Forums > General Industry > I don't do PORN, so don't ask ...


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

"I don't do (fill in the blank) ... so DON'T ASK! (neener-neener)"

"don't waste my time or yours" ..... [you a$$hole] (implied)

Why do people say these kinds of things in their portfolios and descriptions?

Feb 25 06 11:54 pm Link



Posts: 207

Johnson City, Tennessee, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
"I don't do (fill in the blank) ... so DON'T ASK! (neener-neener)"

"don't waste my time or yours" ..... [you a$$hole] (implied)

Why do people say these kinds of things in their portfolios and descriptions?

Either to :

A) Just bug you. smile


B) Because they're sick of getting said offers or having their time wasted.

Feb 25 06 11:57 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Elektro_Kandy wrote:
[Either to :

A) Just bug you. smile


B) Because they're sick of getting said offers or having their time wasted.

Just seems like a funny way of selling something. It says more about the person writing their presentation than some anonymous public or target market they are trying to engage.

I feel guilty or insulted just reading this, and the writers don't even know who I am.

So what should my reaction be?

"I don't do bitches, so leave me alone"

That's just the way it makes me feel, and I don't know them either.

My rhetorical question is about Communication Arts and engaging our customers.

Just thinking :-)

Feb 26 06 12:01 am Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Elektro_Kandy wrote:

Either to :

A) Just bug you. smile


B) Because they're sick of getting said offers or having their time wasted.

More likely, they are just rude, abrasive, and lacking in social skills.

They are probably immature, socially inept, and dealing with "issues" that run deep -- too deep to want to mess with.

They have an axe to grind, and should be ignored by *everyone*.

Since "porn" is not allowed on this site, putting that in your profile is just ignorant.

Actually, putting that in a profile *anywhere* is simply ignorant.  Which is why they should be *totally* ignored, not worked with, and maybe they'll go away.

Anyone asking you if you do porn isn't going to bother reading your profile anyway, so why annoy those who might otherwise have contacted you?

What people don't realize, is that what you put in your profile says *worlds* about you.  If it gives a bad impression -- like "I don't do porn" -- then they won't bother to ask you to show up for that other job.  They'll look for someone with a more professional, friendly, mature and *decent* attitude.

Agree or disagree.  You never know how many *DON'T* contact you   But when your profile sucks and is rude, it probably out-numbers the contacts you do get by 10-20 to 1.

aka Bodyartist

Feb 26 06 12:05 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
"I don't do (fill in the blank) ... so DON'T ASK! (neener-neener)"

"don't waste my time or yours" ..... [you a$$hole] (implied)

Why do people say these kinds of things in their portfolios and descriptions?

Means don't send me an e-mail asking for _______ because it is not offered.  I think it is reasonable and helps save time, bandwidth, and disappointment.  It is easy to state it as a general policy than to make someone feel that their request is being personally rejected.  Maybe it should just be an acronym IDDP (I Don't Do Porn)?

Feb 26 06 12:09 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Elektro_Kandy wrote:
Either to :

A) Just bug you. smile


B) Because they're sick of getting said offers or having their time wasted.

Bodyartist wrote:
More likely, they are just rude, abrasive, and lacking in social skills.

They are probably immature, socially inept, and dealing with "issues" that run deep -- too deep to want to mess with.

Agree or disagree.  You never know how many *DON'T* contact you   But when your profile sucks and is rude, it probably out-numbers the contacts you do get by 10-20 to 1.

aka Bodyartist

So are you saying it would be better to not advise potential contacts of the type of work you are not willing to do?

Understanding that "porn" is not "allowed" within the realms of this site, but some may view distateful nudes in the same genre (not that that is correct), in which case is it not more a visual affirmation of their ignorance on the subject?  Or did you say that already?

Feb 26 06 12:11 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Bodyartist wrote:
What people don't realize, is that what you put in your profile says *worlds* about you.

You win, Scott. That's exactly my point.

Thank you.

Click Hamilton, The Mentor, can now retire for the evening.

Feb 26 06 12:13 am Link


JT Hodges

Posts: 2191

Austin, Texas, US

Jay Dezelic wrote:
Maybe it should just be an acronym IDDP (I Don't Do Porn)?

