Forums > General Industry > STEP AWAY FROM THE DIFFUSE GLOW.


Storm Unnirsdottir

Posts: 3

New York, New York, US

Everyone knows when you're using it.


Apr 15 05 06:54 pm Link


edrickguerrero photography

Posts: 187

Pasadena, California, US

Posted by Storm: 
Everyone knows when you're using it.


haha! you're right, that's s***'s cheesy...but i see everyone doing it!

Apr 15 05 08:02 pm Link


Steven Stone Photo

Posts: 315

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

I like to apply the watercolour effect to everything.  Then I hang it on my mom's fridge and she calls me an artist.

Apr 15 05 10:41 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Storm: 
Everyone knows when you're using it.


There was an article on omp teaching photographers who to do Maxim type shoots.  I'm thinking that's where everyone got it from.  Lame.

Apr 16 05 03:29 pm Link



Posts: 93

San Jose, California, US

hey, at least it's better than all of those people who find the "glowing edges" filter in photoshop or elsewhere, use it on a picture, and think they're a genius. i believe the proper term is "n00bs".

Apr 16 05 05:33 pm Link


John Paul

Posts: 937

Schenectady, New York, US

  Like no kidding!! LOL!!

  what a mess people pictures have become with bleeched white eyes, super duper soft skin,... and the funny thing is that IF you are shooting one's portfolio for them and do that, established agencies will reject those images..  They want to see what the model looks like.. not what the digital artist can do with the photos..

   That being said, I just met with a friend who showed me an example of what FHM did to his image... they do remove the bags under the eyes, they do smooth out the poores, and revove all zits and stuff..but that is different..    What seems to be the "pass" is if it doesn't look like it's been photoshopped then it is a decent image if the point of the picture is to capture what the model looks like..

  just my not so humble thoughts on the subject..


Apr 17 05 11:17 am Link


John Paul

Posts: 937

Schenectady, New York, US

Posted by pitythestupid: 
hey, at least it's better than all of those people who find the "glowing edges" filter in photoshop or elsewhere, use it on a picture, and think they're a genius. i believe the proper term is "n00bs".

LOL....don't you know that by using "glowing edges", it automatically converts crap into art??    (I wish I could GRIN in here).. 


Apr 17 05 11:19 am Link



Posts: 1618

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Posted by Storm: 
Everyone knows when you're using it.


HA! Well said. I've never said anything though because a) I don't want everyone's work to look the same and b) it makes my stuff look more pro in comparison. heh

Apr 17 05 11:27 am Link


Jeffery Scott 1019

Posts: 158

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

DIFFUSE GLOW IS EVIL AND SHOULD BE STAYED COMPLETELY AWAY FROM!!!! If one MUST use it....use it sparingly in a completely seperate layer and erase or layer mask out disignated areas. IT IS FOR AFFECT! NOT FOR OVERALL COMPOSITION!!! DIFFUSE GLOW DOES NOT a GREAT IMAGE MAKE.....AT LEAST NOT OUTSIDE OF THE 1980'S!!!! Let's all try to get away from the "One Touch Filter Syndrom"! In the commercial world....if they can SPOT what you've done....YOU'VE FAILED and they move onto the next. PLEASE....let's all start learning the vast and varried parametric values that are so richly present in that wonderful software! It is limitless and we should all start to really exploit it's possibilities. In turn....and in doing will grow as Artists.

Jeffery Scott (1019)

Apr 17 05 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 13

Schenectady, New York, US

Mainly when it's over done.
It's like make-up, a little goes a long way.

Apr 17 05 12:38 pm Link


Martin McGuire

Posts: 6

Denver, Colorado, US

Like anything else, everything has it's time and it's place. Just use good taste. Sometimes you're forced into using filtes because of the customer's demands. I like to play with filter's, combine them, whatever... I think basically start with a good photograph, period.

Apr 17 05 01:33 pm Link


Brian Matthews

Posts: 15

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ha ha I like this thread

Apr 19 05 02:37 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Man, if I started a thread every time a photographer used an effect or shot I thought was cheesy, the page would be full of my threads.

I've used diffuse glow maybe twice, and both times had a good reason. I think it's silly to make a blanket statement like "don't ever use it."

Apr 20 05 12:49 pm Link



Posts: 78

Chicago, Illinois, US

You know, I happen to like diffuse glow if it's done right.  I use it on a large majority of my photos and typically the only ones that really come after me for using it are the ones that don't edit their photos at all and are against all types of editing. 

