Forums > General Industry > Funny things in models' profiles.


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

I've seen some strange and funny things in models' profiles, and a lot of them make me wonder how these people hope to get on.

My favourite is:-

My portfolio is a work in progress. I'm happy to shoot TFP/TFCD if you're an extremely high quality photographer. I may be new, but I'm not desperate. If you are a quality photographer and would like to shoot TFP/TFCD, please do contact me.

Any others?

Mar 08 06 07:27 am Link


Moonlight Photography

Posts: 48

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Not so much on this site but the other. When a model lists her experience level as NONE and compensation rate at PAID JOBS ONLY. What a dream world we must live in!!

Mar 08 06 07:50 am Link


John Allen

Posts: 89

Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France

Yea....the "Paid Jobs Only" but with "Very Experienced" and five soso (OK crappy) images usually by the model's photographer/manager.

But the best is....... "Won't shoot without my chaperon (read boyfriend or photographer/manager) present.  This is for my and the photographer's protection."   Gee... if I need protection from you, think I will just find another model.


Mar 08 06 09:47 am Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Right on!  Let's go out of our way to mock models some more!  The photographer/model relationship definitely isn't antagonistic enough already!

Come on, guys.  I saw the same profile yesterday, and even had the same moment of exasperation, but you know what?  I closed it and kept moving.  There's no reason to carry this stuff around with you.  Let it go.  For every annoying new model who won't shoot with you, there are two eager ones who will.  Find them, shoot with them, have a great time.  Why spend time worrying on a bone that won't change?

Mar 08 06 10:06 am Link



Posts: 760

Orlando, Florida, US

the funniest thing in a models profile was the model's pictures and I saw her face.....oh wait that was me. ;)lol.

Mar 08 06 10:14 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

1)  I see nothing wrong or "funny" about a model choosing to be very selective about the photographers willing to pose on a TFP/TFCD basis. 

2)  I see nothing wrong with models wishing financial compensation for their time posing, regardless of their experience.

I'm one of those photographers who think TFP/TFCD is a raw deal for models -- in fact, I think it's exploitation.  I am also of the opinion that using sarcasm & scorn for models who want/need compensation (more than the TFP/TFCD) is counterproductive.

My bottom line:  if you don't like the deal being offered, either make a counter offer or walk away -- ragging on models in general is unprofessional, immature, and gives us considerate photographers a bad name.

Mar 08 06 10:15 am Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

I thought this was gonna be about models who actually put funny things in their profile. Like so:

Hi, my name is Kita and I love Dilbert.
If you love dilbert, drop me a line, I'd love to collaborate.

That would be groovy.

Mar 08 06 10:20 am Link



Posts: 760

Orlando, Florida, US

I love dilbert!

Mar 08 06 10:26 am Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

spyro2122 wrote:
I love dilbert!

Got a camera? big_smile

Mar 08 06 10:32 am Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

lmao, my husband is IT and he sent me this a while back...lmao One of my favorite Dilbert comics to date. big_smile

Mar 08 06 11:14 am Link


john knight

Posts: 451

Farmington, New Mexico, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
1)  I see nothing wrong or "funny" about a model choosing to be very selective about the photographers willing to pose on a TFP/TFCD basis. 

2)  I see nothing wrong with models wishing financial compensation for their time posing, regardless of their experience.

I'm one of those photographers who think TFP/TFCD is a raw deal for models -- in fact, I think it's exploitation.  I am also of the opinion that using sarcasm & scorn for models who want/need compensation (more than the TFP/TFCD) is counterproductive.

My bottom line:  if you don't like the deal being offered, either make a counter offer or walk away -- ragging on models in general is unprofessional, immature, and gives us considerate photographers a bad name.

Well put, and I think it is just as bad for a photographer to bash a fellow photographer.

What is the big deal with photogs NOT wanting models to have escorts? Simple tell the escort to sit down , be quiet or leave , it is that simple. What is going on in a photogs head that makes them so hellbent on being Alone with a model? If a photog is hired for any professional shoot , do you really think the hiring agency is going to tolerate you "being alone" with the model ....HELL NO...they would move on to the next photog....shoots are going to be filled with distractions, MUA's, AD reps, professional and allow the model to do what makes her comfie........

