Forums > General Industry > Themes or Concepts for photo shoots


Lindsey Marie

Posts: 214

Detroit, Michigan, US

I am just wonderinf if anyone out there has any unique ideas for themed photo shoots?  I am having trouble being creative with this!  It would be much appreciated.
~thanks, Lindsey   smile

Mar 08 06 04:18 pm Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

I steal my ideas from other photographers' photos, or I find a prop somewhere and build a theme around that.

Mar 08 06 04:20 pm Link


Lindsey Marie

Posts: 214

Detroit, Michigan, US

Alrighty sounds good...thanks!!!

Mar 08 06 04:20 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

How about Lesbian Nazi Snowboarding big_smile

Mar 08 06 04:21 pm Link



Posts: 17

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

how about spy girl theme

Mar 08 06 04:23 pm Link


Lindsey Marie

Posts: 214

Detroit, Michigan, US

Interesting ideas...thanks all!

Mar 08 06 04:24 pm Link


Universal Beauty

Posts: 271

Lindsey Marie wrote:
I am just wonderinf if anyone out there has any unique ideas for themed photo shoots?  I am having trouble being creative with this!  It would be much appreciated.
~thanks, Lindsey   smile

I'm always cooking up something!  Take a look at my page and portfolio.  More on my OMP link, too

Mar 08 06 04:24 pm Link


WZ Photography

Posts: 584

Squamish, British Columbia, Canada

You can always come to London, On and do a shoot with me.

I'm full of ideas, and very open to suggestions.

Working with a good makup artist might also benefit you when it comes to ideas.

Good Luck,


Mar 08 06 04:24 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

C R Photography wrote:
How about Lesbian Nazi Snowboarding big_smile

Add Yanni and you have good a deal.

Mar 08 06 04:25 pm Link



Posts: 7318

Brooklyn, New York, US

how about a bunch of female models in nurse outfits in a hospital room with a male model all bandaged up? o yea and the models are causing the man more pain hehehe tongue

Mar 08 06 04:33 pm Link



Posts: 7318

Brooklyn, New York, US

oh and let me add instead of hospital tools they have power tools lol

Mar 08 06 04:38 pm Link



Posts: 140

Millersville, Maryland, US

Well since I'm a nerd and Natalie Portman is my favorite actress, I am constantly going to her site. I check out the photoshoots she's done.If I like the idea of it, I might try to set up a shoot that emulates that idea. Maybe you could try that with your favorite actress/model/singer/whatever.

Mar 08 06 04:39 pm Link



Posts: 7318

Brooklyn, New York, US

o man and add some bright color bean bag chairs in the room and white teddy bears with baloons.

Mar 08 06 04:44 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1221

New York, New York, US

You could be different types of liquor.

Mar 08 06 04:46 pm Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

How about do some illegal substances that will alter your mind? Then try and come up with a concept or theme on your own ?

Mar 08 06 04:47 pm Link



Posts: 310

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Lindsey Marie wrote:
I am just wonderinf if anyone out there has any unique ideas for themed photo shoots?  I am having trouble being creative with this!  It would be much appreciated.
~thanks, Lindsey   smile

I know that I have had ideas....and sometimes they work out and sometimes they don't.  I like when you are on location and you see the surroundings and what all you are able to do in them.  That is when my brain starts burning.  Just like....a photographer came here from different state...was suppose to be nice and sunny.  Ended up being a shitty day....raining heavy all day.  So.....we did the best we could...and worked with what we had.  Ended up being one of the best shoots....eventhough I was wet and cold...that I had! 


Mar 08 06 04:50 pm Link


Charles Morris

Posts: 164

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Usually I listen to the radio and a lyric will jump out at me ...

Just now Meridith Brooks was on the station ...

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell, I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way

Pick which part you like and go for it smile

Mar 08 06 11:02 pm Link


jasmine o

Posts: 49

Castro Valley, California, US

Benny wrote:
oh and let me add instead of hospital tools they have power tools lol creative! i like i like!

Mar 08 06 11:07 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Try these... they've worked for me in the past... wink 

1.  Hell raisin beer drinkin
2.  Renaissance
3.  Mardi Gras
4.  Glamour & outlandish makeup theme
5.  Ghetto & jacked up location themes
6.  Nature themes
7.  Bondage and Fetish
8.  Black & White themes
9.  Motorcycle, Cars, Trains, Boats, Planes & other forms of transportation
10.  Fashion & Runway
11.  Unique lighting
12.  Beach shoots

You can also mix and match any of the examples listed above to include some majorly freaky shit... example:

A drunkass motorcycle momma crusin down a ghetto runway in handcuffs wearin a Mardi Gra mask and lyin off a beach cliff illuminated by a lighting bolt.  The possibilities are endless... wink

Mar 08 06 11:22 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Chicks with guns.

Mar 09 06 12:55 am Link


Mark Giacobelli

Posts: 27

I like the idea of girls who look totally out of place in their environment. Things like a girl in a sophisticated business suit at a trailer park or a girl in "Daisy Dukes" at a high class cocktail party. The list goes on....

