Forums > General Industry > Fakers, wanna-bes, and false credits



Posts: 151

Occassionally, when I'm bored I browse the internet-specifically industries related to me networking. 

So here's a concern that's crossed me-why is it that certain models feel the need to falsely advertise that they represent or have represented whatever publicity standpoint. 

I recently crossed a model who was advertising that she did a show as a spokesperson for a company that I have been under contract with.  Whenever you do jobs like this you pretty much know all of the people who are hired for specific shows because you seem them constantly and you attend briefings together.  But anyway, I contacted my director and inquired and it turned out that they had spoke with this particular model, but she lacked the education (this area is more for business, advertising, networking, etc.-than being HOT in print to make a long story short) and represented an image they didn't want for there company so she was ordered to remove affiliations with there company from her website or face legal results. 

She isn't the first I've seen to do this.

Why is it that some models feel the need to try and say they are representing things that they aren't?  Especially, if it's a company you contacted and they turned you down...has anyone seen simular?

What do you think of this?

Mar 04 06 11:22 am Link


Robert Perez

Posts: 1165

Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, US

So what else is new? I see this all the time on different types of websites.

Inaddition they think they are so slick but someone with streetsmarts can see right thru the sad deception.

Mar 04 06 11:27 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Job applicants lie on resumes all the time.
it is the same thing.
people strech the truth to get the next job.

I was told once if you can fake it enough to get in the door then by the time they learn you didn't know what you were doing, you will have learned you job anyways.

Mar 04 06 12:24 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
Job applicants lie on resumes all the time.
it is the same thing.
people strech the truth to get the next job.

I was told once if you can fake it enough to get in the door then by the time they learn you didn't know what you were doing, you will have learned you job anyways.

well put! the model business is a business of fakery at all times

How many people ytou know out there with perfect skin and perfect proportions.
Say NO! to makeup , shoulder pads, push-up bras, extensions, weaves, and now!

the God of fakery Photoshop. Come on you get called sometimes   because your photog was good and the saviour od bad days , bad skin, pimples, bags under the eyes, moles, stretch marks has corrected it all

to get a job you have to sat you had a job
to get a loan you have to say to have money

You simply have to do what is right for you!

Mar 04 06 12:31 pm Link



Posts: 53

95% of the models on this site are not going anywere( Nice to think they can) The other 5% are with major agencies. I look at alot of profiles, and i see they have a ton of stuff listed, yet when you look for the truth on there portfolio it is all bogus, really this is the internet, it is like the army, be all you can be, really who is gonna check. I was helping this girl with her resume, she listed just about everything, i was like why lie, She stated " what are the odds of them really checking it" well folks thats what it is all about. Nobody cares.


Mar 04 06 12:31 pm Link



Posts: 796

I say only pad the truth of what you can actually do.

Mar 04 06 12:36 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

The best models (and photographers) don't have a resumé, their photos speak volumes about the work they've accomplished.
Also, Having an glitzy (often sham) fluff-packed 3-page resumé can sometimes take the attention away from a portfolio of mediocre images.
"Her pics are awful, but hey, look! She -was- in a fashion show at Hooters in Muncie, Indiana in 2003.......

Mar 04 06 12:37 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

Chu wrote:
Occassionally, when I'm bored I browse the internet-specifically industries related to me networking. 

Why is it that some models feel the need to try and say they are representing things that they aren't?  Especially, if it's a company you contacted and they turned you down...has anyone seen simular?

What do you think of this?

I recently crossed a model who was advertising that she did a show as a spokesperson for a company -----------------------------------

Most likley this is a quote from a New Internet model who had been hired to pass out literatureat the public event, basically handing out junk mail for min wage with a title of spoke model.

equal to the fat guy in pizza man suit waving people in standing on a street corner

Ron Blake

Mar 04 06 12:38 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
... to get a loan you have to say to have money

You simply have to do what is right for you!

Then I can claim to be a millionaire? Of course, my "millions" are in Zimbabwean pounds and the rate of exchange is something like 3 millon £Z = 10 bucks US



Mar 04 06 12:43 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

WestWoodStudios wrote:
95% of the models on this site are not going anywere( Nice to think they can) The other 5% are with major agencies. I look at alot of profiles, and i see they have a ton of stuff listed, yet when you look for the truth on there portfolio it is all bogus, really this is the internet, it is like the army, be all you can be, really who is gonna check. I was helping this girl with her resume, she listed just about everything, i was like why lie, She stated " what are the odds of them really checking it" well folks thats what it is all about. Nobody cares.


yep....agree with you.  On the makeup forum I frequent we are constantly catching makeup artists with work in their portfolio that they didn't do, this stuff is all over the net....we just caught a big name doing this.  He was a big name in TV, with Emmys but had no print to show (he was trying to move into the print world)  so he invented a print portfolio and used a photo that was already being used by someone on that board so it was recognized.  We caught another guy using a shot be TESTINO!!!!!  you should hear their excuses....HILLARIOUS ,   OMG!     

I got an email last week from a photographer in LA, he was doing a casting for major magazine editorials, he was casting  makeup and hair and everything else....I went to his site and sure enough, he had photos of himself doing casting calls....I looked at his advertising page and it was filled with MAJOR MAJOR tears shot by the biggest names in the industry.  He didn't even know who he was stealing from, he figured nobody would know....this shows how stupid people really are.   In this industry we know who shot what and many of us know the names of the entire crew down to the photo assistant so lying on the net will find you out and even if people do not confront you with the lie, they know.

So I almost drove 3 hours (in work traffic)  to  LA to meet with this joker because his website and resume were incredible .....but so many red flags stopped why was he hunting the internet for an artist instead of going straight to Art and Commerce?  why did he have webmodels in his gallery?  Why did his major ads look so good and his other stuff look so bad?  another give away was his bragging on his bio...he called himself a celebrity photographer and in fact his lead photo is Angelina Jolie..... Real big photographers never toot their own horn, they dont have to, we all know who they are.

So my point here is.....I think that people believe they are fooling others and they do fool the other wannabees but they don't fool the people that they really set out to fool, the people that could help them or hire them.

Mar 04 06 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

studio36uk wrote:

Then I can claim to be a millionaire? Of course, my "millions" are in Zimbabwean pounds and the rate of exchange is something like 3 millon £Z = 10 bucks US



No. I lent my money to a very reliable bank in Nigeria,. They are sending me a check for 16m pounds any day!

Mar 04 06 03:44 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Not just models.  There are photographers here who inflate their credits as well.  It's called lying.


Mar 04 06 03:46 pm Link