Forums > General Industry > What qualifies one as a professional photographer?


Bluemoon Photography

Posts: 202

Cranston, Rhode Island, US

just another "us vs them"  thread. If you need an online stranger to make you feel like a pro, your probably not one.

Feb 12 06 04:12 pm Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I think the problem is the idea that once you are a professional, you are somehow better than the amateurs.

I aspire to be a professional because... I need to make money doing something, and if I can do it behind a camera, that's great!  Some people have lucrative careers in other fields and do photography as a hobby, but spend a lot of time on it and get very good at it.  But it's a mistake to think that once you are a professional you've learned all there is to know.

Technically, a professional makes money from their photography.  This applies to a huge number of people of various skills and quality of work.

The important thing is to remember to continually improve yourself and learn new things, whether you are a first timer or a veteran, and not hang your self worth on a label.

Feb 12 06 04:16 pm Link



Posts: 174

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

My definition of a professional photographer, is anyone who makes money at it, has a business license, and pays taxes.  The photography may suck....but it is all about money isn't it?  (Retired Photographer of 40 years)

Feb 12 06 04:18 pm Link



Posts: 844

Los Angeles, California, US

Professional photographer: someone who takes photographs for a living.
Semi-professional photographer: someone who makes part of their living taking photographs.

Anyone can call themselves a pro photographer; the term is meaningless in a sense. There are fabulous photographers who don't make a dime on their work, and their are photographers who make their entire living from photography whose work is not so good. And there are all kinds of pro photographers out there: yearbook photographers, wedding photographers, police photographers, passport photographers, magazine photographers, etc.

In my opinion there are more meaningful measures of a photographer than whether she is professional or not. Such as: how's the work? That's what it really comes down to, do you like their photographs? Also, who are their past clients, and how long have they been working.

Feb 12 06 04:25 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

What qualifies one as a professional photographer?

The size of one's ego.

Feb 12 06 04:39 pm Link


Shan L Photography

Posts: 131

Los Angeles, California, US

Bluemoon Photography wrote:
just another "us vs them"  thread. If you need an online stranger to make you feel like a pro, your probably not one.

Who's "us?" and who's "Them?" This thread was CREATED out of sheer curiousity, I haven't been around long to even know what "online clique" to parade off with. Maybe some people should stop reading TOO much into things? No?

Feb 12 06 05:00 pm Link


Shan L Photography

Posts: 131

Los Angeles, California, US

Tim Hammond wrote:

The size of one's ego.

Ding Ding Ding...Which is the problem with MANY self proclaimed PRO photographers and their "work."

Feb 12 06 05:03 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:

Thanks Ken. 

OK, now we have:


We need definitions of:

Advanced Amateur
Semi-Advanced Amateur
Advanced GWC
Advanced Hobbiest
Crap Artist
Advanced Artist
Wannabe Artist

Just so we'll all agree on the definition of terms, of course.


P.S.  Oh yeah.  And Working Pro and True Artist.

P.P.S.  And Amature.  Somebody tell me what that is.

Ooh! Ooh! Can I be a "Crap Artist?"

Feb 12 06 05:08 pm Link


Eric Foltz

Posts: 432

Lake Forest, California, US



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

College degree in pro photo + making substantial "6 figure" income + Published by High profile clients =
the right to wear the pro photographers hat !


Feb 12 06 05:15 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US


you are considered a professional when you derive 51% of your household income from it, and you are a licensed business entity in your state

now additionally, you can also have a bachelors or master degree, and you can be a member of a professional photography national association, published in magazines, newspapers, have exhibitions, etc, but those alone i feel do not 'make' you a professional, i think the income thing is the main factor

Feb 12 06 05:48 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Tim Hammond wrote:

The size of one's ego.

No, that can't be it.  I have a huge ego, and I'm an amateur.


Feb 12 06 06:38 pm Link


Sonny Semansco

Posts: 27

Takasaki, Gumma, Japan

Jimfoto wrote:
Professional photographer: someone who takes photographs for a living.
Semi-professional photographer: someone who makes part of their living taking photographs.

Anyone can call themselves a pro photographer; the term is meaningless in a sense. There are fabulous photographers who don't make a dime on their work, and their are photographers who make their entire living from photography whose work is not so good. And there are all kinds of pro photographers out there: yearbook photographers, wedding photographers, police photographers, passport photographers, magazine photographers, etc.

