Forums > General Industry > Why do photographers need to meet with you before?


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

It's good question Whoop.  But the answer, like any question is, it depends.  You've been given excellent answers.  I always try to meet.  Sometimes I'll be shooting a new (first time) model who wants "sexy photos" and wants to bring her "escort" - read boyfriend.  I don't mind the escort but I want to understand his mindset a bit - but I don't say this of course.  I meet them both for a cup of coffee and talk about her dreams and what she'd like to accomplish during a shoot.  I can tell from that conversation if the guy is going to be a help or hinderance.  If the latter, I turn down the offer.


Mar 10 06 08:44 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

id rather a model not show up to a pre-meet rather then not show up to the shoot.

I have my own studio,

but that sucks for photographers who have rented a studio and lighting and so forth only for the model not to show and the photographer has wasted thier money on nothing.

Mar 10 06 08:47 pm Link


Hot Latina

Posts: 21

Glendale, Arizona, US

not sure about you and i am new to this website but i been on here all day and to me i feel they want to meet first because there looking for a date. i mean if your going out to dinner and the photographer paying for it then he see it at a date and hoping to have sex with you that night.

i don't see a reason to a meeting that to a guy photographer is a date and looking to have sex. because if you truly think about it photographer don't like to waist there time unless there trying to get in to your pants.

Mar 10 06 08:48 pm Link


Danielle A

Posts: 403

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Danielle's mum here.

Danielle and I really like to meet photographer ahead of time if possible.  It gives him a chance to see her style and personality and a better chance for us to understand what we need to bring.  Sometimes I throw in samples of the clothes, so they can think about backgrounds.  I find the shoots go quicker and often have a better outcome because they know ahead of time where they will try and go.

It doesn't always work out, and she has had some great shoots without meeting first, but it definitely adds something nice to the shoot.


Mar 10 06 08:52 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Hot Latina wrote:
not sure about you and i am new to this website but i been on here all day and to me i feel they want to meet first because there looking for a date. i mean if your going out to dinner and the photographer paying for it then he see it at a date and hoping to have sex with you that night.

i don't see a reason to a meeting that to a guy photographer is a date and looking to have sex. because if you truly think about it photographer don't like to waist there time unless there trying to get in to your pants.

to see if you are a hot latina or just a warm chicana

Mar 10 06 08:52 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Hot Latina wrote:
not sure about you and i am new to this website but i been on here all day and to me i feel they want to meet first because there looking for a date. i mean if your going out to dinner and the photographer paying for it then he see it at a date and hoping to have sex with you that night.

i don't see a reason to a meeting that to a guy photographer is a date and looking to have sex. because if you truly think about it photographer don't like to waist there time unless there trying to get in to your pants.

hmmmm, who said dinner with a photographer. the 2 can meet at a starbucks or public park...

1. not all photographers are males
2. not all male photographers are trying to sleep with all models
3. Female photographers meet with models before shoots also at times

So your response is almost all the way wrong.
There are pervs but not how your making all photographers sound

Mar 10 06 09:07 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

WHOOP wrote:
Why do photographers need to meet with you before a shoot??

I have had many photographers ask me if we could meet to discuss the shoot before hand.

I never have because I think it's kind of sketchy -- I don't feel it's anything we need to meet about, unless we were going shopping together or something.

Please let me know what you think about this...

unless we were going shopping together or something. smile

I have expensive taste

Mar 10 06 09:12 pm Link



Posts: 11

Los Angeles, California, US

Happens all the time...
ESPECIALLY in the professional world.
Go Sees and Castings.
Its to make sure the fit/look/vibe is right on all sides.

Mar 10 06 09:16 pm Link


EdwinR Photography

Posts: 3154

Gainesville, Florida, US

We always meet the model first, for us it is essentially a job interview, and their portfolio is their resume.  We hire models for the job (unless they want tfps) and as previous posters have suggested, we need to know size, clairfy any questions, and have a plan.

We have had only one model question our intentions about meeting before hand.  She was inexperienced and we believe her mother was her "agent". 

Meeting before hand is business smart for both parties. 
Just my 2 cents.....

Mar 10 06 09:27 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Danielle A wrote:
Danielle's mum here.

