Forums > General Industry > Photographers - What do you do when..


Miss Christina

Posts: 92

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Can that woman even walk??

I would say honesty is best, at least that is what I would like to hear if I write to a photographer..
Not if they think I'm ugly, but "sorry your look is not right for me" or something along those lines..

Feb 10 06 02:54 pm Link



Posts: 26

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

To be exact....Your inquiry is appreciated, however your work does not fit into my book.
and keep it moving..

Feb 10 06 02:55 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

I tell them to shut up and sit down and eat and quit asking favors of Dad!

Ok, ok. I refer them to Mark.

Ok, If I'm feeling benelovent, I take the challenge and try my best to get the best image possilbe. Hell, who cant shoot a beautiful model? HELLO..
You think your soooo good, then make it work with a girl that's not hot or are you just into gawkin while your shootin...

Here's my dumbassed little litmus test, if she offered to pay my normal fee, would I shoot her? If the answer is yes, then why not do a few uglies along with the hotties on a TFP basis? You might be surprised what you can come up with and you sure as hell will make her day. I do tell them that I think they have an interesting look but not what the industry is looking for at the moment.

Feb 10 06 03:07 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I honestly do not believe in the word ugly. But then again  I not only do fashion and glamour. I also do art photography.So there is something beautiful about everyone. They might not have fashion or glamour runway beauty but with art there is a lot more "room" to work with people who would not be someone you would ever see in a fashion magazine or on a runway.

Feb 10 06 03:12 pm Link



Posts: 486

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

I generally tell them I shoot only with experienced models who CAN demonstrate they will enhance my portfolio. 

This is basically true anyway - with the exception of some special cases where the look is amazing or different or the potential for a good career is very high.

But i never see anyone as hideous looking or should I say I know they certainly would not be look hideous in my photos.  Otherwise I should be taking up a new profession.

Feb 10 06 03:21 pm Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
Still trying to get my head around this part:

""What do you do when you're approached by a model that you think is just TOTALLY hideous.  I mean, the girl isn't even hot enough to sleep with..."

To me, there is more than a fine line between "hideous" and "hot enough to sleep with".  Even I have quality standards.

Ha ha ha

Feb 10 06 03:38 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Andon wrote:
What do you do when you're approached by a model that you think is just TOTALLY hideous?

Me: "Gosh, thanks for the offer. I wish I could personally assist, but I'm kinda swamped right now. Though, my friend, lucky bastard, now he can help you. His profile number is..."

Just kidding.

If she's hideous, and the only one I know of is Jim Carrey as that weight lifter chick, I'll see if she has potential for parts modeling.

Hey, you never know if one day, as a photographer for a Podiatry clinic, you just might need her big toe.


You ain't gonna catch me submitting a request with the Ford for a big toe model, or pay out the ying-yang for one. I'll get Broom Hilda down the street from me. She ain't doing nuthin.

Feb 10 06 03:40 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Andon wrote:
I mean, the girl isn't even hot enough to sleep with,

Now that just comes down to a matter of how many empty Bud cans are in front of me wink

Feb 10 06 03:48 pm Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

studio36uk wrote:

Bill Tracy wrote:
I usually shoot with them anyway. Sometimes great things can happen when you least expect it.
Who would have thought a creature as hideous as an oyster could have a beautiful pearl inside.
I guess it was worth a shot to look inside.

OK, here's the deal... you send me [or Bill Tracy] all the ones you can't make money with and I will make money for both the model and myself. Maybe even lots of money!

Do you only shoot the smooth and hairless muscle guys or would you shoot the Twinks and Bears too?


I do think that standards have got a lot higher, especially in the last ten years.  I suppose it depends on the degree of ugliness.  Really hideous (really really really hideous) people might, and I'm not happy with this, get more work than people who are only normally ugly, but, generally speaking, it is only the beautiful people who get work.  The only exception to that is if the model has a large endowment, and then, it seems, anything goes.

