Forums > General Industry > To have "Friends" or not to have "Friends"...



Posts: 827

Brownwood, Texas, US

Just kind of wanting some general feedback here.  I was recently admiring a model's profile and noticed that this person said to not bothering sending them a "Friend" request because they rarely sent them or accepted them.  Perhaps I missed something here, but isn't that one of the purposes for sites like MM? To network and share ideas with like/unlike minds ALIKE.

Any thoughts?

Jun 26 05 03:48 pm Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

I like the list, it can serve a few puposes. First it's a list of possible models/photogs that you may want to work with in the future and won't have to search all over the place looking for them again. The second is it's a list of models/photogs that can be used to possibly recommend to others looking for someone to work with. A third is it can be a list for your clients to view for their use. Basically I see it as a large database. And of course it's also a list of people you may just want to chat with/ask questions.
I guess it all depends on what you use it for that will give it value or not.

Jun 26 05 04:05 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Moonsbreath: 
Just kind of wanting some general feedback here.  I was recently admiring a model's profile and noticed that this person said to not bothering sending them a "Friend" request because they rarely sent them or accepted them.  Perhaps I missed something here, but isn't that one of the purposes for sites like MM? To network and share ideas with like/unlike minds ALIKE.

Any thoughts?

Some people just need to feel exclusive...even on a site like this.

Jun 26 05 04:08 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

i have adopted the policy, if i am not worth talking to..dont send me a blind friend request..i went through and deleted all the friends that just showed up..and had no further communications..

my friend list will be just that..friends...not just a picture collection for a popularity contest...

Jun 26 05 04:14 pm Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 
i have adopted the policy, if i am not worth talking to..dont send me a blind friend request..i went through and deleted all the friends that just showed up..and had no further communications..

my friend list will be just that..friends...not just a picture collection for a popularity contest...

No yet, but at some point I think I will do that.  Once it becomes unworkable,  why bother.  It is nice but if the person never visits you again or never even makes a tag at least, then what does the friend thing mean.

I think when I do so I will make a note though.

Jun 26 05 04:51 pm Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Who cares?  I figure I'll accept everyone... and when/if I need to... I can delete them right?


Jun 26 05 04:54 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by ChristianBehr: 
Who cares?  I figure I'll accept everyone... and when/if I need to... I can delete them right?

That's what I'm doing at this point.

Jun 26 05 05:04 pm Link


Michelle West2

Posts: 43

San Diego, California, US

Im new here and people send me requests (no message too) and they live in like Georgia or somewhere REALLY far from me.

So, whats the point if they just want to add you b/c?

Jun 26 05 05:04 pm Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by Moonsbreath: 
Just kind of wanting some general feedback here.  I was recently admiring a model's profile and noticed that this person said to not bothering sending them a "Friend" request because they rarely sent them or accepted them.  Perhaps I missed something here, but isn't that one of the purposes for sites like MM? To network and share ideas with like/unlike minds ALIKE.

Any thoughts?

What I dont like about that is I CAN'T STAND someone who will send me a friend request, and not even send any sort of feedback. I mean, no tag, no comment, and no PM...and yet you want ME to be YOUR "friend"

Jun 26 05 05:07 pm Link


George Butler

Posts: 327

Marietta, Georgia, US

Is it that serious?

It's just a friggin' online thing. There are a couple of folks that sent me a friends request and when I checked they had like over 8,000 friends.

Maybe it makes them feel wanted, it don't cost me anything to click accept.

Jun 26 05 05:08 pm Link


Goddess Erinys

Posts: 323

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 
i have adopted the policy, if i am not worth talking to..dont send me a blind friend request..i went through and deleted all the friends that just showed up..and had no further communications..

my friend list will be just that..friends...not just a picture collection for a popularity contest...

i add only ones i want to work with or have worked with..if i know were never going to ..whats the point???

Jun 26 05 05:08 pm Link


George Butler

Posts: 327

Marietta, Georgia, US

Posted by Shayuma: 

Posted by Moonsbreath: 
Just kind of wanting some general feedback here.  I was recently admiring a model's profile and noticed that this person said to not bothering sending them a "Friend" request because they rarely sent them or accepted them.  Perhaps I missed something here, but isn't that one of the purposes for sites like MM? To network and share ideas with like/unlike minds ALIKE.

Any thoughts?

What I dont like about that is I CAN'T STAND someone who will send me a friend request, and not even send any sort of feedback. I mean, no tag, no comment, and no PM...and yet you want ME to be YOUR "friend"

Can I be your Friend Shayuma?

