Forums > General Industry > Photo Turn Around Time...?



Posts: 58

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I Need Help with this Topic... I'm New too the Photography Business... and All I've been doing pretty much is TFP... What Is the Average Turn Around Time for TFCD?, and how many "Finished" photos should the Models expect from the Shoot?

I know that some Photographers give the Models all the Photos taken on CD's, that is no problem to do but how many "Finished (Touched-Up) Photo's should be given?... The Models so far have left it up to me to "Pick" which one's to "touch-up"?

Please Help Fellow MM'ers, I'm getting my Flack and don't want to "loose" any of the Models I have...

Feb 22 06 09:18 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

It depends.

I normally ask for a week or two, depending on the location of the shoot. If I'm out of town shooting, I'll ask for more time, less if it's local.

Also, if I have a paying gig that comes up, a TFCD can possibly take a back seat for the moment, as I have to take care of my paying clients.

It also depends on whether you are giving the model unedited images vs. reduced/edited images.

Find a time that works for you, and go from there.

If you explain it to a model ahead of time, then I'm sure they'll be okay with it. (Well, MOST are). smile

Feb 22 06 09:34 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

PhotoMotion wrote:
I Need Help with this Topic... I'm New too the Photography Business... and All I've been doing pretty much is TFP... What Is the Average Turn Around Time for TFCD?, and how many "Finished" photos should the Models expect from the Shoot?

I know that some Photographers give the Models all the Photos taken on CD's, that is no problem to do but how many "Finished (Touched-Up) Photo's should be given?... The Models so far have left it up to me to "Pick" which one's to "touch-up"?

Please Help Fellow MM'ers, I'm getting my Flack and don't want to "loose" any of the Models I have...

Here's what you COULD do:

Offer the model the complete set of reduced images within a week or two (sooner, if possible), only to be used as proofs (not large enough to post over the net, but enough to decide on the images they want/need).  Also, you can add about 10 edited pictures, based on what they like from the CD. (Those, you can email to the model).

If the models leave it up to you to pick the 10 or so, then you do it, and add it to the CD.

Once that's done, you're pretty much through.

I do a variation of that when I do TFCDs.

Feb 22 06 09:38 pm Link


Angelo Lorenzo

Posts: 365

Simi Valley, California, US

VRG set the guidelines. I personally give a full cd of low-res jpegs after a few days (anywhere from 3 days to a week depending on when I can see the person again or if I have to mail it) and then tell them to pick 3-4 images they want touched up/prepared/color adjusted for print. I then give them the 3-4 high-res jpegs on cd so they can print or post them as they need (of course with limitations set by a contract).

Feb 23 06 12:41 am Link