Forums > General Industry > working with attractive people...



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Has working along side very attractive people made you numb or distorted your view on the "real" world?

Before I was a photographer I would find an attractive woman in public and be naturally attracted to them as a man and want to ask them out (obviously since looks was all I had to go on at that point thats what would initially attract me to them.)

but after years of shooting pretty women I find myself numb to an attractive woman and actually start picturing them in front of the camera and how I could shoot them, not date them. I couldn't care less about dating one I see. Truth is Im now wonder whats under the hood and completely look past the looks (The Mind People, though Im still attracted to looks its become the bottom of my list of things that attract me)

Is this happening to anyone else? or am I alone in this? 
whats my cure to return to a shallow lifestyle? stop shooting pretty people and shoot ugly ones wink haahahahaa for all you damn bashers out there I WAS JUST KIDDING! I dont need a cure I was just wondering if this industry numbs you to what people normally consider HOT!

Feb 27 06 09:36 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Nope, you're not alone.. I feel the same way.. I'm more interrested in what's inside then outside.. Afterall, ya think the 20/30/40 something hottie is going to look like that at 60/70/80?? Probably not.. However, the quality of the person, what's inside, most likely will remain un changed or certainly not to the extent of the facade..

Mind you, I still enjoy the facade, but I'm more attracted to the character...

Feb 27 06 09:47 pm Link



Posts: 162


Every woman (or sometimes but rarely, man) I meet and find attractive, I immediately start thinking of how I'd like to photograph her and in what ways, etc. It's as if I plan shoots with people I've just barely made an acquiantance (sp?) with.

That's sort of creepy isn't it?

Feb 27 06 09:48 pm Link



Posts: 311

Canton, Ohio, US

I've already gotten to the point where I Say HANG it and ASK them if I can have a shoot.

Probably going to get me in trouble on day, but if you don't ask you never get them in front of olde el camera....

Feb 27 06 09:50 pm Link



Posts: 162

Keith aka Wolfie wrote:
Nope, you're not alone.. I feel the same way.. I'm more interrested in what's inside then outside.. Afterall, ya think the 20/30/40 something hottie is going to look like that at 60/70/80?? Probably not.. However, the quality of the person, what's inside, most likely will remain un changed or certainly not to the extent of the facade..

Mind you, I still enjoy the facade, but I'm more attracted to the character...

I agree with you. But I sort of meet the both of you half way because I like to know what this persons character is before I photograph them. I sort of think like this: "Hey she'd look great for this idea I've been kicking around" or "Wow she'd look amazing wearing this and posing like that in front of this and with that.. etc." and then I think "but I wonder what she's really like and what she would bring to the table of creativity.."

Um. Yeah. Reading that over makes me feel a little insane. I'm really not that creepy, I swear.

Feb 27 06 09:52 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Some of my friends have been hitting me in the back of the head.
they point out women at clubs and bars and they are practically slobbering and they ask me what I think....

hA! my usual response.. "EH She's OK"....followed by an unimpressed shrug.

that gets me a slap to the back of the head and a "what are you blind!?"

Feb 27 06 09:55 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

haha though this does have a very good side effect!

I can now say NO to a pretty woman! haha they dont like the word no.
the whole pouting fluttering eyes "oh please!" 
dont work anymore. ahha its like a new found power. the power of No.
and its usual followed with a grimace and a "you suck" ironically it gets me more attention than ever before.

had I know I would have been saying NO all through my life. ahaha

lol wink

Feb 27 06 10:04 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

FabioTovar wrote:
haha though this does have a very good side effect!

I can now say NO to a pretty woman! haha they dont like the word no.
the whole pouting fluttering eyes "oh please!" 
dont work anymore. ahha its like a new found power. the power of No.
and its usual followed with a grimace and a "you suck" ironically it gets me more attention than ever before.

had I know I would have been saying NO all through my life. ahaha

lol wink

GREAT!!  Somebody else on a power trip!!! lol

Feb 27 06 10:22 pm Link


Julius Cesar

Posts: 1

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I totally know where you're coming from! And what a very good point to make I might add! I've never actually had this discussion with other photographers before! While I still am, and always will be, in awe of beautiful women . . . . it's from a photographic point of view and thinking of just how I'm going to capture that beauty in my own unique way. If you get distracted and let your mind start to wonder your photos will take on a different perspective . . . in my opinion anyway.

