Forums > General Industry > WISH NETWORK - Is threatening to sue me


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Has anyone else had to deal with these guys? They sent me an email reguesting my attoney info ... with the intent to take me to court over my statements regarding that I feel the Wish network is a scam.


Has anyone else experainced this kind of an encounter with these guys? How did it go?

Mar 06 06 10:35 am Link


Maximum Impact

Posts: 142

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

They can sue ..... they may not win ;-) or even heard .... let them blow all the smoke they want to. They will need to anit up with proof.

Mar 06 06 10:41 am Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Maximum Impact wrote:
They can sue ..... they may not win ;-) or even heard .... let them blow all the smoke they want to. They will need to anit up with proof.

That's my thought - I told them to give me their attoney info, and better business beuru info as well and we will begin

Im not going to be bullied

Mar 06 06 10:43 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

I think you are doing the right thing in ignoring the letter.  Nobody arranges a mutual court appearance to decide damages.  And you are right, that in many cases opinion is often a protected form of speech, but it is not absolute.  One of the issues is malace, whether the statemetns would be regarded as opinion versus fact and the accuracy of the facts portrayed.

Many people regard statements made as being defamatory, when they are protected forms of speech.  On the other hand, people often say things which they feel are mere opinions which are in fact defamatory.

I say all this because this thread you are starting concerns me.  You have been threatened with legal action and you are asking people to comment on their experiences with Wish Network.  Whether or not you are intending to, you might be reinforcing their claims because you are soliciting comments which might be defamatory.

My opinion is that they probably won't sue you but I think the best thing to do is to let this go and move on.  You may well be right that everything you said in the past was protected speech, but why expose yourself to the possibility of litigation just to make a point?

Good luck to you.

Mar 06 06 10:43 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Lady Atropos wrote:
Has anyone else had to deal with these guys? They sent me an email reguesting my attoney info ...

"Please be advised that we need the name of your attorney so we can arrange a mutual court appearance for "defamation of character" that you posted on a forum.

Hurting a person or company's reputation in public is serious business.

Don't believe it...check in your search engine for "defamation of character!"

Not only are we the most generous modeling company in the world, our models get their security deposit back two ways...the savings bond is just one of them..they also get gross revenue shares which pays back the security.

And, we are not an agency. We get models experience with guaranteed gigs and publishing on catalog ads.

Ronald Edward Gross, President"


Sad thing is, I have a few college law classes under my belt and I know you cant sue for statements of personal opinion regarding a service offered.

I'm not caving to their scare tatics.

Has anyone else had to deal with these guys?

Maybe I am a bit slow, but when someone sues you they have YOU served, not your attorney. I would type them a nice reply that would say basically " Blow it out your ass"

Mar 06 06 10:45 am Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Mike Cummings wrote:

Maybe I am a bit slow, but when someone sues you they have YOU served, not your attorney. I would type them a nice reply that would say basically " Blow it out your ass"

That was my thought - you are served, not have attorney's talk.

Mar 06 06 10:47 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Mike Cummings wrote:
Maybe I am a bit slow, but when someone sues you they have YOU served, not your attorney. I would type them a nice reply that would say basically " Blow it out your ass"

Lady Atropos wrote:
That was my thought - you are served, not have attorney's talk.

I agree with you totally and what they seem to be doing is to intimidate you.  That doesn't mean that you can't be served. 

As I said, I don't expect you to get sued, this all sounds like a smokescreen to me.  However, defamation is a real cause of action.  When you create these public dialogues because you are mad at a company, you create the possibility of saying things that could be defamatory.  So that is my point.

You have created a thread, which for the moment is benign, but is really just a way to bash Wish Network.

Mar 06 06 10:50 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Ignore them.

If they serve you, then get an attorney.

This is a scare tactic to get your attention for a frivolous matter that would never hold up in court.

The first amendment will protect you.

If not, and you're still concerned, buy a Colt 357 and tell them this is your attorney... that'll scare the bejesus out'a 'em big_smile

Mar 06 06 10:52 am Link


J Welborn

Posts: 2552

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Lady Atropos wrote:
Has anyone else had to deal with these guys? They sent me an email reguesting my attoney info ... with the intent to take me to court over my statements regarding that I feel the Wish network is a scam.


