Forums > General Industry > territorial photographers/models.



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

why, people, why??? is this just an MM culture?!

sorry, had to vent

Feb 15 06 10:04 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Sascha wrote:
why, people, why??? is this just an MM culture?!

I suppose that if we were all taking pictures of trees and rocks and stuff, this posessive attitude wouldn't exist.

Feb 15 06 10:05 pm Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

good point...

Feb 15 06 10:06 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

I think this needs more explanation.


Feb 15 06 10:08 pm Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
I think this needs more explanation.


lol need I say more? photographer A hating B, C, D, while B hates A, E, F, so on, so forth, some not wanting to shoot with a model because he/she has worked with those that they have issues with, OR, they want to shoot with him/her to prove that they can do a better job shooting him/her than the others.  I'm sure this goes the same amongst some models, like "I don't like this model because she's friends with who & who..."

Feb 15 06 10:11 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Sorry.  Never really noticed that.  Some chest bumping, but not that kind of chickenshit stuff.


Feb 15 06 10:14 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I have a model stalking me because I shot with someone she has feelings for.
I would prefer she just "shit talk" me instead of pretending as though she doesn't view my page 10 times day.

She knows who she is.

Yes I know the feeling.

Feb 15 06 10:14 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Sascha wrote:
lol need I say more? photographer A hating B, C, D, while B hates A, E, F, so on, so forth, some not wanting to shoot with a model because he/she has worked with those that they have issues with, OR, they want to shoot with him/her to prove that they can do a better job shooting him/her than the others.  I'm sure this goes the same amongst some models, like "I don't like this model because she's friends with who & who..."

I'll shoot with any model regardless of who she has shot with before. I just talk shit about Photographer A, C, D, and E when she's there. wink

Feb 15 06 10:15 pm Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Sorry.  Never really noticed that.  Some chest bumping, but not that kind of chickenshit stuff.


you are blessed

Feb 15 06 10:17 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Sascha wrote:
you are blessed

I think I'm just an outsider. 


Feb 15 06 10:25 pm Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

Never bothered me that someone does a better job with a model than I do. Sometimes the dynamics are not there... And someone else speaks their language more sensuously...
Other than that, I hope to see where I can be better always...
Although yes, I have been approached by one student who thought another group of students were HIS girls... WHATEVer!
As if they were the only females on the planet...
I just brushed it off...
Young stud and horymones...

Feb 15 06 10:30 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

yeah it does seem like that around here at times, especially among (no offense here because i'm one) the minorities. some people are even going to as far as not even networking with somebody even if they see somebody listed on their friends page or tag thing that they may have tension with. thats why i stopped really putting any effort on here to work with anybody like that, lol.

i hope people come to their senses and work things out so it doesnt turn into another schoolyard

Feb 15 06 10:36 pm Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

i actually had a photographer tell me that he blew me off cause i shot with someone he had a personal "beef" with.  I was like wow! LoL I couldnt believe it.  It kinda reminded me of high school. :\ kind of disappointed...

Feb 15 06 10:38 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

yeah same here, its alot of babes who wont associate with me because i shot such and such, or i dont work with this other photographer so because of that, some models frown their face upon me saying wassup.

... but yet they say theyre grown ups and dont get associated with the politics, lol. some people like their beef steamed a certain other way from "none-at-all"

Feb 15 06 10:42 pm Link



Posts: 65

Beverly Hills, California, US

(I'm going to vent and so i want to say sorry to those i hurt in the process...i don't mean it personally, i was just very upset with your choice of words):

yeah i just got my first dose of this! i haven't put up some of my new pics yet (just because i've been busy out of my mind) and the photographer called me and accused me of not putting up her pics because i've worked with her 'competition' in the past and to not listen to any bad things they say about her yady yady ya.. and that i really should reconsider my decision of not putting them up because my portfolio is not up to par with out her pics and that certain agencies have seen my pics and feel sad for me because i dont' have her pics up yet..... wow run on sentence!

to make a story short.... i have never talked to anyone about her! no one even really knows i have shot with her.... she was so worried that someone was telling me bad things about her so i wouldn't want to put up the pics she shot of me. In all reality, I recieved the pics in the mail friday night and just haven't had a chance to. But for her to tell me my pics i have up now, especially my new ones from another photographer, weren't up to par and agencies feel sad for me..... is offensive to me and makes me not even want to put up the pics! people just need to relax!

i hope all of this makes sense. she really is a nice lady.... it just made me very irritated!