The problem is that somebody might think "IDDP" means "I Do D.P." Then they would be banned from the site. big_smile

Feb 26 06 12:19 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Bodyartist wrote:
What people don't realize, is that what you put in your profile says *worlds* about you.  If it gives a bad impression -- like "I don't do porn" -- then they won't bother to ask you to show up for that other job.  They'll look for someone with a more professional, friendly, mature and *decent* attitude.

Hmm... Ok. I guess this is basic marketing 101.  Telling people what you don't do doesn't buy you much.  Good points.

Feb 26 06 12:32 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

JT Hodges wrote:

The problem is that somebody might think "IDDP" means "I Do D.P." Then they would be banned from the site. big_smile

What's wrong with Dr. Pepper?

Feb 26 06 12:39 am Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

The wording is the problem.   When they say I do glamour and runway but not nudes or porn' is one hing.

When they say "So don't waste my time!' it becomes rude.

However-if they had done nudes once or had it listed as a possibility or not mentioned and every Email they get is a 'Wanna ride my orgasm machine baby???' type thing it might really turn them off.

model I photoed Thurs had artistic nudes listed in her profile-says she was flooded with guys asking her to do nudes for them.   Really made her go 'Hmmm...".   I NEVER ask a model to do nudes-never mention it unless they inquire on a project where the project plainly states it involves nudes.

So this girl now says 'No nudes' because of the flood, however she wants to do them with me-at her request,  because I never asked even knowing she's willing.

Approach and attitude is everything on both sides.  Want to tell me not to 'waste' your time?  Cool I won't waste either.   Want to work with me?  Great-let's create!

Feb 26 06 12:41 am Link



Posts: 551

Los Angeles, California, US

ehhh- i dont think you should really be too concerned over the "i dont DO porn."

when i first joined the site i had up a bunch of risque pictures from mindblown photographers that i LOVED... and i would get requests from douchebag GWCs that would say the preferred to chat IM, then start asking me about my "limits," and then show me their latest "project," which would be some low-res, badly lit, mongoloidly angled, stupidly composed shot of a faceless girl with a vibrator. 

and then they'd say, "but you dont actually have to put it in... though it pays more if you do.."


so for a brief space of time, i had on my profile "CLEARLY NO PORN."  and a lot of the offers stopped.  then i took that down, because i realized, hell, id love to do D Brian Nelson porn!!! :-D

but i think the quality of my port and the little community ive established here sort of suggests what quality of work i'm willing to do and with whom.

but dont take the "i dont DO porn" personally.  the girl is probably just fed up.

Feb 26 06 12:50 am Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

MadamePsychosis wrote:
... girl with a vibrator.

Vibrators can certainly be used in art.  There are no stinking rules!

MadamePsychosis wrote:
...hell, id love to do D Brian Nelson porn!!! :-D

Uh, thanks, but maybe you have me confused with Melvin.  I do art - Melvin does porn.

Tax day!


Feb 26 06 01:45 am Link


Bob Warren

Posts: 163

Houston, Texas, US

I used to think the same thing you do - until a model I was shooting (who was new) signed on to her profile and showed me her e-mail.  WOW - what a LARGE bunch of porn solicitations.  Rude too.  I think that most of the problems seem to be at that Other Model Place where there are a large number of Platinum level porn shooters that must be sending out mass mailing to any model that indicates nudity is OK.

Feb 26 06 11:14 am Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Porn is too hard to light.  The sex organs are in cracks and crevices.  During actual sex, it's even worse. Too much work.

Feb 26 06 11:23 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
So are you saying it would be better to not advise potential contacts of the type of work you are not willing to do?

Not at all. It's always good to lay down the rules in a professional manner.

I'm just suggesting that these oh-so-common words come accross as an inexperienced model wannabee with a negative "F-you" attitude that gets them deleted or ignored by many people who might be worthy potential customers.

Slamming doors of opportunity in our own face.

"don't waste my time or yours" just seems like an odd way to introduce ourselves on a job application

Feb 26 06 11:45 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

I don't know do you say professionally, "No thank you, I really don't want to shoot with a dildo up my butt being penetrated by a finger will being hung from the ceiling with a gag in my mouth."  Trust me, a lot of girls get offers like that all the time.