Mar 08 06 11:20 am Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

john knight wrote:

Well put, and I think it is just as bad for a photographer to bash a fellow photographer.

What is the big deal with photogs NOT wanting models to have escorts? Simple tell the escort to sit down , be quiet or leave , it is that simple. What is going on in a photogs head that makes them so hellbent on being Alone with a model? If a photog is hired for any professional shoot , do you really think the hiring agency is going to tolerate you "being alone" with the model ....HELL NO...they would move on to the next photog....shoots are going to be filled with distractions, MUA's, AD reps, professional and allow the model to do what makes her comfie........

Why do I feel compelled to beat this dead and rotting horse?

Agency models do not bring chaperones. Unless they are underage. There are enough people present at a shoot that if the model feels she needs a chaperone, another one who fits the clients needs is most likely easily obtainable.

I understand that some photographers don't like models bringing chaperones. I do TFP exclusively, so when I feel I need a kind of personal assistant, yes, I bring an escort along. Usually my sister, but I've brought my fiance along to a shoot or two. This is not a common occurance (despite the claim on my profile).

If the photographer doesn't want a model bringing an escort I feel that as long as the model has checked the references and genuinely feels the photographer's work is something she could use, she should respect the photographers wishes.

Most photographers (on this site at least) are not psycho killer rapists. Models should do all the research possible in order to ensure her own safety before a shoot.

And photographers should stop generalizing. If you NYers want a reliable model, she's right here. The rest of you, if you're so fed up with models go shoot a tree or something. Otherwise, these posts about unbelievable model demands or unreliable models are really a dime a dozen.

Mar 08 06 11:34 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
Right on!  Let's go out of our way to mock models some more!  The photographer/model relationship definitely isn't antagonistic enough already!

Come on, guys.  I saw the same profile yesterday, and even had the same moment of exasperation, but you know what?  I closed it and kept moving.  There's no reason to carry this stuff around with you.  Let it go.  For every annoying new model who won't shoot with you, there are two eager ones who will.  Find them, shoot with them, have a great time.  Why spend time worrying on a bone that won't change?

Way too much bashing in general here abouts - more than way too much model bashing. 

There's an old saying "If you don't like peaches, then don't shake my tree."  Live with the way the internet modeling/ photography world is and you will have less chance for an ulcer.  Bitching about it every six or 7th thread on this site ain't gonna change that world.

Mar 08 06 11:34 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Moonlight Photography wrote:
Not so much on this site but the other. When a model lists her experience level as NONE and compensation rate at PAID JOBS ONLY. What a dream world we must live in!!

ALMOST as laughable as photographers with crappy images that want models to pay for working with them.

I'm going to second the notion that models and photographers making fun of each other is only going to make the relationships between the two worse. But whatever.


Mar 08 06 11:42 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

Kitapanda wrote:
Why do I feel compelled to beat this dead and rotting horse?

Agency models do not bring chaperones. Unless they are underage. There are enough people present at a shoot that if the model feels she needs a chaperone, another one who fits the clients needs is most likely easily obtainable.

Most photographers here do not constitute a client level studio set up.  Most photographers here or elsewhere on the net do not have a crew on the set either.

Kitapanda wrote:
Most photographers (on this site at least) are not psycho killer rapists. Models should do all the research possible in order to ensure her own safety before a shoot.

Excellent - a ringing endorsement - "MOST".  How many times does a women have to be raped or molested or scared shitless before it starts to count?  How many lives do any of you have?  Most people don't get mugged in a big city either but few venture down dark alleys to test those statistics, do they?

Can you google the majority of the photographer names here and even get a single find? 

Yeah, this subject is a dead horse alright.  If you have model come over to your store front, commerical studio, then she does not need an escort.  But if you have it all set up in your living room - she has right to question your legitimacy and protect herself.

Mar 08 06 11:43 am Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
Right on!  Let's go out of our way to mock models some more!  The photographer/model relationship definitely isn't antagonistic enough already!