Feb 15 06 10:51 pm Link


Richard Beebe

Posts: 217

Tracy, California, US

Sascha wrote:
lol need I say more? photographer A hating B, C, D, while B hates A, E, F, so on, so forth, some not wanting to shoot with a model because he/she has worked with those that they have issues with, OR, they want to shoot with him/her to prove that they can do a better job shooting him/her than the others.  I'm sure this goes the same amongst some models, like "I don't like this model because she's friends with who & who..."

oh my, I think I got on this roller coaster ride without the dramamine - I feel ill. Don't they do these soap operas on daytime TV?

Feb 15 06 10:54 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

jencopfer wrote:
i hope all of this makes sense. she really is a nice lady.... it just made me very irritated!

People often try to "hurt back" when they have been hurt first (justified or not).

As for me, personally, I never really get into this stuff.  I have enough trouble keeping my own personal life in order... much less worry about those of other photographers and/or models. tongue

Now...if any of you lovely ladies should find yourself in the Central Florida area and wish to get together, drop me a line. smile

Feb 15 06 11:02 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Sascha I definitely won't hire a model if she is shooting with some dumbass for free while I am trying to get her a paid assignment. For example, I posted an ad for a paid gig last month and a specific model contacted me. I could have used her but unfortunately she was from out of state and they weren't paying enough to fly her here and for her time. Then she posted about a trip she was making to Cali but when I asked her about working together she wanted to know what I was going to pay her. I asked who she was shooting with and the list was a tfp bonanza of photographers, some I think are average at best, so I told her she had to be joking. I said I maybe able to use her for this company for another shoot but she it was like pulling teeth so I gave up. I would rather help girls who are actually trying to make it as a model, girls who are working hard, and ones with good attitudes.

Oh MM and OMP are both very much a "click" like high school. I think it is funny to point but at the same time it sucks when a site like OMP chooses their photographer or model of the month based on who kissed more ass or who knew who.

Feb 15 06 11:02 pm Link


Eddy Torigoe

Posts: 478

Boston, Massachusetts, US

hmm...i must be lucky. i've never had issues with any other shooters. or models.

Feb 16 06 12:43 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

sascha love , it is the human condition!
School,  work , office politics, family, cliques of friends, snobs, my group, the in-crowd, those people. Step back and rise above the fray.

Is is maturity; or the lack of. But you cannot sink into that level of insecurity.

Egos - we all have it. Divas, we all wannabee!

Feb 16 06 01:01 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Well there's a few guy's  in NY that are photographer/managers: who sign the girls to 'exclusive' contracts ie: she's truely gets no work. They screen all the models email, make the  decisions and set the rate < usually way above the market price> so only they get to shoot the girl.
None of that here thank god, but that other model place is full of such nonsense. In fact: if I see a model is 'mananged'; I just bypass the listing.


Feb 16 06 02:27 am Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

The linking on the other place is for managers and photographers. I have I believe 10 models linked to me right now, but only becauise I am "their main photgrapher" and also a friend. I don' manage them, decide anything for them, or even decide what goes on their page.
I hate to think they might be losing opportunities because they chose to link to me as a show of support for my photographic skills... sad

Merlinpix wrote:
Well there's a few guy's  in NY that are photographer/managers: who sign the girls to 'exclusive' contracts ie: she's truely gets no work. They screen all the models email, make the  decisions and set the rate < usually way above the market price> so only they get to shoot the girl.
None of that here thank god, but that other model place is full of such nonsense. In fact: if I see a model is 'mananged'; I just bypass the listing.


Feb 16 06 02:37 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

If everyone would work on carving out their own creativity/imagination/niche, this shouldn't be a big issue, right? Sure, there's a flattery involved if model A feels photographer X captures him/her best...and certain collaborations have better chemistry than others.

