Forums > General Industry > What does it take to get models to show up?



Posts: 330

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Bodyartist wrote:
Do you know how many times models get lost going to the most well known locations?  Then they get flustered, and just go home.  If they would only _CALL_ we'd tell them to just lift their hand and knock, we'll open the door.

I always try going to the location a few days before the shoot to make sure I know where it is, and that way I can let everyone know ahead of time if there's any problems.

I don't have a cell phone and won't be getting one any time soon.

Mar 01 06 07:07 am Link


Kilmer Photography

Posts: 147

Boothwyn, Pennsylvania, US

Wow. Thanks for all the replies. Very helpful. I've been photographing for 27 years, but only within the last 7 have I been photographing models. Never touched a set of strobes before that.  I'm glad that my frustration didn't sound like bashing, because its wasn't at all. I feel that there is a synergy between a model and a photographer, and I'm still learning, so I hate to charge just yet. There will come a time when I get more confident of my work that I'll be able to charge. Until then I guess I'm stuck with these "hit-or-miss" models. Its a shame because there are some models on here I'm dying to shoot with and they say are wanting to shoot with me...yet...nothing comes of it.

  For one, I have never cancelled a shoot, be it a model or any client. Had to re-schedule, but no cancels yet. I'm sure thats just luck. Its bound to happen.

Thanks again for the replies. Guess I need to go buy some duct tape..ha ha ha.

Mar 01 06 07:50 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

just had my sixth cancellation in a row! That is my personal record.

Mar 01 06 09:38 am Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

Kilmer Photography wrote:
..Maybe I'm doing something wrong..maybe other photographers have noticed this as well..? But here is how it goes in my world-

1- A model will contact me, or I will contact a model from the "browse" page that's local, and the dance begins.

2- I usually get "I LOVE Pin-Up!" "Lets shoot soon!"

Now granted, my work is quite specific in the type of model I'm looking for..OK, I can understand that I've narrowed the field considerably, however, I still get the same song and dance...

3- My response is usually "Great! Lets pick a day and shoot!"

4- This is where things break down. I start getting "Well...I'm not really available ETC..." Or I get no specific date or even what day would work best.

5- If I DO get a response, and get a date lined up, its usually broken by the model. This has happened several times. Its frustrating.

OK..What is going on here, and do other photographers get that too? Of the 10 lines I throw out there, lately there has been nothing in return.

I'm professional, have a studio, and love to shoot...I'm puzzled.

Steve K.

Some models cant resist food or booze. tongue

EDIT: Okay in seriousness, I have been lucky with all the models I have shot that I only a few have been no shows. And Im not the caliber of photographer most of the others here are.
To the OP, I would suggest being a little more selective on who you want to work with. A photographer I know, who has since retired, gave me that advice two years ago and I am feeling a lot better with who I shoot.

Mar 01 06 09:40 am Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

R. Olson (RO) wrote:
Some models cant resist food or booze. tongue

Most models can't smile  Neither can most photographers.

But, booze on set can backfire, really, really badly.  We've stopped using anything but wine, and LIMITED quantities, and only when it's actually part of the set, like a lingerie party, wine and cheese, etc.

Our models have to into our shoots sober   (at least, 24 hours sober.... )

aka Bodyartist

Mar 01 06 09:44 am Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

Bodyartist wrote:

Most models can't smile  Neither can most photographers.

But, booze on set can backfire, really, really badly.  We've stopped using anything but wine, and LIMITED quantities, and only when it's actually part of the set, like a lingerie party, wine and cheese, etc.

Our models have to into our shoots sober   (at least, 24 hours sober.... )

aka Bodyartist

Oh you misunderstand, the food is for the models. The booze is for the photographers. j/k

Mar 01 06 09:48 am Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

I would say check who you are wanting to work with. I have had great luck in doing an email session, into a a meet and greet, into a shoot. Make sure you can contact them and they can contact you. The more comfortable a model is the more likley  she/ he will be willing to shoot with you. I had this problem a while back and then re-evaluated what I did in order to make sure that they were gonna show, now I go with communication, communication, communication. There has been a night and day difference in model who show up for TFCD shoots.The key is to find a model who not only has the looks but the right apporach and williness to participate in a project. If they get really excited about a shoot they will show.  But paid shoots? Go through an agency... simple as that.