In my opinion there are more meaningful measures of a photographer than whether she is professional or not. Such as: how's the work? That's what it really comes down to, do you like their photographs? Also, who are their past clients, and how long have they been working.

There it is. A good answer.

Feb 12 06 06:48 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

If it says Pro baseball player or football player and they suck and haven't done much of anything right in two seasons

In my eyes that is not a professional sports player regardless of what critics might say or want for us to believe

Feb 12 06 06:56 pm Link


Rick Athearn

Posts: 492

Boulder, Colorado, US

How about having to fill out a Schedule C for your taxes every year?

Feb 12 06 07:00 pm Link



Posts: 844

Los Angeles, California, US

I still think it's not a meaningful distinction (pro vs. non-pro).

Feb 12 06 07:07 pm Link



Posts: 276

San Francisco, California, US

Eric Foltz wrote:
one who engages in a pursuit, study, science, or sport as a pastime rather than as a profession

Decide for yourselves where you fit.

Eric Foltz

A professional photographer should always be engaged in pursuit of perfecting his/her art, by learning, studying and trying new things.   So maybe we're all just amatuers?

Feb 12 06 07:15 pm Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

I consider myself a "semi-professional," as I treat my work as half artistic outlet and half side income. My day job (software development) pays better than I could even hope to make taking pictures, so I don't think I'll ever take on the "professional" title.

I approach each project expecting both art and payment. If only one or the other is possible (TFP model work on one side, boring family portraits on the other), there must be considerable lopsidedness.

At the same time, I approach every shoot with a professional attitude and drive, I study the field like a professional, I use professional equipment, and I treat my models and other clients with professionalism in punctuality, demeanor, privacy, etc.

Maybe better distinctions would be:

- Levels of publication, studio exhibition, and recognition/award
- Full-time vs. part-time
- Career/vocation vs sideline/avocation
- Experienced vs. new

Or, just let the pictures tell the story. Photography is outcome-based in many ways. You either get the shot or you don't. I know career photographers who are terrible at anything but well-exposed smiling portraits, and I see countless "amateur" photographers here whose portfolios are absolutely incredible.

Feb 13 06 01:14 am Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

I think buying a digital camera or cellphone with cam these days!!!!!!   ....or so it seems.

Feb 13 06 01:31 am Link


A. H A M I L T O N

Posts: 325

Coventry, England, United Kingdom

I think the main reason that this always comes to a more heated discussion than it needs to is because of styles, content, geography and just plain area.

In a nutshell, what I mean is this.  An excellent, profressional in every sense of the world, environmental photographer may come to this site and start shooting "models".  Now, make no mistake about it, the guy makes 100k from photography but isn't as good as many of the amateurs at shooting models.  The technical understanding is there, but it's something that's new to him, and it shows.

There's one frequent poster who's a full time, professional portrait studio photographer.  His work with models is technically proficient, but lacks so much of what models need for their books.  He sells "model development" packages and makes money from it because models know no more about what they need than he does.

In both cases, the term professional is earned, reasonable, accurate and acceptable...however, they aren't professional in the area or context of this site, so people always assume the worst.  Even having the distinction on the site hurts more than it helps.


Feb 13 06 08:34 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

R. Olson (RO) wrote:
Professional Photographer is one who gets paid and makes a profit from their work AND can still have a personal life and family.

Hmmm... damn... I am working so much, I don't even have a personal life, I don't date and I am divorced (not because of photography, tho)...

What category of photographers would that fall in now... ? neutral

Feb 13 06 11:00 am Link


Carl Jacques Dufresne

Posts: 1

who cares! as long as the results of the photos are what the model/client/photog. wanted then it does not matter...

a pro is anything that gets paid... that's just plain English

Feb 13 06 11:04 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US


Feb 13 06 11:05 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 12

Manchester, England, United Kingdom

To me a 'Professional Photographer' means he is getting his main income from Photography, other wise if he is at the same standard as a pro but not got there just yet, then I would class them as advanced.

Take Care

Danielle smile


I would like to know what qualifies one as a professional photographer? When does one become professional?