Come on, guys.  I saw the same profile yesterday, and even had the same moment of exasperation, but you know what?  I closed it and kept moving.  There's no reason to carry this stuff around with you.  Let it go.  For every annoying new model who won't shoot with you, there are two eager ones who will.  Find them, shoot with them, have a great time.  Why spend time worrying on a bone that won't change?

Mar 08 06 11:46 am Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

Dreams To Keep wrote:

Kitapanda wrote:
Why do I feel compelled to beat this dead and rotting horse?

Agency models do not bring chaperones. Unless they are underage. There are enough people present at a shoot that if the model feels she needs a chaperone, another one who fits the clients needs is most likely easily obtainable.

Most photographers here do not constitute a client level studio set up.  Most photographers here or elsewhere on the net do not have a crew on the set either.

Excellent - a ringing endorsement - "MOST".  How many times does a women have to be raped or molested or scared shitless before it starts to count?  How many lives do any of you have?  Most people don't get mugged in a big city either but few venture down dark alleys to test those statistics, do they?

Can you google the majority of the photographer names here and even get a single find? 

Yeah, this subject is a dead horse alright.  If you have model come over to your store front, commerical studio, then she does not need an escort.  But if you have it all set up in your living room - she has right to question your legitimacy and protect herself.

Never said not to question legitimacy. But you're on a model networking site. Most photographers here have worked with someone else on this site. If not, they can supply contact information with people they have worked with.

It's all about communication and research. An escort is not a substitute for thinking.

Mar 08 06 11:51 am Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

John Allen wrote:
Yea....the "Paid Jobs Only" but with "Very Experienced" and five soso (OK crappy) images usually by the model's photographer/manager.

two of my best photo sessions have been with models from "the other site" who had 3 out-dated and so-so photos in their profile.  Apparently, they were just too damned busy to worry about what their portfolio on that site looked like.  The sessions were tfcd and the models were fantastic and very creative.
You just never know!

Mar 08 06 11:57 am Link



Posts: 175

Manassas, Virginia, US

Kitapanda wrote:

Never said not to question legitimacy. But you're on a model networking site. Most photographers here have worked with someone else on this site. If not, they can supply contact information with people they have worked with.

It's all about communication and research. An escort is not a substitute for thinking.

you know what...thats not always true either...
ive done research before... and every time. some models on here are too afraid of giving a bad ref. to photographers. there was this one photographer i shot with long ago ... went around asked for references, all that jazz...they didnt want me to bring an escort. so..since i got positive references i went without one... Needless to say.. most of my money was stolen from my purse and i was not acceptably touched...almost friggin molested. Since then...i go no where without an acceptable escort. If you do feel the need to go without 'benefit the photographer' then make sure you get LOTS of references and find out the specific location. Or even meet up in public before hand just to get a feel for the photographer.
as a photographer myself.. i encourage the model to bring an least if it makes them comfortable..if they are leary or nervous and without an escort it will transfer into the photos.
so yea...sometimes on sites like this you cant trust references because some people are scared, nieve, or whatever. so make sure you get a LOT (i got 7 in that previous incident and it still happened)
i agree though... store  front studios you dont have to worry about it as much..but if they are shooting in some backwoods abandoned house or their own house or whatever i would question a little more, unless they have other people there as well.

Mar 08 06 12:01 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

Ian Weintraub wrote:

two of my best photo sessions have been with models from "the other site" who had 3 out-dated and so-so photos in their profile.  Apparently, they were just too damned busy to worry about what their portfolio on that site looked like.  The sessions were tfcd and the models were fantastic and very creative.
You just never know!

I have to agree - one of my first ever photoshoots was with an amateur.  Since then, his work has gotten better with every shoot, and he'll shoot any crazy idea I come up with and vice versa (for free!) because we've worked together from the beginning for both of us.  Maybe someone has a big dream and a little budget, so they put up what they have in the hopes of someone taking a chance on them.  I think we all judge to quickly and too harshly sometimes.

Mar 08 06 12:03 pm Link


Jade Photography

Posts: 37

New York, New York, US

This must be the most beaten horsehide on MM.  Models can state their working preferences and they should.  If they have no experience but will only work if paid, more power to them.  They might be modeling just for fun, could be any number of reasons.  If they won't pose nude, that's their perogative.  If they don't want to work with a photographer, that's their choice.  If their work seems terrible to you, maybe they like it.  But in the end, there are two autonomous people and you can't do mind control through the internet to brain rape a model into acting the way you want.  What is there to get upset about?