Has anyone else experainced this kind of an encounter with these guys? How did it go?

He has said more to me but I just told him where he could put it ---Yes they are a scam ---Big Time

Mar 06 06 10:53 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

C R Photography wrote:
The first amendment will protect you.

So we are clear, I completely agree with everything being said here, it is just a scare tactic.  I have no idea if the original comments are defamatory or not, but it sounds like they are just blowing smoke.  However, a lot of people seem to misunderstand the first amendment.  It reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It is important to understand that the first amendment doesn't give you the right to say whatever you want, it says that the government can't pass laws to tell you what you can't say.   It doesn't give you the right to say things that cause injury to others.

As an example, you can't go into a crowded theater and yell "Fire."

Slander, Liabile and Defamation of Character have long been torts in this country.  So the first amendment would ban the congress from passing a law which told you that you couldn't yell "fire" in a theater.  That is called 'prior restraint."  You can't tell somebody they can't say it, but if they do and it damages someone else, you can still sue them.

Anyhow, they are just blowing smoke up your but.  But everyone who says the first amendment protects you doesn't understand what it says. 

In the meantime, they haven't sued you, they have just threatened you.

Mar 06 06 11:11 am Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Ron Gross is full of shit.
For one he can't sue you...why?ecause the companies he claims to work with DO NOT know of him.
The process for which all of them find talent (if they even
do) is NOT through the methods he lays out.
I have personal dealings with one of the companies that he's claimed and they were shocked by this. I forwarded all postings I've seen with their name in it.

Old Navy and JC Penny,I contacted a while back when I first hear of WISH. Niether of them have heard of this company and do NOT deal with models. They use advertising agencies ONLY!

How can he sue you if any evidence brought for h will result in his purgery. Tha is not's bringing to light that which should be know. Another term is "Whistle-Blowing."

Iwouldn't even entertain it.

Also, if unless for some reason they already have your information...they can't serve you. And they'd have to spend money to obtain that information. More money than they'd actually recieve if the world stood still and they WON the suit.

They're just trying to quiet you. I'd actually get an attorney and sue their ass instead. Gather the evidence as your proof of abuse, manipulation
and intimidation. Then
gather all the evidence to support your claim of their misleading business practices...which I'd make the latter be the primary case if I had actual dealings with them. It makes you more of a victim.

Disclaimer: This is not meant to be legal is only what I would do in this situation.

Mar 06 06 11:14 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Crazy-Evil Angelus wrote:
Ron Gross is full of shit.

Who is the Wish Network and why does this name look familiar to me?  He wouldn't have been recently "outted" by Fox News here in LA would he?

Mar 06 06 11:20 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

According to the Constitution of the United States you are entitled to your opinion!  It's called Freedom of SPEECH. 

Send them a nice letter written on nice paper in a nice envelope stating:

That should get your point across loud and clear.

Mar 06 06 11:25 am Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

They STILL have NOT provided me with their Better Business Membership information - I have asked for their membership info -3- times.

Mar 06 06 11:51 am Link


Autumn Bleuu

Posts: 286

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I've dealt with that network before, and I can honestly say in my opinion that I was mislead by their claims at the time I dealt business with them.  I therefore e-mailed the guy about the issue, and he denied my claimes.  So I then filed reports to the FBI and the Better Business Bureau in concern about their business practices.  They contacted the company and then reported back to me that so far their business practices were fair at that point, but they also requested more information (proof they could use) in order to investigate into the case even further to see if action could be taken. 

The FBI undserstood my claim, but there wasn't enough evidence otherwise to prove the network a scam.  Why?  Well, alongside the impression of getting models jobs with their affiliates, they also entitled you to your own online business site/shop that was affiliated with their be used to earn commission profit off of. So they felt I had no gripes with the funds I spent, because I could "supposedly" earn my funds back through the network shop I became entitled to.  I didn't care about the network shop, and did not want it.  It wasn't what I initially was informed to be signing up for upfront.  I signed up with the impression that they could get me modeling jobs with their affiliates, just as they had advertised.  I still have the documents and paper work. 