Perhaps the problem is as much the people sending offers as the ones posting on their profiles.  I think the answer is for the models to forward to the mods all inappropriate requests (and trust me, they get plenty of them).  As the mods weed out the porn promoters or the porn promoters start to leave because they are getting banned, the problem will diminish.

What you are saying is correct.  The language used by models discourages the legitimate offers, while discouraging the inappropriate ones as well.  Perhaps you could suggest some more effective language that we could encourage models to use, that still discourages the porn.

Feb 26 06 11:53 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
Not at all. It's always good to lay down the rules in a professional manner.

I'm just suggesting that these oh-so-common words come accross as an inexperienced model wannabee with a negative "F-you" attitude that gets them deleted or ignored by many people who might be worthy potential customers.

Slamming doors of opportunity in our own face.

"don't waste my time or yours" just seems like an odd way to introduce ourselves on a job application

This was a good observation.  I think new models often look at the ports of other models to see what the should include.  The term is so common, that it is understandable that a newbie would assume that it is a standard statement that should be made.

However, I did a TFP shoot with a photog a couple weeks ago who had shot a lot of XXX porn in his career.  He had a very good technical understanding of lighting and camera techniques.  He was a real nice guy and not creepy at all. I had no problem working with him for the clothed shots I needed and plan to do more shoots with him when the weather warms up.

It's like bringing your American made car to a shop and saying that you do not want it worked on by a mechanic that does foreign cars.  Who cares?  If he/she is a good mechanic, then you are getting the work you need.  You're not agreeing to marry the person.

"Porn" is also a subjective term.  By stating "I don't do porn" could really be implying to some in the most conservative sense: "I don't work with photographers who have ever shot a nude".  Which is entirely the wrong message.

I put this standard statement in my port when I first signed up on MM, I did not realize that it might offend some otherwise talented photogs.  So good observation made by Click!  I have removed the cliche statement from my port.  I will just let my images represent the kind of work I do.

I can only assume that at one, there must have been a lot of requests made of models on MM to do porn or the statement would have never gotten so popular.

Feb 26 06 12:25 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

I won't shoot porn... unless it's really... REALLY good paid... and I must be allowed to use a pseudonym such as "Johnny Longlense" or so... big_smile

Feb 26 06 12:30 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Part of the problem is the need for an exacting definition of what "porn" is.

A recent communication with a model went something like this -

Model - "I do artistic nudes, but I don't do porn so don't ask.  Here's a link to my portfolio."

Me - I click the link, see her port.  My reaction is - "Lady, I don't know what you call porn, but after looking at your port, trust me, you do porn."

Because of this I guess my opinion is that a model has perfect a right to say "no nudes", "no inplied nudes" etc.  But beyond that their just proclaiming "I'm a good girl!!! Really I am."  And thrown is a dash of false pretentious modesty/you've offended my feminine dignity/you're a pervert to boot.

Look at a photographers work, decide if you're ok with the style.  If he/she asks you to do something your uncomfortable with, "just say no."  How hard is that?  Are you an adult professional, if so than act like one, or are you a little girl?

As a photographer I say right up front, I don't do bondage or any image where a woman looks like she's in harms way.  That's my line.  I've seen images of bondage that are definitely art, I'm just not interested in making them.

Feb 26 06 12:32 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

I've been on both sides of it. For a while, as soon as I had a picture with as much as a breast showing, I would get offers from really rude photographers who were only interested in shooting nudes, or worse yet expected it and got offended or downright hostile if I politely declined their request. I had a lot of other things checked, they had a lot a lot of other things checked, therefore I didn't nessecarily feel it was professional for them to be saying things "I'll shoot one set with you in lingerie of your choice, one set fully nude- and this will be TFP" when their profile was full of commercial looking pictures and that's what I contacted them for. The assumption that I would get naked for any GWC that contacted me because I had nudes checked or an artistic picture with a bit of flesh showing was grating. So I can very easily see why models finally just say "no porn". You get to a point where you would just rather not deal with the garbage in order to receive one legitimate offer.