Feb 10 06 04:19 pm Link


Lillith Leda

Posts: 663

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

dncphotos wrote:

my initial request to seeing this photos is that she must be terribly unhealthy and needs to do some exercise quickly.

"Do some exercise" hahaha thanks, that was hilarious. I'd say a little more than "some". But hey, someone's repulsion is another's ultimate fantasy!

Feb 10 06 04:25 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Michael Barian wrote:
I've been absolutely stalked by this one model on OMP and this site....she responds to every posting, casting, and even randomly emails me every month or so....
After numerous replies of "I'll keep you on file",
I had top draw the line and say "you're simply not my type...please do not e-mail me anymore"
Guess what,
yup....she's BAAAAACK!

And I bet I know who she is too!

Feb 10 06 04:27 pm Link


Ted Dottavio

Posts: 36

Brooklyn, New York, US

Attitude is more important, respect and so on. A models' look is lower on the list of what I need to get a good image. Besides, you have no clue what I like to sleep with! What if I'm into humping alligators? You all loose!

I can't say I've turned down a model simply because they are a train wreck. I'm more likely to turn down certain hottie models because they're a pain to deal with. They make me work hard, give me headaches, there's no profit, the images don't sell, and they do nothing to help me find the next shoot. Up against all that I would rather see an honest smile from someone you accused of being too ugly to model.

Feb 10 06 04:28 pm Link


Marion Z Skydancer

Posts: 22

Asheville, North Carolina, US

First thing I do is try and find out what it is they actually want, and why. And if they are open to exploring perhaps other genre or venues of modeling if what they want is not in my comfort zone or in my judgement a reasonable venture.

For instance, they may have a strong mannish, nearly equine face and body structure. And they may be asking for glamor type photography. I am probably going to ask them to bring me a few magazine clippings or examples of what they might have in mind so that I can actually see what they are expecting. If it is totally not within the realm of reality, then I will pull out examples of other imagery that might, in my own opinion, suit their look better, or be real possibilites for them to pursue if, in actual fact, they are looking for work and not doing it for a lark, or on a dare. And naturally I make very certain they understand that if I do shoot with them, it will only be with a full commercial, no holds barred, witnessed and notarized release for any and all images.

Then, if they get past that hurtle, we start exploring just what it is that they do have inside themselves that might get them some real possibility for working. I know, and have worked with two folk for instance that are now quite successful working as figure models for the local university art departments. And one that is very much in demand as a reference for the alternative artists community. They use him a lot for making molded art from because he has very large hands and feet on a rather small body, but for their work, he is perfect. You just never know what might be the journey another person is on, and you always have a choice as an artist, to either accept the opportunity to perhaps enrich both your lives with interaction and communication, or to cast away what might have been a very interesting and enlightening bit of work.
spirits bless,

Feb 11 06 08:42 am Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

Ugly is on the inside...

While I may not take certain people on as a TFP shoot, for a fair rate, I would give my best effort to give them shots they would like. I had seen this thread just before going to a bar last night for a friend's birthday. While at the bar, a lady at the table next to me fit the bill of someone who might approach. In her teens, she must have been a ravishing beauty based on the bone structure in her face. However, roughly 30 years of chain smoking had given her a bad case of "smoker's face"...pursed lips, bags under eyes, hollow cheeks, etc...

Still she appeared to have a very positive self-image and was very sexual. I started mentally lighting, filtering and PS'ing her and had a few nice shots mentally by the time I was done. Sure, it would be a challenge. No. I did not offer to shoot her, but if she approached me now. I know I could do it.

Feb 11 06 09:56 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

groupw wrote:
Ugly is on the inside...

While at the bar, a lady at the table next to me...

The more you drink, the better they look.  Unfortunately, the next morning, the ugly is back on the outside again.

Too bad there isn't a camera filter equivalent to beer goggles.