Anyway, don't feel threatened by the the network.  They don't hold as much clout as they're trying to portray.  For them to sue you is pointless, because what would they get out of it?  It's not like you wrote a best seller about your experiences with them and made profit off of it.  You're just a model trying to find real opportunities and happened to got mislead by their advertising like others have.  We as models stand a better chance to get together as a group, find an attorney, and sue them and come out on top.  Forget them.  If the things you claimed about them are factual then you have nothing to worry about, they do.  It's when if you make up false accusations and rumors about someone or a company that causes loss of business and damage, that can get you sued.  If they're smart, then they'll back down.  They're only lucky that I didn't feel like wasting my energy on them any further than I did to seek fairness.  I could have taken things further, and then they would have been in the hot seat. All the nerve some people have. lol That's my opinion and I'm entitled to it, just like you were entitled to yours.  So they have no real claims.

btw, if i were you, just file a report with BBB....don't really worry about finding their profile with BBB.  They probably haven't given the info to you because they might not be registered with the BBB or they're stalling for time to sign up with them before you can say they're not recognized by the BBB.  This is just my opinion, not fact.

Mar 06 06 12:01 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Lady Atropos wrote:
They STILL have NOT provided me with their Better Business Membership information - I have asked for their membership info -3- times.

Why would you expect them to.  Nobody is required to be a member of the BBB and if they are, you can get that information yourself just by checking the BBB website.

The BBB is nothing more than a club and doesn't mean very much.

Mar 06 06 12:02 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
Who is the Wish Network and why does this name look familiar to me?  He wouldn't have been recently "outted" by Fox News here in LA would he?

Haha. If you see that again, let me know. I'd LOVE to see it.
They also go by "Worldwide" and "SuperfashionsTV"

Man...I'd have loved to see that.

Mar 06 06 12:03 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Why would you expect them to.  Nobody is required to be a member of the BBB and if they are, you can get that information yourself just by checking the BBB website.

The BBB is nothing more than a club and doesn't mean very much.

They claim and brag about being a mmember of the BBB - yet dont provide the info of their membership.

Mar 06 06 12:08 pm Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

Lady Atropos wrote:

They claim and brag about being a mmember of the BBB - yet dont provide the info of their membership. … d=10020644

Mar 06 06 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

If someone makes a threat to take legal action against you, the U. S. courts expect you to respond in some way, and consider it unreasonable if you do not respond.

Most courts have a specific Letter Of Demand that litigants must send prior to filing lawsuits, and if you've received a Letter Of Demand then it would definitely be unwise not to respond.

However you are not required to have an attorney, except that some states require it of incorporated businesses.

If you have received a Letter Of Demand, show it to your attorney immediately.

If you have not received a Letter Of Demand I suggest you send a one-line reply, saying:

"Please mail me a statement of your specific complaints and proof of damages and I will then discuss the matter with my attorney."

Mar 06 06 12:21 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

phcorcoran wrote:
If someone makes a threat to take legal action against you, the U. S. courts expect you to respond in some way, and consider it unreasonable if you do not respond.

Most courts have a specific Letter Of Demand that litigants must send prior to filing lawsuits, and if you've received a Letter Of Demand then it would definitely be unwise not to respond.

However you are not required to have an attorney, except that some states require it of incorporated businesses.

If you have received a Letter Of Demand, show it to your attorney immediately.

If you have not received a Letter Of Demand I suggest you send a one-line reply, saying:

"Please mail me a statement of your specific complaints and proof of damages and I will then discuss the matter with my attorney."

I did just that, and there's been no responce yet. I'm waiting for the legal info, I refuse to give them my personal contact info.

Mar 06 06 12:35 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

According to the BBB ( … d=10020644) and ( … d=93003288):

Wish Shopping Network LLC
RR 2 Box 420a
Sunbury, PA  17801
Telephone: (570) 286-1963
Original Business Start Date: December 1998   Employees: 1
Principal: Colleen A. Gross , President   File Open Date: April 1999
Service Contact: Colleen A. Gross , President     
TOB Classification: Internet Shopping Services - E Commerce - Online Auctions, Advertising/Marketing Agencies
BBB Membership: This company is not a member.

