

Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Whadda ya know - I can't make up my mind! smile

Ok - So, when I first started modeling I was intially introduced to bit more of the 'porn' industry.
I did an amateur site - Loved doing it and don't regret it.

No from a 'life' standpoint this probably wasnt a great decision but whats done is done. Now I have the option to do it again, possibly more pay - same work.

Now the first thing I would say to myself is - you already did it you cant go back, so you might as well take the cash and get on with it...
But in that time Ive grown up a bit - my mom hates it, my boyfriend is not my biggest fan (lol) and I see it as not really a good move from a "society" perspective.

If I did it again do I make the same mistake twice, or is it an opportunity I shouldnt pass up.

I'm sure I will model until I cant do it anymore, its something i love doing but I also think maybe one day I might have a career - I dont ever expect to be famous and its not like a lot of people outside my small city really know about it - so I think for the most part it would stay "private" unless I make it "public" -lol, I guess like Im doing now... hahha....

Anyways any help with the weighing out good and bad would be appreciated! Or stories! - Whatever you want to say good/bad.

Mar 08 06 12:04 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

When making choices like this, I always advise people to presume that the absolute worst case scenario (whatever that might be for you) will happen as a result of the work.  If that were to happen, would you still be glad you made that choice?  If so, go for it.  If not, steer clear.

As a recent example, check out Ivy's experience with another mother in her town:

Mar 08 06 12:07 pm Link


David Linke

Posts: 488

Woodville, Ohio, US

I took a look at your portfolio here.

If you are not trying to travel the direction you are asking about in this thread, it provokes a question;  Do the images in your portfolio depict the image you are trying to project to possible clients?

I mean no judgment of any type.  You are a beautiful women with a creative nude portfolio.  I wish I had made a couple of the images you are displaying.

If you are trying to work a more mainstream career, then you need to show a more mainstream portfolio.  If you are trying to work a more mainstream career, then you need to work with a land based agency, and not rely on the internet for an income, it just isn't here.

Mar 08 06 12:18 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

InDecisivE wrote:
Whadda ya know - I can't make up my mind! smile

Ok - So, when I first started modeling I was intially introduced to bit more of the 'porn' industry.
I did an amateur site - Loved doing it and don't regret it.

No from a 'life' standpoint this probably wasnt a great decision but whats done is done. Now I have the option to do it again, possibly more pay - same work.

Now the first thing I would say to myself is - you already did it you cant go back, so you might as well take the cash and get on with it...
But in that time Ive grown up a bit - my mom hates it, my boyfriend is not my biggest fan (lol) and I see it as not really a good move from a "society" perspective.

If I did it again do I make the same mistake twice, or is it an opportunity I shouldnt pass up.

I'm sure I will model until I cant do it anymore, its something i love doing but I also think maybe one day I might have a career - I dont ever expect to be famous and its not like a lot of people outside my small city really know about it - so I think for the most part it would stay "private" unless I make it "public" -lol, I guess like Im doing now... hahha....

Anyways any help with the weighing out good and bad would be appreciated! Or stories! - Whatever you want to say good/bad.

One model I know does totally x-rated porn and has a personal pay site devoted to that.  Another model I know does Hustler/Barely Legal style nudes.  Both are two of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet, have good friends, strong social networks, are doing what they want to do, and are making a success at it.  (Think Jenna Jameson, multi-millionaire).  I'm not saying that's right for you, but I'm playing the "pro-porn" devil's advocate here.  True, you can't easily "go back" after doing porn.  No Disney jobs.  Anyway, that's the way it is.  We all make choices in this life.  Stay within your comfort level and choose with your head, not your instincts.  That's my advice.  :-)

Mar 08 06 12:29 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

David Linke wrote:
I took a look at your portfolio here.

If you are not trying to travel the direction you are asking about in this thread, it provokes a question;  Do the images in your portfolio depict the image you are trying to project to possible clients?

I mean no judgment of any type.  You are a beautiful women with a creative nude portfolio.  I wish I had made a couple of the images you are displaying.

If you are trying to work a more mainstream career, then you need to show a more mainstream portfolio.  If you are trying to work a more mainstream career, then you need to work with a land based agency, and not rely on the internet for an income, it just isn't here.