Danielle and I really like to meet photographer ahead of time if possible.  It gives him a chance to see her style and personality and a better chance for us to understand what we need to bring.  Sometimes I throw in samples of the clothes, so they can think about backgrounds.  I find the shoots go quicker and often have a better outcome because they know ahead of time where they will try and go.

It doesn't always work out, and she has had some great shoots without meeting first, but it definitely adds something nice to the shoot.


I want to meet Marilyn!

Mar 10 06 10:28 pm Link


Tonic Dog Studios

Posts: 12527

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Eric Muss-Barnes wrote:

To figure out if we just want to shoot photos, or if we want to sleep with you.

Duh. Isn't that obvious?

... Wait. Why am I the only one who has given that answer so far?

Isn't it like a little guessing game?  Guess what they look like nekkid then see if you're right on the shoot.  Meeting before hand gives time to place bets.

J/k!!!!  :^|

Mar 10 06 10:34 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

CK Photography wrote:

I agree with Fabio and to add.

6.  One of the things I look at when I work with a model is personality.  May sound weird, but it's true.   Cause I may have someone looking for a model and I don't want to send someone that's a flake or hard to work with.

7. To make sure you give them an idea on what style that you are looking for and looking at their clothes in advance. This prevents a bad unexpected shoot.

Mar 10 06 10:56 pm Link



Posts: 40

Los Angeles, California, US

Dave Krueger wrote:

One reason is to see what a model REALLY looks like.  Nowadays, a model's portfolio pictures are often so doctored up that they are practically useless.  If a photographer wants to know if a model has zits, wrinkles around her eyes, skin discoloration issues, facial hair, scars, sun damaged skin, bad teeth, moles, etc, the model's portfolio is not going to be helpful.  You just can't trust so-called professional pictures to show the model as she is.  Not only that, but the prevalence of such editing has moved the threshold down so far that modeling is now open to anyone regardless of their appearance, which makes the likelihood of running into models with those conditions much more common.


EDIT:  As usual, I neglected to mention that I'm referring to internet modeling, which is mostly what MM is about.

can whoever knows how to do all this major editing please do something to my photos! because ive been told i look better in person! lol

seriously i want to know what its like to look gorgeous in photos, someone please photoshop my stuff!

until you prove me wrong ill keep on believing that photoshop can only take you so far... its not going to turn a beast into a beauty, sorry. (Maybe if the only thing making her beastly is acne or something, but a girl who is ugly because of her features isnt going to be saved by photoshop)

Mar 10 06 11:04 pm Link


CBs Photography

Posts: 1110

Ontario, California, US

Even though it doesn't happen very often, I like to meet the model before a shoot.  Especially if both parties are located within a reasonable distance from each other.  It's a chance to ask and answer any questions about the shoot and I think it makes both parties more comfortable with each other during the shoot.  I think the distance, time and "date" factor play a part in why models and photographers don't meet more often before a shoot.

Mar 10 06 11:11 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Hot Latina wrote:
not sure about you and i am new to this website but i been on here all day and to me i feel they want to meet first because there looking for a date. i mean if your going out to dinner and the photographer paying for it then he see it at a date and hoping to have sex with you that night.

i don't see a reason to a meeting that to a guy photographer is a date and looking to have sex. because if you truly think about it photographer don't like to waist there time unless there trying to get in to your pants.


what photographers are hooking up with? That sounds more like wishful thinking aka ego than fact. Facts, photographers have many reasons for meeting a model outside of dating aka wanting to fuck.

Meeting helps gives both the model and photographer a clear understanding of what the photographer is looking for. And trust me when I tell you this, you don't always know what the photographer wants without actually seeing.

At the school that I attend, there is a student who does fashion photography. He had a MUA and all show up. The model gets there and brings only 2 to 3 outfits that didn't have anything to do with what he had envisioned on his camera. I fought him because meeting helps to let the model 'KNOW' what you are looking for and it prevents headaches.

The other reason of many reasons is reassuring both the model and photographer that neither is a damn nut and that both of you are very serious about the project.

