Forums > General Industry > modeling overseas


Val Kazia

Posts: 90

Saint Augustine, Florida, US

Can someone give me some insight as what to do. I am a photog, I have been contacted by someone overseas to provide one of my models for a shoot. The price is good but how can I be sure we will get paid. Do I ask for 50% upfront. I have never done this so I am asking for help.


Jun 18 05 05:41 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Exactly where is the model going to?

Jun 18 05 05:47 pm Link


Val Kazia

Posts: 90

Saint Augustine, Florida, US

I had two enquiries one from spain which will pay her about 1000 euros a day for three days (3,860.00 US) and one agency in Japan which just wants to have her in their data base.

Jun 18 05 06:00 pm Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

What do you mean provide one of "your" models? Are you an agent or have some sort of contractual agreement with "your" models? If you're just a photographer as you're listed here, and someone inquired about one of the models you've shot you should be talking about how "she" will get paid not "we."

I'm sorry to rant at you, and of course I don't know what arrangement you have with her or anyone, but the whole "internet manager" thing is one of the major irritants that makes the outside modeling world think that "internet models" are "jokes", to use a phrase from an old locked, possibly deleted, thread.

If it's a serious offer for legit work from Spain they should be paying for travel and expenses as well, and if she's handling it herself or just with your help then having them buy the tickets and paying for the hotels up front, or fronting the money, as well as at least 50% of the job, as you mentioned, would be the safe thing. They would probably want her banking account # to do this for making a direct deposit, it sounds strange but that's how it often works in Europe. One of you would need to do some research to make sure this company is on the up and up.

It sounds like this is out of your experience level and for a situation like this she'd probably be better off contacting an experienced agency who would be happy to handle this deal for her and take 20%. They would  be able to verify the legitimacy of the offer, handle negotiations (possibly getting her more money by understanding the market and the scope of the job and usage, help make all the arrangements and collect the money. A legit agency will do this for her in a case where a job is at hand with money to be made regardless if she is or will sign with them or if they would have otherwise signed her in the first place.

As far as Japan goes, here's an even more important case for using a real agent who knows what they are doing, a formally arranged deal to send a model to Japan, and most Asian countries, involves a minimum guarantee to the model of 10 grand, by the laws of the Asian countries. So I don't know if a Japanese agency would try to sneak over an unrepresented model who doesn't know better without the guarantee or not. I'd feel a lot safer going through an agency that has established relationships or knowledge of Japanese agencies to make sure everything was on the up and up, that the Japanese agent was legit and would be properly looking out for the model during her visit.

Jun 19 05 06:13 am Link


Val Kazia

Posts: 90

Saint Augustine, Florida, US

Thank You for your reply,the model in question is my wife. It is out of my realm of normal operations. I would like her to expand but I do not know the modeling side of the business. Can you recommend an agency or should I just get a local one. I do not manage anyone but I do try to help.


Jun 19 05 09:30 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

I think you should contact an agency.  Maybe you can take a cut if you wish.  I think that would be fine for you found the work.

But you need an agency that is familiar with oversees and can do the paperwork while watching out for HER interests.

I see no problem with getting a cut whether or not the model is your wife. 

But yes, the internet manager thing is a problem.  If you were a manager then you would have no business doing so.

The fee paid to you would be likely the fee paid to a legitimate scout or if you are lucky then the fee paid to a mother agency.  If it is your wife then it would be wise to consider these options.  Even if you give it all to her,  why give money for finding work to someone who did not find the work.

So approach an strong agency here that has contact with or models in the countries listed.  They will have contact with agencies in the countries and can watch out for the model and possibly get the model more work.

Jun 19 05 09:42 am Link


nick latino

Posts: 291

Tucson, Arizona, US

In a past life (job) I did some contract work where I would travel.  In doing so it was the obligation of the client to arrange for all travel and hotel accomendations, for myself and anyone I brought with me as part of the team.  It was easier for them to arrange locally and and avoid any additional costs because my lack of knowledge of the area.  Local guides were available for me to assist in translation and keeping us on schedule, these were always a member of their staff.

I would arrange for payment to be made at the completion of the job, via bank transfer.

I'm not sure how this would relate to a model and a commission or fee aspect, but that would all be conditional based on your arrangement with a model.

Jun 19 05 10:25 am Link


Val Kazia

Posts: 90

Saint Augustine, Florida, US

I do not care to make any money, after all we are married so it does not matter I just want her to be safe and not get ripped off. From reading I gues contacting an agency is the wisest thing to do

Jun 19 05 10:31 am Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

If I remember right, Elite Miami, Irene Marie, The Green agency & Michele Pommier are good ones. Double check with some good Florida shooters for the current scoop, maybe ask someone from the FLA. APA or ASMP chapters.

Yes, her being your wife certainly puts it in a different light. Sorry. haha.

However in general I think most photographers and models showing work featuring the other from test shoots or other shoots in their portfolios are both doing it for self promotion and should be looking out for each other. If interest came in for either party I'd think it would just be professional courtesy, the right thing to do, and good for biz and reputation to simply pass on the information without expecting a cut from your collegue/friend. However if you could get a finders fee from the client, or if the model/photographer offered you a finders fee out of gratitude that would be different. But aside from that, what, are you going to hold the info hostage and demand a payment agreement before letting them know about it? jesus

Jun 19 05 04:19 pm Link


Val Kazia

Posts: 90

Saint Augustine, Florida, US

even if she was not my wife. I would try to help anyone who would ask and not expect any compensation. My concern would be for safety and well being for anyone. There are a lot of crazy and sick people out there and I would not send anyone into a situation that was not a 100% secure.
Thank you for the modeling agency suggestions I will give them a call.

Jun 19 05 06:27 pm Link