Mar 01 06 09:55 am Link



Posts: 40

San Francisco, California, US

AllenA wrote:
Lets see... you've got a great portfolio, and you have 'interested' models who won't actually finalize a shoot date.

I've got a CRAP model portfolio, and I have 'interested' models who won't actually finalize a shoot date.

I may just go back to shooting landscapes.


Here is the thing guys, You need to make sure that what you plan to shoot is what the model really wants to do. Also make sure you meet her before the shoot and get her cellphone number. I also always offer to pickup or drop them home. All my models till date have been TFP, I never pay to shoot someone, they pay me to shoot them most of the time.


Mar 01 06 09:57 am Link


Christopher N.

Posts: 657

Troy, Michigan, US

Personally I bring candy, bottled water and tea to shoots but that's just me. Candy is dandy, but liquor is they say.

I did have a model show up completely wasted to a shoot primarily because she had gotten hot by a onslaught of really heavy personal problems that day. She pretty much broke down and started crying a few minutes after she got to the set. She was determined to do the shoot anyway but I couldn't. We talked a bit which calmed her down, I paid her a cancel fee and sent her home with a friend.

I'm new here, but after 60+ shoots, I'm very familiar with "S*** Happens". It pretty much depends on the model and a photographer's relationship with them and in this case I had worked with her before and knew this wasn't normal....

Mar 01 06 10:00 am Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

Important BS seems to work

Call yourself a Models Manager.

Say your models sessions fees run $2,500 and up

Make big promises that you know will never be kept

Tell them what they want to hear

Mar 01 06 10:01 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Kilmer Photography wrote:
..Maybe I'm doing something wrong..maybe other photographers have noticed this as well..? But here is how it goes in my world-

1- A model will contact me, or I will contact a model from the "browse" page that's local, and the dance begins.

2- I usually get "I LOVE Pin-Up!" "Lets shoot soon!"

Now granted, my work is quite specific in the type of model I'm looking for..OK, I can understand that I've narrowed the field considerably, however, I still get the same song and dance...

3- My response is usually "Great! Lets pick a day and shoot!"

4- This is where things break down. I start getting "Well...I'm not really available ETC..." Or I get no specific date or even what day would work best.

5- If I DO get a response, and get a date lined up, its usually broken by the model. This has happened several times. Its frustrating.

OK..What is going on here, and do other photographers get that too? Of the 10 lines I throw out there, lately there has been nothing in return.

I'm professional, have a studio, and love to shoot...I'm puzzled.

Steve K.

Show them the money.

Mar 01 06 10:05 am Link



Posts: 1050

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Jay Dezelic wrote:
Maybe they aren't really models?  Maybe what you really booked was a cable TV repairperson? ...Or plumber, or some other GWB (Girl/Guy w/ Body)?

The model I can afford...its the PLUMBER that I can't! smile

Mar 01 06 10:08 am Link


Kilmer Photography

Posts: 147

Boothwyn, Pennsylvania, US

Funny. Since this thread was posted I have been contacted by three models that I had been messaging back and forth. I'm talking actual phone contact. What a concept. I have a shoot booked for tonight. Weird..its almost as if the models can read... LOL..


Mar 03 06 08:12 am Link


Xkwizit Poet

Posts: 74

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

(Damn multiple posts...SORRY)

Mar 03 06 08:29 am Link


Xkwizit Poet

Posts: 74

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Jenna C wrote:
How about this problem?
I've had photographers that contact me stating they want to hire me.  If I would like details and more information I should email them back.
So, I contact them back, and no answer!!

If you're going to send me an email stating that you want to hire me for a project and tell me to email you back if I'm interested.  Then I do, and you don't respond, what the heck is going on???

I understand about models not showing up.  I've never cancelled a shoot, never not shown up, and have great references from photographers and companies!!!

