Forums > General Industry > ((California Dreaming? Or California Nightmare?))


Autumn Bleuu

Posts: 286

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I'm thinking about moving out west to L.A. to get a better shot at hollywood. Anybody already out there have any experiences or advice they'd like the share? I know its expensive to live there...what else should I know about L.A. and Hollywood?

Mar 06 06 11:33 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

It is expensive, the weather is awful, the smog will make you old before your time, the traffic is a nightmare, the jobs bite, and there are a million pretty girls already there fighting for opportunities.  With that said, there's also an amazing artistic community, world class musicians and museums and artists and photographers, a thriving nightlife, tons to do, lots of people to meet.  Depends on your personality, really.  I hated it and got out as soon as I could.  Other people I know are moving there in droves and have never been happier.  I'd recommend visiting a few times before making any life-altering decisions.

Mar 06 06 11:48 am Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Farah, I have never been out there. However, I would say you go with your feeling. If you are very charged about making it, and you are dedicated to making it, yet prepared to fail and head back home to put your life back in order, Go for it !!!

If you have no obligations/responsibilities tying you down whever you currently are, you gotta go for what you know. Who knows ? Maybe this time next year, I will be trying to contact you to shoot you, and your "people" will be telling me "Farah does not know who you are, and has no time to help build your portfolio !" smile

Mar 06 06 11:52 am Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Shyly wrote:
I'd recommend visiting a few times before making any life-altering decisions.

I agree with this also.

Mar 06 06 11:53 am Link


Autumn Bleuu

Posts: 286

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Shyly wrote:
It is expensive, the weather is awful, the smog will make you old before your time, the traffic is a nightmare, the jobs bite, and there are a million pretty girls already there fighting for opportunities.  With that said, there's also an amazing artistic community, world class musicians and museums and artists and photographers, a thriving nightlife, tons to do, lots of people to meet.  Depends on your personality, really.  I hated it and got out as soon as I could.  Other people I know are moving there in droves and have never been happier.  I'd recommend visiting a few times before making any life-altering decisions.

Awww man, it already sounds crazy. lol  I have to say this....I hate bad traffic.  Altanta has enough jammed up retarded traffic already.  The jobs here aren't too hot either.  There's enough PYT's running around ATL trying to find opportunity...the craziest thing about it is that there aren't nearly enough opportunites and castings to go around here.  I figure L.A. to have at least more opportunities to fight for then here in atlanta.  But I see your points though.  they're very good ones to consider.  Not really looking for the night life, but more industry professionals to network with would be good. 

Yeah I think it's a good idea to take a visit a few time before actually moving like you said.  Very good idea.  Thanks Shyly.

Mar 06 06 12:30 pm Link


Autumn Bleuu

Posts: 286

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Tony Culture Photoz wrote:
Farah, I have never been out there. However, I would say you go with your feeling. If you are very charged about making it, and you are dedicated to making it, yet prepared to fail and head back home to put your life back in order, Go for it !!!

If you have no obligations/responsibilities tying you down whever you currently are, you gotta go for what you know. Who knows ? Maybe this time next year, I will be trying to contact you to shoot you, and your "people" will be telling me "Farah does not know who you are, and has no time to help build your portfolio !" smile

I won't forget you Tony. lol  But I am ready to try a new city for opportunity, and L.A. just seems like the next best place to try at the moment.  I have a cousin that has been living out there for a few years now trying to make it in modeling, acting, and music.  So hopefully she'll be a good extra support system for me and vice versa.

Mar 06 06 12:33 pm Link