And yes, as a result beautiful women in public aren't such an issue to me as they are to my friends! They gave up on me years ago! Sorry for using the cliché but beauty is only skin deep. I have met plenty of beautiful women only to be sorely disappointed within 10 seconds of them opening their mouths! Alternatively I met a ton of attractive women,not stunners, who have just knocked me off my feet within 10 seconds with their incredible personalities and presence!

That's what I love about what we do . . . . if you are truly into photography for the right reasons you see beauty in everything and everyone!

Feb 28 06 03:39 am Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

When a beautiful, shapely woman comes out of the bathroom in her undies.  Woo hoo!  In other words, no, I'm not jaded.

Feb 28 06 08:41 am Link


Photography by Nature

Posts: 51

It has definitely changed my view of women. I no longer look at beautiful women as dating prospects, I'm always thinking "New Face". Now my attraction usually come from some kind of mental or spiritual attraction. Not spiritual like religion. More like it's just "something about them".

Feb 28 06 08:51 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

I find myself checking out their skin. I never did that before.

Feb 28 06 09:21 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

I've only been a photographer for about a year so it hasn't happened yet. I don't think it every will. But I am also one that needs to know what is inside a woman because that can make them even more beautiful.

Feb 28 06 09:27 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

I'll give you some different twists on this concept.

Everything that's worth knowing, I've learned from photography.  Chief among what little wisdom I've gathered is how to look at people and how to see them (hence my Internet name).  Maybe it's a function of me getting old, but I am no longer attracted to women on a purely physical basis.  What attracts me to people is confidence, energy, positive attitude, and stuff like that.

I get the greatest satisfaction from seeing people on the street who are "normal" -- i.e. who blend in, who don't stand out, who look typical of all the people around them; then, when I can take them, put them in front of my camera, pay positive attention to them, and achieve a picture that is much deeper than a "pretty girl" picture, that's what makes me happy.  One of my favorite compliments I've received is this:  ""I sent the link to [her friend] and he was impressed he said you made me look like a women and not the sex kitten most photographers portray me as!"

So, for me, the most pleasurable lesson learned from photography is an ability to see beauty all around me and that all women are attractive, especially when you pay attention to them.

Feb 28 06 09:59 am Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

On a related subject, I do look at the rest of the world differently.  I see, not nature or buildings, but backgrounds.  I think, "Gee if I only had a model here now."  That's a bit sad, b/c I'm not experiencing what I'm seeing for what it is.  I'm having an imaginary photoshoot.

Feb 28 06 10:36 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

FabioTovar wrote:
Has working along side very attractive people made you numb or distorted your view on the "real" world?

Before I was a photographer I would find an attractive woman in public and be naturally attracted to them as a man and want to ask them out (obviously since looks was all I had to go on at that point thats what would initially attract me to them.)

No, not me... I am still attracted to beautiful women..., but what has changed, I am not "impressed" anymore just by the appearance. I am looking much more for the inner quality... well... I always had weight on both, but when I was younger, I was faster "blinded" or impressed by a beautiful woman. Nowadays, well... I work with too many beauties, but I may also happen to have developed a b.s.-detector... wink

Feb 28 06 10:43 am Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

In LA there is such a saturation of beautiful women...  Seriously - any club or restaraunt in Hollywood or Beverly Hills is jam packed with em'...  I've found that when I dat e though - I'm somewhat jaded to the "super hot" girls...  I tend to go for the "cute and nerdy" types that work 9 to 5s when I'm looking for dates...  I never get tired of those girls... But I guess I am jaded to super hot beautiful women...

Feb 28 06 10:54 am Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

The Art of CIP wrote:
In LA there is such a sauration of beautiful women...  Seriously - any club or restaraunt in Hollywood or Beverly Hills is jam packed with em'...

Thanks to plastic surgery.  But then they have ugly children.

