Forums > General Industry > Question for Black Models in North Carolina


Mystic 7

Posts: 180

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Just out of curiosity, do you send me friend requests because my avatar gives you the impression that I'm black? The reason I ask is I only seem to get friend requests and messages requesting shoots from black models, which I don't mind at all, as my avatar attests. Just wondering if it gives the wrong impression, which may lead to a problem if/when we hook up for a shoot.

Feb 28 06 11:21 am Link


Selfish Boy

Posts: 9

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Anyone that doesn't like taking photos with a photographer because of the colour of his/her skin is mad I tell ya, maad. lol... sorry but I think people just feel a connection with something they are familiar with which may be your avator.

Feb 28 06 11:26 am Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

nah your work is wonderful and thats probably the reason why

Feb 28 06 11:27 am Link


Mystic 7

Posts: 180

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I guess white models don't think it's so wonderful ;-) Thanks for responding, guys. Hopefully some models will give their point of view.

Mar 01 06 09:05 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Do not get on the ladies from NC! They have the best derrieres in the business.

Consider the location. NC is not NY or CA. They might be encountering a lot MORE rejection in NC than you realize!

Mar 01 06 09:08 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Whenever I have an African-American in my avatar I seem to get alot more tags and friend requests from African-Americans.

Personally I have trouble lighting darker skin with my continuous units, they just cannot produce enough soft light, but it wouldn't stop me from working with someone who has a strong look, I'd just shoot with them more outside (or now I have flash units as well).

I think many photographers do not like to work with them for whatever reason. They still don't get alot of respect so they go where they think they are welcome, maybe? I think about how many African-Americans tuned in to watch Star Trek because Nichelle Nichols was a lead in the cast, and I think whomever is allowing racial bias to interfere in which models they use is being very foolish in both human and business terms.

Mar 01 06 09:30 am Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

You are not enirely incorrect in your assumption. I too am a caucasian male photographer who works with a lot of african american models. I think that the reality of the matter is that some models who do not fit into the category of "ethnic" models do shy away from me as a photographer. This may be because they think I am black and it may be because they have some other incorrect assumption about me.

My take on the issue is that if this is happening to a significant degree, it's really a shame. The problem, of course, is that there really isn't any way to determine the magnitude of it. I have to assume that many models may choose not to work with me because of distance, something in my profile that I feel is important but they may not like, that they don't like my work, etc.

I have to admit that I sometimes think that I should actively seek caucasian models just to round my portfolio out. In the end, though, I never seem to get around to making a big deal of doing that. Frankly, black women are so wonderfully diverse and beautiful that I might just let things roll the way they are and be damn happy about it.

BTW, I like your stuff too - very nicely done.

Mar 01 06 09:31 am Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

Always good to be honest tho.

I'd love to shoot some black models here in Texas  [[hint, hint for the Texas ladies.  smile ]]

Mar 01 06 09:38 am Link



Posts: 312

Huntington, Virginia, US

Why should the color of your skin matter?....Most of the time I never know who I'm shooting with until I speak to them on the phone or meet them for the shoot.....I dont think the photog's ethnicity should be an issues at all...

thats just my opinion tho.

Mar 01 06 12:14 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

I dont think black models have a problem with photographers.

They have a GIANT problem with the agencies

Mar 01 06 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
I dont think black models have a problem with photographers.

They have a GIANT problem with the agencies


Mar 01 06 12:24 pm Link



Posts: 151

Brooklyn, New York, US

Honestly I may be guilty of this myself. I don't send FR's a lot, but I'll definitely view a profile with a great shot of a black woman first. When I do a search and I see a photog with a really great port but no women of color (black or latina women) I tend to not contact them. But it isn't from me not wanting to work with them. It's me (maybe wrongly) assuming that they don't typically work with girls who look like me. The lighting may be great in the shots they have posted, but as we all know darker skin needs to be lit differently. As someone mentioned earlier, some photogs have trouble lighting darker skin. So if I see a port filled with white women, I tend to think that photographing darker skin may not be their thing.

Mar 01 06 01:20 pm Link



Posts: 170

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
Do not get on the ladies from NC! They have the best derrieres in the business.

Consider the location. NC is not NY or CA. They might be encountering a lot MORE rejection in NC than you realize!

true dat!

Mar 01 06 05:41 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

I think that when a person sees diversity in their portfolio, and it's done WELL, they will acknowledge it.

If you have a lot of women of color, and you do a great job of shooting them, then you'll get a lot of tags/FRs from the models.