Mar 09 06 09:26 am Link



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

Mark Giacobelli wrote:
I like the idea of girls who look totally out of place in their environment. Things like a girl in a sophisticated business suit at a trailer park or a girl in "Daisy Dukes" at a high class cocktail party. The list goes on....

I second the motion.  In my area there are opportunities like abandoned rural houses, junk yard vehicles, field stone walls from demolished farm buildings. Add an overdressed model who will be a real dichotomy with the surroundings. I once did a major theme with a model in a cheerleader outfit doing heroic things, disarming a prop bomb, recovering a cat from a tree, helping at Habitat for Humanity, and rescuing a young boy from a smoke filled house. (fog machine.)

I would also call your attention to my MM image called Labor Camp, Purcell Oklahoma.

Have fun !


Mar 09 06 09:36 am Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
Chicks with guns.

This is a very popular theme these days...  smile

Mar 09 06 09:45 am Link



Posts: 330

Toledo, Ohio, US

i don't like to share my ideas too much, but i'll share how i get them.  first, i watch a lot of the free music videos on yahoo.  madonna is my personal god.  second, i keep a scrapbook purely for ideas.  maybe i'll draw an outfit and then have it custom made (i have two insanely talented seamstress friends) and then develope a theme from there.  or maybe i'll have a really weird dream and use that.  and sometimes i'll just get inspired by like a piece of jewelry.  no matter what, i always keep my book with me so i write it all down and doodle it out so i never loose the idea.

Mar 09 06 11:21 am Link


DezLand Studios

Posts: 155

San Antonio, Florida, US

MsMojoRisinBJae wrote:
i don't like to share my ideas too much, but i'll share how i get them.  first, i watch a lot of the free music videos on yahoo.  madonna is my personal god.  second, i keep a scrapbook purely for ideas.  maybe i'll draw an outfit and then have it custom made (i have two insanely talented seamstress friends) and then develope a theme from there.  or maybe i'll have a really weird dream and use that.  and sometimes i'll just get inspired by like a piece of jewelry.  no matter what, i always keep my book with me so i write it all down and doodle it out so i never loose the idea.

I like the scrapbook idea...I have dozens of spirals and sketchpads full of concept sketches..prop sketches and some times ill put them on the shelf for a while and come back to it later with a fresh mind and add on. I agree about dreams, same here smile.

I like fantasy...cuz theres nothing that cant be..its fantasy. Luis Royo has some good works maybe you can bounce a few ideas off them

Mar 09 06 01:10 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Breathing a little life into a formerly dying thread...

When I'm out of ideas I pick up a book.  Reading a good novel forces my mind to visualize what I'm reading.  Stimulates those creative juices.  I see the scene in my head and then build the composition of a photograph around it.

Music helps, too, especially songs that tell a story.  For the same reasons given above...

Mar 23 06 09:37 pm Link


Dale Biester

Posts: 2

Fort Worth, Texas, US

I would like to do catwoman in body pant.

Mar 23 06 09:45 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Show the plight of hand puppets being fisted as a term of their existence.

Mar 23 06 09:50 pm Link



Posts: 15

Houston, Texas, US

hell yeah, u could do all kinds of things. An arabic thing, cultural themes, i saw fairy tale themes... props really add to the illusion. U could pose with animals, guns, do diff. kinds of military themes. lol

Mar 23 06 09:58 pm Link



Posts: 627

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
Show the plight of hand puppets being fisted as a term of their existence.

Right side up or upside down? I need to get it composed correctly! (ROFLMAO!)

Mar 23 06 10:04 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Lindsey Marie wrote:
I am just wonderinf if anyone out there has any unique ideas for themed photo shoots?  I am having trouble being creative with this!  It would be much appreciated.
~thanks, Lindsey   smile

Here's a fairly simple concept:  Inappropriately Dressed.

Wear a T-shirt & jeans at the opera house,
or evening dress at a fast food restaurant,
or high fashion make-up, posing for a DMV photo,
or in a swimsuit working in an office,
or  ... 

You get the idea.

Mar 24 06 09:38 am Link


Wolfs Eye Photography

Posts: 1830

Wills Point, Texas, US

Benny wrote:
how about a bunch of female models in nurse outfits in a hospital room with a male model all bandaged up? o yea and the models are causing the man more pain hehehe tongue

I think that would be to realistic.

Mar 24 06 09:47 am Link



Posts: 51

Los Angeles, California, US

I see models on here that have stuff in their ports that are VERY unique to their personality and the photogs help them realize those concepts. Try getting to know your models a little and ask what they're do they drink coffee, are they a dancer, do they have a favorite crappy colored lipstick, a favorite time of year? Little things like that could inspire you in more ways than you know.

