Forums > General Industry > Worldwide Internet Shopping Headquarters??


Brooke B

Posts: 23

Eau Claire, Wisconsin, US

I found an ad saying they were looking for models and I got accepted to work with them.  I haven't heard anything about them before.  Have any of you models/muas/photographers worked for this company?  I could use the goods and the bads before I make my decision.

If I posted this in the wrong area I am sorry!

Jun 20 05 02:55 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

ahhhh... WISH....

The oldest modeling scam on the internet.  It's BS. They'll charge you for their merchandise and you'll never see a dime.

Jun 20 05 03:15 pm Link



Posts: 20642

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Yep. exactly what Theda says. 

The plan goes this way:

W.I.S.H. will charge you a $250 'deposit' for clothing that they will send to you.  The clothing is actually worth alot less.  You are then supposed to have someone take a photo of you in the clothes, and submit the photos to 'W.I.S.H.' to be placed on an internet website.  The model will then get a small percentage of the clothing that is sold from that particular photo.

The scam may or may not have changed over the years, but that's the basics of it.

Jun 20 05 08:33 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

that's how it worked the last couple of times I was contacted by them. I sent an email back stating I didn't have the money to do something like that (which I do have the money, just not for scams). Anyway, they sent me one back basically saying that once I had the money to let them know and they would be happy to work with me.

Jun 20 05 11:06 pm Link


Brooke B

Posts: 23

Eau Claire, Wisconsin, US

Thank you all!  I really appreciate your advice and help... I was thinking I have wasted more than $295 (apparently the price has gone up) on worse, but I will definatly stray away from this offer.
Thanks Again!

Jun 21 05 11:47 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

The WISH shopping network........

Awww, that brings back some memories. The wish network is a scam that goes back to the beginning of the internet. I'm surprised their still around. I mean hell they were ripping people off before E-models/Trans Continental Talent /TCT/ Whilimina /????? was even a gleam in some con mans eye.

Most message boards have banned them years ago.

There is a photographer in the bay area that has been watching wish and had numerous run-ins with that Ron guy for years. I'm sure he could tell you more than you want to know. His site is here is his e-mail [email protected].

Wish also claims to be a Christian company. Strange as I've never read in the Bible "Tho shall shrill gullible models out of theirst money and cause much heartache with false claims". Hummmm, must of been one of those commandments way in the back.

I love the part where he says if he puts your photo on the internet you now have a tear........ an internet tear...........HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Jun 22 05 09:24 am Link