Forums > General Industry > do you like to talk before a shoot?


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

No talkie, no shoot.  Why? No personality, no shoot.
Pre shoot meeting? would like it, but not totally necessary especially if model has worked with someone I might know and can talk with.
Beginning models dont understand that range of looks is more important than the cute little bikini she might have. The ability to "emote" is critical.
It's amazing what you can tell from talking with someone on the phone.. and if the photographer is a creep, the model has a MUCH BETTER chance of picking up on it, so it works both ways.
too busy to talk??? PLEASE!!!!
Plus, I am soooo old and ugly that most models become totally comfortable shooting with me. I let em know that just cause I'm old doesnt mean I'm easy!

Feb 23 06 09:26 am Link


Eros Artist Photography

Posts: 1562

Green Cove Springs, Florida, US

My bookings usually involve a mix of communication modes, predominantly email and telephone. I like to have a phone conversation at some point in the process.

Bill Ballard
Blue Water Photography
Savannah, GA
[email protected]

Feb 23 06 09:31 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

i find applying the vulcan mind meld touch puts everyone one the same sheet of music.

Feb 23 06 09:36 am Link



Posts: 1243

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I like to talk to them over the phone first.  And then maybe coffee after the shoot.  It's not a necessity but it'd be nice.

Feb 23 06 09:42 am Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I don't meet with the models before I shoot with them, hell - I might talk with them on the phone once. I communicate a lot via email; for me it's easier and quicker, and it also leaves a paper trail, just in case you need one for some reason.

Now during the shoot, it's a whole 'nother story, see my video on my profile to get a feel for what a photo shoot with me is like.

I'm fat, but the camera didn't add 10 pounds, in my case, it added 25!! Holla

Feb 23 06 09:43 am Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

Because my full-time work schedule has erratic hours, I do initial setup by e-mail. I also spend a lot of time at work on phones, radios and face-to-face with customers/clients. So I value not having to use the phone any more than necessary. However, once I get a 'vibe' that the shoot is going to happen, I give the model my cell number. That seems to open up the trust level and I am usually given a number and time to call after that.

I met with a model once because she was inexperienced and asked more questions than e-mail alone could answer. I let her choose the coffee shop and we had a nice, productive visit that led to a great shoot.

Feb 23 06 09:44 am Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
I normally won't shoot a model if I haven't spoken with her beforehand.  First, I find that when I am e-mailing I am sometimes not speaking to the model, but to a third person.  I have had situations where a model has come to a shoot and not known what she was doing.  Her intermediary never told her what she was booked for.

The other reason is to make sure we are on track.  Sometimes things get lost in the course of e-mail.  Talking completes the connection.  I try to keep no shows to a minimum so a phone call let's me sense the seriousness of the model.  So for me, no phone call no booking. 

Am I a bit of a hard-ass on the issue?  I suppose, but I pay models.  If a booking isn't important enough for a model to call, I don't want to commit my time, studio and money.

I think you are just a smart business man who doesnt want to waste your time. I like to have at least one call and one meeting before a shoot because somethings do get lost in the translations of  emails. If a model doent have time to meet and go over concepts and what will be involved, I dont have the time to base a shoot around  her.

Feb 23 06 09:45 am Link


Champion Hamilton

Posts: 190

New York, New York, US

I don't schedule by text. Until we at least speak by phone it's just text on a screen. I won't talk scheduling until after at least a phone call. However, after screening I have no problem putting everything in text by email to recap.

There are too many flakes and fakes online these days. I'd rather meet up and see them in person to know what I can expect visually. I get to see their expressions and natural movements which gives me more ideas for the shots.

Meeting up before a shoot works best especially for going over ideas. It pretty much just makes sense if it's a colloboration. Helps to set a better mood and it's good for screening out drama.

Feb 23 06 10:06 am Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

models can talk?

Feb 23 06 12:10 pm Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Short answer - what ever works best for both the model/client and me.  I've had very successful shoots each way.

Feb 23 06 12:18 pm Link


Emily Joe

Posts: 9

Austin, Texas, US

I always insist on talking to a photographer on the phone and meeting with them for coffee and to discuss ideas.  I only do artistic collaboration and I feel the work really benefits from the model and photographer taking a little extra time to get to know eachother.  I also often shoot with photographers who have spaces in their homes set up as their studios.  Since I don't have a chaperone, for my safety I prefer to meet them in public first.

Feb 23 06 12:29 pm Link



Posts: 349

Berkeley, California, US

I like to talk to models in advance, doesn't have to be by phone, I usually prefer e-mail or some form of IM.  Im is great for collaborating and you can save the conversation to review later.

Like a lot of you, I shoot in my home studio.  In general, I prefer that the first shoot be on location, but if I am going to bring a potential stranger into my home, I would prefer that I had a chance to meet them first.

For me, the pre conversation just give me and the model a chance to work out what we are doing in advance and get a feel for eachother too, so we are good to go when we shoot.

Feb 23 06 12:41 pm Link