Forums > General Industry > if I had a million dollars........


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Posts: 4576

If I ever win the lottery and have like $20 or $30 million, this will be my way to approach models for shooting:

"Hi. I'm emailing you because I love your look and would like to shoot together sometime.

I have no affiliations with any magazines. I'm not a professional photographer. I don't pay models I shoot with. I can't help to advance your career in any way because I have zero "industry connections" of any sort.

However ...

I am a stinking-rich multi-millionaire and I love the artistry of photography and flying to exotic locations and doing big, elaborate, expensive photoshoots just for fun. Why not? I can afford it! Woohoo!

So, if you'd like to fly to the Bahamas for a tropical photoshoot this weekend with 3 other models, let me know. I'm picking up the tab."

I know every model would turn me down because they'd think I was a psychopathic lunatic who was gonna stuff their decapitated head in a dufflebag.

But I sure would get a kick just sending out those emails ...

Jun 21 05 04:51 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

So! You think you are a Bare Naked Ladies song "IF I had a Million Dollars", we all have that same dream. It's putting reality to it that makes the dreams come true....choose wise my young grasshopper. I define lotto winning as putting in a good 16hr day and clients willing to pay by creative fees

Jun 21 05 05:02 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

If I had a million dollars, i'd open up a national model mag with just pics and stats that I would shoot myself. I'd ship my equipment to wherever I was going, and me and the team would ride Harleys to the location. Shoot, and do it all over again.

Jun 21 05 05:56 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

...I'd pay of my credit cards, take a trip to Paris and maybe buy a new camera...or a few more old ones.

Jun 21 05 06:28 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I'd quit my job, charter a plane and take all my friends for a kinky vacation first.  Then I'd open a fetish oriented art gallery in Atlanta because between me and my friends I could keep it filled.  I might also hire 18 year old brazilian boys to wait on me and fan me with palm fronds too of course. 

Jun 21 05 06:42 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

I'd buy a bigger loft and hire a law firm to set up a trust that would pay the taxes and utilities on it for the rest of my life. Then I'd build a little hurricane-proof cottage down on the coast of North Carolina and then keep doing what I'm doing, taking pictures and making movies.

And maybe a year down the road I'd finish my collection of Versace Red Medusa china, because I only have the big serving plate now.

Jun 21 05 07:26 am Link


Jonathan Cain

Posts: 463

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

hmm im thinking a bad ass new SLR and lenses, new laptop for location uploading and editing, and a portable lighting rig:)nothing to outlandish really.. but the rest would go in a budget for expenses, like travel expenses and living expenses so i could work on editing full time and mabey, just mabey id get caught up on that once in awhile;)

Jun 21 05 07:44 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 279

Los Angeles, California, US

Buy me a huge house. Ok I mean a mansion. Enough space for me and my best friend... and we require more than 10,000sqft of living space realisticly.

With a big pool. Trash compactor too.

We'd hire hot pool boys and my bf won't mind. And their names won't be Eric. Watch, poolside, the boys "clean" as we sip martinis talking about how everybody would love to be me.

Then I'd throw her out and buy myself a new best friend... a dog.

And I'll live happily ever after.

But not without the trash compactor and the Eriks.

ps I changed to billion dollar wants.

Jun 21 05 07:51 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Susi: 
I'd quit my job, charter a plane and take all my friends for a kinky vacation first.  Then I'd open a fetish oriented art gallery in Atlanta because between me and my friends I could keep it filled.  I might also hire 18 year old brazilian boys to wait on me and fan me with palm fronds too of course.   

susi, On the off chance you hit the lotto, Can I be your friend now?
I can use a trip like you describe!

If I won a million dollars, I would pay off all my debt, then with the rest of the money, I would buy a candy bar!

Now, 20 million is a different story.
I would buy a spanking new sparkling facility for my Game Company.
Complete with a photostudio and a gym.

Jun 21 05 08:19 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 
If I ever win the lottery and have like $20 or $30 million, this will be my way to approach models for shooting:

"Hi. I'm emailing you because I love your look and would like to shoot together sometime.

I have no affiliations with any magazines. I'm not a professional photographer. I don't pay models I shoot with. I can't help to advance your career in any way because I have zero "industry connections" of any sort.

However ...

I am a stinking-rich multi-millionaire and I love the artistry of photography and flying to exotic locations and doing big, elaborate, expensive photoshoots just for fun. Why not? I can afford it! Woohoo!

