Forums > General Industry > The exceptional MODEL



Posts: 69

Newport Beach, California, US

So many people have different opinions as to what an "Exceptional Model" is to them. So what do YOU think describes that Exceptional model.........?????

Mar 07 06 09:48 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland


one that doesn't charge
one thats always on time
one that takes direction as to what the photographer stylist MUA's suggest....


Mar 07 06 09:49 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

Good question and it deserves a thought out answer.

1st off, I would say Posing

Know what you look like to the camera when you pose.  Practice in front of a mirror.  What "feels" sexy or cute or attractive may not "look" like any of those thing. 

For instance, many models tilt their heads back slightly and give a sly look at the camera during posing.  In the instant that it happens in real life, you look cute and its a come on.  In the instant the camera shutter clicks, you are forever captured in a "up the nostril" shot - not nearly as attractive when frozen in time.

Also, know what to do with your hands when you pose.  Watch a ballerina or other dancer, their hands are expressive.  So many models present a "claw" to the camera - a slightly relaxed hand with the nails pointed in that expresses nothing but apathy.  Get into the pose - add some flair, some drama, something signature that causes the moment to be a moment worth capturing in time.

Other than that, professional on all levels is usually appreciated - at least by other professionals.

Mar 07 06 03:16 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

An exceptional model is everything I am not.

Mar 07 06 03:17 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

How they look tongue

Mar 07 06 04:49 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
How they look tongue

Truer words were never spoken.  You are a Model Mayhem bright spot.


Mar 07 06 06:07 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

All the other factors are a given.

An exceptional model is one who massages me afterwards.  smile

And yes, I've had models massage me.

Mar 07 06 06:08 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Lapis wrote:
An exceptional model is everything I am not.

Bull Crap!

Lapis = Exceptional. Look it up, I kid you not!

Mar 07 06 06:38 pm Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Angel Tara is  Exceptional

Mar 07 06 06:40 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Angel Tara is  Exceptional

Does she massage the photographer afterwards?  If not, then she isn't.

Mar 07 06 06:43 pm Link



Posts: 38

New York, New York, US


Mar 07 06 06:46 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Karlos, thank you!

DeBoer, errr, ummm, no. So I guess I am not.  smile

Mar 07 06 07:07 pm Link


summer 6

Posts: 20

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Note to self, do not work with ^

Mar 07 06 07:16 pm Link


The Film Division

Posts: 2

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

An exceptional model has:

                                                                                                              1) exceptional body awareness gained through dance (any kind ), gymnastics, yoga, martial arts etc.  Some people are actually born with it (rare).

2)knows the history of their craft and can draw upon it readily

3)knows photography well enough to more effectively collaborate with the photographer.  It is great to know the history of photography.

4)Have a basic knowledge of art history. No single course in school has ever served me more - and I took it 10 years before I became a photographer!

5) Grace, patience, energy, a sense of humor and above all else, professionalism.  It takes so much cool and composure to deal with photographer's fragile egos, libido's, mood swings and boughts of metal illness.

6) Beauty is last on my list and so subjective - I don't know what it means anymore,
I only know I have to try and document it wherever I see it

Mar 07 06 07:47 pm Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

A model that knows how to pose without direction and can give personality to the camera. I've seen models on this site that have the same damn face in every picture. Just sitting there, looking at the camera like theyre a zombie.You cant rest on pretty.

Mar 07 06 07:49 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Like porn, beauty and art, I can't define an exceptional model, but I know her when I see her.


Mar 07 06 08:18 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Here's an example of someone who I consider to be an EXCEPTIONAL model... right here on Model Mayhem... Jeska Vardinski (in my avatar/MM#14883).  WOW... this girl is outrageous!  She brings BOATLOADS of excitement and enthuiasum to each shoot, along with a great makeup kit and 2 suitcases of outlandish outfits.  She romances the camera until it's pretty much overheated.  She has TONS of great poses and expressions, so much so, that I never get tired of shooting her.  She's attended 3 of our past 'Flashbox Glamourshoots' in Orange County, she recently shot for Playboy (The Girls of MySpace) and she'll be returning to her fourth event on March 25 with her knockout sister, Stacia... wink

Mar 07 06 08:20 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Angel Tara wrote:
Karlos, thank you!

