Forums > General Industry > an ethics question


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

ok i know that when shooting for a news paper that no photo mnap can be dun on photos but is adjusting color to copsate for lighting ie.... shooting in a room with white walls and say shooting a person for a head shot in tustin light or fresents and you in post correct the color of the photo like make the wall white and fix the skin tone

i fell that it is NOT unethical for me to fix the color in post i would rather do it in camera with either the camera settings or throw filters witch have been dun for years a nether thing i would do if i was shooting film is to use the right film for the suasion ie.. if shooting in tustin light i would use tuition film not day light film

i say this because i just had some one tell me that it was agent journalism ethics

Feb 21 06 04:59 pm Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

Whatever happened to using filters?

Feb 21 06 05:02 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

i agree that is what i would do and is my 1st thing i would do

Feb 21 06 05:03 pm Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

nathan combs wrote:
i agree that is what i would do and is my 1st thing i would do

We only had one journalism course in the program I took while in college, but if anything thats one of the most talked about subjects in that class. They drilled in our heads the use of filters and all the different kinds. It's a shame people dont use that as often.I have friends in journalism and they touch up things all the time. Whats the big deal?

Feb 21 06 05:07 pm Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Truth in journalism probably does not include color correction.  Filters, specialty films, and in-camera software is used all the time to alter news images.  Using software outside of the camera is the essentially the same thing as far as color correction is concerned. The idea is to stay true to nature of the content.  If the walls are suppose to be white, them make them white for the sake of telling a true story.

Feb 21 06 05:07 pm Link


Creativity Farm

Posts: 1772

Westville, New Jersey, US

As a former photojournalist, I can tell you that color correction (within limits) is ok.  Yes, the first option would be to use a filter, but it's not always possible.

You can also do the equivalent of dodge and burn, and touch up dust, red eye, etc.

What you can't do is move/remove items, do a composite, etc.  If it was in the frame when you shot it, it should be in the picture when you publish it (unless you crop it out).

Feb 21 06 05:09 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

Mark Stein wrote:
As a former photojournalist, I can tell you that color correction (within limits) is ok.  Yes, the first option would be to use a filter, but it's not always possible.

You can also do the equivalent of dodge and burn, and touch up dust, red eye, etc.

What you can't do is move/remove items, do a composite, etc.  If it was in the frame when you shot it, it should be in the picture when you publish it (unless you crop it out).

i thought so i just got herd by a news paper part time that if they like me i might get hired full time if they like me so i thought that i would do some before and after photos where the photographer did not try to use any filters at all i just wonted to show them i could do the color correction so that i was more of a value to them all i did is fix the color in the photos i added nothing and took out nothing just made walls white ect... and he emailed me saying he would like to talk to me about journalism ethics and i was not shore if there was a rule against it

Feb 21 06 05:18 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Journalistic ethics require you to accurately portray the scene as it would be seen by someone there.  Whether you do this in camera or in post does not matter.

Feb 21 06 09:51 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

nathan combs wrote:
ok i know that when shooting for a news paper that no photo mnap can be dun on photos but is adjusting color to copsate for lighting ie.... shooting in a room with white walls and say shooting a person for a head shot in tustin light or fresents and you in post correct the color of the photo like make the wall white and fix the skin tone

i fell that it is NOT unethical for me to fix the color in post i would rather do it in camera with either the camera settings or throw filters witch have been dun for years a nether thing i would do if i was shooting film is to use the right film for the suasion ie.. if shooting in tustin light i would use tuition film not day light film

i say this because i just had some one tell me that it was agent journalism ethics

soory but the lack of punktuation and terrbile spelling in this post made me unable to understnad the questchin in the first place and thereofre i am not the best person to be answering this query if it had been constructed in a langague that was more similar to english i may havebeen able to assist in esplaining some of the concepts to which you had inquired i guess im just being a grammar-nazi but being inarticulate and lazy is something i find extraodinarily pathetic and there is a moral obligation to mock and riddicule such ignorance at evey opportunity

But, shit, at least you knew how to make a damn paragraph.

Feb 21 06 10:27 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Eric Muss-Barnes wrote:

soory but the lack of punktuation and terrbile spelling in this post made me unable to understnad the questchin in the first place and thereofre i am not the best person to be answering this query if it had been constructed in a langague that was more similar to english i may havebeen able to assist in esplaining some of the concepts to which you had inquired i guess im just being a grammar-nazi but being inarticulate and lazy is something i find extraodinarily pathetic and there is a moral obligation to mock and riddicule such ignorance at evey opportunity

I got two headaches and one almost nose bleed (slight trickle) following this thread.

Feb 21 06 10:32 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Eric Muss-Barnes wrote:

soory but the lack of punktuation and terrbile spelling in this post made me unable to understnad the questchin in the first place and thereofre i am not the best person to be answering this query if it had been constructed in a langague that was more similar to english i may havebeen able to assist in esplaining some of the concepts to which you had inquired i guess im just being a grammar-nazi but being inarticulate and lazy is something i find extraodinarily pathetic and there is a moral obligation to mock and riddicule such ignorance at evey opportunity

ROTFLMAO... dude... you hold a STRONG spot in comedy writing or standup... you may have missed your calling... smile

Feb 21 06 10:37 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Think of the children! Please for the love of all that is holy, speak the english!!

Color correction is fine. Compositional changes are not. Journalism is about maintaining integrity, not distorting reality (at least that's the old school approach to it).