So, if you'd like to fly to the Bahamas for a tropical photoshoot this weekend with 3 other models, let me know. I'm picking up the tab."

I know every model would turn me down because they'd think I was a psychopathic lunatic who was gonna stuff their decapitated head in a dufflebag.

But I sure would get a kick just sending out those emails ...

:::Packing bags:::

I like to live on the edge... I'll take my chances. When do we leave?

Jun 21 05 08:21 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Monsante Bey: 
If I had a million dollars, i'd open up a national model mag with just pics and stats that I would shoot myself. I'd ship my equipment to wherever I was going, and me and the team would ride Harleys to the location. Shoot, and do it all over again.

That's what Norm Zadek, the publisher of Perfect-10 did. He took his daddy's millions (Lotfi Zadek, the inventor of fuzzy logic) and started his own magazine, staffed it with cute chicks, and uses it as a vehicle for his personal fantasy fullfilment.

I am simultaneously envious and annoyed. smile I like to think I'd publish a fine art photography rag but why kid myself - I'd do some kind of fetish photo magazine and hire Lithium Picnic to splash Apnea on the cover each month. smile


Jun 21 05 08:32 am Link


Elemental Photo

Posts: 124

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Well, I would have to buy a nice old farm house and a studio space, and I would probably offer bribes to a few photographers that i like to come up and stay with me for a few weeks so i could watch them work and learn a few things. tongue Oh, and i would also pay crazy money to models from all over the world simply because I like their look.

Jun 21 05 08:36 am Link


Dan RI

Posts: 137

Providence, Rhode Island, US

I would buy two houses right next to each other.  One would be a bit messy and a place for shooting,  fun, pool parties, making artwork,  and general chaos.   The other house,  I would invite dinner guests to and my parents and then I would complain about the messy loud guy that lives next door to me.

Jun 21 05 09:12 am Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

well while the rest of you were frolicking and gallivanting around the world I'd start a muckraking news magazine that would expose the truths and lies of corporate America the government/military industrial complex, and hold the mainstream corporate/commercial news media's feet to the fire and shame them out of being corporate/government shills, PR machines, distracters and obfuscators (or just fund and publicize magazines that already do that like Counterpunch, Mother Jones, Covert Action quarterly & the Nation).... I'd also be filmmaking, but in my off time I'd be frolicking and gallivanting around the world with models and movie stars... and stealing Reese from the evil Eric and taking her somewhere more exotic and exciting than the Bahamas to shoot and uh... well she did ask who wanted to touch her right?

Jun 21 05 09:25 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

'If I had a million dollars'?... I wouldn't change a thing... I'd be doin EXACTLY what I'm doing right now... holding photoshoots with fineass models... going to acting workshops in Hollywood... organizing Model Mayhem network parties (like the one coming up July 23rd)... why you ask?... there's something about meeting new people that thrills me... far more than anything all the US currency on the planet could do.  You are reading the post of a person who possesses a wealth beyond his wildest dreams.  For when you have all the money you need, you step back, look around you, evaluate what else it is (besides the money) that enriches your life.  To me, its all about having the time of your life with your loved one, and all the friends you make.  For when 'judgement day' comes, it won't be 'the money' that those who shared your life will remember.  But more so, those fun times and lasting memmories, that unlike money, you can never lose, or have taken away.     

Jun 21 05 09:32 am Link



Posts: 9122

If I had a million bucks, I'd invest it and live off the profits.

Then I could spend my time taking photos that no one likes.

Jun 21 05 09:37 am Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

I would buy an island to do my evil chain saw, cubbord living,  ship photo loving,  creepy photography.  I would set up stations for Theda and Reese to their evil moderating from.

Thus I would forever capture away Theda and Reese from the peanut gallery.

Then I would join Aaron with his super hero intentions.  But he would not be allowed to my island,  I would just go to pick him up in my flying car.

Jun 21 05 09:39 am Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Posted by marksora: 
I would buy an island to do my evil chain saw, cubbord living,  ship photo loving,  creepy photography.  I would set up stations for Theda and Reese to their evil moderating from.

Thus I would forever capture away Theda and Reese from the peanut gallery.

Then I would join Aaron with his super hero intentions.  But he would not be allowed to my island,  I would just go to pick him up in my flying car.

Hey! I saw your flying car last night in the theater, that was you who lent it to Batman wasn't it!? And thanks for the lift in advance... but gimmie my Reese back!

