Forums > General Industry > professionalism


C Alexander

Posts: 1357

Murrieta, California, US

What do I have to do or say to models and assistants to get them to come to a shoot and be at their best, not act like they have got no good sence (got that line from my mother)
Example models comming drunk high stupid or with a "friend" to watch their back that is more in the way than anything.
Now I do understand bringing someone if your not feeling comfortable but let him or her understand that you are there to work not argue about a pose or what's for dinner that night.
Now assistance let me put it like this if you're there to pick up on the models please don't waiste the time or money from the law suite.If you are not there to learn and do the thing that it takes to be placed in charge of a shoot and get the shoot done thne call in sick save the photographer the stress.
Let them bring there little brother that will be to scared that he'll get beat down.
SO in closing what can I tell these people on showing up on time and ready for work.
Even the TFCD it is still a job act like it

Feb 26 06 10:58 pm Link



Posts: 321

Las Colinas, Panamá, Panama

I hate ass kissing to get good models or models to show up!!

Feb 26 06 11:02 pm Link


C Alexander

Posts: 1357

Murrieta, California, US

Oh I agree then they pose like it hurt and you think I cant do a thing with these

Feb 26 06 11:14 pm Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

C Alexander wrote:
What do I have to do or say to models and assistants to get them to come to a shoot and be at their best, not act like they have got no good sence (got that line from my mother)
Example models comming drunk high stupid or with a "friend" to watch their back that is more in the way than anything.

This one is too easy, to the model before the shoot you let it be know that: "If you show up  drunk, high, tired, are late, or disruptive you will be sent away immediately. If your escort disturbes or disrupts  the shoot in any manner you both will be sent away immediately."

I gave up on male assistants years ago, and only hire/intern female asistants. They are on time, and hard working, and do not hit on the models .


Feb 27 06 12:10 am Link


Miss Christina

Posts: 92

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Are people really this stupid? I would never show up drunk... simply cos I want the best pics I can get! Acting like that is ruining for oneself too not only the photographer....

Feb 27 06 04:56 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

model shows up not in condition to work? man, "zero tolerance" and that shoot's over ...

assistant out of line? did you hire this person? sounds like time to get a new assistant ...

really, we as business people have to take responsibility for all that happens on our set; goes without saying ...


Feb 27 06 05:07 am Link


Far West Imaging

Posts: 436

Laguna Hills, California, US

I agree.  Models should never show up drunk.  That should be left to the photographer.

Feb 27 06 05:08 am Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

Anyone who shows up at any of my shoots (models, escorts, etc.) who is not completely sober is told to leave.  Only had it happen once with a model...never with an escort. 

Once it happens, the likelihood of me working with that model again is nil...

Feb 27 06 06:14 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

As the photographer, I think you've got to be the one to set the tone.  Your best chance to get "professional" behavior is to set an example.

One thing to do is to make sure you discuss every aspect of the sitting before the sitting.  Things to cover:
   >>> Location & duration of the sitting.
   >>> Style of images being made.
   >>> Compensation.
   >>> Details of the model release.
   >>> Rules for escorts.
   >>> Expectations for when the model arrives (e.g. sober)
   >>> If TFP /  TFCD
          --- Number & size
          --- Usage rights
          --- How long the model should expect to wait.
   >>> etc.

Regardless of the apparent experience of the model, I like to go over all this stuff first.  If dealing with an experienced model, this stuff doesn't take long, but it goes a long way to avoid day-of-the-sitting problems.  If problems do occur during the sitting, I usually just end the sitting early & cut my losses (I usually pro-rate compensation).

Feb 27 06 09:25 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Maybe I don't shoot enough or I'm not good enough, but I never seem to run into these wack jobs.  *Knocks on wood*

Feb 27 06 09:29 am Link


C Hansen Photography

Posts: 306

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
Maybe I don't shoot enough or I'm not good enough, but I never seem to run into these wack jobs.  *Knocks on wood*

I echo your response.  Ran into one model once that was a little tired and hung over but didn't get it out of her till 1/2 way through the shoot.  Wasn't all that pleased.

Feb 27 06 09:35 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

I firmly believe that to be true as well.

If a model shows up to a shoot high and does not share her drugs with the photographer, she's out! wink

I mean c'mon, it's all about the model and photographer communicating on the same level big_smile

Feb 27 06 09:44 am Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

I had a close call last week. I was just starting to shoot with a model and thought I could smell marijuana burning. I was more than a little upset inside. The conversations with this model leading up to the shoot had been first rate and professional. Her escort was in the other room watching their kids...he wouldn't DARE light up in my house...without asking..would he?

With a knot in my stomach, I made an excuse to step into the room next to my studio. If he was smoking they were history! But there was the boyfriend just talking to the evidence of anything improper.....and even more smell in that room. 

I went back into the studio and the smell was definitely in the room but the model had never lit anything.....then I saw it......a faint trail of smoke from one of my hot lights...did you know the fiber in some duct tape is made from hemp!?!?

I explained to the model why I had been behaving so erratically and apologized. We both had a good laugh out of it...That's been my closest call so far. Except when Rachael wouldn't eat the mushrooms on her pizza. That's just soooo strange...

Feb 27 06 02:52 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

groupw wrote:
I had a close call last week. I was just starting to shoot with a model and thought I could smell marijuana burning. I was more than a little upset inside. The conversations with this model leading up to the shoot had been first rate and professional. Her escort was in the other room watching their kids...he wouldn't DARE light up in my house...without asking..would he?