...stopping myself suddenly as I feel I'm stating what should already be painfully self-evident.

I think I just thought myself into a circle...

Someone add something fruitful to this thread to cover up my ambiguity. Please?

Feb 16 06 04:01 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I know [several] photographers who actually try to "hide" models from other photographers.  I also know models who are very territorial regarding their favorite photographers as well.  It tends to happen in smaller towns where there are fewer people to work with...especially with nude/alt/fetish models and photographers.  In more metropolitan areas it dosen't seem as prevalent.

C'est la vie.

Feb 16 06 03:19 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

Big Problem with that issues here in Michigan

There are even troopers stamped with the photographers name like a walking billboard bashing this one or that one yet recommending THERE photographer.

anyone with a small brain can see right through there senseless fake ways

to many people cant share or play nicely on the play field

Ron Blake

Feb 16 06 03:24 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

I've seen this several times with photographers and models.  I shot with two photographers in two days, and they both "shit-talked" the other.  Just recently,  I did a promotion and the models were comparing "their" photographers!  Too funny!

Feb 16 06 03:52 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

This sort of crud is all over the place.
God forbid you associate with the wrong photographer or model ohhhh that's bad.
no one will shoot with you any more........yea right.

Feb 16 06 04:18 pm Link


Bill Sylvester

Posts: 1509

Fairfield, Ohio, US

( ANT ) Mgaphoto wrote:
Oh MM and OMP are both very much a "click" like high school. I think it is funny to point but at the same time it sucks when a site like OMP chooses their photographer or model of the month based on who kissed more ass or who knew who.


The word you are looking for is "clique" not click.

Feb 16 06 04:20 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Although it has no happened here yet, on OMP I have spent time responding to models who saw my work, contacted me and wanted to shoot with me. 
After emailing back and forth for awhile they suddenly stop responding and are "signed" with xyz studio. 
The funny thing is that I pay most models so even if they got a manager why would he tell them to turn down a paying job?  Talk about territorial.

Feb 16 06 04:30 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
This sort of crud is all over the place.
God forbid you associate with the wrong photographer or model ohhhh that's bad.
no one will shoot with you any more........yea right.

Well, the benefit of being a photographer as opposed to a model is that every 2-3 years there's a whole new crop of models to shoot with. So, theoretically you could develop a bad reputation and wait 2-3 yrs and start all over again.

Feb 16 06 04:34 pm Link



Posts: 42

Los Angeles, California, US

Everyone has an opinion, a favorite, a dislike or whatever it is... Obviously these people aren't confident about their work that they have to feel treathened by others who are in the same field as them..

Feb 16 06 04:35 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Sascha wrote:
why, people, why??? is this just an MM culture?!

sorry, had to vent

Hey man. You're standing on my shadow.

Feb 16 06 04:35 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

John Pringle wrote:
Never bothered me that someone does a better job with a model than I do. Sometimes the dynamics are not there... And someone else speaks their language more sensuously...
Other than that, I hope to see where I can be better always...

Same here.

I actually use the pictures from other photographers as a learning experience.

Sometimes photographers are better than I at certain things, ie photoshop, studio lighting, etc., but I take it all in stride.

Can I be better? With more time, sure.

Am I going to talk about another photographer because his images of the same model I shot got better responses? Nope, as I still find that my pics end up on their comp cards and in their books moreso than others.

Feb 16 06 08:23 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

On the other hand, I can see why and/or how a photographer can be a bit territorial. I like to shoot models when they are first starting out, those that have potential, but need some pics and/or direction. I spend a lot of time with this model, and we have a great relationship.

All of a sudden, another photographer wants to shoot the "model that I built," so-to-speak.

I can do one of two things:

1. Get pissed off and talk bad about the photographer in hopes that she'll continue to shoot with only me, or

2. Be happy for her, because the work that WE produced gave her the exposure that resulted in her being requested by others.

Same for models if they happen to shoot with a photographer who's a beginner.

You end up being closer, more like a team, and when someone else comes around, you feel that the team may be compromised, and you may act in a way that could adversely affect that relationship.

Feb 16 06 08:31 pm Link