Jun 21 05 09:43 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I suspect those on this board who have that kind of money are smiling in quiet amusement right now.

Jun 21 05 09:51 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I would have a staff of people to nothing but think up new ways to be nice to me.

Jun 21 05 10:11 am Link


Tony Sharp Chicago

Posts: 184

Chicago, Illinois, US

I would buy a house, 3 cars, 3 super computers, a buttload of drive space, 2 video cameras, 3 cameras, a new wardrobe, and a carton of candy cigarettes.

Jun 21 05 10:23 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Posted by !MDF: 
I would buy two houses right next to each other.  One would be a bit messy and a place for shooting,  fun, pool parties, making artwork,  and general chaos.   The other house,  I would invite dinner guests to and my parents and then I would complain about the messy loud guy that lives next door to me.


Jun 21 05 12:54 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by marksora: 
I would buy an island to do my evil chain saw, cubbord living,  ship photo loving,  creepy photography.  I would set up stations for Theda and Reese to their evil moderating from.

Thus I would forever capture away Theda and Reese from the peanut gallery.

Then I would join Aaron with his super hero intentions.  But he would not be allowed to my island,  I would just go to pick him up in my flying car.

I'm not sure I completely understood that, but I am going to say "Thanks for looking out for me????"

Jun 21 05 01:10 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by LarryB: 
I would have a staff of people to nothing but think up new ways to be nice to me.

Nice.... I like that...

Jun 21 05 01:12 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Aaron_H: 

Posted by marksora: 
I would buy an island to do my evil chain saw, cubbord living,  ship photo loving,  creepy photography.  I would set up stations for Theda and Reese to their evil moderating from.

Thus I would forever capture away Theda and Reese from the peanut gallery.

Then I would join Aaron with his super hero intentions.  But he would not be allowed to my island,  I would just go to pick him up in my flying car.

Hey! I saw your flying car last night in the theater, that was you who lent it to Batman wasn't it!? And thanks for the lift in advance... but gimmie my Reese back!

Oh how nice! Conflict over me! Now that's a first (My head is starting to swell some)...  Are Theda and I collector's editions or something???  Because I could ebay myself...

Jun 21 05 01:15 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by marksora: 
Then I would join Aaron with his super hero intentions.  But he would not be allowed to my island,  I would just go to pick him up in my flying car.

I'm with you on everything until that point. I don't see why you wouldn't let Aaron on your island if your true intent is to join him.

Jun 21 05 01:30 pm Link



Posts: 7

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

if i had a millin dollars, I'd save it, because now a days, a million aint that much:)

Jun 21 05 01:36 pm Link


Kevin Rodgers

Posts: 149

DELAND, Florida, US

Ahh, that lingering question that pops into our heads a dozen times a day, almost as often as sex comes to mind.
Well, here we go  I would definately quit my day job, and invest my time in my photography, By a new house with studio. Bye state of the art equipment.  I would probably build a mansion "Hugh Heffner" style. and maybe invest in time share for the models to stay when they visit.  While I am at it, maybe try to start a magazine.  Which brings up the question.."What kind of magazine would I start??"

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Jun 21 05 01:45 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by exotika: 
if i had a millin dollars, I'd save it, because now a days, a million aint that much:)

I love it when people say that.

Cracks me up all the time.

Do the math.

Suppose you had $1 million sitting in the bank and earning 5% interest. Now, you could get MUCH better than 5% on a million-bucks. But, for the sake of arguement, let's pretend it is only 5%.

That is $50,000 a year. Doing NOTHING.

A million isn't that much?!

$50,000 a year for doing nothing? That sounds like a lot to me. I'm willing to bet most people on this site don't make $50,000 a year. Some make it. Some make lots more. But on average? I bet it's lower than that.

Again, do the math. $2 million is $100,000 a year at 5% interest. $3 million = $150,000 in interest.

And people say it's not that much. Ha.

Jun 21 05 06:02 pm Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

Posted by Reese: 
  Because I could ebay myself...

Wait,  I need a million dollers first.

Jun 21 05 06:17 pm Link



Posts: 1190

Winnetka, California, US

I'd trick out a Hummer (hopefully see if I could get a hybred engine in there) to hold a cot, camera equip, computer, etc. I'd drive across the amazing USA of ours and shoot models coast to coast for like four months. By the time I returned my home would be refurbished to my exact specifications, including a nice size studio in the back, then I'd fly the models I didn't get to on my trip out to me. Then i'd spend a year in a little room editing all the stuff :-(

Jun 21 05 06:19 pm Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

Posted by XtremeArtists:
I don't see why you wouldn't let Aaron on your island if your true intent is to join him.