Feb 11 06 10:11 am Link


Gold Rush Studio

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

With models there's always a market for *something*. I'm always polite about it and I keep people in my contact list as you just never know. I've had work for senior citizens, way-the-hell fat people, handicap, amputees, and etc. over the years so I know better that not all modeling and photography focuses on beautiful people. I do more commercial than fashion, runway, and glamour so real people are more often than not needed for what I do.

Sometimes, you need real people in a background to make your principle look even better.

Note: don't dis on anyone because you may need them to earn your next paycheck.

Feb 11 06 10:30 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Dave Krueger wrote:
The more you drink, the better they look.  Unfortunately, the next morning, the ugly is back on the outside again.

Too bad there isn't a camera filter equivalent to beer goggles.

He, he , he , he........ for 1 in 3 it just doesn't work


Feb 11 06 10:37 am Link


Fred Beeson

Posts: 272

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Keyronn wrote:
This is one case where Silence is golden.


Feb 11 06 10:43 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

when did you meet the President?

Feb 11 06 10:49 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

studio36uk wrote:
He, he , he , he........ for 1 in 3 it just doesn't work


Feb 11 06 10:57 am Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

Dave Krueger wrote:
The more you drink, the better they look.  Unfortunately, the next morning, the ugly is back on the outside again.

Too bad there isn't a camera filter equivalent to beer goggles.

I guess if you can't control your drinking, that may be your problem. wink

Ugly is a powerful...and very subjective word. I will not attach ugly to someone's luck with the gene pool. Are some more attractive than others? Absolutely. Are some unattractive to me? Absolutely.  However, I have met some unattractive people who I value deeply and physically beautiful people who have truly ugly thoughts and beliefs inside them.

Feb 11 06 11:05 am Link


Elaine Dunn

Posts: 1463

New York, New York, US

Andon wrote:
What do you do when you're approached by a model that you think is just TOTALLY hideous.

Send them to me. I'll shoot anyone if they pay off my student loans. tongue

Feb 11 06 11:15 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

groupw wrote:
Ugly is a powerful...and very subjective word....

...However, I have met some unattractive people who I value deeply and physically beautiful people who have truly ugly thoughts and beliefs inside them.

But we're talking about photography here, not choosing a soulmate, so I'll shoot the physically beautiful ones and you can shoot the one's with the "inner beauty".  wink

Feb 11 06 01:01 pm Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

i'm just glad that, thanks to quoting, that picture got posted FOUR TIMES.
thanks, people!
your vigilance is commendable!

Feb 11 06 02:22 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Andon wrote:
What do you do when you're approached by a model that you think is just TOTALLY hideous.  I mean, the girl isn't even hot enough to sleep with, and sure as hell doesn't belong in front of a camera.

Whoa, whoa!!!  Easy now, cowgirl!

Let's get one thing crystal clear, there are plenty of people who I photograph but wouldn't sleep with them!  I don't just go 'a-pokin and 'a-prodding any chick with a mouthful of teeth and two eyes, y'know.

That said, I'll address the idea you raised.

If a woman who was not what people would consider "attractive" contacted me for a shoot, what would I tell them?  Well, it's my opinion that people who are traditionally photogenic aren't challenging to photograph.  Just make sure your exposure is corrent and nothings distracting and you'll have at least a decent photo.  You make the photo engaging by virtue of the other things you do: lighting, concept, composition, setting, context, etc.

So someone who isn't some bombshell opens up an entirely different world for me. 

Maybe some people only get conceptually inspired by attractive people, but I find my head full of ideas with many different kinds of ppeople.  I like for people to play a role in my photos many times.  You don't need some earth-shaking beauty to create an engaging photo and a good photographer knows that.  He or she may conciously choose to shoot only "the beautiful people" but he/she could still make an incredible photo otherwise.

Now... if the woman if the woman just doesn't fit an idea or project that I have, then I'll let her know that and say I'll contact her if something comes up, otherwise she can check my rates.  As a matter of fact, "not fitting a project or idea" could apply to plenty of women most people would find attractive.  I don't discriminate when it comes to saying 'Yes' or 'No.'