But hey smile  What do I know smile

Apr 20 05 03:32 pm Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Posted by Jeffery Scott: 
DIFFUSE GLOW IS EVIL AND SHOULD BE STAYED COMPLETELY AWAY FROM!!!! If one MUST use it....use it sparingly in a completely seperate layer and erase or layer mask out disignated areas. IT IS FOR AFFECT! NOT FOR OVERALL COMPOSITION!!! DIFFUSE GLOW DOES NOT a GREAT IMAGE MAKE.....AT LEAST NOT OUTSIDE OF THE 1980'S!!!! Let's all try to get away from the "One Touch Filter Syndrom"! In the commercial world....if they can SPOT what you've done....YOU'VE FAILED and they move onto the next. PLEASE....let's all start learning the vast and varried parametric values that are so richly present in that wonderful software! It is limitless and we should all start to really exploit it's possibilities. In turn....and in doing will grow as Artists.

Jeffery Scott (1019)

Good advice...but diffuse glow is actually very effective when used correctly.

I recommend using the "fade" option in photoshop and trying different effects like "soft light" which brings out deep dark colors or "pin light" which throws highlights. I think the best thing about diffuse glow is that it brings out the white in a photo. If a photo is too dark, diffuse glow is often helpful BEFORE applying an auto contrast or whatever. The glow will bring out a softer white than the auto contrast will.

Another great trick is to change the background color...for instance, if a photo is too blue no matter how much you adjust the hue, you can change the background color to a metallic gold and then apply the diffuse glow. That will add some warm light to the image.

May 01 05 11:54 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Posted by Jeffery Scott: 
DIFFUSE GLOW IS EVIL AND SHOULD BE STAYED COMPLETELY AWAY FROM!!!! If one MUST use it....use it sparingly in a completely seperate layer and erase or layer mask out disignated areas. IT IS FOR AFFECT! NOT FOR OVERALL COMPOSITION!!! DIFFUSE GLOW DOES NOT a GREAT IMAGE MAKE.....AT LEAST NOT OUTSIDE OF THE 1980'S!!!! Let's all try to get away from the "One Touch Filter Syndrom"! In the commercial world....if they can SPOT what you've done....YOU'VE FAILED and they move onto the next. PLEASE....let's all start learning the vast and varried parametric values that are so richly present in that wonderful software! It is limitless and we should all start to really exploit it's possibilities. In turn....and in doing will grow as Artists.

Jeffery Scott (1019)

Well, ok- you can take my glow- but leave me with my gaussian blur, thats such a timesaver, hehe.

May 02 05 12:03 am Link


Chelsea Harris

Posts: 45

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

lol this is some funny shit.. well I do find it funny also when someone uses the diffuse glow on all of their work.. people usaully do it to turn a crap photo into "art" and yes it can be done right. It isnt good to overdo it, use it over and over again. I do admit... I have used it for one photo in my portfolio lol but I think it looks alright on the photo I chose.

May 02 05 12:32 am Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *:
There was an article on OMP teaching photographers who to do Maxim type shoots.  I'm thinking that's where everyone got it from.  Lame.

I saw that article.  I can't figure out how the stupid filter works so I skipped it....

Who would have thought being an idiot would save me from the cheese! (at least in this particular instance, for all I know,  there may still be plenty of cheese to be found?)

May 02 05 12:42 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Jeffery Scott: 
Let's all try to get away from the "One Touch Filter Syndrom"!

People often ask me, "What filter did you use?" or "How did you do that?" with my photography.

I always give them the same honest answer - I have no idea.

My Photoshop work on every image involves playing with filters and masks and layers and blending and opacity and color and saturation and more. It takes me an average of 30 minutes just "playing" to finish an image. By the time I am done, I don't recall the 100 iterations and tweaks it took me to get there. I know Jeffery spends dozens of hours on his work. So many nimrods just slap a single filter over an image and call it "digital art."


And actually, I use Diffuse Glow a lot. But it is usually mixed with about 30 other effects and alterations - never as a single filter applied all by itself.

May 02 05 01:14 am Link


Alli B

Posts: 906

Syracuse, New York, US

I have not once used diffuse glow on my images when i edit....maybe for text effect....but i mainly stick to my hue/saturation, levels adjustments, some contrast adjustment, and maybe some dodging and burning, and the only filter id ever use is either gausian blur or the smart that i have OS CS@ i am exploring some of the new stuff or what they call "goodies" with the program, and i download many plugins for my software and id have to say alien eye candy all the way....but never had the need for diffuse glow ::dances::

May 02 05 01:17 am Link


Joe Tomasone

Posts: 12617

Spring Hill, Florida, US

Like everything else in Photoshop, I use Diffuse Glow when it makes sense.  Sadly, in the past, that was at all times.  smile

Seriously, though, if you want to highlight one of the more abused filters, I nominate USM.  Too many people use a heavy hand with that one as well.

