Forums > General Industry > I Don't Mind Paying, But...



Posts: 120

Sunset Valley, Texas, US I the only one that has come across a photog's page (or even a model's page for that matter) and read about their rates, clicked on their images and you're completely speechless? Not because you can't believe how incredible their work is, but because you can't imagine where they come off charging what they do and who actually pays it??!! I have seen some photogs charging 300 and 400 dollars for 3 looks, no MUA or stylists included and their images look like GWC images. I fully understand natural light images, but these images are truly STRAIGHT FROM A  DISPOSABLE CAMERA!! The irony to it all is you then click on another page and their work is brilliant and they charge less. It leaves you thinking..."Wow, if that other guy/girl is charging what they're charging and receiving it, maybe I should email this person and tell them to raise their prices." Granted, I know location plays a major factor, but good work is good work. PERIOD. And mediocre work is well, just that. To make matters worse, some of these people admit to being new to the industry!! Photogs/Models--I TRULY understand your pain when it comes to photogs/models that charge insanely high prices and you look at their work and think to yourself, "Are they SERIOUS??" I don't mean to sound like I'm knocking these people, because if they ARE receiving these prices, maybe I'M the one that's wrong!! LOL :-)

Feb 26 06 01:35 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Well, someone's obviously paying what they're asking. I guess the world doesn't have to make sense for people to get paid.

Feb 26 06 01:39 pm Link


Creativity Farm

Posts: 1772

Westville, New Jersey, US

It takes two to tango.

Photogs and models can charge any price they like.  Whether or not people are actually paying that price is a different story.

I used to joke that I’d be willing to shoot one wedding a year… for $250,000.  Why should people pay that amount?  Well, I’d be exclusive; for that much money, I’d have to be good; and if they were stupid enough to pay that much, I doubt they’d be smart enough to complain if they didn’t like the work.

Feb 26 06 01:45 pm Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

Look at the back of a hotel door and read the rate printed there... just have a friend ready with some smelling salts.

You'll never get *more* than a rate you advertise. Doesn't mean you won't settle for less depending on the assignment.

Feb 26 06 09:15 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

People make money doing this?

Feb 27 06 12:53 am Link


Steven Starr

Posts: 1433

Fort Mill, South Carolina, US

They pay it because they don't do their research.  This link (***warning...this is a stripper club***) show images that were paid for by the club.  They paid someone $700 for these images under the guise of being a professional.  These are awful...and in my opinion not very professional at all....yet he got $700 for it.  When I asked them if they even bothered to look at the guys work...they told me no because "he said he was a professional".

Now with my luck that photog is on MM...LOL

Feb 27 06 01:02 am Link