Nature Of Business
This company offers a worldwide shopping network selling a full line of consumer products. The company also offers internet marketing services and an unique method for models to obtain exposure. The company states that they pay their models a percentage of the income derived from the sale of merchandise from their web sites.

Customer Experience:
The Bureau processed a total of 30 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 30 complaints closed in 36 months, 14 were closed in the last year.

These complaints concerned:
6   Advertising Issues
1   Sales Practice Issues
1   Delivery Issues
1   Product Issues     
10   Refund or Exchange Issues     
8   Contract Issues     
3   Billing or Collection Issues     

25    Resolved     
6   Company resolved the complaint issues. The consumer acknowledged acceptance to the BBB.
19   Company resolved the complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to the BBB.
5    Administratively Closed     

BBB Definition:
Administratively  Closed - The Bureau determined that the complaint could not be satisfactorily settled using standard methods of voluntary dispute resolution.

5   The parties could not provide sufficient information to support their positions nor were they agreeable to make reasonable efforts toward resolving the issues of the dispute.


Wish Stars LLC
RR 2 Box 420a
Sunbury, PA  17801

Email Address: [email protected]   
File Open Date: March 2005
TOB Classification: Financial Planning/Management Consultants
BBB Membership: This company is not a member.

The Bureau has requested basic information from this company. The Bureau has not received a response. Without this information, the Bureau may not have current information concerning such things as the company's management or its nature of business.

Customer Experience
Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record     

BBB Definition:
unsatisfactory  record - A company has an "unsatisfactory business performance record" with the Bureau is based on the experiences reflected in BBB files. This file condition results when the company has failed to resolve or respond to complaints, repeatedly failed to respond or resolve issues in a timely manner, failed to resolve the underlying issues for a pattern     

BBB Definition:
pattern - More than 2 complaints involving the same allegations usually within 12 months that are significant in relation to the company's size and volume of business. 
The Bureau processed a total of 1 complaint about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 1 complaint closed in 36 months, 1 was closed in the last year.

This complaint concerned:
1   Contract Issues     

BBB Definition:
Contract  Issues - Claim of alleged failure to honor contract or agreement, work performed without authorization, or invalid contract. 
It was closed as:
1    No Response     
(The company failed to respond to the complaint.)

Competency Licensing
This company is in an industry that may require licensing, bonding or registration in order to lawfully do business. The Bureau encourages you to check with the appropriate agency to be certain any requirements are currently being met.
The information displayed above are excerpts obtained from the BBB. To view the full BBB information please click the provided links, or visit for further information.

Please note that the BBB is NOT a gov't or law enforcement agency.  The BBB is an organization of business people.  The BBB was founded at a time long before there were federal agencies, regulations, and laws regarding commerce.

The BBB was founded in order to promote legal, moral, and ethical business practices, however, over the years their goal has been diluted. 

Each BBB office is individually run, and each office is run in a different manner.
For the most part, it is very difficult to get a negative rating with a BBB office. Complaints alone do not warrant negative ratings.  The BBB allows several months for the business to resolve the customer complaint.  Often, if the business simply states "we are trying to work out an equitable solution with the customer", the legnth before a negative report is issued will be extended, sometimes indefinately.

Similarly, negative reports may be delayed or never issued if a business simply changes it's name, address, or phone number.  If the business has NEVER been a legally licensed, operating business, the BBB will not have a report on file.

Finally, the BBB will refrain or delay issuing negative reports about their own members.  Quite often, scammers will actually become members of the BBB to provide a false vail or security to their customers.

While a negative report from the BBB should be taken seriously,  a company in 'good standing' with the BBB should also remain suspect until other forms of background information is checked.

Oh, yeah... a couple of years ago Ron Gross threatend to sue me for a similar reason as the original poster.  I never retracted my statement, nor did I ever get sued.

Just like his business ethics, Ron Gross is full of hot air!