Feb 28 06 10:59 am Link


Claude Taylor

Posts: 759


William Coleman wrote:
On a related subject, I do look at the rest of the world differently.  I see, not nature or buildings, but backgrounds.  I think, "Gee if I only had a model here now."  That's a bit sad, b/c I'm not experiencing what I'm seeing for what it is.  I'm having an imaginary photoshoot.

Thank goodness for this tread I was beginning to think I was getting wierd wink
Its funny I used to date lots of pretty women now all i do is shoot them .
and instead of seeing a location as romantic I see it as a good shooting place ;(

Funny how that works


Feb 28 06 11:04 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I think that, as a fat model, I see the boomerang effect of this phenomenon in photographers.  They are used to thin, beautiful women being interesting to photograph.  Many are not prepared, however, for what it's like to shoot with me, and more than one has exclaimed partway through a shoot, in total surprise, "You're beautiful!"  They don't see it coming, or something.  It's interesting.

Feb 28 06 11:30 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Shyly wrote:
I think that, as a fat model, I see the boomerang effect of this phenomenon in photographers.  They are used to thin, beautiful women being interesting to photograph.  Many are not prepared, however, for what it's like to shoot with me, and more than one has exclaimed partway through a shoot, in total surprise, "You're beautiful!"  They don't see it coming, or something.  It's interesting.

I'm proud to say that I saw it, and I've never even been in the same room with you.

Feb 28 06 11:34 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

If anything, I think photography has enhanced, even expanded my sense of what in a person is beautiful.  It's as if nurturing the ability to see and depict beauty has liberated a "sixth sense" that enables me to find the true beauty underneath the mere prettiness.  I think that sensistivity to the "story beneath the skin" is why people refuse to see my work as pornography, even though I'm quite frank about the prurient interests that guide my work as well as the search for beauty.

Feb 28 06 11:43 am Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

i'm often severely attracted to people who i would not select as models.  i am not usually attracted to those i select as models.

to me, physical appeal exists in 3 dimensions and in time.  models are selected based on their 2 dimensional static appearance.  there could be an intersection of the two, but i find that there rarely is for me.

Feb 28 06 12:03 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

I’m with Melvin on this.  It is exactly how I feel.  It also is my greatest joy to be able to capture an image that truly depicts the person within.  The interesting thing I noticed is that a lot of times there is more than one person trying to get out.

Feb 28 06 12:08 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

William Coleman wrote:
On a related subject, I do look at the rest of the world differently.  I see, not nature or buildings, but backgrounds.  I think, "Gee if I only had a model here now."  That's a bit sad, b/c I'm not experiencing what I'm seeing for what it is.  I'm having an imaginary photoshoot.

Take your camera out and shoot nature/scenic pictures.  You'll "learn" to appreciate nature's beauty as much as you enjoy model photography...

I never knew that goose feathers reflect the colors of the rainbow...until I took the time to photograph a goose and zoomed in...

- Denoy

Feb 28 06 02:09 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Being a photographer made the way people look technical. I no longer see beautiful people. I see people who can be made into beautiful pictures. If I get excited about a person's appearance it's usually a detail (eyebrows, lips, chin, hair, and yes breasts).

Is it me or models without their makeup and hoopla and clothes (or lack of them) don't really look that much different from the "normal" women? Of course there are more and less attractive people but some of you talk like models are of different species. Aren't you letting yourself be fooled by the whole standard of beauty nonsense?

We, models, photographers, stylists and artists are suppose to fool others, not let ourselves be fooled.

Feb 28 06 02:32 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

byReno wrote:
I’m with Melvin on this.  It is exactly how I feel.  It also is my greatest joy to be able to capture an image that truly depicts the person within.  The interesting thing I noticed is that a lot of times there is more than one person trying to get out.

I actually enjoy shooting with models that have multiple personality disorders, because they all pay seperatly for their portfolio images.

But sometimes they have a flakey model, or a broke model in there, but that's okay, 'cuz sometimes there is also a super rich model who tips extra... makes up for the hassle...
Kinda cool... big_smile

Feb 28 06 02:33 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

UdoR wrote:

I actually enjoy shooting with models that have multiple personality disorders, because they all pay seperatly for their portfolio images.