Mar 08 06 12:05 pm Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

Although it is unfortunate that things like this turn into bashing, I don't think it is intended to be.... to take a light hearted approach should be the best course of action. 

My favorite is when models and photographers copy/paste their profiles from other websites... including all website specific info...

Mar 08 06 12:11 pm Link


George Rice Photography

Posts: 41

North Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Mar 08 06 12:21 pm Link


George Rice Photography

Posts: 41

North Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

I have seen 2 requests by models (only 2 models) that I thought was odd.

1) they wanted to edit the images and approval on digital work done to it.

2) they wanted full controal and finial say over the image on when and where it was to be used.

Mar 08 06 12:22 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

john knight wrote:
Well put, and I think it is just as bad for a photographer to bash a fellow photographer.

What is the big deal with photogs NOT wanting models to have escorts? Simple tell the escort to sit down , be quiet or leave , it is that simple. What is going on in a photogs head that makes them so hellbent on being Alone with a model? If a photog is hired for any professional shoot , do you really think the hiring agency is going to tolerate you "being alone" with the model ....HELL NO...they would move on to the next photog....shoots are going to be filled with distractions, MUA's, AD reps, professional and allow the model to do what makes her comfie........

Okay, maybe I was doing a little too much "bashing", but in my defense, I wasn't generalizing -- I was being specific & direct.

Regarding escorts:  amateur escorts are sometimes a risk.  My experience so far has been positive, but I've heard directly from my fellow photographers about (admittedly rare) horror stories, ranging from being disruptive & judgmental, to being "light fingered" (i.e. wandering around & stealing), to beating up the photographer, stealing his cash & equipment, and leaving him for dead.  Models may come with references; escorts rarely do.

Mar 08 06 12:30 pm Link


Far West Imaging

Posts: 436

Laguna Hills, California, US

Kitapanda wrote:
Most photographers (on this site at least) are not psycho killer rapists.

Most?  Probably more like almost none...but how many does it take before a model or anyone else for that matter should be careful?

I have never had a problem with an escort and if it makes the model more comfortable, it is a good thing.  They often don't bring anyone to follow on shoots.

Mar 08 06 12:33 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

George Rice Photography wrote:
I have seen 2 requests by models (only 2 models) that I thought was odd.

1) they wanted to edit the images and approval on digital work done to it.

2) they wanted full controal and finial say over the image on when and where it was to be used.

if they are a PAYING client they can make demands

if not "Parata tin kargiola!"

Mar 08 06 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 30

Los Angeles, California, US

Celestial Sinn wrote:

store  front studios you dont have to worry about it as much..but if they are shooting in some backwoods abandoned house or their own house or whatever i would question a little more, unless they have other people there as well.

I totally disagree with you on this one, I know of a model I will use as an example....No Names of course...

Me, I shoot at home with my wife present, the whole atmosphere is very professional. The same model recently shot in a "studio" the photographer smacks her on the butt, and tells her she has the ass of the year.
I personally feel that in the wrong hands a "studio" can be a bad thing....when a guy shoots out of his home, he is automatically considered an amatuer, GWC or a perv....but give the same guy a studio and he is considered a great photographer, a professional......but what if the Biggest perv in the world had a studio, is he a great and studio size do not reflect professionalism what so ever....

Mar 08 06 12:44 pm Link


Angela Benedict

Posts: 331

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

I've been told that my profile was 'funny' without unreasonable requests.

Mar 08 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

fiona goodell wrote:

I totally disagree with you on this one, I know of a model I will use as an example....No Names of course...

Me, I shoot at home with my wife present, the whole atmosphere is very professional. The same model recently shot in a "studio" the photographer smacks her on the butt, and tells her she has the ass of the year.
I personally feel that in the wrong hands a "studio" can be a bad thing....when a guy shoots out of his home, he is automatically considered an amatuer, GWC or a perv....but give the same guy a studio and he is considered a great photographer, a professional......but what if the Biggest perv in the world had a studio, is he a great and studio size do not reflect professionalism what so ever....