DeBoer, errr, ummm, no. So I guess I am not.  smile

Of course, *we*'ve not shot yet.  So for now...not yet.  wink

Mar 07 06 08:22 pm Link



Posts: 69

Newport Beach, California, US

Select Models wrote:
Here's an example of someone who I consider to be an EXCEPTIONAL model... right here on Model Mayhem... Jeska Vardinski (in my avatar/MM#14883).  WOW... this girl is outrageous!  She brings BOATLOADS of excitement and enthuiasum to each shoot, along with a great makeup kit and 2 suitcases of outlandish outfits.  She romances the camera until it's pretty much overheated.  She has TONS of great poses and expressions, so much so, that I never get tired of shooting her.  She's attended 3 of our past 'Flashbox Glamourshoots' in Orange County, she recently shot for Playboy (The Girls of MySpace) and she'll be returning to her fourth event on March 25 with her knockout sister, Stacia... wink

Thats a perfect answer! I love how you put the little details that make her exceptional to you.

Mar 07 06 09:28 pm Link



Posts: 233

Arlington, Virginia, US

Mar 07 06 09:31 pm Link


amanda Irish

Posts: 173

Boston, Georgia, US

everyone is.  model all shapes sizes, races, age.  people are just modeling anything

Mar 07 06 09:32 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Britty Lonn wrote:
Thats a perfect answer! I love how you put the little details that make her exceptional to you.

What, saying a model who will massage the photographer afterwards isn't enough detail?

Mar 07 06 09:57 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Britty Lonn wrote:

Thats a perfect answer! I love how you put the little details that make her exceptional to you.

Thanks Britty... Jeska will be whippin some of that 'exceptionalness' (is that a word? LOL) on quite a few of the guys in a few weeks... wink

Mar 07 06 10:01 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

She's the one who makes me smile ear to ear. She's generous with her time and emotes from within.

She doesn't have bag after bag filled with tangled wardrobe.

Mar 08 06 07:09 am Link



Posts: 117

Atlantic Beach, Florida, US

Britty Lonn wrote:
So many people have different opinions as to what an "Exceptional Model" is to them. So what do YOU think describes that Exceptional model.........?????

a models that comes in and take over the set.. in a pro. way come in and give you want you need without asking for it.. thats a "Exceptional Model"

edgy models

Mar 08 06 07:16 am Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

I believe that different photographer who shoot certain things will choose who they see as cannot say this is what an "exceptional model" is because what might be excpetional to one may not be for the other.....

I dont believe there is an exceptional model...because the "exceptional model" could be the one to not make it  at all in this business...

everyone is exceptional to a different taste of people.....The way i am body type, some might say i am not exceptional to them ...soo be it....and others would love to work with me because I am "exceptional" for what they are looking for smile

Mar 08 06 01:59 pm Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

Lapis wrote:
An exceptional model is everything I am not.

I call your bs... you have worked with a lot of the "greats" in my book... so you have to know what you are doing tongue

Mar 08 06 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 11804

Sun City, California, US

A model that I work with multiple times and yet we never seem to be at a loss for additional ideas.  One who finished Shoot 3 with me - while talking about what we plan to try for Shoot 5.

A person I can really feel is a Co-Creator of the images I post here.

And I list my exceptional models by name and number here in my little corner of MM.  They have all been wonderful and I appreciate them all greatly.


Mar 08 06 02:40 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

Gracefully pronounced facial features - check
Purely smooth skin texture and complexion - check
Flat stomach - check
Ability to maintain a rhythm with the camera - check

but the utmost and absolute quality that stands out among them all - CONFIDENCE

Mar 08 06 02:43 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

Angel Tara is  Exceptional

agree wholeheartedly

Mar 08 06 02:44 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US


Mar 08 06 04:36 pm Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

I have to agree with Gary (SELECT MODELS) Jesika is unique from what i have heard on comments posted from other photographers that have shoot with her. She is "Exceptiona" But i have worked with other models aswell and they too have thier own talent for Exceptionalizime. We photographers have to bring out our own Exceptionalizime to the models so they too can add thier own Wonderies Values. It is a team effert. I loved working with all the models i have worked with here on the Mayhem. Thank you ladies. 

Bravo Magic Image Photography

Mar 08 06 04:51 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

MagicImagePhoto wrote:
I have to agree with Gary (SELECT MODELS) Jesika is unique from what i have heard on comments posted from other photographers that have shoot with her. She is "Exceptional"

Hey Richard... thanks for the kudos... and modeling talent must run in her family, as Jeska's sister Stacia (pic in our MM port) also has some superstar potential.  There could be a sibling rivalry goin on there.  We'll see on March 25... wink

Mar 08 06 06:17 pm Link



Posts: 78

Ferndale, Michigan, US

Dreams To Keep wrote:

Know what you look like to the camera when you pose.  Practice in front of a mirror.  What "feels" sexy or cute or attractive may not "look" like any of those thing. 