Feb 21 06 10:49 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

Eric Muss-Barnes wrote:
soory but the lack of punktuation and terrbile spelling in this post made me unable to understnad the questchin in the first place and thereofre i am not the best person to be answering this query if it had been constructed in a langague that was more similar to english i may havebeen able to assist in esplaining some of the concepts to which you had inquired i guess im just being a grammar-nazi but being inarticulate and lazy is something i find extraodinarily pathetic and there is a moral obligation to mock and riddicule such ignorance at evey opportunity

But, shit, at least you knew how to make a damn paragraph.

this is why i am not a writer and took up photography lol i did spell check but my spelling is sooooo bad it only helps a little bit but i do thank you on the comment about my photos ;-> i think that every one should look at yours your VERY good and i have enjoyed looking at your photos and how there dun

Feb 22 06 08:26 am Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Eric Muss-Barnes wrote:

soory but the lack of punktuation and terrbile spelling in this post made me unable to understnad the questchin in the first place and thereofre i am not the best person to be answering this query if it had been constructed in a langague that was more similar to english i may havebeen able to assist in esplaining some of the concepts to which you had inquired i guess im just being a grammar-nazi but being inarticulate and lazy is something i find extraodinarily pathetic and there is a moral obligation to mock and riddicule such ignorance at evey opportunity

But, shit, at least you knew how to make a damn paragraph.

WORD!  They should have literacy screening tests before allowing people to post on messageboards.

Feb 22 06 08:28 am Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

nathan combs wrote:

this is why i am not a writer and took up photography lol i did spell check but my spelling is sooooo bad it only helps a little bit but i do thank you on the comment about my photos ;-> i think that every one should look at yours your VERY good and i have enjoyed looking at your photos and how there dun

Try getting a dictionary.  Nothing irritates me more than people acknowledging their incompetence as if it's an excuse with no intention of improving it.  If you don't know how to spell a word (like DONE) then look it up, don't just throw your best guess out there and hope people get it.  LAZY and moronic... I hope you found someone else to write your resume for you.

A photographer of 27 years?  You sound like a middle schooler.

Feb 22 06 08:31 am Link



Posts: 371

Amanda Schlicher wrote:
WORD!  They should have literacy screening tests before allowing people to post on messageboards.

Then a competency test, then an ethics test, then a polygraph test, then a beauty pageant and then I will rule this board and it will be just for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Feb 22 06 08:34 am Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

Amanda Schlicher wrote:
Try getting a dictionary.  Nothing irritates me more than people acknowledging their incompetence as if it's an excuse with no intention of improving it.  If you don't know how to spell a word (like DONE) then look it up, don't just throw your best guess out there and hope people get it.  LAZY and moronic... I hope you found someone else to write your resume for you.

A photographer of 27 years?  You sound like a middle schooler.

the problem is that because of my dislexiea is soooooo bad that it all but makes using a dictionary impossible and i can not tell when i make miss spellings i can look over some thing i wrote and can not see any thing that i did wrong i completely rely on computers and my PDA for all my spelling and math and some one else did write my res.  in fact i read over this with spell check and i can not tell if i made any miss spellings unless the computer cheches them and can give me the crect spelling then a lot of the time i have a hard time picking the correct word from the list because of a lot of the words look the same to me

the reason that i asked the original ? is that i am about to start working for a news paper and i think the editor thinks that color correction is not excitable and well he been in the business for a long time Evin working for people mag. and other big pub. and i have so little experience how do i make the point that it is not against journalism ethics to make color corrections with out sounding like a smart ass know it all and that it would improve the over all look and quality of the paper

Feb 22 06 08:55 am Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

nathan combs wrote:
this is why i am not a writer and took up photography lol i did spell check but my spelling is sooooo bad it only helps a little bit but i do thank you on the comment about my photos ;-> i think that every one should look at yours your VERY good and i have enjoyed looking at your photos and how there dun


My spelling has been bad for years, but it is getting better. I have worn out two dictionaries, and several large phone books looking up words.

Henry Ford was not a very educated man, but he hired a lot that were to answer his questions, and correct his spelling. He had over forty buttons on his desk, and all he had to know was which button to push, and a college trained know it all, would come running. (Push some buttons on MM and you will get them for free)

  My former pilot, Chalmers Thompson, was also a lawyer.  I use to take him with me to business meetings. He would sit in the corner, while we worked up deals on pieces of scrap paper. I would hand him the rough contracts to look over, and shocked a lot of people, that thought that he was just a pilot. When we left it was usually with a check in hand.

Your spelling is bad, but I understood everything you were trying to say, and that is what communicating is all about.

Feb 22 06 09:40 am Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

ethics and journalism?? hmmmmm?? interesting.
So, if you're a photojournalist riding on a campaign bus with a candidate, your belly is feeling full because the campaign has just paid for your lunch, they stop for a stump speech at a daycare center and you snap photos of the candidate kissing babies and making false promises.... Luckily you had the correct filter to get the colors just right. You get your shots into your editor in time to run on the front page of the morning paper.   Now... what's for dinner? Ethics intact?

Feb 22 06 10:24 am Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

damn.. double post.

Feb 22 06 10:24 am Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

Ian Weintraub wrote:
ethics and journalism?? hmmmmm?? interesting.
So, if you're a photojournalist riding on a campaign bus with a candidate, your belly is feeling full because the campaign has just paid for your lunch, they stop for a stump speech at a daycare center and you snap photos of the candidate kissing babies and making false promises.... Luckily you had the correct filter to get the colors just right. You get your shots into your editor in time to run on the front page of the morning paper.   Now... what's for dinner? Ethics intact?

ethics and journalism is an important subject to me i hear about what is happening at the big league papers and i think to my self WHAT ARE YOU GUYS THINKING and just would love to smack them with a trout i have always wonted to work for a paper i do not wont to shoot any thing else and i do follow strict journalism Gide lines as i should and maybe those that are in the big time should go back and look at what there doing

as for lunch i will brown bag it lol

Feb 22 06 10:41 am Link