I think guys with big studios, big cameras and big budgets are trying to compensate for something else that's small.... wink

Mar 08 06 12:48 pm Link


Jade Photography

Posts: 37

New York, New York, US

Just to second this... kleptomaniac escorts...

Looknsee Photography wrote:

Okay, maybe I was doing a little too much "bashing", but in my defense, I wasn't generalizing -- I was being specific & direct.

Regarding escorts:  amateur escorts are sometimes a risk.  My experience so far has been positive, but I've heard directly from my fellow photographers about (admittedly rare) horror stories, ranging from being disruptive & judgmental, to being "light fingered" (i.e. wandering around & stealing), to beating up the photographer, stealing his cash & equipment, and leaving him for dead.  Models may come with references; escorts rarely do.

Mar 08 06 12:51 pm Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

The last shoot that I did on Saturday with Mike Brouwer, him and the makeup artist Feme actually thanked him for being a great escort and not getting in the way! LoL He's there for me and he likes to see whats behind the scenes.  Duh, and he carries all of my bags! LoL 

But, I do believe that we have beaten this horse way too much... yada yada yada... -yawns- moving on right? big_smile

Mar 08 06 12:55 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

i'm a complete amateur, i shoot out of my house with an entry-level digital slr, i don't know much about working with film, i buy discounted fabric at the fabric store for backgrounds, i sometimes use lights from Home Depot... I always insist on models bringing an escort for their own comfort and for my S.O.'s peace of mind.  Of the models who said they'd have an escort with them and showed up without one, they told me that there was a scheduling conflict but based on our phone conversations before the shoot, they'd gotten a "good feeling" from me.... and they were right.  I'm a nice guy, i take decent photos for what limited resources and experience I have.  But... i'm not every other photographer.... models should do what they need to do to protect their safety. Just don't bring a thief or a jerk along as your escort. smile

Mar 08 06 12:55 pm Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

Ian, how in the world did you type all that for me? The only thing you got wrong is I'm still shooting with film! wink

As for funny things in a profile, I just shot with a model who said she would travel anywhere for Snickers bars!

Mar 08 06 01:08 pm Link


Sasha Palacio

Posts: 95

Pasadena, California, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
1)  I see nothing wrong or "funny" about a model choosing to be very selective about the photographers willing to pose on a TFP/TFCD basis. 

2)  I see nothing wrong with models wishing financial compensation for their time posing, regardless of their experience.

I'm one of those photographers who think TFP/TFCD is a raw deal for models -- in fact, I think it's exploitation.  I am also of the opinion that using sarcasm & scorn for models who want/need compensation (more than the TFP/TFCD) is counterproductive.

My bottom line:  if you don't like the deal being offered, either make a counter offer or walk away -- ragging on models in general is unprofessional, immature, and gives us considerate photographers a bad name.

I completely agree.

Mar 08 06 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 24

Nashville, Tennessee, US

i think it is crazy when model say they have no experience but are pay only,
i dont understand everyone has to pay their dues whether your a photographer
(I DID)or a model .

Mar 08 06 01:35 pm Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

I've seen this one before:

"For all shoots I must share copyright and I require a copy of every frame shot." 

Heh, this always makes me laugh > crtl W > next.

Mar 08 06 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

Myopic Earache wrote:
I've seen this one before:

"For all shoots I must share copyright and I require a copy of every frame shot." 

Heh, this always makes me laugh > crtl W > next.

that's good....
i'd like to book a shoot with her and crop her head out of each frame and then give her a cd with all of the photos straight off the camera. LOL

Mar 08 06 01:51 pm Link


john knight

Posts: 451

Farmington, New Mexico, US

Ian, you could text in a HUGE COPYRIGHT over her face with her name there of course.....

Mar 08 06 03:23 pm Link


LCB Photography

Posts: 105

Burbank, California, US

I always think it's funny when a model lists that they do not do nudity under any circumstances... but half of her sample pics are nude or semi nude - HUH?

Mar 08 06 03:27 pm Link