But sometimes they have a flakey model, or a broke model in there, but that's okay, 'cuz sometimes there is also a super rich model who tips extra... makes up for the hassle...
Kinda cool... big_smile


Feb 28 06 02:38 pm Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

FabioTovar wrote:
Has working along side very attractive people made you numb or distorted your view on the "real" world?

Before I was a photographer I would find an attractive woman in public and be naturally attracted to them as a man and want to ask them out (obviously since looks was all I had to go on at that point thats what would initially attract me to them.)

but after years of shooting pretty women I find myself numb to an attractive woman and actually start picturing them in front of the camera and how I could shoot them, not date them. I couldn't care less about dating one I see. Truth is Im now wonder whats under the hood and completely look past the looks (The Mind People, though Im still attracted to looks its become the bottom of my list of things that attract me)

Is this happening to anyone else? or am I alone in this? 
whats my cure to return to a shallow lifestyle? stop shooting pretty people and shoot ugly ones wink haahahahaa for all you damn bashers out there I WAS JUST KIDDING! I dont need a cure I was just wondering if this industry numbs you to what people normally consider HOT!

welcome to the club one thing that photography will teach you very quickly...looks only go so far......

i've learned so much from being a photographer about people, i knew alot but this just fine tuned it.i spot a hottie anywere i have hottie radar.....for the past 6 years i dont even have to see

dated a few... as well, of course par for the job. if its meant to be..its to be.
you now starting to look

Feb 28 06 02:39 pm Link



Posts: 17

Paris, Arkansas, US

I met this one guy once at a party and when I first saw him I was thinking "OH MY GOSH HE IS SO FINE!" and then I switched to "OH MY GOSH HE HAS TO MODEL FOR ME" instead. I don't want to date him. I just want to take pictures of him. Instead of being nervous or crazy flirtacious as I might have been a few months ago, I boss him around. When he did his first semi nude shot with me, instead of being teen girl hyper and excited, I was concentrating on the tattoo drawing I did on his back.

Yea, and that's really weird for me. I'm one of those girls who went insane over Orlando Bloom when I first saw Lord of the Rings. And I was 13 then. But now I am more calm around hot male specimens and I don't want to date them; I just imagine a good shot of them...

Feb 28 06 02:41 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Well it's a relief to see I'm not the only one that has been changed by beautiful women.

Yes I agree with all of you.  Udo nailed it for me also... I'm still very attracted to beautiful women. I'm just not "impressed" but it.  Someone else mentioned they are disappointed within 10 secs of hearing them talk.  I KNOW EXACTLY what you mean.
Such a pretty face and sexy body and the mind... well.....sometimes its unfortunate.

I have always wondered.. if this world was JUST pretty women and no ugly ones.... would those gorgeous women have to develop great personalities to compete with each other, beauty no longer being a point in their favor?

My ULTIMATE FAVORITE is a woman who I have noticed at one point in their life were the ugly duckling... and slowly grew into an unbelievable bombshell and retained the ugly duckling personality.    For example... you have the less attractive women who do an overnight transformation... BOOM from ugly to pretty... They go crazy with the attention they now get and the personality changes with .. overnight... I have seen this a couple of time with reallllly sweet girls that were over weight and didnt have all the guys chasing them. they went to a few doctors got some operations and poof about 1 month later instant hotty........... they went CRAZY partying dating as many men as they could.. in one case the girl went from nice to super slut! in a month.

The real gem is the undercover hotty with the funny, dorky, sweet girl inside who has no interest in all the attention or modeling or being in the spot light. just wants to be a normal girl with a normal guy...

you know what im talking about ....the ones that dont always get dressed up and when they do they put every model that could cross their path to shame! 

Now for the record not to insult any model... I'm not saying models don't have personalities or good qualities. I'm just saying that I now like my women attractive with personalities and no need or want for external attention on their bodies.
I KNOW there are a lot of great cool models out there.  I just haven't come across that many I would want to be in a long term relationship with......................

Feb 28 06 03:00 pm Link