I don't want to be mainstream, I don't want to be well known..
Ideally - I wish I was working, doing something else - and modeling for fun, not charging for anything - nudes or whatever.. I love what I do! And right now it's sort of in 'career' mode, but if I had the choice, and If I could I wouldn't do that.
I'm open to all different types of work - and nude work is fine with me, i'll never stop doing that...
This opportunity - involves 'solo videos', masturbation sets, it's a bit more 'graphic' than anything you see in my port.
What you see in my port now - is a display of my favorite images, and images I would create again.

Mar 08 06 12:31 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

William Coleman wrote:

One model I know does totally x-rated porn and has a personal pay site devoted to that.  Another model I know does Hustler/Barely Legal style nudes.  Both are two of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet, have good friends, strong social networks, are doing what they want to do, and are making a success at it.  (Think Jenna Jameson, multi-millionaire).  I'm not saying that's right for you, but I'm playing the "pro-porn" devil's advocate here.  True, you can't easily "go back" after doing porn.  No Disney jobs.  Anyway, that's the way it is.  We all make choices in this life.  Stay within your comfort level and choose with your head, not your instincts.  That's my advice.  :-)

Oh I completely agree - and have no shame in doing it - I too have a paysite and again no regrets. I suppose it's a matter of deciding what I want -
To me right now - if I wanted a family with the guy i'm with, the answer is no. If I plan to move back in with mommy for a bit to save some cash - the answer is no...
I guess what it comes down to is the length for me - if I do it again how much longer would it be there, if I dont do it again it might disappear sooner.
I guess I just dont really know if I want it there when Im older and have kids.,

Mar 08 06 12:35 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

InDecisivE wrote:

Oh I completely agree - and have no shame in doing it - I too have a paysite and again no regrets. I suppose it's a matter of deciding what I want -
To me right now - if I wanted a family with the guy i'm with, the answer is no. If I plan to move back in with mommy for a bit to save some cash - the answer is no...
I guess what it comes down to is the length for me - if I do it again how much longer would it be there, if I dont do it again it might disappear sooner.
I guess I just dont really know if I want it there when Im older and have kids.,

Kids...I do think of that sometime when I think of some of my model friends who do adult or semi-adult stuff.  Growing up is hard enough, without the other kids pointing and saying, "Your mommy does porn!"  Or worse.  You can imagine.  And in these days of the internet, your images are floating around forever.  Something to think about.

Mar 08 06 12:42 pm Link


A. H A M I L T O N

Posts: 325

Coventry, England, United Kingdom

To be blunt, the types of modeling that would be closed to you if you decided to do nudes/porn aren't available to a model of 5'4" anyway.

I wouldn't let that be your concern.  Many of the other points and reasons to think twice about it are very valid, and I'm certainly not trying to sway you in that direction...but thinking you're going to close modeling doors to you because of it isn't really realistic.  Your height closed those doors to you long before you did the first site.


Mar 08 06 12:43 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Photographers  are all  would be porn stars that had shortcomings.

So we are now work behind the camera!

Mar 08 06 12:46 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

A. H A M I L T O N wrote:
To be blunt, the types of modeling that would be closed to you if you decided to do nudes/porn aren't available to a model of 5'4" anyway.

I wouldn't let that be your concern.  Many of the other points and reasons to think twice about it are very valid, and I'm certainly not trying to sway you in that direction...but thinking you're going to close modeling doors to you because of it isn't really realistic.  Your height closed those doors to you long before you did the first site.


I know as a model - even when I started, what I could and couldn't do. The doors for modeling that would open or close.... Would be little or none - that I agree with..
But from a 'life' perspective.. Is it a good option?... If I had kids? What would they think, will the times change enough that something like that might be accepted... Am I too young to make a decision based on a guy.. I mean they come and go - do I really care what he thinks... - to a point I suppose...
I have no shame in doing it - and wouldn't be ashamed if one day I had a child who wanted to do it... My concern is more - I know I can  handle it and there is a small knit group of people that can - and accept it...

but like the link above - do I want to be that "mommy" or that "coworker"... Do you think it's something that can be worked around - is it something that will jeopardize my career?!... Will I lose things I want in the future because of it...

