Forums > General Industry > % of business from nude shots



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

what is the bottom line shooting bare bottoms???...i have shot nudes and lesbians but i can say with confidance, that with the porn industry exception, there aint many getting paid to shoot "nudie shots"

Feb 17 06 02:05 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

it seems to me that the nudes that i shoot no one buys but it gets people to look at my photos which then they see my other work and that sells

Feb 17 06 02:11 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

I get paid for my bondage/fetish/damsel-in-distress specifically because my pay-per-view galleries feature no nudity!  smile  Some customers of mine specifically don't want to see naked ladies!

Feb 17 06 02:13 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

BCG wrote:
what is the bottom line shooting bare bottoms???...i have shot nudes and lesbians but i can say with confidance, that with the porn industry exception, there aint many getting paid to shoot "nudie shots"

I've done both as well and agree 100%.

Feb 17 06 02:13 pm Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

BCG wrote:
what is the bottom line shooting bare bottoms???...i have shot nudes and lesbians but i can say with confidance, that with the porn industry exception, there aint many getting paid to shoot "nudie shots"

For Fun in the USA but
For profit in Europe !!!!


Feb 17 06 02:17 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

i know that the shot of mine that has sold the most prints and made the most money is a nude....but it is not explicit at can't even see my breasts. so perhaps nudity is not quite the deciding factor

Feb 17 06 02:18 pm Link


Christopher James

Posts: 6

Chandler, Arizona, US

nathan combs wrote:
it seems to me that the nudes that i shoot no one buys but it gets people to look at my photos which then they see my other work and that sells

I agree, it gets people in the door and my work out there.

Feb 17 06 02:23 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

I don't make a lot of money selling my images as stock, but 90% of what's been bought for magazines and books has been nudes.  But 50% of the income from total sales is from not-nude images.  Not nude sells for far more - at least in my experience.

(Remember, this is sales of existing images, not assignment shooting.)


Feb 17 06 06:24 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I'm an old fart photographer, closed my studio and retired from commercial work almost five years ago, so my shooting schedule is much reduced from a few years ago, But with that said, all of my current photographic income is from nude work, most in B&W. Well over half comes from shooting private commissions for individuals and the balance from print sales. I'm fortunate in that women seem to like my nudes, at least enough to travel to Atlanta from across the country and pay me to photograph them. Others come to Atlanta and pose as models for the work I show onj my web site and market. Bear in mind this is a retirement income, strictly part time and Im not interested in shooting more than once or maybe twice per week, but when a client buys 10 or 20 large, wall hanging size prints, it makes for a nice day. 

From my own experience, the more 'extreme' or graphic the nude,  the less likely it is to sell. Classic B&W nudes, esp annonymous nudes, sell far better than color. Many would be surprised at the number of people who purchase discrete nudes to hang in their home or place of business.

Feb 17 06 06:49 pm Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

Of the works I have sold, about 30% were nudes.

Feb 17 06 07:49 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

BCG wrote:
what is the bottom line shooting bare bottoms???...i have shot nudes and lesbians but i can say with confidance, that with the porn industry exception, there aint many getting paid to shoot "nudie shots" [/quote

If your nudes are good enough, you can get paid.  My three best selling negatives were not of nudes, but were aerial views of large football stadiums.  One has had over two hundred 20x24 inch prints, and twenty two thousand posters sold from it.

My best nude negative has had sixteen prints sell. But I have over 3000 nude images in my files, and only about fifteen of football stadiums.  Since 9-11-01 the airspace over the football games has been restricted to photographers.  Looks like I will have to keep shooting nudes.

Feb 18 06 02:38 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Well, as a model who doesn't do porn, but does do artistic nudes, I can tell you you can get money while holding the line far away from porn. Just not a lot of money. But, almost all of my paid shoots are nude shoots. But then again...oh, nevermind. We all know I don't mind getting naked. Good thing I am not a big drinker anymore (for the last decade). I used to do the drink and streak all the time. Of course, no one really complained too much.

Feb 18 06 02:55 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Hmm... well I would say 98% of everything I've ever sold had  nude fermales in it.
I've made between $6,000 to $70,000 yr from shooting depending on time I had to shoot, and market my stuff.  I can say that the digital age, and the web have killed profits considerably.


Feb 18 06 08:16 am Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

Lapis wrote:
We all know I don't mind getting naked. Good thing I am not a big drinker anymore (for the last decade). I used to do the drink and streak all the time. Of course, no one really complained too much.

That's just one of the things we luv about ya Lapis! Can I buy you a beer? ;-)


Feb 18 06 10:41 am Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Well, I know you're probably talking about "real" photographers who work "in the industry" (BOPs, I've heard them called), and probably not interested in the percentage from a part-time portrait and wedding photographer (I have a day job, so I'm just a GWC), but here's what I shot last year:

Type                      #sessions    #with nudity*    %nudity*
Wedding                      8                1                    12.5%
Portrait - individual    22                18**              81.8%
Portrait - Couple     7               7**              100.0%
Model - hired me    3                 1                   33.3%
Model - I hired              7                7                   100.0%

Total                       47                 34                      72.3%
% of income from nudes:                                49.6%

*"nudity" means the session involved one or more shots showing parts that would normally be covered by a skimpy swimsuit.
**two individual portraits and two couples portraits involved one or more shots that would make your southern baptist grandmother swallow her teeth and pray to be stricken blind (just in case you're interested in the percentage that went beyond merely nude)

Feb 18 06 11:26 am Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

nathan combs wrote:
it seems to me that the nudes that i shoot no one buys but it gets people to look at my photos which then they see my other work and that sells

If your nudes can't sell you are not good enough doing it ..

Feb 19 06 12:33 pm Link