Jun 26 05 05:10 pm Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

You already are silly....

Jun 26 05 06:15 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I don't know about anyone else, but when one of the biggest "fetish/alternative" photographers on the west coast sent ME -- a nobody from Pittsburgh -- a friend request, it was a pretty sweet moment.  I'm not so big and bad that I can't enjoy a little positive reinforcement. 

So far I've only turned down two friend requests.  To me there's no harm in letting someone publicly say they like my work.

Jun 26 05 06:27 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Melvin Moten Jr: 
I don't know about anyone else, but when one of the biggest "fetish/alternative" photographers on the west coast sent ME -- a nobody from Pittsburgh -- a friend request, it was a pretty sweet moment.  I'm not so big and bad that I can't enjoy a little positive reinforcement. 

So far I've only turned down two friend requests.  To me there's no harm in letting someone publicly say they like my work.

we are all somebody mel...

Jun 26 05 06:34 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by Melvin Moten Jr: 
I don't know about anyone else, but when one of the biggest "fetish/alternative" photographers on the west coast sent ME -- a nobody from Pittsburgh -- a friend request, it was a pretty sweet moment.  I'm not so big and bad that I can't enjoy a little positive reinforcement. 

So far I've only turned down two friend requests.  To me there's no harm in letting someone publicly say they like my work.


I'm sure you know, Melvin, that the ONLY reason why you're a "nobody from pittsburgh" is because not enough of us have seen your work.  You're clearly onto something real and I suspect it's only a matter of time before you get into the realm of well-known/noted "fetish/alt" photographers...and if no other reason for me to like MM is because it has offered me the opportunity to get to look at more people's work such as your own.

I have a bunch of friends requests in the que as they say.  I decided (not really knowing what the difference between a friend and a favourites group) that I'd at least really look at folks portfolios before they go into the "friend" pile.  The only folks I've turned down were people that had upwards of 1,000 friends.   To me, if you've got 1,000 contacts what you're lookng for (photographically speaking)is a one night stand and not a friend.

Jun 26 05 06:48 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by KM von Seidl: 
To me, if you've got 1,000 contacts what you're lookng for (photographically speaking)is a one night stand and not a friend. 


I appreciate comments and tags more than friend requests.

Treat others as you like to be treated: you'll see more comments and tags from me than friend requests.

Sadly it doesn't seem to be returned sad

Jun 26 05 07:02 pm Link



Posts: 827

Brownwood, Texas, US

Been reading through all of the posts; I love intelligient debate ;c).  Personally, I've been very fortunate.  People must be actually reading my portfolio and viewing my photos before sending a request, because I've found something I've liked in the port of everyone who's joined me as a friend.

And it doesn't matter to me whether or not someone is in my home state.  If I find their work inspiring, I want to be able to communicate with them and to keep up with what they're doing.

Jun 26 05 07:40 pm Link



Posts: 827

Brownwood, Texas, US

And to Melvin: How dare you call yourself a "nobody"! ;c) Your work is amazing! I think I'm gonna have to add you as a friend...teehee.

Jun 26 05 07:43 pm Link


Mystic 7

Posts: 180

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I send Friend requests to models that I would like to work with, even if distance prevents that from ever happening. No harm in letting someone know that their looks and talent are appreciated. I always try to tag first, even send an email, before hitting the friend button. Sometimes I forget, but my heart is in the right place.

Jun 26 05 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 310

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Posted by Moonsbreath: 
Just kind of wanting some general feedback here.  I was recently admiring a model's profile and noticed that this person said to not bothering sending them a "Friend" request because they rarely sent them or accepted them.  Perhaps I missed something here, but isn't that one of the purposes for sites like MM? To network and share ideas with like/unlike minds ALIKE.

Any thoughts?

Yes, I agree with you, but there are some people that do it for "popularity" more than for networking.  But...I wouldn't let it get you down.  I would just continue to do the best that you can do in your work and talk to other people who care instead of the ones that could care less!  Loves.


Jun 26 05 08:07 pm Link


ThruMyLens Photography

Posts: 130

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

I see no harm in accepting any Friends requests but have not really made any requests yet. I have used Favorites though.

I figure I will make some Friends requests as I interact with others via the forums or other communications. As for those who contacted me, I will consider them contacts as though they had handed me their business cards at a photography seminar or function...

Jun 26 05 10:40 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

It doesn't hurt to be a little picky- I only invite and respond to people that I either want to work with, have worked with, or see as potential partners in crime.

I also think we're judged by the company we keep, even here... which means all the people on my list are screwed.