On the other hand, I started reading other people's profiles and considering the way points were beng made. Because there is always a choice, and there's always more than one way to say things. And there are lots of photographers on here creating really fantastic nude images, that I didn't want to send the wrong signal to. (For example, if I contacted them because I liked their work but then they saw my profile and got an impression I didn't mean to give.)

Feb 26 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 438

Dallas, Texas, US

I post it because im tired of ppl contacting me seeing that i do nudes and then assuming i will do masturbation or soft touching videos and i simply put ..I dont do porn of any kind so dont ask!

Feb 26 06 01:27 pm Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

WhiteBears Visions wrote:
When they say "So don't waste my time!' it becomes rude.

It reads even worse.

However-if they had done nudes once or had it listed as a possibility or not mentioned and every Email they get is a 'Wanna ride my orgasm machine baby???' type thing it might really turn them off.

Then, either deal with the flood of wanna bes (which won't be put off by reading the profile anyway) or risk losing jobs.

model I photoed Thurs had artistic nudes listed in her profile-says she was flooded with guys asking her to do nudes for them.   Really made her go 'Hmmm...".   I NEVER ask a model to do nudes-never mention it unless they inquire on a project where the project plainly states it involves nudes.

So this girl now says 'No nudes' because of the flood, however she wants to do them with me-at her request,  because I never asked even knowing she's willing.

Well, I would *NOT* work with her for *any* reason.  Once they post "no nudes" I'm not even going to waste my time, or deal with a model who sends privately "I only post that to weed out..."  Sorry.  Professional, upfront, and head-screwed-on-to-the-front.

I wouldn't *RISK* dealing with a model who posts one thing, then privately tells me another.  I could not substantiate that, *if* she decided to flake -- and they do. 

But beyond that, if people read their profiles, they'd be suprised how many people they turn away, rather than bring in. 

Your portfolio is supposed to speak EXACTLY what you are and are not interested in.  I see interesting portfolios, but if there are no nudes, or images that suggest they would do nudes, I move on.  Doesn't matter in the least if the profile says they do nudes, art nudes, "select photographers" or whatever.  It's money where your mouth is.

If you say "I don't do porn" well, that's telling EVERYONE you think that they are, or might, or will ask you to do it.  *AVOID* THOSE MODELS! (And photographers).

We state we don't do "X" type images, and prefer models who have not done them.  We can't define "porn" so why bother?  I used to list on the model searches and photographer submissions "No animals, insertions or children"  That seemed to cover pretty much anything, since I could always say that "finger" was an insertion.  For *some* groups we had to get as specific as no "spreads or pink" but that is all we ever had to do.  That was from a WIDE advertising to photographers and modesl who *did* work in the porn industry.

So, some girl who has a portfolio of 25 turtleneck sweaters, and eskimo pants *really* doesn't need to tell me she doesn't do porn, or nudes, or is the kind of model I'm looking for.  If she does, she gets a "black" mark, not just an ignore.

A model with topless images, clearly not doing full-nudes, *also* doesn't need to say anything, though "topless only" covers it (pardon the oxymoron) pretty well.

In fact, "No nudes" doesn't really mean much, since many of the girls are standing nude in the picture, they just have their nipples and pubes covered.  They usually don't mind or consider the butt as "nude" since most bikinis show more than any studio shots usually do.

All this is well and good.  You can say what you want, but remember how it READS.

Your *BEST* advertising on-line is to have a good portfolio, and a reasonable profile.  A "professional" (for lack of a better word) photographer will look at your images, decide if you do the sorts of work he's interestested in, and if you have the look they want.  Then, they will read your profile to see if there are any restrictions or other information.

It's at *THIS* point you *LOSE* your jobs!  You don't get them.  You got them when they looked at your portfolio!  You lost them when you opened your mouth, or let your fingers detach from your brain.

Be adult.  If you *really* don't have any problem getting nude in the studio, but don't want your nipples or pubes to show, SAY IT!  You'll probably get 10x more serious offers than "I don't do nudes" or "IMPLIED NUDES ONLY."  You are *NOT* implying, you *ARE* nude.  You just don't want "privates" to show in the pictures.

We called these "Nude-but-not-nude" which while long, *was* very accurate, and *EVERYONE* was on the same page with it!

Most people's profiels are *BAD* even if they are filled with great pictures.   