Feb 13 06 11:08 am Link


Bruce Caines

Posts: 522

New York, New York, US

Ken Mierzwa wrote:
[edited for brevity]
The best pros are very good indeed.  They have the best lighting gear and know how to use it.

this statement is a highly deceptive--or at best, inaccurate. best lighting gear may have little to do with the brand name or the write-up it got in photo district news. i personally know several world-famous professional photographers who have the crappiest, "i-made-this-in-my-garage-or-found-this-thing-at-home-depot" equipment you ever saw. one in particular travels with an assortment of light bulbs to replace room lights and use as practicals.

do they know how to use it? oh yes.

Feb 13 06 11:10 am Link


mike tyler

Posts: 70

BENSALEM, Pennsylvania, US

its just a word.....................and paper does not refuse ink..............

Feb 13 06 11:16 am Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

One who makes their living from photography. If you make "extra money" and still have another job, you're semi-pro.

Feb 13 06 11:23 am Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

I believe I read this from Professional Photographer Magazine ( or heard this from a speaker of the PPA...
One word:


Feb 13 06 11:25 am Link



Posts: 180

Los Angeles, California, US

Labels are kind of funny in a way.  Everyone is striving to see where they fit in.  Some stand on the idea of money, not a bad place, but I think that is not always the indicator.  Some shooters can venture into any avenue of shooting and perform well, that sounds better.  Then there are those few people that are working in this field who get it all,  have the skill to shoot any sbject, get paid doing it, and handle themselves in a respectful matter.  That sounds a lot closer.

Feb 13 06 11:28 am Link


Dick Woodhead

Posts: 34

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Wouldn't normally contribute to these regular professional vs. amateur musings.  However, Eric's reply is only partial.  The Oxford English dictionary makes the distinction that pay is not a determining factor, as does the American Heritage dictionary.  See definitions below (my highlighting).

From these definitions, everyone who has posted here is "right" and you can take your pick as to which definition you prefer to define yourself by.

That said I'm firmly in the 'professional' is a state of mind camp, and personally think it is curious that some judge photographic merit by income.  Van Gogh died penniless and alone, as he only sold one painting in his lifetime.  I suppose he was an "amateur".

Oxford English dictionary ...


  • adjective 1 relating to or belonging to a profession. 2 engaged in an activity as a paid occupation rather than as an amateur. 3 worthy of or appropriate to a professional person; competent.

  • noun 1 a professional person. 2 a person having impressive competence in a particular activity.

American Heritage dictionary...

pro·fes·sion·al    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (pr-fsh-nl)

1a. Of, relating to, engaged in, or suitable for a profession: lawyers, doctors, and other professional people.
1b. Conforming to the standards of a profession: professional behavior.
2. Engaging in a given activity as a source of livelihood or as a career: a professional writer.
3. Performed by persons receiving pay: professional football.
4. Having or showing great skill; expert: a professional repair job.

1. A person following a profession, especially a learned profession.
2. One who earns a living in a given or implied occupation: hired a professional to decorate the house.
3. A skilled practitioner; an expert.

Feb 13 06 11:29 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Yuriy wrote:
I believe I read this from Professional Photographer Magazine ( or heard this from a speaker of the PPA...
One word:


Crap... that rules me out then...

Feb 13 06 11:29 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

I'm out too.

Feb 13 06 11:33 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Amazing how one can rant on a topic so endlessly and I can return to see no one has come to any terms with the issue....amazing......better things in the world to be doing than this endless rant.

Feb 13 06 11:34 am Link



Posts: 1398

Trumbull, Connecticut, US

Being a 'Professional' to me means:

Adept knowledge in you skill
Following accepted principles set forth by your Peers
Helping your Industry grow through superior work
Contineously Advancing your knowledge and helping others to do so.
Providing the best possible product/service to your clients
Treating your Peers and Industry with respect

Professionalism, or being professional has never been about money.


Feb 13 06 11:50 am Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

Its who wears the hat ...


Feb 13 06 11:54 am Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

E L Fanucchi wrote:
Its who wears the hat ...


Is it ok if my hat has the BMW logo on the side of it?

Feb 13 06 12:32 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
I'm out too. are in a league that is beyond reach of even the most skilled.

Feb 13 06 12:35 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

Feb 13 06 12:35 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Ron B Blake wrote:

Read that before- I like it.  Im "Amateur: Level 5."

Feb 13 06 12:37 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

Jose- JoseOnline wrote:

Read that before- I like it.  Im "Amateur: Level 5."

Yep to funny

Feb 13 06 12:39 pm Link