Mar 06 06 12:41 pm Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

Lady Atropos wrote:
I did just that, and there's been no response yet. I'm waiting for the legal info, I refuse to give them my personal contact info.

Yes, and there will probably never be a response.  Many times people threaten lawsuits just to intimidate.  My suggestion to you now is that you just get on with your life and put their threats out of your mind.

Mar 06 06 12:55 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Crazy-Evil Angelus wrote:
Haha. If you see that again, let me know. I'd LOVE to see it.
They also go by "Worldwide" and "SuperfashionsTV"

Man...I'd have loved to see that.

I may have him confused...but someone out here in LA and other parts was holding "Reality Show" auditions.  But the contestants had to PAY to audition.  And this was supposed to taped and was to be aired by blah blah TV Station.  But when Fox researched this stuff, none of the studios knew the guy or the program he was touting.

One of the "shows" I believe was a Top Model clone and the other was a Hip Hop version of American Idol for "crews" to compete on.

oh yeah, and this was last summer.

Mar 06 06 01:00 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

I contacted the PA State Attonry's Office - there are NUMBEROUS complaints against the WishNetwork

Feel free to lodge your own complaints about your encounters - call
By Phone:

Ask to speak to the consumer protection group, that you wish to lodge a complain against the: "Wish Shopping Network LLC" based in Sunbury, PA

Mar 06 06 01:06 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
I may have him confused...but someone out here in LA and other parts was holding "Reality Show" auditions.  But the contestants had to PAY to audition.  And this was supposed to taped and was to be aired by blah blah TV Station.  But when Fox researched this stuff, none of the studios knew the guy or the program he was touting.

One of the "shows" I believe was a Top Model clone and the other was a Hip Hop version of American Idol for "crews" to compete on.

Yep, they pulled that bit here in Orlando a few years ago & ended up with an expose on them in the local media.
In my experience, people can threaten to sue you all they like.  It's usually a way to try & intimidate you in to backing down when they're in the wrong & have nothing else they can do.
Don't believe it until you or your attorney see certified legal papers.

Mar 06 06 01:11 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Wish is a member of "BBB-online". 

Please refer to my previous message about 'BBB members'.  The BBB is NOT  a gov't or law enforcement agency and many scammers become members so they can display the BBB membership as a 'vail' of protection.

Edit: as you can see in my previous message, the BBB shows a negative report about same 'company' run by the same people at the same address stating "Customer Experience- Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record ", yet allows the company to be a BBB member as shown below.

(From … d=93001470)

World Wide Internet Shopping Headquarters
RR 2 Box 420A
Sunbury, PA  17801
Telephone: (800) 570-9975
Fax: (570) 227-0090

Principal: Mr. Ronald Edward Gross , Owner   Entity: Corporation
Service Contact: Mr. Ronald Edward Gross , Owner   Employees: 1
Email Address: [email protected]    File Open Date: August 2004
TOB Classification: Internet Shopping Services - E Commerce - Online Auctions, Children's & Infants Wear-Retail
BBB Membership: This company is a member.

BBB Membership Status
This company has been a member of this Better Business Bureau since January 2000. This means it supports the Bureau's services to the public and meets our membership standards.

Program Participation
This company has agreed to use special procedures including arbitration     

BBB Definition:
arbitration - 
, if necessary, to resolve disputes through their participation in the following programs: Membership Identification     

BBB Definition:
Membership  Identification - A BBB program that allows members to identify themselves as BBB members in off-line media when the member signs a formal commitment to resolve disputes, if necessary, through arbitration. 

Nature Of Business
This company operates a shopping mall featuring products from several well known national retailers.

Customer Experience
When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.

The Bureau processed a total of 6 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 6 complaints closed in 36 months, 6 were closed in the last year.

These complaints concerned:
1   Unknown
1   Advertising Issues     
3   Refund or Exchange Issues     
1   Contract Issues     

They were closed as:

5    Resolved     

4   Company resolved the complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to the BBB.
1   Company offered a partial (less than 100%) settlement which the consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to the BBB.