IMO, it's not much different than any other color. If I filled up my portfolio with either Caucasion or Asian women, I'm sure that I'll get a lot of responses from them, too.

Bottom line: Your portfolio shows viewers what you are either more comfortable with, what you shoot better, or what you've been more exposed to.

Mar 01 06 07:22 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

VRG Photography wrote:
Bottom line: Your portfolio shows viewers what you are either more comfortable with, what you shoot better, or what you've been more exposed to.

that makes sense...except for the fact that he only has like two shots of african-american models up wink

Mar 01 06 08:14 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:
that makes sense...except for the fact that he only has like two shots of african-american models up wink

Damn, you're right.

Mar 01 06 08:25 pm Link



Posts: 609

Los Angeles, California, US

I think the reality is that racial lines divide models and photographers just like every thing else in our society (unfortunately). Black models tend to flock to photographers who photograph them in the most flatttering light. White models, on the other hand, tend to shy away from photographers who shoot ethnic models and "stick with their own."

Of course, some radical will post saying this isn't true, but you should  resist that urge. Maybe it shouldn't be true, but in my experience, it is.

I have sent invites for TFP to a few models on MM, and for the most part, black or ethnic models respond enthusiastically and white models do not (there have been a few exceptions to this rule). Is it because my pics are not clean and professional--I don't think so (but I'm biased). I think it's because models assume I'm black or that I can only shoot ethnic models well. Whatever the case, my success for TFP requests to white models is significantly lower than with women of color as are my friend requests.

Mar 01 06 08:35 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Mystic 7 wrote:
Just out of curiosity, do you send me friend requests because my avatar gives you the impression that I'm black? The reason I ask is I only seem to get friend requests and messages requesting shoots from black models, which I don't mind at all, as my avatar attests. Just wondering if it gives the wrong impression, which may lead to a problem if/when we hook up for a shoot.

ur not black??!! yikes

Mar 01 06 08:42 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US


You have some AWESOME pics in your portfolio.

I think that... how should I put this... IMO, your pictures tend to lean more towards what ethnic models are normally looking for. You have a way of capturing their beauty, and to me, it's an art. Not everyone can shoot women of color, just as everyone can't shoot women who are not.

I think that when women of color see your pics, then say, "Damn, he's got the eye that I need to create some awesome images of me!"

BTW, your pics of Charity and Jossie are my favs.

Mar 01 06 08:43 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:
that makes sense...except for the fact that he only has like two shots of african-american models up wink

He changed up his port recently cause it used to be more black girls....didn't it?

Mar 01 06 08:45 pm Link



Posts: 38

New York, New York, US

thats interesting because 95% of the photographers who contact me are white and i was wondering what was up with that. when i send out a request to work with a photographer im more likely to choose one who is not white because im noticing and was told on more than one occassion after showing up that they are not properly prepared "for me." the stylist doesn't know what works and the hairstylist does not know to do with all of my hair

Mar 01 06 08:45 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Roselle Park, New Jersey, US

I'm open to shooting models from all ethnic backgrounds

Mar 01 06 08:46 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

theresa bailey wrote:
thats interesting because 95% of the photographers who contact me are white and i was wondering what was up with that. when i send out a request to work with a photographer im more likely to choose one who is not white because im noticing and was told on more than one occassion after showing up that they are not properly prepared "for me." the stylist doesn't know what works and the hairstylist does not know to do with all of my hair


I'd shoot you in a heartbeat... if you were in Chicago. smile

I think that with you, it may be a matter of photographers. I know that there are a lot of black photographers in Chicago on MM, but can we say the same thing about New York? (I don't know, it's just a question).

Mar 01 06 08:50 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

adrienne of Zswana wrote:

ur not black??!! yikes

BTW, the "wine cellar" and "GA Peach" pictures in your port are HOT!

Mar 01 06 08:53 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
I dont think black models have a problem with photographers.

They have a GIANT problem with the agencies

I'd like to see you produce some real facts to back that up. Methinks your just flame baiting.

Mar 01 06 08:56 pm Link



Posts: 609

Los Angeles, California, US

VRG Photography wrote:

You have some AWESOME pics in your portfolio.

I think that... how should I put this... IMO, your pictures tend to lean more towards what ethnic models are normally looking for. You have a way of capturing their beauty, and to me, it's an art. Not everyone can shoot women of color, just as everyone can't shoot women who are not.

I think that when women of color see your pics, then say, "Damn, he's got the eye that I need to create some awesome images of me!"

BTW, your pics of Charity and Jossie are my favs.