Mar 24 06 09:56 am Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

I agree with the music as inspiration idea.  I've been dying to do a "Mary Jane's Last Dance" themed photoshoot for over a year.  I also like nudes in abandoned buildings....something about the beauty of the body and the decay all around really gets me.  Do you have a favorite movie?  You could always act out that character in a photoshoot.  What did you want to be when you were little, before the world got in the way?  Be that in a photoshoot.  Do you have an ultimate fantasy?  You can find inspiration everywhere.....just look.

Mar 24 06 10:09 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

KatieK wrote:
Do you have a favorite movie?  You could always act out that character in a photoshoot.  What did you want to be when you were little, before the world got in the way?  Be that in a photoshoot.  Do you have an ultimate fantasy?  You can find inspiration everywhere.....just look.

Right on Katie!  One of my all time favorite movies is Labrynth with David Bowie and Jennifer Connely.  So. . .I'm thinking "fairy".

Mar 24 06 10:23 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

I'm an editorial-style fashion shooter; most of stuff was shot with some sort of concept or theme. The only time it doesn't is when I'm just playing, and even then I usually find something.

Why you shoot is as important as what you shoot or how you shoot. It defines your work. And I don't mean "why" only in the practical sense (ie to get paid, etc), I mean artistically as well.

Mar 24 06 10:27 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Lindsey Marie wrote:
I am just wonderinf if anyone out there has any unique ideas for themed photo shoots?

Learn to free-associate. Go to a comic book store and pick up 5 comic books at random. Open them to random pages. Take elements from everything you see and see if you can synthesize them into something. Or take a concept from your current favorite TV show and blend it with an idea from your favorite porno flick and cross-fade that with a theme from a Shakespeare play. Whatever.

OK, so let's try it, right?

Theme 1: batman
Theme 2: CNN
Theme 3: Othello

Alrighty, let's drop the Othello part, I can't make that work. But what about if you had Nancy Grace trying to interview Catwoman during the middle of a fight? That might be interesting/amusing/whatever. Or maybe it's Catwoman versus FOX News in a pitched battle.

OK, maybe that's a really stupid idea. But it took me, what, 1/10 of a second to come up with it. Take a couple shots of tequila and do that kind of free association exercise for an hour or 2 and you'll have more ideas for shooting than you'll be able to do in your life.

I recently was asked to come up with some "series photos" for a model I shot with last month. So I started just combining words in my head. "striptease" became "strip tease" became "snip tease" became - oh, cool - let's have a model wearing some kind of dress that she's cutting off herself a bit at a time with scissors. (Email [email protected] if you want a work in progress version of the shot, it turned out GREAT)

To me what is interesting about your question is that it cuts to the core of "what is creativity?" - one of the most profound questions a person can ask. I happen to believe that our creative scope is limited (except in incredibly rare cases) by our experiences and the totality of human culture. That's why Shakespeare didn't have characters travelling to the moon, right? It took machine-age humans to even think that was an "out there" idea. If you accept my argument that creativity is a blending and merging of existing concepts, then the kind of "creative recycling" I am  talking about above makes perfect sense.


Mar 24 06 10:27 am Link



Posts: 114

Englewood, New Jersey, US

good ideas on here.  I have tons, not enough time to shoot them all.  But they're not exactly ideas I want to pass on to everyone here.  sorry. 

but . . . have a story.   I think that's key.  I think it's sad when you see basic photos of beautiful women just standing there all the time or just tweaking a pose, sticking the butt out or whatever.  better that one is sticking their butt out because it makes some sense in the photo / shoot for some reason. you were caught in a split second of time doing something that gave reason for you to strike that pose or be in that position, which just so happens to show off whatever attributes you want to show off, whether clothing, hips, butt, hair, etc.

beyond that, go for composition, framing.  even when one or a photo has no story whatsoever, if it is composed well with good form, good lighting and balance of positive/neg space, colors, B&W elements, shading, beautiful form, etc. it can still be top notch.  to understand this better you need to just go through gazillions of photos picking out what elements you like and don't, which appeal to you and why and so on.  I make a collection of photos that have different elements I want to shoot and organize them accordingly such as under lighting, tonalities, locations, backgrounds, hair emphasis, poses, head shots, etc. then I can easily pick out elements I want to shoot or feel are appropriate for a certain model or look I want to emulate or generate. 

I also like to create situations women, models, people find themselves in everyday - that are just life, funny, fun, whatever that just happens rather than super contrived - in appearance.  Even if it meticulously planned, it should not feel that way - in my opinion.  being, feeling relaxed and exuding being relaxed is also key for me when I shoot people.

hope that helps.

btw, your current shots are great and you look amazing.

Mar 24 06 10:34 am Link



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

Look at the words to the song "A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall" or "Desolation Row."  You don't need the music, just look for the lyrics on a Bob Dylan or general lyric site.  They are FILLED with imagery that might trigger that sought after theme for you.

Mar 24 06 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

Jack M Absinthe wrote:
You could be different types of liquor.

That is actually a great idea can you imagine getting a great body painter and becoming a Hypnotiq bottle...thanks Im going to look into that!

Mar 24 06 01:37 pm Link