1    Administratively Closed     
BBB Definition:
Administratively  Closed - The Bureau determined that the complaint could not be satisfactorily settled using standard methods of voluntary dispute resolution.

1   BBB determined the company made a reasonable offer to resolve the issues, but the consumer did not accept the offer.

Mar 06 06 01:14 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Lady Atropos wrote:
Has anyone else had to deal with these guys? They sent me an email reguesting my attoney info ... with the intent to take me to court over my statements regarding that I feel the Wish network is a scam.


Has anyone else experainced this kind of an encounter with these guys? How did it go?

The guy who runs WISH came onto the model/photography forums scene a few years ago, there were only a few at the time,  and people asked polite questions about what he was offering and his fees. He responded with personal insults and personal attacks on the forums. Some then called him  a scam artist because he was not truthful in what he charged and how his business worked.  He threatened just about everyone, including me (several times) with lawsuits and even made physical threats, on the forums, but mainly by email. As a results he ended up baned from every forum in existance at the time.

His routine way of dealing with questions is to threaten to sue. To the best of my knowledge, he has not done so. At one time he threatedned to come to Atlanta and 'pay me a visit', I sent him  my address and directions to my place from the interstate. He didn't come to 'visit'. Some of us reminded him that threatening a lawsuit can be grounds for a suit in and of itself.

Ignore him and delete his email. The only people he harms are those who send him money!

Mar 06 06 03:02 pm Link


ThruMyLens Photography

Posts: 130

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

I would agree with others that it makes the most sense to ignore the e-mail. Anything other than a formal legal complaint (i.e. lawsuit) is simply a threat and can be ignored.

Keep in mind that anyone really can sue anyone else for anything. That's the nature of our system. However, you would have a right to counter-sue for harassment and/or possibly other charges if sued. We all have First Amendment rights. If we are not making a claim of fact, then the speach is likely protected (there are exceptions in very narrow circumstances).

I would probably send a response with a copy of the First Amendment and tell them I'd be happy to file a counter-suit if they attempt to impeed upon my civil liberties.

Mar 06 06 03:31 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Doug Lester wrote:
...His routine way of dealing with questions is to threaten to sue. To the best of my knowledge, he has not done so. At one time he threatedned to come to Atlanta and 'pay me a visit', I sent him  my address and directions to my place from the interstate. He didn't come to 'visit'. Some of us reminded him that threatening a lawsuit can be grounds for a suit in and of itself...

Ron Gross must have graduated from the "Calvin Merrit S'kool of Takin' Pictures" because he's another one that constantly harasses people with threats of lawsuits or 'visits'.

The funniest thing is, Calvin once told me to contact his attorney.  I complied with his wishes and called the attorney.  The attorney had no idea of who Calvin was, and never heard of the (fake) companies that he was supposed to be representing either!

While Ron Gross actually does have operational businesses, I'd tend to guess that his huffing and puffing has the same effect as Calvin's... all talk and no action.  The scams they run are totally different from each other (Ron only wants to part naive models with their money while Calvin simply wants to get laid), but their methods of dealing with people that expose them are the same.

Mar 06 06 03:38 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:
Ron Gross must have graduated from the "Calvin Merrit S'kool of Takin' Pictures" because he's another one that constantly harasses people with threats of lawsuits or 'visits'.

The funniest thing is, Calvin once told me to contact his attorney.  I complied with his wishes and called the attorney.  The attorney had no idea of who Calvin was, and never heard of the (fake) companies that he was supposed to be representing either!

While Ron Gross actually does have operational businesses, I'd tend to guess that his huffing and puffing has the same effect as Calvin's... all talk and no action.  The scams they run are totally different from each other (Ron only wants to part naive models with their money while Calvin simply wants to get laid), but their methods of dealing with people that expose them are the same.

I talked to the State Attoney office for PA about the Wish Network....the responce was "Oh yes.......there are complaints lodged against them."

Mar 06 06 05:23 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Here is my standard responce about wish

Awww, that brings back some memories. The wish network is a scam that goes back to the beginning of the internet. I'm surprised their still around. I mean hell they were ripping people off before E-models/ Options Talent/ TCT/ Whilimina Scouting Network/ ????? was even a gleam in some con mans eye.