Aww, thanks! I really appreciate the compliment. Too bad more non-ethnic women don't feel the same. :-(

Mar 01 06 09:14 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

Scaramanga wrote:
Aww, thanks! I really appreciate the compliment. Too bad more non-ethnic women don't feel the same. :-(

I think that sometimes they (models) find a comfort zone, and like to stick to it. If people would go outside of the box every once in a while and shoot with someone who has a style they don't have in their portfolios, they'd be amazed at the images they come up with.

Mar 01 06 09:34 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Everyone loves to say "Color has no basis, etc....blah blah blah". I believe it shouldn't ! The reality of the matter though, is that people make it so. In real every day life, when a black man is encountered by either anyone (yes, even his own), he is met with a certain negative anticipation. A white man does not encounter this sort of negative vibe.
note : this is NOT in each and every situation. Definitely in MOST (as in over 90%)though.

Mar 01 06 10:07 pm Link


Mystic 7

Posts: 180

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

adrienne of Zswana wrote:

He changed up his port recently cause it used to be more black girls....didn't it?

I haven't touched my port in months. I haven't really done any shoots since I moved to NC in November. And, to respond to another point made here, I had the same thing going on when I lived in Florida, only black models contacting me. And I'm NOT getting down on black models, in fact I prefer shooting them, since I prefer shooting outdoors anyway.

Thanks for all the responses. And Isabel, I haven't forgotten about you and Regina, I just haven't had the head to do any shoots yet. Greensboro ain't so far away. Hopefully you'll still be interested when I'm ready to shoot again :-)

Mar 02 06 08:16 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

I've gotten so many TFP shoots from great photographers because they want more diversity in their portfolios.

I don't care about ethnic differences or what they have in their ports.  If they have an amazing port and not much diversity, all the better to approach them, my dear smile

Mar 03 06 10:16 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:
I've gotten so many TFP shoots from great photographers because they want more diversity in their portfolios.

I don't care about ethnic differences or what they have in their ports.  If they have an amazing port and not much diversity, all the better to approach them, my dear smile

Hey. Greensboro is close. I could use some diversity in my portfolio. How about a date?
To shoot, that is wink

Mar 03 06 10:19 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Todd Steinwart wrote:

Hey. Greensboro is close. I could use some diversity in my portfolio. How about a date?
To shoot, that is wink

I've heard wonderful things about you from j0

But yeah - I thought you'd never ask wink

Mar 03 06 10:22 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:

I've heard wonderful things about you from j0

But yeah - I thought you'd never ask wink

Why does the guy always have to be the one to ask? big_smile

Mar 03 06 10:23 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Todd Steinwart wrote:

Why does the guy always have to be the one to ask? big_smile

hmmm i think i tagged you a while ago telling you to let me know if you wanted to shoot me

either way i've always admired your work smile

let's set something up!

  (Moved to private message / MM Moderator) wink

Mar 03 06 10:24 am Link


Darryl Reece

Posts: 70

Hollywood, Florida, US

Why does everything always have to end up revolving around color?

I totally agree with Nat! What does the color of your skin matter? Just be happy that people love your work. Most times our ports are not as diverse as we'd like them, but work on it. If photographers have trouble photographing various ethnicities, then work on it; and vice-versa.

Mar 03 06 10:28 am Link



Posts: 13

Columbia, Alabama, US

Whassup people?! I am a Black photographer, who photographs black, white, asian, you will see in the next few months with some of my new stuff that I will be posting. I have a black model as my main image on most of the sites that I am on and have been contacted by both races. Yes color does still play some part in our society and this business, but I think it all comes down to whether or not people like what they see. Most of the models I have worked with have wanted to work with me because they liked my style. I'll work with anyone who I think has an interesting look, be it light or dark skin...if you can shoot you can shoot and take beautiful photos of any skin tone...and I can shoot!!! Just keep an eye out for my new stuff, mannnnn!!! Oops, I was suddenly struct by a little dose of Kanye Westism...Yea, I'm bad, I know it:)

Mar 03 06 10:49 am Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

Darryl Reece wrote:
Why does everything always have to end up revolving around color?

It doesn't have to, but sadly, it almost always does.

Some people are more comfortable around people of certain races, others could care less. Sometimes it boils down to your upbringing, experiences, and personal preferences.

Professionally, a person could be the exact fit that you're looking for, but you can't pull the trigger in terms of working with them. Now, that's not MY case, but I could see how others could feel that way.

It's unfortunate on a number of levels, but that's the reality of things.

Most of the photographers and models will have the majority of their pics from those of the same ethnic background, unless you're extremely talented and very well known. smile

Mar 05 06 02:23 pm Link