Jun 26 05 10:41 pm Link


Doctor E

Posts: 733

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Ummmm....Melvin?  I'd be your friend...

Jun 26 05 10:58 pm Link



Posts: 89

Port Orange, Florida, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 
i have adopted the policy, if i am not worth talking to..dont send me a blind friend request..i went through and deleted all the friends that just showed up..and had no further communications..

my friend list will be just that..friends...not just a picture collection for a popularity contest...

Damn Doug,
Just when I thought we had a Doug-Club idea for South Beach goin.......

Jun 26 05 11:08 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by DRowan: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 
i have adopted the policy, if i am not worth talking to..dont send me a blind friend request..i went through and deleted all the friends that just showed up..and had no further friend list will be just that..friends...not just a picture collection for a popularity contest...

Damn Doug, Just when I thought we had a Doug-Club idea for South Beach goin.......

club names....."doug squared"? if we get a third it could be "doug cubed"

Jun 26 05 11:27 pm Link


John Lavery

Posts: 304

Manchester, Connecticut, US

Ah, the age old (ok, year old) "friends" debate...  I tend to accept all friends requests because...

a) I like to see who's actually looked at my profile and enjoyed it enough to contact me somehow.

2) It's nice to know which models I might have a chance in Hell of working with  smile   and...

III) I figure there's always the chance someone will see my avatar on someone else's profile and want to work with me.

This is a bit different than MySpace, though.  There, I only accept friend requests from people who answer my e-mails. I always found it odd that someone would approve my friends request, then never write back to me. Oh, well...  I must be giving off a creepy oompa-loompa vibe or something.

Jun 26 05 11:42 pm Link


Impure Angels

Posts: 30

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

It is funny, before I even read this thread I added to my profile that I accept all friend requests. Unless I find someone really objectionable, this works fine for me as it is ONLY the internet. As for sending out requests, I have only sent them to someone that I have tagged first, or already know. This seems like a good system to me, because then it isn't about being a popularity contest.

Jun 26 05 11:45 pm Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

I tend to accept most friends that I have the interest in working with or have worked with.  On the other hand, as much as I try my best to send a message to those I'd like to be a friend, this site somehow has a pretty tight quota on how many messages I can send in a day if I'm a new user.  So I send friend requests for everyone I'm interested in working with or are inspirational, and hope to followup with messages when this site allows me to.  Does anyone else have the same situation with me?  Or is something wrong with my MM account that I can't send more than like 3 messages, reason being I'm a new user?

Jun 27 05 01:30 am Link


Mz Nova

Posts: 2608

Portland, Oregon, US

i wish there were "friends" and then "contacts"...There are some people who i think are really cool, but never get a chance to work with them, and, lets face it, i am a jerk and i don't converse much with the people on my friend list-so i wouold like such people to be contacts, or "admired", but friends should be people i have worked with, do know, talked with. i always look over a persons stuff before i add them.  I don't want softcore  photographers as my friends, theres art and there is objectification, and if objectification is poorly done, i will object and not accept.

Jun 27 05 01:53 am Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I will never decline friends b/c it just ain't that important, I send out a couple friend request and sometimes i send messages with them or I will tag that person, if I don't oh well my main reason for wanting them as a friend is b/c I liked their work and would like to work with them or i just like their work and would like to follow what they are doing.

Jun 27 05 02:14 am Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

I send "friend" requests to models I think I would like to shoot or those I see that I like what the have in their portfolio. For Photographers.. I like to add those that I like what they do, or those I would like to follow their work, or would love to learn from.

I added a couple to my "favorites" list, but they are both now on my "friends" list and I cant delete them from my favorites... hmmmm...

Jun 27 05 09:59 am Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Posted by AndrewG: 
I send "friend" requests to models I think I would like to shoot or those I see that I like what the have in their portfolio. For Photographers.. I like to add those that I like what they do, or those I would like to follow their work, or would love to learn from.

I added a couple to my "favorites" list, but they are both now on my "friends" list and I cant delete them from my favorites... hmmmm...

It's gotten a little out of hand and become somewhat meaningless.  I've been procrastinating on editing my friends list and keeping only those models that I've worked with or wish to work with and only those photographers whose work I admire and/or with whom I have exchanged information.

Jun 27 05 02:47 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

some people could be anal about friends lists.  i see it as them being stuck up and snobby.  if they don't want to be your friend, then fuck'em!  i just add and add and add friends to my friends list.  i mean, is there and easier way to get noticed?  don't forget to have a really good avatar to stand out from the rest.

Jun 27 05 03:03 pm Link