Most message boards have banned them years ago.

There is a photographer in the bay area that has been watching wish and had numerous run-ins with that Ron guy for years. I'm sure he could tell you more than you want to know. his site is  here is his e-mail [email protected].

Wish also claims to be a christian company. Strange as I've never read in the Bible "Tho shall shrill gullible models out of theirst money and cause much heartache with false claims". Hummmm, must of been one of those commandments way in the back.

I love the part where he says if he puts your photo on the internet you now have a tear........ an internet tear...........HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

P.S. Up in the top part of this page is a search function. Almost all of beginner questions can be answered by using it. By typing in W.I.S.H. you would come up with several posts and all will tell you the same thing. Major rip off. will give you some info. his MM# is 18729 he could tell you all about Ron's scare tactics.

Bottom line is dont worry about it. It's all just smoke being blown up your ass.

Mar 06 06 07:54 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

I wonder if Ron is suing all these people as well? … archtype=0

busy man his Lawyer is smile

Mar 06 06 08:06 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Dan  Hood  MM/Moderator wrote:
Here is my standard responce about wish

Awww, that brings back some memories. The wish network is a scam that goes back to the beginning of the internet. I'm surprised their still around. I mean hell they were ripping people off before E-models/ Options Talent/ TCT/ Whilimina Scouting Network/ ????? was even a gleam in some con mans eye.

Most message boards have banned them years ago.

There is a photographer in the bay area that has been watching wish and had numerous run-ins with that Ron guy for years. I'm sure he could tell you more than you want to know. his site is  here is his e-mail [email protected].

Wish also claims to be a christian company. Strange as I've never read in the Bible "Tho shall shrill gullible models out of theirst money and cause much heartache with false claims". Hummmm, must of been one of those commandments way in the back.

I love the part where he says if he puts your photo on the internet you now have a tear........ an internet tear...........HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

P.S. Up in the top part of this page is a search function. Almost all of beginner questions can be answered by using it. By typing in W.I.S.H. you would come up with several posts and all will tell you the same thing. Major rip off. will give you some info. his MM# is 18729 he could tell you all about Ron's scare tactics.

Bottom line is dont worry about it. It's all just smoke being blown up your ass.

Sad for WISH that Im not scared and I contacted his State Attoney to file a complaint

Mar 06 06 08:38 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

I would totally ignore him. Courts might look down on lack of response toward a legitimate claim but they have no such expectation when it come to loudmouths who talk a lot of crap. So, let ole Ronny Boy burn up alot of energy trying to get a rise out of you while you go about your business doing something useful.

Besides, given the promo info that I saw posted on MM a couple of days ago, I would love to see this fool in court. He is too stupid to know that he is stupid.

Mar 06 06 08:59 pm Link


J Welborn

Posts: 2552

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Lady Atropos wrote:
Has anyone else had to deal with these guys? They sent me an email reguesting my attoney info ... with the intent to take me to court over my statements regarding that I feel the Wish network is a scam.


Has anyone else experainced this kind of an encounter with these guys? How did it go?

If some one has not already given it to you here is a place to see how he is being watched .

Just look up Ron Gross on Google and you will get more than you ever want to know about this slug .

Mar 06 06 09:09 pm Link


Cynthia Leigh

Posts: 799

Orlando, Florida, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Why would you expect them to.  Nobody is required to be a member of the BBB and if they are, you can get that information yourself just by checking the BBB website.

The BBB is nothing more than a club and doesn't mean very much.

Ditto.  And it doesn't help if they're part of the BBB and they're registered in another state as you'd have to be a RESIDENT of that other state in order to complain (speaking as someone who was scammed by a non-modeling related company).

Mar 06 06 10:04 pm Link


BurntFilm Productions

Posts: 21

New York, New York, US

I just read a post about how no one on here gives serious responses to posts, and I have to admit that some posts dont deserve a serious response, but all of the respondants here definitely tried to help in some way, which is cool to see. I learned something too.

Mar 06 06 10:28 pm Link