With a knot in my stomach, I made an excuse to step into the room next to my studio. If he was smoking they were history! But there was the boyfriend just talking to the evidence of anything improper.....and even more smell in that room. 

I went back into the studio and the smell was definitely in the room but the model had never lit anything.....then I saw it......a faint trail of smoke from one of my hot lights...did you know the fiber in some duct tape is made from hemp!?!?

I explained to the model why I had been behaving so erratically and apologized. We both had a good laugh out of it...That's been my closest call so far. Except when Rachael wouldn't eat the mushrooms on her pizza. That's just soooo strange...


It's good you're not a "jump to conclusions" kind'a guy big_smile

Feb 27 06 02:58 pm Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
Maybe I don't shoot enough or I'm not good enough, but I never seem to run into these wack jobs.  *Knocks on wood*

Me either...LOL

Feb 27 06 03:02 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

C Alexander wrote:
What do I have to do or say to models and assistants to get them to come to a shoot and be at their best, not act like they have got no good sence (got that line from my mother)
Example models comming drunk high stupid or with a "friend" to watch their back that is more in the way than anything.
Now I do understand bringing someone if your not feeling comfortable but let him or her understand that you are there to work not argue about a pose or what's for dinner that night.
Now assistance let me put it like this if you're there to pick up on the models please don't waiste the time or money from the law suite.If you are not there to learn and do the thing that it takes to be placed in charge of a shoot and get the shoot done thne call in sick save the photographer the stress.
Let them bring there little brother that will be to scared that he'll get beat down.
SO in closing what can I tell these people on showing up on time and ready for work.
Even the TFCD it is still a job act like it

If you want to inspire professionalism, you might begin with:

1. learning the difference between sence and sense
2. learning the difference between assistance and assitants
3. learning how to spell waste
4. learning the difference between suit and suite
5. learning the difference between there and their
6. learning the difference between to and too
7. learning the difference between a period and a question mark
8. learning to use punctuation appropriately

I know this is the internet, but it's hard to take anyone seriously when they're complaining about lack of professionalism while communicating like a 6th grade D student.

Feb 27 06 10:26 pm Link


Lee Allison

Posts: 69

Bentonville, Arkansas, US


Feb 27 06 11:08 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Simple : pay reliable models for shoots

Never ever use a TFP model for a paying client

You will be surprised how cash makes people responsible

Beginning/part time models will flake; jobs are more important than TFP. to an 18-24 year  old the BF is more important than TFP

people get paid they show up; if you volunteered on your job would you go in every day?

Feb 27 06 11:16 pm Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Miss Christina wrote:
Are people really this stupid? I would never show up drunk... simply cos I want the best pics I can get! Acting like that is ruining for oneself too not only the photographer....

You would be amazed at some of the crap that I have seen...

Feb 27 06 11:33 pm Link


Harrison Sweazea

Posts: 986

Jefferson City, Missouri, US

Tim Hammond wrote:

If you want to inspire professionalism, you might begin with:

1. learning the difference between sence and sense
2. learning the difference between assistance and assitants
3. learning how to spell waste
4. learning the difference between suit and suite
5. learning the difference between there and their
6. learning the difference between to and too
7. learning the difference between a period and a question mark
8. learning to use punctuation appropriately

I know this is the internet, but it's hard to take anyone seriously when they're complaining about lack of professionalism while communicating like a 6th grade D student.

Bravo!! I was hoping someone would step in before I did...thank you!!
I often say: If one had to take a spelling test to get onto the internet, it would be FAR less crowded.

Feb 27 06 11:40 pm Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

Harrison Sweazea wrote:

Bravo!! I was hoping someone would step in before I did...thank you!!
I often say: If one had to take a spelling test to get onto the internet, it would be FAR less crowded.

Whenever I see a model post like she is in an AOL chat room, I don't care how great her photos are - I assume she is immature and will be nothing but an airhead at a shoot. I don't even bother with her. I have to assume models think the same about photographers who post the same way.

This is a business, folks - treat it like a business. Intelligence and professionalism will get you a lot farther.

Feb 28 06 12:00 am Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Kick her out.  smile

Feb 28 06 12:03 am Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
Simple : pay reliable models for shoots

Never ever use a TFP model for a paying client

You will be surprised how cash makes people responsible

Beginning/part time models will flake; jobs are more important than TFP. to an 18-24 year  old the BF is more important than TFP

people get paid they show up; if you volunteered on your job would you go in every day?

Correction: some beginning/part time models flake and boyfriends are more important to some 18-24 year olds. There are plenty of part time models within the age bracket who take shoots very seriously, regardless of whether they're paid or TFP.

Just like there are a ton of people doing community theatre- directing, choreographing, performing- who don't get paid and show up at every rehearsal.

It's a matter of professionalism moreso than age, dating status, etc.

Feb 28 06 12:48 am Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Sheeeeeeeesh, FIRST, as others have stated, it is difficult to view anyone as professional when their spelling, grammar, punctuation, and diction is atrocious. SECONDLY, you can not CORRECTLY use professionalism in the same sentence with drunk, high, late or no shows. NONE of those behaviors are professional, much less sane. Save yourself further migraines....Research...research...research and then be VERY selective and VERY professional yourself.

Anyone who arrives in such a condition should be SHOWN the door and blacklisted.

We will NEVER be free of poor & unprofessional behavior and the offender will NEVER bother to correct such behaviors, as long as there are those who overlook them, make excuses for such behaviors, or allow them.

Feb 28 06 01:25 am Link