Forums > General Industry > nude modeling. GOOD OR BAD?


joshua tiggs

Posts: 8

Union City, California, US

IM CURIOUS , im an aspiring commercial and print model, im wondering if doing an artistic nude photo shoot and putting it tastefully in my portfolio book would be a mistake or would it add to the value of my portfolio? please give me some feeback

Feb 23 06 05:42 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Already been discussed here before, and the MM opinion appears to be split on it.

Best piece of advice, If you do it, Keep it in a seperate book, and make sure you do not end up on a gay porn site. (or a porn site for females,  which is basically the same thing....)

Feb 23 06 06:31 am Link


amanda Irish

Posts: 173

Boston, Georgia, US

I think its ok, but i would not do it.  its more money...

Feb 23 06 06:39 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

If you put a lot of nude pictures in your portfolio, people will assume that you will do nude work, so don't put nude pictures in your portfolio if you don't want to do nude work.  (Golden Rule.)

However, putting one or two nude, or implied nude, shots into your portfolio is okay, and a good way to show prospective clients whay you look like.  To be honest, I think your port could do with a little more variety, and some of the pictures sacrificy clarity for arty, so it's difficult to see what you really look like.  A few good nude shots would help your portfolio.

Of course, if you are happy doing nude work, you will get more work, and that will enable you to broaden your portfolio.  There are some excellent photographers on MM who produce some stunning shots which no-one could class as porn, and working with these people would not harm your reputation.

Feb 23 06 06:39 am Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Your portfolio should represent the type of work you are interested in.

But keeping controversial stuff in a separate book is a good idea.

Feb 23 06 06:41 am Link



Posts: 1107

Belleville, Michigan, US

Although there's no shame in well done artistic physique shots ( a lot of models have them in their book), you need to make sure you know and TRUST your photog, and agree up front (in writing never hurts) what the photos will be used for.
Be careful of what you're shooting as well.  If you're looking to start a legit career, make sure you don't shoot anything that can come back and bite you in the ass later.  If you've worked hard on your body and want to show it off that's fine...but you should probably avoid full frontal.

Feb 23 06 07:15 am Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

joshua tiggs wrote:
IM CURIOUS , im an aspiring commercial and print model, im wondering if doing an artistic nude photo shoot and putting it tastefully in my portfolio book would be a mistake or would it add to the value of my portfolio? please give me some feeback

You don't need it. not really a market for nude male models.

Feb 23 06 07:17 am Link


joshua tiggs

Posts: 8

Union City, California, US


Feb 23 06 07:42 am Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

00siris wrote:

You don't need it. not really a market for nude male models.

Right.  Nude women are extremely popular this year.  Nude!

Feb 23 06 07:58 am Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

Keeping it seperate is prolly a good idea.   Don't allow yourself to et sterotyped-one male model I'm about to work with is a big body builder and guess what?  Everything he has shows that-he want to get into different stuff but everyone he;s wprked with has him as a body builder.   Nother one I'm talking to is geting type cast into the ghetto/street thing.   I'm pulling him out of that so they get something different for their loks and books.

Same with you-if all you do is one thing what happens when that one thing stop paying the bills?

If you want to do them do them.   Might be an interesting experienc but as was pointed out-make sure you know how the images are going to be used and decide how you will use them first.

Feb 23 06 12:24 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Keep nudes out of your commercial book, at lesast in the US.

Feb 23 06 12:28 pm Link


Ocean Jasper

Posts: 2623

Vatican City, Holy See, Vatican City

joshua tiggs wrote:
IM CURIOUS , im an aspiring commercial and print model, im wondering if doing an artistic nude photo shoot and putting it tastefully in my portfolio book would be a mistake or would it add to the value of my portfolio? please give me some feeback

When you do a nude shoot, the best way to avoid difficulties is to keep your clothes on. That way it will be tasteful, unless you have really bad taste in clothes.

Feb 23 06 12:59 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

D 'Thesis' Yanov wrote:

When you do a nude shoot, the best way to avoid difficulties is to keep your clothes on. That way it will be tasteful, unless you have really bad taste in clothes.

It's not generally known, and I wouldn't want it spread around, but, under our clothes, we're all walking around nude!  Really!  Nekkid!