Shame on them!!!!
Models like that give me a bad name. works both ways! I cannot tell you how many times I have been contacted by a photographer and when I reply I hear nothing back! We are not all like that, just like all photographers are not like that! I think you have just had a bad string of contacts.
I have shoots scheduled out until June. And I intend on showing up to each and every one of them. And to me it doensnt matter if it is a paid shoot or TFCD..if I scheduled with someone, Out of respect for them and myself, I would NEVER just not show up. both types of shoots benefit me in different ways...not to mention it justs gives you a bad reputation if you are a no show!

Mar 03 06 08:30 am Link


Xkwizit Poet

Posts: 74

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Mar 03 06 08:30 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

Dave Krueger wrote:
I still say the best way to guaranty they show up is to kidnap a member of their family until after the shoot.  Just make sure it's someone they want back.  Don't take a boyfriend or husband.

Damn!  You got my MO!

Mar 03 06 08:33 am Link



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

Dave Krueger wrote:
I still say the best way to guaranty they show up is to kidnap a member of their family until after the shoot.  Just make sure it's someone they want back.  Don't take a boyfriend or husband.

And then I tell the judge, Dave Krueger said it was OK.

Mar 03 06 09:03 am Link


Bruce Caines

Posts: 522

New York, New York, US

i just don't understand this. i see this topic come up in the forums often and i have to wonder, who are these "models" you guys are booking? i've never had a no-show on a shoot even when i was in school.

there is no magic or special trick. you simply have to know who you're working with. if you're booking someone for a test (tfp), it's a mutual desire to shoot together. no reason you shouldn't be able to sort out the pretenders from the real models. a no-show on a paid shoot?? inexcusable. only time that ever happened to me was when the model became seriously ill the night before and ended up in the hopsital. the agency called us at 7am to let us know--and helped us book a replacement.

you should know within two emails and one phone call if you are dealing with a flake. i don't book via email. ever. if models can't talk to me on the phone i have no need to book them.

Mar 03 06 09:27 am Link


elisaveta ♀

Posts: 619

New York, New York, US

Bruce Caines wrote:
you should know within two emails and one phone call if you are dealing with a flake. i don't book via email. ever. if models can't talk to me on the phone i have no need to book them.

Sooo, I guess we'll be talking soon... wink

Mar 03 06 09:32 am Link


Bruce Caines

Posts: 522

New York, New York, US

elisaveta ♀ wrote:
Sooo, I guess we'll be talking soon... wink

hehehe... most definitely.  smile

Mar 03 06 09:35 am Link


elisaveta ♀

Posts: 619

New York, New York, US

Bruce Caines wrote:
hehehe... most definitely.  smile

Sounds great! Looking forward to it smile


Bruce Caines wrote:
just don't understand this. i see this topic come up in the forums often and i have to wonder, who are these "models" you guys are booking? i've never had a no-show on a shoot even when i was in school.

I guess they've been booking the wrong models...I've shot with SO many photographers. And never flaked. Only cancelled ONCE two weeks before the shoot AND I WAS GLAD I did! smile

Mar 03 06 09:38 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Ron B Blake wrote:
Important BS seems to work

Call yourself a Models Manager.

Say your models sessions fees run $2,500 and up

Make big promises that you know will never be kept

Tell them what they want to hear

That does seem to work for a lot of guys around here.  Maybe it's time to start building a harem.

Mar 03 06 09:48 am Link


Chip Miller

Posts: 155

Brooklyn, New York, US

Well, I am pretty new to this community and finding it a bit frustrating.  I have had plenty of models contact me to do a tfcd/tfp.  I approached one model and everything went so textbook smoothly.  Since then it has been terribly difficult!  I agreed to work with three of the models who contacted me to do tfcd/tfp.  After responding that I would be willing and giving a general idea on the shots I woud like to do (no nudity all fashion oriented) I have heard nothing!  Of the three models that I approached with very specific ideas (again no nudity, all glamour and fashion) I never heard from two of them.  The third who had a very professional portfolio was kind enough to write back and decline for very understandable reasons. 
So do I go back to simply working with models who pay me (none from this site have sought me out and have been willing to pay). 
Just venting a bit.  Could write a lot more but guess it is an ongoing circle of events here.

Mar 03 06 09:59 am Link