I had a model who found me on here and was dying to shoot. I put my money where my mouth is, but she couldn't. Had places where I wanted to shoot. She was pumped up. But when I asked her to meet, she would duck and dodge the question until I put her a corner so to speak to make her answer the question. Her excuse was she doesn't have time to meet and that she scheduals fast. WTF? You can come to two different shoots but you can't meet with me to make sure that we have the right gear? I told her nevermind and that I'll find another. The photoshoot turned out good.

You have to do what is necessary to prevent the bullshit from happening. I never had any model flake out on me. And will prevent it from happening it I see it coming in advance.

As far as models thinking that every photographer wants her..That's a funny one. I have a solution to that problem. I don't bother with them and will tell them to walk. As matter of fact I spoke my mind to one who had this in her small mind. I got my respect too. Me I'm about business not games. So let's not play them, both photographers and models.

Mar 10 06 11:20 pm Link


Anderson Artwork

Posts: 493

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Yeah...all the above

I am not the worlds fastest typist and trying to negoiate by email takes 100's of times longer than just sitting down and talking it all out. If distance is a problem we can talk on the phone but never less than that. I am constantly amazed at how many models write back with questions that have 25 possible answers, according to what I would ask them back about their choices, when I have clearly stated in the contact:

It is a paid shoot.
It is more time efficent for them to call or send a number so that I may call them.
The concept is within their stated limits.
That I do not type very well.
That there may be several types of shoots available and that trying to type out all the different variables is not possible with out their direct feedback.
Here are references that you can check.

Not to mention that I always try to give at least a little bit of the concept in the initial contact...i.e. This is a swimsuit shoot for a charity calendar or lingerie shoot for a magazine article.

If you were applying for a job, pretty much anywhere, wouldn't you expect to have a face to face meeting with someone from the company, before you showed up for work on the first day?

Mar 10 06 11:26 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

WHOOP wrote:
I guess I need to stop with the conscience my father has pounded into my head about kidnappers and perverts.

No, just be smart
meet them somewhere public & bring a friend.

Mar 10 06 11:30 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Hot Latina wrote:
not sure about you and i am new to this website but i been on here all day and to me i feel they want to meet first because there looking for a date. i mean if your going out to dinner and the photographer paying for it then he see it at a date and hoping to have sex with you that night.

i don't see a reason to a meeting that to a guy photographer is a date and looking to have sex. because if you truly think about it photographer don't like to waist there time unless there trying to get in to your pants.

Well, I meet the models in a public place with my female partner who is also my PARTNER if you get my meaning, and we encourage the model to bring a friend.
So we're not all looking to hook up.

Mar 10 06 11:31 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

Hot Latina wrote:
not sure about you and i am new to this website but i been on here all day and to me i feel they want to meet first because there looking for a date. i mean if your going out to dinner and the photographer paying for it then he see it at a date and hoping to have sex with you that night.

i don't see a reason to a meeting that to a guy photographer is a date and looking to have sex. because if you truly think about it photographer don't like to waist there time unless there trying to get in to your pants.



Mar 12 06 01:04 am Link


Jeff Cohn

Posts: 3850

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
Why do you test drive a car?
Why do you date before you get married?
Why do you smoke a joint before buying a kilo of pot?
Why do you meet an attorney before hiring them for a case?

Why the hell do we keep getting such stupid ass questions here?

Dont forget the most important...
why do you go to an interview before you get hired for a job?

Mar 13 06 11:30 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

WHOOP wrote:
Why do photographers need to meet with you before a shoot??

For one thing,,,,,,,it sucks to find out the girl in the photographs is not the girl you meet at the shoot. Either due to tons of airbrushing or she is just a completely different girl. I have encountered both in the past. Imagine spending a lot of money prepping for a shoot, expecting this amazing model. You do not see her in person until a couple of hours or sometimes moments before the shoot, and she is not at all who you saw in the photographs. Money down the drain that can not be recovered.

Mar 13 06 11:35 am Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Steven Bigler wrote:
Why do you test drive a car?
Why do you date before you get married?
Why do you smoke a joint before buying a kilo of pot?
Why do you meet an attorney before hiring them for a case?

Why the hell do we keep getting such stupid ass questions here?


Mar 13 06 11:37 am Link