For instance, many models tilt their heads back slightly and give a sly look at the camera during posing.  In the instant that it happens in real life, you look cute and its a come on.  In the instant the camera shutter clicks, you are forever captured in a "up the nostril" shot - not nearly as attractive when frozen in time.

Also, know what to do with your hands when you pose.  Watch a ballerina or other dancer, their hands are expressive.  So many models present a "claw" to the camera - a slightly relaxed hand with the nails pointed in that expresses nothing but apathy.  Get into the pose - add some flair, some drama, something signature that causes the moment to be a moment worth capturing in time.

Wow, that actually gave me a couple tips or two. I gotta remember that... I don't think I do either but..*squee*

Mar 08 06 06:19 pm Link


Gerry Hanan

Posts: 163

Round Rock, Texas, US

Its probably already been said a few times in a few different ways but this is my take on it..

For me as a photographer, the times I have actually said "wow that was an exceptional model", it was usually the models ability to pose themselves with little or absolutly no direction.

This real answer to this varies, but depends on the greatest need of the photographer/agency-creative director/client at the time. A photographer seeking to build out his portfolio, try new equipment and happy with whoever agrees to pose for him, has a different criteria than a photographer looking to create an ad for a client.

If their absolute need is for the model to follow directions, or their need is to have the model be fluid and create unposed looks, then the models ability to match those requirements with their skills will result in greater degrees of success. Additionally, this could increase the possibility that after the shoot, the photographer/agency-creative director/client will say "wow - exceptional model".

Some times when I have said it, I have been struck by the models ability to pose themselves with almost no direction.  This resulted in a greater number of useable shots in a short ammount of time.

Other times I have said a model was awesome when I am just struck by their beauty and how captivating they are when photographed and the variety in their looks and expressions.

The most likely element to make me say "awesome" and the most important thing a model can bring to a shoot (in my opinion) is their confidence and their ability & desire to act for the camera. 

Your look will get you in the door, but modeling is acting.  Acting for the camera, acting happy and excited when you are tired and want to go home.

Mar 08 06 07:26 pm Link



Posts: 11

Mount Rainier, Maryland, US

one who practices and studies the craft to become better.
one who is comfortable with self.
one who knows how to show more than one face.
one who knows how to pose different ways for different looks.
etc etc etc.
oh yeah and one who is also CREATIVE.

Mar 08 06 07:34 pm Link



Posts: 450

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

Dreams To Keep wrote:
Good question and it deserves a thought out answer.

1st off, I would say Posing

Know what you look like to the camera when you pose.  Practice in front of a mirror.  What "feels" sexy or cute or attractive may not "look" like any of those thing. 

For instance, many models tilt their heads back slightly and give a sly look at the camera during posing.  In the instant that it happens in real life, you look cute and its a come on.  In the instant the camera shutter clicks, you are forever captured in a "up the nostril" shot - not nearly as attractive when frozen in time.

Also, know what to do with your hands when you pose.  Watch a ballerina or other dancer, their hands are expressive.  So many models present a "claw" to the camera - a slightly relaxed hand with the nails pointed in that expresses nothing but apathy.  Get into the pose - add some flair, some drama, something signature that causes the moment to be a moment worth capturing in time.

Other than that, professional on all levels is usually appreciated - at least by other professionals.

I totally agree, I have met so many begining "model" that couldn't pose. What do you think being pretty is the end all of modeling, thats like saying click the snap button on the camera is the be all of photography. I spend countless hours researching techniques, lighting effectn and every chance I get I walk around tking random shots that I trash later just to practice. But so many model think having a pretty body is all they need.
Mirror practice. and practice. It does wonders. Practiciing facial expressions in a mirror help a halfwit corpral become the leader of germany.

Mar 08 06 07:45 pm Link


Philip of Dallas

Posts: 834

Dallas, Texas, US

For me personally . . . It's not so much about being exceptionally pretty, or tall, or even 'professional'. Exceptional to me is someone who conveys a depth of soul - sensitivity, integrity, vulnerability, complexity. It's hard to put into words, but like Don said, I know it when I see it . . . or more precisely, when I feel it. Such models inspire me to create better pictures than I otherwise thought I was capable of.

Mar 08 06 08:15 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US


I'll say it again:

Gracefully pronounced facial features - check
Purely smooth skin texture and complexion - check
Flat stomach - check
Ability to maintain a rhythm with the camera - check

but the utmost and absolute quality that stands out among them all - CONFIDENCE

Mar 08 06 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

Britty Lonn wrote:
So many people have different opinions as to what an "Exceptional Model" is to them. So what do YOU think describes that Exceptional model.........?????

All NUDE( not porn ) models are EXCEPTIONAL models !!!!!!

Mar 08 06 09:45 pm Link