BTW, one should never disagree with Jeff on matters of Photoshop, for we all bow at that particular temple.  smile

May 02 05 04:48 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

What's funny is that some photographers, some even on this website, learned how to use diffuse glow and now they think they are professional photographers!  ROFLMAO

May 02 05 04:56 am Link


Joe Tomasone

Posts: 12617

Spring Hill, Florida, US

True, true.

DG can augment, but will never replace, proper lighting. 

May 02 05 05:49 am Link



Posts: 55

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

STEP AWAY Or use it friendly covered with a lot of layers wink

May 02 05 06:13 am Link



Posts: 1020

San Francisco, California, US


add noise


May 02 05 08:45 am Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Its nice to know I am still loved .....

As for difuse glow - I do not even use it.... you just think I do...

Plus when dealing with models that want to look specific ways functions like difuse glow are godsends - Since most models I work with are not pro models and do not posses perfect skin it can take an average model and make them look stunning and that is truly what we are supposed to do as photogrpahers right? Make images that people like..

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
What's funny is that some photographers, some even on this website, learned how to use diffuse glow and now they think they are professional photographers!  ROFLMAO

May 02 05 02:04 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 
As for difuse glow - I do not even use it.... you just think I do...

Plus when dealing with models that want to look specific ways functions like difuse glow are godsends

Yups, you do use it.  lol

Since most models I work with are not pro models and do not posses perfect skin it can take an average model and make them look stunning and that is truly what we are supposed to do as photogrpahers right? Make images that people like..

I've shot average models and I've never had to use diffuse glow.


I admit though, your current main picture "Tub & Flowers" is hot.

May 02 05 02:07 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Great idea. How about we do away with using software like PhotoShop and PaintShop pro altogether and bring "Photography" back to its beginnings and most honest form, i.e. direct from the lab with no adjustments? While, we're at it, we might as well do away with "Digital" and have everyone on OMP, MM and MuseCube go back to using SLRS, Medium and Large format since a lot of models say here and there that real photographers use Film?

...and they replied, "Pssh". *grin*

May 02 05 02:39 pm Link


Curt Lout Photography

Posts: 153

Spearfish, South Dakota, US

Hey Brent... whats your process? I think your photos rock! great!

May 02 05 02:46 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Well I think we already know you are way better than I... thus you woudl not have to use it..

And thanks for the compliment.... she is a very hot model..

Since most models I work with are not pro models and do not posses perfect skin it can take an average model and make them look stunning and that is truly what we are supposed to do as photogrpahers right? Make images that people like..

I've shot average models and I've never had to use diffuse glow.


I admit though, your current main picture "Tub & Flowers" is hot.

May 02 05 08:30 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Posted by Shovelhead Curt: 
Hey Brent... whats your process? I think your photos rock! great!

Wow now that is a huge quesiton that would take alot of typing to explain....

I have taken longer to develop my photoshop techniques than my photography... just because it takes alot of messing... Maybe if you email me direct I might be able to give you some pointers - BUt I also use some software than others do not... so my way might not be the best ot only way to do the same thing..

May 02 05 08:32 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Now I'm getting jealous.  Someone wanna explain to me how to use diffuse glow so that I can make some cheesy pics of my own?  All I get out of it is dark yuckiness where the highlights used to be.  Not the kind of image that a name like "diffuse glow" inspires.

May 02 05 09:28 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Look ma, no nose! wink  Heheh. smile

May 02 05 11:30 pm Link


Sandy Ramirez

Posts: 6089

Brooklyn, New York, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by Storm: 
Everyone knows when you're using it.


There was an article on OMP teaching photographers who to do Maxim type shoots.  I'm thinking that's where everyone got it from.  Lame.

People actually read those articles?!?!?!?!?

May 02 05 11:33 pm Link



Posts: 394

haha, there's an old adage...

but isn't it nice to know that these filters are available? it doesn't mean that we have to abuse them LOL smile

How about Cool Ice? lol

May 02 05 11:39 pm Link



Posts: 4

Littleton, Colorado, US

Posted by BlacklistVisual: 
I like to apply the watercolour effect to everything.  Then I hang it on my mom's fridge and she calls me an artist.


May 03 05 07:33 pm Link