Forums > General Industry > best advertising bang for buck?

Makeup Artist

Picture Perfect Makeup

Posts: 186

Hesperia, California, US

Hey, I just got a call from Transwestern yellow pages -- they want $96 p/mo (for 12 months), for two 4-color 3" ads (ads placed in different sections)... I'm wondering where the best bang for our buck is when advertising... got any feedback?

Feb 13 06 04:53 pm Link


Alex Keardan

Posts: 37

Los Angeles, California, US

I'd avoid spending any money to advertise in a yellow pages, except perhaps if you want to do wedding makeup for the general public.

Feb 13 06 05:00 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Picture Perfect Makeup

Posts: 186

Hesperia, California, US

Alex Keardan wrote:
I'd avoid spending any money to advertise in a yellow pages, except perhaps if you want to do wedding makeup for the general public.

Where would you spend the money?

Feb 13 06 05:07 pm Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

Picture Perfect Makeup wrote:
Hey, I just got a call from Transwestern yellow pages -- they want $96 p/mo (for 12 months), for two 4-color 3" ads (ads placed in different sections)... I'm wondering where the best bang for our buck is when advertising... got any feedback?

I think the best advertising that there is, is word of mouth.

When someone hires me, I typically send them a gift.  I've sent things like:  Yummy chocolate brownies, nice bottles of wine and for those GOOD clients -- tickets to see the Rolling Stones.

And the phone keeps ringin'.

Feb 13 06 05:10 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Picture Perfect Makeup wrote:

Where would you spend the money?

Who is your client base?

Feb 13 06 05:10 pm Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

Picture Perfect Makeup wrote:

Where would you spend the money?

Networking in person - supply with cards and fliers.


Feb 13 06 05:13 pm Link


Keith Carey Photography

Posts: 163


Not only do I shoot, but I own one of the hottest gourmet cookie companys on the west coast. Great for those gifts. LOL

Feb 13 06 05:14 pm Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

How about the local film guide or black book? San Diego has the film commission ( and there's also a creative directory here. I'm sure the L.A. area has many more which are much larger. That is assuming that you want your focus to be commercial print, film, video, etc....


Feb 13 06 05:17 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Picture Perfect Makeup

Posts: 186

Hesperia, California, US

SmartAz Photography wrote:

I think the best advertising that there is, is word of mouth.

When someone hires me, I typically send them a gift.  I've sent things like:  Yummy chocolate brownies, nice bottles of wine and for those GOOD clients -- tickets to see the Rolling Stones.

And the phone keeps ringin'.

Guess that's why you are SMART Az Photography!!! That's a great idea! I learned that when I was in title insurance -- people love to be fed!!!

Feb 13 06 05:18 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Picture Perfect Makeup

Posts: 186

Hesperia, California, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

Who is your client base?

Good question... I am in the process of defining that right now. I am a makeup artist that also does hair, styling and photography... I love printwork and advertising and am currently honing those skills.

Feb 13 06 05:23 pm Link


Les Sterling

Posts: 439

Palm Springs, California, US

Networking is the key - use the cash you were going to spend on advertising, and join a networking group (or five) and carry business cards everywhere you go.

Yes - people love to get food. A tin of cookies does seem to go a long way.

Look for creative communities online that serve your area, too. Some of them offer inexpensive tile ads on their websites. Volunteering with organizations that you like can serve as a little bonus PR, too smile

Feb 13 06 06:28 pm Link



Posts: 844

Los Angeles, California, US

I think most people turn to the Web when they're looking for a photographer or other services.

Feb 13 06 08:02 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

PicturePerfect, I would stay away from the yellowpages.  I don't remember the last time I even considered looking at them.
Some great advice here already.  Like finding out who your client base is. 
Spend the money building a really good website.  I don't know if you already have one.  Your link off this site goes to OMP.
Spend some more $ on really good, professionally printed comp cards.  Take them with you everywhere.  Find an artist or artists that are doing the kind of work and volume of it that you want to do.  Ask them how they do it.

Feb 13 06 08:06 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

just wondering, and not to interupt the thread, but does anyone advertise in Black book?

Feb 13 06 08:15 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Chili wrote:
just wondering, and not to interupt the thread, but does anyone advertise in Black book?

The on-line component anyone can advertise on and it's actually quite affordable.  The hardcopy is very pricey, probably not what more than a few on this site can afford.

As for advertising itself, it depends on who the target is and the message to be conveyed.  There is no perfect outlet, there is no one best place and there is no thing as certain as the results of not advertising at all.  Each advertising outlet has it's advantage and the key is to maximize exposure to the widest group of those "likely" to utilize the service.

Billboards:  One needs a 100 share or next exit to be effective.  100 share means placement of enough billboards so that the likelihood that 100% of the driving population will view it on any given day.  Next exit...pull off now.

Radio:  Consider the demo.  Consider what you do when commercials come on.  The only time radio is worth it is the "morning show" as the audience is very loyal with carryover to mid-day (the stame station will be on at lunch time).  Consider doing trade-outs, your service for ads.  Radio stations need great photography for the web, events and station collateral.

Television:  Expensive but wide reach.  How many photo studios do you see advertised.  Riiiight.

Yellow Pages:  The smaller the town the more effective.  Major markets will be filled with those more likely empowered with the Internet and the on-line component "only" is most effective.  Not many pick up the book these days, they go to the 'net.  In fact, in my office I can go to a web page, cut and paste a number into my VoIP interface, hit return and it dials.  That is the new wave of enabling technologies.

Internet:  Very targeted.  The best source to provide the most information and ability to retain the viewer once landing on your page.  Disadvantage is it is difficult to zero in on "local" eyeballs.  Find localized portals.

Newsprint:  Long-term commitment is required to be effective.  Classified (Business Service) is easiest point of entry.

"City Select" magazines:  Long term is also required.  Longer life than newspaper as they are in waiting rooms and on coffee tables for extended periods of time.

Sphere of Influence:  Nothing like a personal recommendation.  The larger the SoI the greater the reach.  Effective if the personal network is wide, not very for those travelling in small circles.

As David Ogilvy once said, "Not advertising is like winking at a pretty girl in a dark room.  You know what you're doing but she doesn't..."

I recently left a major market newspaper to work for an ad agency, btw.

Feb 13 06 08:51 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Chili wrote:
just wondering, and not to interupt the thread, but does anyone advertise in Black book?

Not in Black Book, but in LeBook, similar deal.

Feb 13 06 08:56 pm Link

Body Painter

BodyPainter Rich

Posts: 18107

Sacramento, California, US

Forget about ads until you define your client. Once you have a firm idea of WHO needs to know you, then you can go about letting them know.

Feb 13 06 10:12 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Picture Perfect Makeup

Posts: 186

Hesperia, California, US

Thank all of you for your great advice!!! This has helped to further develop my business plan. I do realize the target audience has to be defined and I'm working on that as I hone my skills and work on my website and portfolio. But, I know that advertising is such an important aspect that it cannot be left to chance. Loved the quote from David Ogilvy....

Best bang for our buck:
Networking, sphere of influence, thank you's, website, business & comp cards, volunteer orgs, trade outs for ads, even local magazines.

You guys ROCK!!! Thanks again ~ Pam (Picture Perfect Makeup)

Feb 13 06 11:23 pm Link