As it stands - whether I do it again or not - I am still living with those possibilities.. But - I did it 2 years ago - there is a better chance now, that in 10 years... Those pictures won't be floating around as much as now.

Mar 08 06 12:51 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

The supermodel Helena Christensen once said something like "Doing nudes is like getting a tattoo -- it's something that will follow you around for a very long time."

I should mention that I'm probably older than your father, so I have a different perspective than you.  However, I do remember being young, and people your age are immensely interesting, because you are making the transition from being part of your parents household into being a young, independent adult.  Part of that process is finding your way, exploring your choices, trying things out, and enjoying your youthful vitality & energy.  (Don't forget to fall in love while you are at it.)

So, I think you already know your answer.  On one hand, the cat's out of the bag, and there already are nude images of you out there, including some that are more "R" or "X" rated than the ones on your portfolio.  Will more such images cause problems?  Who's to say?  I make nude images myself, and I enjoy them, and sometimes, when I'm really comfortable with the model, and she's comfortable with me, we stray towards more erotic themes.  Rarely, people rag on me because of it, but in general, I don't really care what those people think of me.  I am generous to my models, they are adults, and we attempt to create high quality, artistic images, pictures we can be proud of.

But there is a downside, and you've already acknowledged that -- your boyfriend may have problems with it, and your family may also have problems.  How important are those relationships to you?  Are those people willing to accept your decision?  Me?  I think it's important for you to surround yourself with people who are willing to support you.

I should mention that I love the sensuality of the images in your portfolio.  Good luck with your decision.  And while you are at it, perhaps you can arrange a trip to my neck of the woods?

Mar 08 06 12:55 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Well --
The boyfriend (might I add that I am not a fan of models with them, nor do I like when they even mention, can I bring him - well he wouldn't like it .. blah blah blah)
K.. Ya.. The Boyfriend - is a friend. If I did do it - he would still respect me, and love me, but we would no longer be together - as it's not something "he" wants in a relationship -- Understandable, his choice, I respect that. I would not lose him as a friend.
My Mom - I've done it once, she knows, she  hates it. She still loves me, and respects anything I do - but she will not show it off nor will she brag about it.

But as the times go on - Does mom want me living with her if I'm doing it !? No - Was the plan to move in with mom to save some money - Yes. So, then i'm stuck with an issue from a financial stand point.
There are many things to consider, and I want to make sure the right considerations are at the top... Should my mom, my boyfriend or any other person for that matter be? - No, id on't think so... - Should money, a roof over my head, and happiness - Yes. - If one of those is in jeopardy, that's probably a problem.

Could I hide it from mommy - ya, probably... But, it still sits in your tummy funny.
-I dunno- smile

Mar 08 06 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

If you don't do it, somebody else will. This money is there. It's only a question of who is going to get it.

Mar 08 06 01:12 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

When making choices like this, I always advise people to presume that the absolute worst case scenario (whatever that might be for you) will happen as a result of the work.  If that were to happen, would you still be glad you made that choice?  If so, go for it.  If not, steer clear.

That's the best advice I have seen on this topic.

I personally could not live with the worst case scenario (losing my job-- my REAL career), so I avoid it.

Mar 08 06 06:04 pm Link


g2-new photographics

Posts: 2048

Boston, Massachusetts, US

And the last two posts do indeed sum it up!


Mar 08 06 06:06 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Mar 08 06 06:21 pm Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

I think it's a big step to move between nudes (even softcore) and masturbation. It's one thing to explain to your future children or coworkers your current nude work, I would imagine it would be harder to deal with erotic videos being out there.

Given your past success and great looks, I *personally* see no reason why you should have to break any new boundaries to demand a higher payscale.

Mar 09 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The work that's being considered.. Is no sex.
Video masturbation (solo) is as far as anything goes.
All pics & vids are solo .. and umm. Nothing up my bum! hahaa..

Mar 09 06 12:10 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Don't do it.

If you are having this hard of a time making the decision and you are looking for answers from strangers on a message forum, then you already know you're not really interested.

If you were cool with it and comfortable with it, you would just go ahead and do it.

But since you are posting on here about it, you are not cool with it. You are not comfortable. So don't do it.

Mar 09 06 12:26 am Link