Feb 23 06 01:38 pm Link



Posts: 28

Denver, Colorado, US … 3>1=7756

So IF legit actresses do it, will it be ok?
Why the double standard for male nudes?
Why Playboy was allowed to sell, when photographers of male nudes were facing jail time?
Von Gloeden an artist or pedophile?
Can anyone name a famous female photograher who was criticized because of her nude images of her husband, at a time that this was NOT acceptable.
How about a young marine who dies in Vietnam, leaving behind countless beautiful nudes of himself, only because of "gay porn" and a photographer who risked jail time.
Why does nudity cause such childish behavior in adults?
I shot a male model clothed for my pornography shot, and a nude male as art.  My professor disagreed and called them both art. 
Pornography is in the MIND of the viewer.  Just as Art is in the eye of the beholder.
Your choice to pose nude or not should be based on what you think,and for your own reasons, not what others think, do or say.

Feb 23 06 01:53 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

As a photographer, I keep only nude self pix in my portfolio.  Kinda freaks out prospective models.  hmmmm.....

Feb 23 06 01:58 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

If your really aspiring to do commercial and/or print modeling then the answer is a no brainer.

Feb 23 06 02:04 pm Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

The prudery of Americans never ceases to amaze me...

Feb 23 06 02:14 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Being new. . .and clothed. . .I figured that your port was a reflection of the type of work you wanted to do.  Maybe that's really your question: Should a fashion model have nude pics in his/her port?

When you find out the answer. . .I'd love to know myself.

From a "personal" standpoint. . .I wouldn't mind seeing a little skin in your port.  But I'm a bit of a horndog.  big_smile

Feb 23 06 02:17 pm Link



Posts: 2271

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Jeff Marsh wrote:
If your really aspiring to do commercial and/or print modeling then the answer is a no brainer.

Hmmm that no brainer is in question when Herb Ritts shot stephanie, cindy, christy, tatjana and naomi, all nude in one of the hottest photos of all time, all nude, all clinging to each other ( I can see from this image that each of these top supermodels had their career shut down from 1989 untill today....LOL LOL  take a look at herb ritts' images on the above site and see what a stylish, seductive, but tasteful nude looks like. There are both men and women on his site and all of them including the celebrities he shot still worked after he shot them nude

Feb 23 06 02:48 pm Link



Posts: 2271

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

joshua tiggs wrote:
IM CURIOUS , im an aspiring commercial and print model, im wondering if doing an artistic nude photo shoot and putting it tastefully in my portfolio book would be a mistake or would it add to the value of my portfolio? please give me some feeback

As you can see by my above posting, i do not find nudity in a porfolio wrong, and i used to be a client that hired hundreds of models a year... we all came into this world naked, why is every one so uptight...?...i don't think you would have posted this note if you weren't seriously considering it, so here are a few comments/ideas.:

Find a photographer who you feel comforatable with, meet with them and discuss your ideas. if you have the right vibe with them and you feel comfortable, you will get some good shots.

Sign a release... and specify in that release what can or cannot be done with the images. Discuss this with the photographer before you shoot, that way everyone is in agreement

The comments about ending up on web-sites is ridiculous... if you post any image in cyber space, thay can, and most likely will be copied by someone who likes them and who knows where they will end up, so if you don't want them on-line, don't post them on-line...anywhere

A nude shot can be tasteful, sophisticated and beautiful ... you are ultimately responsible for what gets shot, so if you don't want raging hardons or full-frontal nudity, don't pose that way... again have a good rapport with the photographer and if you feel uncomfortable at any time, stop doing what you are doing.

i would definately have a artisitic tasteful nude in your book, i have some in mine as a photographer, if i meet with a client that is more conservative or as the britt above states. "a prudish american" then i simply slide that image out and replace it with another more conservative shot...not rocket science, is it?

if you ever get down to Florida and want to shoot give me a shout, even if all you want is clothed shots (lol lol) you have a nice look and you should replace some of the shots that look more like a snapshot in your port. keep up the good work

Feb 23 06 03:13 pm Link



Posts: 725

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

00siris wrote:

You don't need it. not really a market for nude male models.

Agrees, Thats why I just do it for fun. Could never make a living at it.....

Feb 23 06 03:17 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

nude modeling GOOD!

Feb 23 06 03:34 pm Link