Forums > General Industry > What Makes You A Model?


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

If this has been asked sorry just direct me to that post!

My question is if you arnt signed with a agency are you REALLY a model? A lot of people say I'm not a model because I'm not signed. Just because I do photo shoots and not earn any money does that still make me a model? Just because I havent been in a magazines or runway shows does that still make me a model?

Feb 24 06 03:07 pm Link


Drifting Lotus

Posts: 32

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I think I'm a model because I get paid.
I think the same thing can be said for writers. Are you a writer once your published? Or do you just need to do it to get the name?

Feb 24 06 03:19 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Funny.  I don't think a paycheck determines if you are a model or not.

Feb 24 06 03:22 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
Funny.  I don't think a paycheck determines if you are a model or not.


there was a thread about this not too long ago but i don't feel like looking for it

model is a relative term...everyone has there opinions about what it means and many are different

Feb 24 06 03:25 pm Link


Stargazer Blue

Posts: 85

Baltimore, Maryland, US

You're a model becuase you're infront of the camera and you portray/exude/prmote/express something in the picture.

You're a *PROFESSIONAL* model when you get paid for what you do.

You're a *"career model"* (also known as professional model again) when you do that for a living.- btw, i just kinda made up the "carreer model" term. i got it from "carreer woman"... works, rigth?

I get paid here and there, but still I am model. Even when my work was mostly TFP until I could get paid shoots, I was a model. I've been in many pictures, telling a story, expressing an idea/feeling, etc, so yes, even though I didn't get paid I was a model.

I haven't been published (yet!), but a write poetry. Am I a poet? Damn sright I am!

That's just my 2 cents.... smile

Feb 24 06 03:26 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Not so sure about that!  There are PROFESSIONAL models that do editorials for FREE.  Just because they did it for free they aren't PROFESSIONAL anymore?

Feb 24 06 03:28 pm Link


Dusty Dawn

Posts: 4

Owasso, Oklahoma, US

You know I've seen those girls that have no talent... sorry for the bluntness... can't pose, no nothing about the business, have no contact, and have paid for shoots.... to me that is not a model.  I have also seen some realy crappy print and shoots as well.  I guess to me it's in the eye of the beholder, necessarily, I am not working right now as a paramedic, I just had a baby, but I still have the skilss, and I am definately a Paramedic.... proved it on a "drive up" wreck the other day.  But if someone doesn't keep up their license or skills, then no they are no longer a paramedic.  So my opinion, is if you have the skills, the look, and know what's going on... yes you are a model... but in turn you should be getting some paid work somewhere somehow  for those skills... maybe that's where, amateur, intermediate, semi pro, and professional come in...
just my opinion... probably doesn't answer the question, but I have a friend whom I took along on a photoshoot, now she is trying to get into the business... she doesn't have it..plain and simple, but she calls herself a model... she has no clue.. she is not...all in the eye of the beholder...

Feb 24 06 03:31 pm Link


Dusty Dawn

Posts: 4

Owasso, Oklahoma, US

Oh and I can spell... really I can....

Feb 24 06 03:34 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Are you an agency?  What makes you think you can validate if someone is a model or not???

Feb 24 06 03:47 pm Link



Posts: 30

Maumelle, Arkansas, US

From a Photographers Perspective....

I would agree with the earlier statement that if you are in front of my camera, you are not just standing there to get your portrait made, and we have an idea, expression, or vision we want to portray and you are working to get that across in a print... then you are "modeling" and thus you are a model.
The term model is described by the dictionary as follows: "One that serves as the subject for an artist, especially a person employed to pose for a painter, sculptor, or photographer"  It says nothing about being paid or having been published. 
Now if you are wanting to be a profesisonal model then you have to have been paid for what you do.  This is the description of a professional regardless of the quality of work.

So in essence... yes you are a model.

And yes... i like the "Career Model" defenition above!  lol

Feb 24 06 03:53 pm Link


Drifting Lotus

Posts: 32

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm not trying to say that models who don't get paid aren't models at all, hence my writer example. It's just the way I look at it personally, for me.
At the same time, I'd never call myself a professional model just because I get paid. Again, this is totally just the way I see myself.

Feb 24 06 03:54 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
Funny.  I don't think a paycheck determines if you are a model or not.

yeah, it's kinda like asking if it's that i have a camera, or that i get paid to shoot for mainstream agencies, whether any of that makes me a "photographer" ... ?

actually, i'm just me ... and yes, i do have a camera, several in fact, but rather think my secular occupation is *NOT* what defines me ...

arm-chair philosophy ...

best to all! positive energy!


Feb 24 06 03:57 pm Link


Sonya Marie

Posts: 592

Tucson, Arizona, US

I dont really know why people care so much about what makes another person who they are. I think we should all worry about ourselves. Do our thing. Who cares if we are professional or not. We are on here, we are all modeling, those that are not serious about it or "not good" at it will eventually fade out. Those that are exceptional will become known, those that are great will both get paid and not. Those that are in it for the love of modeling will do it for money and if they like the work of the photographer also for free.

We are all MODELS!! Embrace it, love it, live it while you can cause eventually someday it may be over!

All the best to you all!

Feb 24 06 03:57 pm Link


Stargazer Blue

Posts: 85

Baltimore, Maryland, US

.... If they are getting paid jobs and are pretty well known, and they choose to do free editorials... then ok.
I didn't never said that a professional model can never ever do any work for free... I just said they *are* gettin paid and *are getting jobs...

