Forums > General Industry > Model Wanted



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Ok... Yes, Im new to the forums and seem to have a lot to ask.. I'll try not to be so much of a thread whore. smile But bare with me smile

This question is just for my general use!

A photographer contacts me, he wants to shoot! - As do I!...
The day ends - we are both hopefully happy with our work... In either case.. To get to the point...
After I'm done, In an email or in person I try to ask photographers for a critique - what I could of done, what I did right... Anything to learn or improve on...

So - When you have a good model, what made her different from the rest. Why was she good, what did you like, what do you hate?!
Did personality become more important than her actual performance... Or was attitude mostly overlooked, and she becomes judged on what was aquired through the shoot! - Maybe they are both equal.

What's common advice to give to a model - When you ask for a model and she shows up, what makes her remembered, and what reminds you of why you "wanted" him/her in the first place.

When you say "model wanted" - do you want just that, the figure, the 'object'... Or is the "wanted, or wanting" - a more general description of a hope to find life in the figure.


Mar 05 06 05:10 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

For me personality is the most important aspect. I pride myself in doing sincere photography and my pictures portray models as they are, without excessive post production or any other tricks to hide the real her. Becasue of that I like models who have personalities of their own - not make up artist's, not plastic surgeons', not wardrobe designer's - THEIR OWN.

Because I wasn't lucky to find an internet model who wouldn't suffer from overinflated ego, I have never worked with one. Regardless of how HAWT she could be, I do look for personality values rather than the look itself. Working with well made up but cold look dolls ain't my type of thang. I prefer nice friendly relaxed cool ordinary girls, who at the end of the day give you much more than any "experienced" models.

For me - Personality is #1

Mar 05 06 05:17 pm Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

If a model asks me to comment upon her shoot, I tell her my thoughts.  If she doesn't ask, I don't say anything.  In the end comes the pictures, and each model can see for herself what things worked or didn't work for her.

I test lots of new models--lots and lots.  If a model is good I will generally contact her three or so months later and ask her to pose for me again, usually for a specific project that I've thought up for her.  Sometimes though a model is perfectly good but no projects come up that make me think of her.

If I had a big wish it would be that more models approach me with ideas of their own to shoot.  A model who shows me that she has put forethought into her shoot is a very valuable model indeed.  A lot of times though models seem to expect to just show up and be directed.  Is that what you were asking about?

Mar 05 06 05:18 pm Link


MurphyMurphy Studios

Posts: 2315

Denver, Colorado, US

InDecisivE wrote:
So - When you have a good model, what made her different from the rest. Why was she good, what did you like, what do you hate?!
Did personality become more important than her actual performance... Or was attitude mostly overlooked, and she becomes judged on what was aquired through the shoot! - Maybe they are both equal.


Excellent question.  For simply ASKING this question, I would like to work with you since it tells me that you are trying to figure out how to become a better model.

Now, what do I look for?  Personality and EXPRESSIVENESS are key to the work that I do.  Being "expressive on demand" is not easy..... stand in a mirror and try to show hate, love, envy, curiousity, wonder, sadness, desire, etc all at a moment's notice.

As a photographer, I can do a lot with images (while shooting and post-processing) but, I can't fix a bad personality..... 

Bottom line, for me, personality/expressiveness is the key.

Mar 05 06 06:42 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

I want an actress or actor with a strong unique look who loves to be the co-creator of stunning imagery. Its a bonus if they are really cool people and we get along well.

Mar 05 06 06:49 pm Link



Posts: 11804

Sun City, California, US

It's quite rare for me to have much of the "Model Wanted" issues anymore - Since I have several models from here that I work with on a fairly regular basis.

But, then I am an amateur - that doesn't have a client or any commercial needs to fulfill - so my bias may pretty far towards one end of the spectrum.

However, my personal criteria for looking at a responding model would be about even amounts of her pics, and her TEXT.  I have always been fortunate to work with smart and savy women as models - they bring a lot of ideas and prep work to the table.

I do consider them all to be Co-creators in one way or another.  We shoot my ideas and locations that they are excited about - and I shoot ideas that some models have had for years - that no other photographer has asked for their input - or been willing to work with them on.

And yes, your text here is a huge factor - at least for me.  Clear ideas, bright and intelligent prose - and a good sense of a models personality, on the page, makes me far more interested in working with a model.

And as a general thing Inde, - Your text and images would have certainly had you at the top of the "reply list"  I like both your text and your pics a great deal.


Mar 05 06 07:15 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

MurphyMurphy Studios wrote:

Excellent question.  For simply ASKING this question, I would like to work with you since it tells me that you are trying to figure out how to become a better model.

Now, what do I look for?  Personality and EXPRESSIVENESS are key to the work that I do.  Being "expressive on demand" is not easy..... stand in a mirror and try to show hate, love, envy, curiousity, wonder, sadness, desire, etc all at a moment's notice.

As a photographer, I can do a lot with images (while shooting and post-processing) but, I can't fix a bad personality..... 

Bottom line, for me, personality/expressiveness is the key.

When do we shoot! smile

From my experience I've noticed a lot of photographers aknowledge me for my personality. A few times I have been critiqued on my actual performance, but I found more so than ever it all came down to - Can I actually sit in a room and enjoy working with you for the duration of the shoot.

When I started modeling, I prepared myself for the "your nose is too big, your legs are too short" all the physical critiques. I have yet to get them - they seem more uncommon to me. I have yet to explore the 'bigger' world as a model, and can expect it to be taken differently in different places.
"Be all that you can be" smile -- I want to learn all that I can, if i'm not the best, I want to do the best I can. To do that, I must ask questions and I must ask advice and try to learn all that I can..
I think part of the job is a skill, just something you have or you don't.. But a lot of it can be taught or aquired.. Anything I can be given - or taught, I will gratefully take and hope to succeed with.

Mar 05 06 08:41 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

InDecisivE wrote:

for a second there, I thought you were D Brian Nelson

lol wink

Mar 05 06 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Eric S. wrote:
I want an actress or actor with a strong unique look who loves to be the co-creator of stunning imagery. Its a bonus if they are really cool people and we get along well.

I've heard it mentioned a few times -
That input is allowed.. and generally welcome.

I find a lot of what I do - is what someone else wants from me. I give input as I see fit and love to try to help 'create' a shoot.
I haven't really worked on a bigger level, meaning haven't had much option with the creation... Or maybe my mind isn't open enough to see some things on a different level..
Something I'll work on! -

Mar 05 06 08:44 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:

for a second there, I thought you were D Brian Nelson

lol wink

lol - Your not the first..
I should change that... (but i like it so much.. lol)

Mar 05 06 08:46 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

She pushed me over to this avatar.  I'm cool with that.


Mar 05 06 08:59 pm Link