As pointed out, it's all "Marketing 101" and 99.9999% of people do it badly.

aka Bodyartist

PS:  After 30+ years, my profile, portfolio, etc says exactly what I want it to.  It screens out almost everyone, but those who do make it through have a higher "hit" rate with working with me, and LONG TERM work.  Sure, I probably lose a few, but hey, that's life.  I'm content with quality vs quantity.  And, I'm more interested in a good artistic and philosophic fit.  Having a profile and portfolio that invites *everyone* to contact you is *NOT* doing it right.  You waste a lot of time dealing with stuff you are not interested in, and with a lot of people you have no desire to work with.

Feb 27 06 10:51 am Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

KayleeT wrote:
I post it because im tired of ppl contacting me seeing that i do nudes and then assuming i will do masturbation or soft touching videos and i simply put ..I dont do porn of any kind so dont ask!

That's cool.  But I, and others, wouldn't wast our time contacting you for nude, or other, work.  You come across (in this instance too) as having "issues."

Sorry, but that's how it _READS_

Right or wrong, you are probably losing more jobs by insulting potential "customers" (I guess?) than by leaving it out.

It's a lot easier to ignore the ignorant requests, than to show you have "issues" even if they are frustration and abrasiveness. 

First impressions count, and "I don't do porn" sounds *really*  *really*  *B*A*D*.

It's defensive, arrogant, insulting, and rude.  Without inflection or context that's how it reads.

aka Bodyartist

Feb 27 06 10:56 am Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Part of the problem is the need for an exacting definition of what "porn" is.

Very true!

A recent communication with a model went something like this -

Model - "I do artistic nudes, but I don't do porn so don't ask.  Here's a link to my portfolio."

Me - I click the link, see her port.  My reaction is - "Lady, I don't know what you call porn, but after looking at your port, trust me, you do porn."

LOL!! (see below, link coming up!)

Because of this I guess my opinion is that a model has perfect a right to say "no nudes", "no inplied nudes" etc.  But beyond that their just proclaiming "I'm a good girl!!! Really I am."  And thrown is a dash of false pretentious modesty/you've offended my feminine dignity/you're a pervert to boot.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." ,

Look at a photographers work, decide if you're ok with the style.  If he/she asks you to do something your uncomfortable with, "just say no."  How hard is that?  Are you an adult professional, if so than act like one, or are you a little girl?

Read my thread here:

Sometimes, even that doesn't play out as you'd expect

aka Bodyartist

Feb 27 06 11:02 am Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I just came across a *very* pleasant profile.  The portfolio was obviously new, and limited, and said "I don't do nudes, yet at least."

So, I went to read their profile, and they had:

I am willing to do most types of work, but until I am more knowledgeable within the industry, I'd like to say no full nudity at this point, but anything else is fair game with me!

Now *THAT* is about the most professional, and pleasant way of putting it I've seen yet, and this from a YOUNG person, new to it all.

aka Bodyartist.

Feb 27 06 11:44 am Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

The most obvious answer is because they are tired of being asked to do porn shoots. I have to admit, however, that I wonder just how many models really are approached by photogs who want to do porn. Is too much made of this and are the statements merely made to shut down the requests that models think will arrive, or are they really getting bombarded with GWCs or even pro pornographers trying to go for "Penthouse shots?"

I would love to hear from the models on this.

P.S. - I should have read more of the thread first. Looks like many of the models are being asked to do things that they find to be distasteful. That being the case, I can't say as I blame them for making the point. Maybe the key to it is in the approach - a professional but firm statement that offers for porn will not be accepted, should do the trick.

Feb 28 06 04:34 am Link


Kerosene Deluxe

Posts: 3482

Langley, British Columbia, Canada

i't not meaning to be rude in anyway it's just that some epople even if you have not filled in the 'nude and erotic' boc they will still ask..I used to get about 4 mails per week asking for porn work..

Feb 28 06 04:37 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

I'm perfectly happy with "I don't do porn."  On the other hand, I tend to steer clear of models who say they don't do nude, when I don't want them to do nude, because it says something about the way they feel about their bodies.  Models who do nude modelling tend to be more open and relaxed about their bodies than models who do not.