Diana Moffitt wrote:
Not so sure about that!  There are PROFESSIONAL models that do editorials for FREE.  Just because they did it for free they aren't PROFESSIONAL anymore?

So I don't see what that has to do with what I said.

Feb 24 06 03:59 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

Okay so say I've been paid what 4 times in the last 3 years does that mean I'm a professional model? or do I need to be paid for each time I shoot to say I'm a professional model?

Feb 24 06 05:08 pm Link



Posts: 450

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

Drifting Lotus wrote:
I think I'm a model because I get paid.
I think the same thing can be said for writers. Are you a writer once your published? Or do you just need to do it to get the name?

I agree with a few additions, Not just get paid but get paid often. Doing one paid gig 2 years ago or when you were a kid doent make you a professional. Also hold your work to a standard, bacically be professional. Got these three take the title.

By the way I call myself a semi-pro photographer, even though I have been paid on several shoot, I havent made much money at this and my skills are just short of what I would call professional.

Martin IV

Feb 24 06 05:22 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

There are all sorts of models. There are fashion models, commercial models, runway models, house models, fit models, models for artists, tradeshow models and so on ad nauseum. Certainly a person who sits for a portrait, ie Olan Mills is certainly not a model, but someone who poses for a photographer/artist, esp on multiple occasions is certainly a model, at least on that single occasion.  Some models are representede by agencies, others are solely on the internet. Some are professional, meaning modleing is their main source of income, others are amateurs doing it mainly as a hobby. They are 'models' regardless. 

I took a  look at your gallery and with more than 50 years of experieince, I can honestly say 'you are a model'. Now, come to Atlanta and let's prove it?

Feb 24 06 11:38 pm Link



Posts: 1398

Trumbull, Connecticut, US

Excuse me.....I got to pee!


Feb 24 06 11:40 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

markEdwardPhoto wrote:
Excuse me.....I got to pee!


Do you do that for a living, or do you just pee as a hobby?

Feb 25 06 12:00 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

CO Model Amber wrote:
If this has been asked sorry just direct me to that post!

My question is if you arnt signed with a agency are you REALLY a model? A lot of people say I'm not a model because I'm not signed. Just because I do photo shoots and not earn any money does that still make me a model? Just because I havent been in a magazines or runway shows does that still make me a model?

I don't think all of that matters.  Like Ibalu said: if you pose in front of the camera to portray a thought/feeling/express something. . .technically you would be a model.

Right now though. . .I think a lot of people that face the same adversity as you are, are asking themselves if they true indeed want to BE a model or not.  Maybe I'll start that thread.  Hmmmm.

Feb 25 06 12:53 am Link



Posts: 457

St Catharines, Ontario, Canada

I know I am not a model because of my enormus belly. big_smile
That's why I like to be behind the camera instead, less comments that way.

Feb 25 06 12:56 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Idoluncovered wrote:
I know I am not a model because of my enormus belly. big_smile
That's why I like to be behind the camera instead, less comments that way.

That's okay.  My enormous (and darn cute) belly are out there modeling, to show just how diverse this modeling world can be.  Or rather, this world period.

Feb 25 06 01:05 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

This question has been asked before, and there is no set answer since each of us if different.  My answer is I am a person.  I am not a label.  Must I make a certain amount to be considered a "photographer?"  Only in some peoples opinion.  However I do photography, writing, and publishing ... which does generate some sort of income for me.  Also I own websites, but that does not make me a "webmaster" in my opinion.  It's all just labels!

Sometimes I like to shoot pictures, sometimes I might act or model, sometimes I like to sing.  Mostly I get paid for my photography and writing ... but I don't consider myself anything but "self unemployed by reason of creative insanity!"  I HATE LABELS!  LOL  Don't call me a photographer ... I'm so much more than that!  Don't call me a model either, even though I could do it.   

So Amber, next time someone asks you is you are "model," just say "Yes, I'm a person who does model for money sometimes."   Hopefully they'll understand the message.

Feb 25 06 01:45 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

the only reason i call myself a model is cause they didnt give me the option of being called "not a model just a tfp lurker" on MM


seriously I would not consider myself a supermodel or even something nice to look at but it's what i love doing in my spare time. i model. i model for the camera i model clothes i model sports i model mobile phones i thinks its more of a verb than an actual name.

Feb 25 06 07:47 am Link


Stargazer Blue

Posts: 85

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
[...] next time someone asks you is you are "model," just say "Yes, I'm a person who does model for money sometimes."   Hopefully they'll understand the message.

Thats good. I like that one. I think I'll use it too.

Feb 25 06 09:03 am Link



Posts: 796

I model occasionally (either TFP or $$$ paid) but do not fully consider myself a model.  I look to "various real models" for inspiration for when I take on a modeling job.  What I mean by real models, is those who do it on a regular basis with enthusiasm and ease.   I do enjoy modeling when I do it though, it's quite fun.

Feb 25 06 09:06 am Link



Posts: 509

Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom

Drifting Lotus wrote:
I think I'm a model because I get paid.


Feb 25 06 09:14 am Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

Drifting Lotus wrote:
I think I'm a model because I get paid.

You could be many things because you get paid.....

Feb 25 06 09:21 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

If photographers (or clients) want you to get in front of their camera (pay or no pay) then you are a model, IMO

Feb 25 06 09:27 am Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
Funny.  I don't think a paycheck determines if you are a model or not.

agreed  agreed  agreed  agreed  agreed

Feb 25 06 09:33 am Link