He might use his superpowers to take away the lovely ones.  Just smart superhero business that is all,  no hard feelings.

Jun 21 05 06:19 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

The best you're going to get on a million dollars right now without risk is about 2.5%. You can do around 6% if you want to invest in corporate paper, but that has some risk.

You can get upwards of 12% to 15% with points if you broker through a hard-money lender secured by commercial real estate.

In all cases, however, you're going to be paying short-term cap gains taxes, so that $50,000 you speak of gets eaten before you're even out of the gate.

A million isn't that much if you want to live off of its revenue, unless you're living the frugal lifestyle. You can realize about $35,000 of it per year after taxes. Ballpark.

Jun 21 05 06:56 pm Link


Silly Camera Man

Posts: 984

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Hmm, i think i would buy a yatch hit the ocean, staff it with a few Hooter Girls i know with specific instructions to make sure i am capable of watching the sunrise and sunset every day and otherwise to keep chilled Goldschlager coming all day and hot apple cider with Goldschlager coming in the evenings. The rest of my day would be spent ordering flowers from all over the world to be sent to the love of my life, begging her to forgive me for any pain i caused her.
Oh, and i'd buy a 24k solid gold Porcelyn Goddes to bow to, hehe.

Jun 21 05 07:07 pm Link



Posts: 1190

Winnetka, California, US

Posted by studio 51: 
Hmm, i think i would buy a yatch hit the ocean, staff it with a few Hooter Girls i know with specific instructions to make sure i am capable of watching the sunrise and sunset every day and otherwise to keep chilled Goldschlager coming all day and hot apple cider with Goldschlager coming in the evenings. The rest of my day would be spent ordering flowers from all over the world to be sent to the love of my life, begging her to forgive me for any pain i caused her.
Oh, and i'd buy a 24k solid gold Porcelyn Goddes to bow to, hehe. 

Goldschlager Matt???? Where's the beer??? You gonna be too good for beer after 1 Mill???

Jun 21 05 08:25 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Do you think I could ebay myself (or Reese) off for a millioon dollars?

I'd buy a 1 bedroom coop or condo in lower Manhattan. Then I'd put the other $2k in an IRA.

But don't worry Eric, you can send out those emails without the money! Email is free. Almost, anyway.

Jun 22 05 01:04 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by Reese: 
  Because I could ebay myself...

Wait,  I need a million dollers first.

I need a million dollars too...  You go ebay yourself... I was mine before I met you...

Jun 22 05 08:28 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by theda: 
Do you think I could ebay myself (or Reese) off for a millioon dollars?

I'd buy a 1 bedroom coop or condo in lower Manhattan. Then I'd put the other $2k in an IRA.

But don't worry Eric, you can send out those emails without the money! Email is free. Almost, anyway.

Ok Theta, I always knew you were egotistical, But worth $1,000,000?
Let's see, The average hooker is about $50. so that is 20,000 tricks I could buy.
20,000 / 5 (I would die at sex 7 days a week) = 4000 weeks of sex.
50 weeks a year (I need vacation too) means 80 years.

I am 38 now, and will probably not be functional sexually at 118 years old....

Do you cook, clean, mow the grass, wash the car, do windows and babysit as well?


Sorry, Just had to do that :-P

Jun 22 05 09:05 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 

Posted by theda: 
Do you think I could ebay myself (or Reese) off for a millioon dollars?

I'd buy a 1 bedroom coop or condo in lower Manhattan. Then I'd put the other $2k in an IRA.

But don't worry Eric, you can send out those emails without the money! Email is free. Almost, anyway.

Ok Theta, I always knew you were egotistical, But worth $1,000,000?
Let's see, The average hooker is about $50. so that is 20,000 tricks I could buy.
20,000 / 5 (I would die at sex 7 days a week) = 4000 weeks of sex.
50 weeks a year (I need vacation too) means 80 years.

I am 38 now, and will probably not be functional sexually at 118 years old....

Do you cook, clean, mow the grass, wash the car, do windows and babysit as well?


Sorry, Just had to do that :-P

Umm... I do all of the above...I also give a great blowjob... Can I have a million dollars now?

Jun 22 05 09:13 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I also give a great blowjob.

Let's all stop for a second and consider that.....

Jun 22 05 09:16 am Link