Feb 28 06 05:17 am Link



Posts: 609

Los Angeles, California, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
Just seems like a funny way of selling something. It says more about the person writing their presentation than some anonymous public or target market they are trying to engage.

I feel guilty or insulted just reading this, and the writers don't even know who I am.

So what should my reaction be?

"I don't do bitches, so leave me alone"

That's just the way it makes me feel, and I don't know them either.

My rhetorical question is about Communication Arts and engaging our customers.

Just thinking :-)

Thank Gawd someone wrote something about this because it was starting to annoy the heck out of me too. I think you summarized it well, btw. Half the so-called models who write this I think: "Who would want to shoot you nude anyway!?" There's a lot of wanna-be divas running around MM and internet modeling has spawned its own unique brand of bitchy behavior, only one insignia of which is the dreaded "I don't do porn, so don't ask!"

Up next for consideration: "Paid assignments only, I don't do TFP!" (this from models who have nary a tear sheet to be found) and "I always bring someone with me, NO EXCEPTIONS."

Feb 28 06 05:46 am Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

And yet again: Bait-and-Switch - they lure you in with a nude photo of themselves, then hit you with the "I don't do nudes/glamour/erotica/porn" line!

JAY carreon

Feb 28 06 06:41 am Link



Posts: 127

Pol-e H̱umrī, Baġlān, Afghanistan

the only reason i ask (and its not even stated in my port) to bring someone with me is becuase im 17 and i want to be safe (i live in toronto canada)

Feb 28 06 06:50 am Link


David Linke

Posts: 488

Woodville, Ohio, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
"I don't do (fill in the blank) ... so DON'T ASK! (neener-neener)"

"don't waste my time or yours" ..... [you a$$hole] (implied)

Why do people say these kinds of things in their portfolios and descriptions?

Because they copied it from someone elses site.

Feb 28 06 06:53 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Bodyartist wrote:
...they are just rude, abrasive, and lacking in social skills.  .....probably immature, socially inept, and dealing with "issues" that run deep -- too deep to want to mess with. .... have an axe to grind, ...

aka Bodyartist

Dang Scott!!! You are getting all that from "I don't do porn so don't ask"?

Feb 28 06 02:44 pm Link



Posts: 356

Lexington, Kentucky, US

I don't do porn either!  But for those that do that is your business.

Now if you need a photographer then it becomes my business.

ok ok there is no easy answer.  let people put what they want on their site and out of the 100,000 people on here if a few ligitimate professionals get turned off by a statement made for whatever reason, you would think they could find a few others to work with. not much different than real life really. i'm from NY and live in KY. Conversation is slightly different here. lol

I have my site marked- I am not looking for the largest fan club, I am looking for a few people who are serious about networking with other professionals. So how does that read?

oh I see that's why you didn't comment on my images posted.


Feb 28 06 03:35 pm Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

William Coleman wrote:
Porn is too hard to light.  The sex organs are in cracks and crevices.  During actual sex, it's even worse. Too much work.

Ain't it the truth!

Feb 28 06 11:18 pm Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Gregory Garecki wrote:

Dang Scott!!! You are getting all that from "I don't do porn so don't ask"?

Yeah, actually I am.

That's how it comes across, and reads in 99.99 of the profiles that have it in it.  I haven't read one, that it comes across as mature, intelligent, respectful, and as a useful piece of info that gives me warm fuzzies about the potential relationship with this person.

Until I came to this site, for almost 30 years, I *NEVER* had a model tell me that, or write it on her model-info form, for any reason.  None what so ever.  Zero.  Zip.  Nada.  Nunca.  Whatever.   

aka Bodyartist

Feb 28 06 11:23 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Gregory Garecki wrote:
Dang Scott!!! You are getting all that from "I don't do porn so don't ask"?

Some people read a lot more than what's written; some read less.

The OP saw a "(neener-neener)" and an implied "[you a$$hole]".

I, being too lazy to jump to conclusions or exercise telepathy, merely saw "I don't do porn so don't ask".

Mar 01 06 02:46 am Link


Jack North

Posts: 855

Benicia, California, US

"I don't do porn so don't ask," but email address is [email protected].

Mar 01 06 07:36 am Link