 06 09:56 pm Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

So what everyone seems to be saying is what I've been thinking for a while.

If you are a successful artist, you are always doing things to invest in yourself.

Mar 09 06 10:03 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

practicing james bonds lines so i can try and get some "holliday women" like "bond women" - but then again, thats being creative.

so i guess i sit in front of a blank wall with no noise and stare.

Mar 09 06 10:09 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Sleep...and beer. 

If I could figure out how to do both at the same time it would mean a lot less down time.

Mar 09 06 10:13 pm Link


Adria W.

Posts: 776

Sacramento, California, US

I'm never not being creative. I don't think I could live if I wasn't.

When I'm not trying to become a model, I'm a full time art institute student. Working my ass off to become an animater.

Mar 09 06 10:28 pm Link


David Scott

Posts: 5617

Marion, Iowa, US

When I am not doing photography, I work on music as a hobby.  My main job is substitute teaching at the high school level (currently) which has provided me with a couple of volunteer models olddly enough.  High school kids love having their pictures taken I guess.  I also work part time for the city at the arts center, I tutor, and I own my own business on the side.  I like to try to keep busy ;-)

Mar 09 06 10:32 pm Link


C Hansen Photography

Posts: 306

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Mar 09 06 10:34 pm Link



Posts: 330

Toledo, Ohio, US

Chris Hansen wrote:

Mar 09 06 10:48 pm Link


DezLand Studios

Posts: 155

San Antonio, Florida, US

I take pics of my family, make collages...draw, write and hang out with friends. well have of that is being I also like to more of a homebody and spend as much time with people at home as I can.

Mar 09 06 10:59 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Second answer: 

I'm an aerospace engineer.  That pays the bills and will eventually fund the retirement.  But that's often creative.  I'm a biker.  That sucks some money, and it's creative too.  And I'm a traveller, artist, bohemian (small "b"), windbag, blogger, (pseudo-)intellectual, avid reader and parent/brother/son.  A few words cannot describe who anyone is, only some of the things they do.


Mar 09 06 11:06 pm Link



Posts: 24

I consider myself to be very creative.  I write movies, am a photographer, graphics artist, product designer, apsiring actor, and an artist.  Creativity is applied to every aspect of my life outside of those realms as well.  How I interact with people, how I talk, how I live.  But there are times when I'm not creating.  A writer calls them 'blocks'.  I used to get mad about them as they really were maddening.  But I now realize that it is just part of the continuous process.  No one can always be creative at every moment of every day.  There are down times for every creative mind.  But the down times are what get us to the next phase of our creativity.  Although we are not outputting and maybe not even thinking about anything creative at all...our brains are ticking.  They are pouring over things and sorting out blocks and formulating new ideas.  Our minds are brilliant devices even when we aren't creating something concrete at the moment.  The down times are just as important to an artist as the free-flowing output of creativity.

Mar 09 06 11:18 pm Link