Feb 11 06 02:44 pm Link



Posts: 2505

Englewood, Florida, US

Samurai B wrote:
Turn to her slowly and let her down gently..."OH MY GOD..MY EYES MY EYES...BE GONE FROM HERE YOU FOUL LOOKING BEAST FROM BEYOND!!!" Then I'd scratch my eyes out and give them to her saying that she's tainted my vision forever...

Too subtle, you think?


I couldn't begin to imagine the look in the models eyes after you hand her your blood covered eyeballs.

Feb 11 06 02:58 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Hollywood, Alabama, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

And I bet I know who she is too!

PLEASE GUESS WHO....she's tormenting me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 11 06 03:06 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
I don't just go 'a-pokin and 'a-prodding any chick with a mouthful of teeth and two eyes, y'know.

What do teeth have to do with it?

Feb 11 06 03:20 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Dave Krueger wrote:
What do teeth have to do with it?

No teeth?  And have to endure the disappointment of not being bitten?  I think not, my friend, she must have teeth...

Feb 11 06 04:29 pm Link


afterdarc studios

Posts: 1196

San Diego, California, US

I tell the model that she's not exactly what I'm looking for and I'll keep her information at hand, just in case I need her a any upcoming projects.

Hopefully she doesn't wait up for my phone call.

Feb 14 06 10:24 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

i will photo any one no matter what i will fined some use for the photo i may not make them look glamors or better looking buy with "art" photos you can do any thing so i have NEVER judged any one on how they look the more people i photo the better

Feb 14 06 10:30 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

dncphotos wrote:

my initial request to seeing this photos is that she must be terribly unhealthy and needs to do some exercise quickly.

I have an image to rival the one posted by studio36uk, but I haven't yet figured out how to post images.  I read the explanation, but I need an explanation for the explanation.  Well, I'll save the image for when I learn how to post it.

Feb 15 06 12:32 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

William Coleman wrote:
I have an image to rival the one posted by studio36uk, but I haven't yet figured out how to post images.  I read the explanation, but I need an explanation for the explanation.  Well, I'll save the image for when I learn how to post it.

Easy enough...

Put the image somewhere on the web - on a website or on some temporary web page - or even here on your MM profile picture page

Then with the just the image open in your browser ... right click + copy the URL address from the browser address bar. That should look like  ""

Paste it here to the reply but add at the beginning of the address [img]and at the end of the address[/img]

When the post appears the URL will call the actual image to the posted message rather than just show the link to it.

Note... that to call an iimage like that the actual URL should be the locatiopn of the image itself and have an image ending / extention like "jpg" or "gif" NOT the address of the page ending in "htm" or "html"

Example: My avatar thumbnail image is located at: … cb42_t.jpg

you can click that link to see the image but when I add the [img]_[/img] you get the actual image here

The full size image is located at another place: … decb42.jpg

and so to show that I use that URL with [img]_[/img] to get this


Feb 15 06 05:01 am Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

You da MAN, Studio36uk.  At last, clear instructions that tell me what to do, not "you need this to get that," but without saying how to GET this or that.  I'm truly appreciative.  The image I have in mind is on my hard drive at home.  I'll try posting it when I have a chance.  Thanks, again!

Feb 15 06 10:07 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

William Coleman wrote:
You da MAN, Studio36uk.  At last, clear instructions that tell me what to do, not "you need this to get that," but without saying how to GET this or that.  I'm truly appreciative.  The image I have in mind is on my hard drive at home.  I'll try posting it when I have a chance.  Thanks, again!

Different browsers may work differently... in MSIE you may have to right click the limage and select "properties" to see the ACTUAL images location then you can highlight that and copy it; in Firefox you can right click and "copy image location" directly.... or right click and "view image" when the image only and it's URL will be on the browser and the ACTUAL image location on the address bar.

It's all a matter of finding the ACTUAL image URL rather than just a page.

Go ahead and try... the worst thing that can happen is that it will appear as a text URL, or a link and not the image.


Feb 15 06 10:52 am Link